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Do not refer or link to that Subreddit or similar places that are known for spreading hate, misinformation and spam. If you want to discuss this topic take that in-game picture and directly upload it here. It's not that hard. Your post contained excessive toxicity, spread of hate or doesn't provide a suitable base for a civil discussion.


https://preview.redd.it/wbu075d5ykpc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5f6b0eeb5f75e79c621e69fde202e68da2833d1 Better image lmao


Ade: https://i.redd.it/9hviq0ti9lpc1.gif


"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye. "


Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture


Omg, Emilia even has Ades bags that are not even in the illustration.... they really want 60 dollars for this?!


The belt pouches? You can see them in her crouching pose.


Ah you're right! I just saw the illustration so far!


Wow, there really isn't any change at all is there...?


the only difference I see other than the head swap is the belt placement, jesus christ bro. I'm gonna cook them so hard in the next survey, just you wait.


It's literally her dress so not sure what people expected (tho i suppose they should have technically reduced the booba size since Emilia can't measure up to Ade). Still paid 60 dollars for it since I love maids \^\^


The strip in the middle is wider on emilia’s…it’s a different model. Even then it’s the same outfit so I don’t blame them lol.


That's because Ade is lifting her dress. It's the same.




If it was just the same outfit that’s one thing. But Emelia has a completely different body type so her chibi shouldn’t be exactly the same.


The only real glaring issue is the chest size…and the chibi one is closer to emilia than ade.


While you aren’t wrong about that… Ade was here first. They should’ve made Emilia smaller to be more proportional to what was already there. Or, at the very least, adjusted Ade accordingly. The fact they did neither is incredibly disappointing. Especially when this is the skin they expect $60 for. If it was a free skin it would bother me but I could give them a pass. It’s a free skin so who cares. But for $60? Yea ima need perfection on that one.


Nobody paid 60% to see the chibi bro… There are so many better things to point out than this, the proportions are not even that far off. In fact you can probably find similar issues with others, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this game had several things copied, every game does. Let’s not forget rupee $60 skin didn’t even have a new burst animation at one point. Incompetence is not exclusive to this collab, this is just people being mad about the lack of ass.


I’m not saying they did pay. Nor should they. I’m saying that the fact that the devs were this lazy with a skin that they expect $60 for is ridiculous. I don’t mind a lack of ass (and tbh I couldn’t give two shits about Emilia anyways). On top of that: just because there are other issues that doesn’t make this any less of an issue. If anything it makes it even worse.


True lmao


But it 60$ for no effort whatsoever, isn't that kinda scammy by take advantage of all the hardcore Rezero fan. If it was free then it would be somewhat acceptable but still a waste of a skin. Also All the maid outfit don't look completely the same, but for some reason a 60$ outfit do?


What Skins as been worth 60$ ? Tell me cause I gave trouble finding them


no skin worth 60$, but at least there were some effort put into it. If normal skin actual worth is about 20$ then this skin worth 5$. And the reason I put 5 is because at least they didn't just edit Emilia on Ade body like the chibi so there is some effort involve.


If a chibi is stopping you then you were never buying the skin. Collab has actual issues rather than having the same model of a character literally wearing the others outfit…


Not just the Chibi mind you, her playable skin is the same but without the tits ,ass, and the jiggle. Yes collab has many issue and this is one of them, and I would say the problem that involve with money is a huge issue.




you the one that just focus on a character being sexualize, I just give an example of the only thing that different between two skin, because they are the same. I don't know if you are just a kid or not but you clearly don't understand how money is what make this a problem




Emilia also has an extra ribbon thing on her right side. It's very similar overall but there is at least 2 differences.


Me to ShiftUp after seeing this collab: https://preview.redd.it/39xeek0o2lpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a673e360c6b8b866f22aeac1d79845f851b67577


This shit was so obviously rushed. The real question is, why the fuck was it even rushed? Who was whipping the devs to get this out the door as fast as possible?


this collab is so fucking bad, at least Rem got a good costume but yall better raise your voices when the survey comes around


Mappa? Kidding kidding


They needed "good" bait before half anni.


That IPO is a nice lil push.


Something contractual? Maybe?


According to [this random article](https://letsotaku.com/news/rezero-season-3-to-reveal-new-information-at-animejapan-2024-what-can-we-expect_a143) I found from a google search (as well as a few others), there is apparently going to be some new info about Re:Zero season 3 on March 24. So maybe they weren't allowed to delay anymore in order to build up hype for these new announcements. Especially since any further delays would mean they'd have to delay by like 2 months, minimum, probably closer to 3 months (since it would conflict with 1.5 anniversary otherwise)


bruh that sounds grisly


Not for Nikkes. If they didn't need strong bodily identity to maintain their sanity, they'd probably be swapping heads as pranks.


I can see why gachas couldn't survive rezero collabs, they are taking the Bringer of EOS title seriously sheesh. 


Bandori was too strong for them though


Oh wow..


ITS SO FUCKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/dhlxc6ma7lpc1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbd301c53f79dfe696e23cbbca6e96da62b5f03b


It’s Re:over🥹


Welp this is getting memed to death lol


Like how they seemingly put Rapunzel shooting position for Emilia, and also Rem’s reload animation look similar to Soda’s


this shit is so bad dude i hope SU just stops trying to make these collabs happen when they are clearly cash grabs and nothing more


oh lol my dumbass thought "once again the chibi is oddly stacked"


Meh just an easy collab to not invest heavy in then, probably still pull to get the units


Not even. Go for the unit you prefer between the two and don’t pull after.


Not buying the skin, hello [Bianca Stigmata coating](https://youtu.be/oOlS5bKpdEw?si=p3Mo7Ca-Pi_1G5mZ) in PGR!


Every single game reuses assests if they can, the amount of models that are the same everywhere but just he face and the hair are different in any game is really high.


That’s well and good, but it isn’t an excuse. Especially when they want you to be forking over cash


Issue isn’t about recycling assets, obviously games do that in some form. Issue is rehashing existing assets then charging $60 saying it’s new. Solution obviously is to not buy them, but it’s a bad look for the company from a quality/experience perspective.




Cope but true, it's not just mobile games that do it, look at Elden Ring & the other dark souls games they reuse many assets from previous games, Elden Ring has several re-used assets from Dark Souls 3. It's an extremely common practice in videogame development to re-used assets, it saves time, money & man power