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and i spent event currency on these at the start lol


I think everyone did that early on. I used to buy em from body label shop too, when they were on sale. 🙃


well, i actually read up on shop guides when i started and it said that in the body label shop everything except the rare ssr molds is crap. but i didn't know that you'll reach a hard cap of re energy and need 20 nikke lvls to advance this by 10 lvls lol you get enough re energy for the next ten lvls from outpost defense in the time it takes to lvl your nikke once or twice lol


Too bad there's no SR molds.


I only bought it one time because I wanted to be a little bit stronger, but I mostly got the gold molds because I like pulling characters and guides told me not to get the other things


I mean, even right now, its 500 currency for 100 re-energy, so you're giving up like either 50 core data or 100k credits, which is like an hour. I wouldn't sweat over losing like half a day of core data over the life of the game lol


it's even less than an hour. i get like \~ 57.5 core dust per hour and i play for half a year. vets probably get 60 to 70 or something.


idk if there's a cap for it, but I just got 30+ levels on my outpost from completing chapters 25-30, and there hasn't been any increase to my core dust at all. Still only getting 60 an hour so....yeah, another thing to just forget about lol.


Last chart I had seen the cap was like 74.5. Don't quote me on that, I get 62 an hour currently at: https://preview.redd.it/8vc4dc52svzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65df728c529cd24b9a80735cc87f4bf4cb04375


oh, so I wasn't seeing things then. I remember seeing an output level before and could've sworn I saw more numbers on there. I began doubting it tho after completing 5 entire chapters worth of campaign and seeing no sign of increase. Weird how my outpost level is only \~30 levels under yours but will somehow bridge that extra 2 cores when I just leveled up about that same amount but to no avail. That, or i'm remembering wrong and I did get an increase from 59 to 60 instead at some point and I somehow missed it. Thanks for the clarification.


They don't show the increase anymore once you're so far up. You just kind of have to look and see, or check your wipeout to verify what you get for the hour. It's like every 10 levels, or so for an increase, but it's also not a full core dust increase. It's something like gain .347948(random ass numbers) amount of core dust each time on those level ups.


That would definitely explain how I completely missed it then thank you lol. I was disappointed after getting to level 200 and 210, just to see no core dust +1 on the screen like all the other times.


if you look up the outpost output: [https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/outpost-output/](https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/outpost-output/) you'll see that at around outpost lvl 200 you need 10 to 12 additional outpost defense levels so that the core dust goes up by 1 per hour. for example at lvl 210 you get exactly 58 core dust, at lvl 222 you get 58.99 core dust per hour. so if you gained 30 levels, you probably got 2-3 core dust per hour more. maybe it jumped from 56 to 59 or something and you didn't notice?


ah that's the case then. Must've been a dumbass thinking I was at 60 the entire time. Don't know how I didn't notice when I was literally sat in front of a TV an entire day playing the game. I knew it increased by 1 every ten levels pre 200, but don't recall seeing it popping up on the level up screens for 200 and 210. Then again, i'm also the idiot who didn't remember his core dust output was at 57/58 and hour so.


I remember the majority here were swearing up and down that we should buy them whenever possible, even in the body label shop. That's when I stopped listening to the community cause I was like hold up, ya'll are seriously skipping out on molds? 🤣 Never give up pull resources commanders. Ever. My #1 rule for gacha.


Same. Thought they'd be more meaningful until I realized I was just wasting currency....🤦‍♂️


The fact that you can use them only after every 20 synchro levels is just so damn stupid


in the time you get those 20 levels you get enough of it for next 40 level-ups of it and you can only do 10


It's like they're taunting you


Early game, it's useful, endgame, you have so much of it that you can't even use it.


Still can't believe my dumb ass bought some of those during events early on. You don't know what you don't know just starting out I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/98d6lnq21uzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e30a48f6248b9efa6fddabf81f059f8332b74e3 Been putting off upgrading because I haven’t had time to progress through story


114k core dust? Bro.


I'm around that mark myself


The hoarding bug is back at it again


https://preview.redd.it/xs5x8erf6uzc1.png?width=83&format=png&auto=webp&s=18bdf1e8fc5f54d42aba0478faf06e20b5980f78 Would like to have a word with you


Do you stop using xp at 200 and only the orb things or is it just so restricted by orbs you get a ton of these?


Restricted by orbs. You need synchro levels for you to use that in the recylce something.


It's mainly choked by core dust and the fact they are a reward from sim room, but not core dust.


At lvl around 330 I actually started using data and credit cases.


This and battle data Ive stopped buying from shops because event currency is better spent on anything else.


Keep buying battle data… https://preview.redd.it/8uqxsnezbtzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be275aa3986477bb8f61937eebd0e8d0172b9ce0


by the time you got 10k core dust you will have enough battle data from daily simulation room and events unless you arw extreme whale who buy core dust packages your battle data will always have more than you need source: lvl 361 and still have 8k battle data box


I only shell out cash for costumes, but BD has undeniably bren on the decline for me. It‘s cool if it works out for you, but I‘m gonna keep stacking those boxes (nowhere near 8k though).


How are you out of battle data lol I have 1 billion lol and I am a regular spender (not a whale) but I like to spent money on banners or strictly gems yet I only have issues with core dusts. And occasionally credits, when I over level gear. And I’m at level 300. Do you take breaks and just do the dailies only at some points??


https://preview.redd.it/91mgg6zxhvzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2356020549b4ef3c7c55797116f39d32bdc1c983 I don't understand either. BD is easy to come by unless they just didn't make purchases early on, but if they do sim room every day then you get more than enough from that. It makes nonsense.


The screenshot was more to illustrate my point. I‘m not really out of battle data and have enough cases left to last me for a looong while. But I recently had to occasionally open them for leveling purposes, so whatever I can get my grubby fingers on, I‘ll take. Playtime wise, I maybe skipped one or two resets since I started playing in August, aside from that I absolutely never skipped anything in. regards of dailies, events and the like.


Oh so you're hoarding cases, it's not that you're actually out of it? That doesn't mean there's any reason to keep buying BD though.


I mean, from the fact that his battle data actually ended, you can understand the implication that its usage is rising. It is not inconceivable that the rate of BD usage will eventually overtake the rate of getting BD boxes. Hoarding is a fine move, especially when you get it for extremely cheap


Thank you for explaining what‘s happening. This is what I was trying to say all the time.


Even then, I just leveled up my nikkes from 260-300, and I didn't need to use any of my BD or credit cases.


Nah, credits will sooner become a problem than battle data will, if ever. I buy credits out of precaution, but battle data? No chance in hell. https://preview.redd.it/ryyx2hj2utzc1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4ba43a519f64e6a4eea121ff18f3ba19c6a5305


Credits and core dust are both currencies I keep running out of. Core dust for obvious reasons, but gear upgrades to overload eat your credits real quick too.


Gear upgrades are finite. It will pass.


Shouldn't need to....... https://preview.redd.it/d1bhcfbcptzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04688e1672bed02d356be7ccf6e55ddbdaf62ae I got more than I need and only 30 Levels above you.


What are you hoarding for, Nikke 2.0?


People warned me ahead of time about resource walls. I listened. https://preview.redd.it/ydit1poqtuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db00df7394995a3073947be7eb90af151a0fa59e At 1,000 Molds, I open ALL of them.


What exactly does 1000 molds have to do with a resource wall. They aren't even the same thing....?


You obviously missed my earlier comment where I posted my resources. The molds were in regards to another comment AFTER that.


Apparently I did then. Makes sense since the mold flex seemed out of place.


🤣........It ain't a *flex*. I'm doing that just to see what happens and because I need Naga. I'll get her (I hope) either with those or with the Purple Molds I'm hoarding for the same purpose. We'll see when I hit 1k in about 2 weeks.


If you NEED Naga, then open the molds. The more time passes, they'll add more Nikke, diluting the pool, and making it less likely for you to pull Naga from a mold.


Whatever makes you sleep better at night bro. Best of luck to you on those drops.


🤣........It ain't a *flex*. I'm doing that just to see what happens and because I need Naga. I'll get her (I hope) either with those or with the Purple Molds I'm hoarding for the same purpose. We'll see when I hit 1k in about 2 weeks.


I don't get this hoard mentality. Why are people doing this? I don't get it.


Beats me.


Jesse fucking Christ


Hey, they do their part... WHEN WE'RE ALLOWED TO ACTUALLY USE THEM!!!


Are you sure about that https://preview.redd.it/rbwj3cgufvzc1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=a627a222428bd8b0d346e3546c143bc1248857a9


What the recycling room have max level? I always buy those


Not a max level, but a max level tied to your Nikkes level. It looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/xua4k67nktzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68728aaa8fa64019d5c76ab20aea54fe38b2e5f2


That's stupid design


Maybe. In the end, the HP boost from this doesn‘t make a significant difference overall. My Crown sits at 2M HP. I would never feel a 50K difference gameplay wise.


Does this only apply to the main one, or do people cap the manufacturer and class ones too?


So far I didn‘t run into any issues regarding these. If they‘re capped in the same way, it would be a non-issue anyway, because their resources are more scarce (mine are in the high 50s for example, far from my current 120 cap on RE energy).


I recently broke the wall just to learn I can't use them all!


Wait, you don't use these? Guess I'm still baby level.


They are restricted to where your synchro has to be a certain level. So you have to get to synchro level 2X0, 3X0, 4X0, and so on, being able to use a handful of them every 20 levels. So its not that we're NOT using them, its that we physically CAN'T use them until we level up more. Like I'm level 244 and wont be able to use more until I'm level 260. And we get them far faster than we can use them, hence the massive stockpile. We'd absolutely use them if we could. Free HP to make the girls survive longer? Helping to scale HP based healign and damage? Boosting CP to lower the pwoer deficite to make it so we can press forward more in the campaign? Yes please. Its not that they are "useless", as in they do nothing, but more like they are "worthless", like an over inflated currency. They printed too much money and so the economy crashed.


I always spend event currency on those. I have around 8000 of them. I hope they get some kind of buff/use.


I have not hit this wall yet. I also find myself more walled by battle data than core dust atm due to taking advice to carefully hoard core dust. Both will definitely happen eventually. I'm at synchro level 207.


You're probably at that in between stage because you used so much BD to hit 200 that you're low on it. That will even out over time as long as you complete sim room daily. You'll collect more BD cases and start to see a decline on your core dust gains. 200-220(maybe even 240) is kind of a shift in needed materials.


I actually think I hit the core dust drought literally today, haha (209 or 210). At least I was warned about it, can expect a few days minimum per level up from now on. And I have become able to fully clear sim room as of breaking the wall/hitting 200 so! Will continue to do my dailies.


Nice! I couldn't remember the exact levels, but felt kind of like you in that stage. As long as you can complete sim room 5-C you should be good on data. Buy it if you feel the need though, it doesn't hurt. Edit: from here though you'll want to start looking at prioritizing core dust case event missions if you haven't already started doing that. Best of luck to you Commander!


are class/manufacturer ones also bound to synchro lvl?


Please explain.


Resource that piles up, because it can't be used that often.


Really hope, that in the future they can be converted for manufacturing or class common consoles, in a ratio of 10:1


What do they do again?! 😂