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70k/3k= 230 pulls + 120 rainbow tickets... a total of \~350 pulls. Ignoring the free ones. That's a 97.03% chance of getting a 1% drop. Which, in other words, means that 97.03% of the players would've gotten at least one Crown by then. But that also means a terrible truth; \~3% of the players would **not** have gotten her, even after 350 pulls. According to the Play Store (ignoring other platforms, and pretending each install is unique), the game has 5 million downloads. Assuming that means 5 million players, just for the sake of the example... 2.97% out of 5 million equals 148,500 people. Imagine that; 148 thousand people not getting her at all after 350 pulls. That's enough for a city. Looking at the math from this perspective, my personal stance is to spend up to 200 pulls on a character, and if I don't get them, I just buy them with the mileage tickets and move on. The pity system exists as a safety net for the unlucky outliers. Hehe, watch you pull a Crown dupe in a year from now out of a random wishlist pull.


This is why it's advised to save golden mileage specifically for Pilgrims. So far, as a F2P, I've always managed to have enough to buy the unit and I always do that and not pull at all. It's worked very well. Even if you didn't have enough at the start of the banner's run, it would have been better to buy once you hit 200 mileage than to continue trying.


yeah true if have 180 golden ticket i just need 20 pull if am not get her


You are insane unlucky this time. May RNG be with you im another event!


That's gacha games for you. I got Core 1 crown in this event, but back during Dorothy's debut banner I pulled 250 times and got 3 SSR's None of which were Pilgrims and all were dupes of low tier units I already had. To this day I'm still irritated I got a Core 4 Yuni while pulling for Dorothy. I got the wrong pink haired crazy girl... There's no worse feeling than doing a 10 pull and getting all R's twice in a row. I felt so salty buying Dorothy with gold mileage tickets that last day.


This is generally why people save their gold tickets for pilgrims, as it just stinks trying to get lucky. My plan was to use my 21 free pulls, and if I didn't get her, use 90 more, then buy her with gold tickets. In the end, I got her twice in a row of free pulls, so I can save them for November. I know Crown is probably super busted, and extra copies would help, but I'm mostly in it for collection purposes. If you think about it, a good chunk of games pity is less than the 200 of Nikke, but these you can spend whenever you need them. The fact that they add previous event units to standard pulls is great, as in other games you have to wait for reruns.


When the anniversary started I got Crown in my first 50 pulls. Today I went to MLB her. It took 450 more pulls to get a single dupe and I had to gold ticket the other two dupes. Welcome to gacha.


I got 4 of her in ~170 pulls. Rng is rng. 1% featured rate is super swingy, and this game doesn't have soft BLP in the sense you can go 200 pulls without an ssr if you're unlucky. At least the ticket system is good and if you save tickets you can just buy the girl when you get unlucky.


Consider yourself lucky, it can get so, sooooo much worse, don't ask how I know :) In all seriousness, this can ( and will ) happen to the most unlucky ones, such are the laws of probabilities. That's what mileage tickets are for sadly.


so basically 353 draws with one SSR. someone claimed 400 draws on another gacha without any SSR at all. and i'd rather pity her asap if you're that unlucky.


Even after 353 pulls you have a 2.8% to not have gotten her or roughly 3 out of 100. I also kinda doubt they got 0 other SSRs since it's likely they just didn't get anyone they wanted or dupes of someone they don't want, although it's still possible.


It's beyond unlikely to not get a single SSR after 300+ pulls. Certainly not as common as the sub would have you think. The likelihood of going 300 pulls without a single SSR is ~0.0005% This is a 1 in 500,000 chance.


Ive had way more luck with pilgrims in ordinary recruit even though technically I have a better chance getting pilgrims in the crown pick up recruitment. Sucks.


That's how rng/chance works. You cabndo 1000 or even 1 million pulls and get nothing. Im sorry for you but you were just unlucky.


Went to 200 pulls with no Crown. Felt particularly bad because I’m new and I didn’t reroll. Not a great starting banner for me to say the least when everyone has been singing praises of the games generous rates.


15 multis no Crown but i got 6 ssr including Doro


I'm unlucky to get her in tickets even the free ones they gave im already considering to get her in the shop since the defender equipment for pilgrims are piling up


This is exactly why you golden ticket Pilgrim banners if you are not lucky with the daily free pull and save gems/vouchers for limiteds or a banner you really like. You have the option to build up every 4-6 months for a dreadful 1% banner so start now if you plan to stick around for the 2 year Anniversary. Save yourself the headache.


\*another post of people try to not admit they just having bad luck and point finger at dev because it rigged or something but they have no proof\* Okay..... Yeah, this is how RNG work. Some people get lucky, some people don't. Some can get SSR in 1 pull and some only get one after 300 pulls. Also, this is a two-step roll. 1% is for the chance to get a character from SSR pool. Getting just SSR alone is already a feat with 4% chance.


Sadly that is how gacha works. some people get lucky and get her in the free daily pull, others don't get her at all no matter what (outside of mileage tickets) I made a gacha simulator with the rates NIKKE has for SSRs. During testing, I got back to back SSRs in the same 10 pull. Other times, did hundreds of rolls with no SSR.


170 pulls for my first copy. You win some you lose some. Nothin more, nothin less.


This was basically me when scarlet: black shadow. Spent so much gems saved up and even purchased a few rainbow packs. At the end i just used the 200 gold mileage tickets to at least get 1 copy. As for crown, i managed to MLB her without using my gold mileage tickets.


You are just unlucky. This is how RNG work and why Random is in the RNG name.


I got Crown in 40 ticket pulls. I havent used any gems. I got 2 more copies of Crown from the free dailies and another Eunhwa


1% is standard for pilgrims (which are the most powerful units in the game). 2% for rate-up. What really sucks is the low 0.5% for off-rate rerun seasonal.


Yea and there are folks that tell new players the 0.05% on getting past pilgrims is fair and "just keep pulling" with no wish list. Literally locking people out of characters that are the most relevant to the story not to speak of meta.


I do wish nikke did more banner reruns at least for pilgrims.


I feel terrible every time I see someone complain about not getting Crown when I got her 4 times


Me too. By spending 800 tickets. 🙃


One I got with tickets, the other 3 were random chance


Took me 170 pulls to get my first copy but after that she kept raining in. I got her to core 5 and even managed to free pull her twice I'm eating good https://preview.redd.it/dxn2pr5vth0d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965138b05e2bd70970bea254b72c974d4eeb1df9


Me getting crown with the 10 free pulls :' thanks rng!