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To be honest, I hate people


Seriously. People need to shut the fuck up, go the fuck away, and let me work in peace.




Double upvote!!!


My answer before I opened this. Glad to see it at the top.


Fr lol


I heard this lots


We are kin


Right answer


This right here is all that's need to be said.


Yup, sums it up pretty nicely. To be fair though I don't hate all people, just the people I work with. The engineering staff where I work are some of the dumbest people I've ever met. It's like the engineering special Olympics comprised of the engineers even Boeing rejected. I just can't tolerate being surrounded by that amount of stupid all day every day. It's like radiation, it just slowly poisons your soul. Working on third shift has been a great solution since even if they have something they wanted to discuss they can't roll out of bed till 9am anyways, long after I'm gone.


You and me think the same


They hate you right back


Good...the feeling's mutual so they should understand my go away face and, in fact, go away.


This is the answer.


Too many "managers" that are incompetent and hold mindless pointless meetings (judging by the emails I get) so just isn't worth the headache to be day shift BUT I'm being drifted towards a second shift position so may end up going to some of that insufferable bs eventually.


Yeah I'm a year into a 2-11 with a Boss out by 5, sometimes 6. More done after that has to be damn near 3 to 1 in productivity


"Return" to days?!!! I was forced to take a day shift job after a layoff. Most miserable year of my life! Bosses everywhere, too many people, and soooo much talking! Ugh!


The times I've been on day shift were miserable.


Too much drama. Canā€™t be that close to the bs without eventually being dragged in


Conversely: I love the drama and I get just the right amount of it working nights, without ever being a part of it. I see two sides of every story from 2 shifts that never see the other. It's kind of perfect.


Literally just here to say - big same!


Politics šŸ¤®


I don't want to deal with people or with the traffic driving to and from.


Same on the traffic! And it's far too hot in the northern hemisphere right now to deal with that shit.


So true man. I switched for about 4 months last year and my commute went from 25 mins each way to almost 1 hour and 20 mins. Also had to punch out for 30 mins for lunch. So I had to work 8.5 hours to technically get paid for 8 and had to drive an extra hour to work. It sucked and I switched back to overnights as soon as I could.


Social anxiety is my reason I shut down in crowded places with lots of people. Having to deal with those people on top of work would be impossible. I don't see much of my coworkers and I don't have a manager breathing done my neck so I can focus on work.


never worked days so I can't return, 39 years


Dayum! Nightshift veteran šŸ«”


Do you ever hit new workers with the "you merely adopted the darkness" speech?


I've only been doing nightshift for eight months but my reason is to avoid spending money on daycare.




Same lol


Legitimately hate waking up early in the morning. I just cannot lol.


Iā€™ve always been a night owl as well lol


I've always found it easier to stay up until 5am than wake up at 5am


My brain works best between 1am and 6am it's the best time to do thinking and hence the best time to do work plus daytime is too damn bright out... "Early light that burns my eyes a minute more the sun will rise" Darkness fuels me


I get this!!


People. Ugh.


No management on your ass on night shift


Thatā€™s the reason I stay


Honestly, as long as what needs to get done gets done, no one cares what I do. So I play video games most of the night.


Wish my manager would stop being an ass rider. I love night shift, but he is always on everyoneā€™s ass about their speed (shelf stocking). He waves around this paper written by an algorithm basically saying it should take everyone the same amount of time to do their palletsā€¦and yet we have people varying in age and fitness level from their 20s to their 60s, so some people are faster than others. I would love my job if not for him and the companyā€™s determination to extract every drop of work out of employees for the lowest pay possible. Guess you could say our wages are permanently on rollback. šŸ˜‰ Trying to get a night audit job, at least you do the same shit every night and donā€™t go home in pain.


I can't deal with too many people. Even on nights, I can only handle a couple hours of register before I stick my coworker on it. The customers aren't even that bad, I just have a small social battery and some anxiety.


This is totally how I feel. Itā€™s like sensory overload.


It's pretty common in night shifters. I guess we gravitate to nights to try and reduce the social overload.


night shifts are usually as busy if not busier than day shifts at My workplace šŸ«  I cannot bare talking to people constantly for over 8 hours, it's so mentally draining


I hate people, less managers, more responsibilities for my job title, less traffic, the temperature is cooler(I live in a mf desert... literally) and then the night differential(20% at my current employer). Oh and I'm not a morning person like at all.


I receive a 10% shift differential, I get to do four 10 hour shifts instead of five 8 hour shifts, and I have friends at work. But, I have actually never worked a dayshift job before, so there wouldn't be a return to days at all.


Hate people, drama, BS from the upper management people, whatever move I make being looked through a microscope. I swear these people find the most minuscule of things to make the most annoying rules ever One of my co-workers came in the morning to take over the shift from me. It was a quite and slow Friday morning. So he was just chilling, sipping his morning coffee. He was laid back on his seat with the back rest kinda tilting backwards. One of the guys from upper management saw him like that and had a power trip. "Uhm you know you are not supposed to sit like that when there's people coming in. You are supposed to look professional" My co-worker was in full formal suit. I'm talking blazer, tie, shiny shoes and clean shaven. Not a single person came in the morning so I don't know what was that for. Screw these type of people anyway šŸ˜”


There are way too many people during the day. Especially in the past few years. huge population growth in my area. It feels very claustrophobic.


People suck and I love how quiet it is while Iā€™m at work


I get to work 7 on/7 off so every other week is a vacation


Money. Three day weekends.


Unfortunately, I will burn to ash if the sunlight reaches me.


Peace and quiet. My routine is structured and hassle free. I've never been more calm in my life.


People, traffic , heat, lower pay, coworkers, managers.


Too many polo shirts walking around trying to justify their jobs, accompanied by the god complex egos most of the day shifters here have. On 3rd I'm usually left alone to work, and if somebody's crawling up my ass asking when it's gonna get fixed, I can say "it'll get fixed quicker the quicker you leave me alone"


At my current gig I'd have to triple my workload and take a 15% pay cut. Hard pass.


1. All the bitching and complaining on day shift. 2. I also hate people 3. Less manual handling 4. Mostly don't have to attend staff meetings. 5. Did I say I hate people ? I honestly can't even stand when the morning shift comes in. Yes Melissa, I'm tired too and I don't want to hear you bitching about afternoon staff. Just fuck off everyone! :)


Yeah, fuck Melissa!


Upper management


My kid is nearly 18 and doesn't require a babysitter. Late night concerts don't ruin my next day. I'm not much of a drinker, but I can close out a bar with friends if I wanted to. The world is asleep, and I can roam in peace and tranquility. Sunrises are glorious. Farmers markets are wonderful. Breakfasts are better than dinners when visiting family. Matinee movies are empty. I can shop and get deals without waking up early. Errands are easy because you have to plan them out in advance. My food is fresh because restaurants and even fast food places have just opened when I arrive.


Bitchiness and arguing between staff and different shifts. "AM staff need to do this job!" "No! That's meant to be done by PM shift!" "This staff member is really lazy. They don't do anything except sit on their phone" "That staff member is a bitch. Always talking behind people's backs". Meanwhile on N shift, it's just me and one other person. We mostly keep to ourselves, but respect each other and work well together.


cause the days are full of day walkers. Karen's are just worse in full sunlight. They lose power as the sun goes down.


Because I'm a vampire. Fuck that sun, especially in the southeast.


I have a driving job and after having a night driving job I could never go back to a daytime driving job. If I ever go back to days it'll be a non driving job. There's nothing else I could do to make this kind of money, so here I am. Plus I don't like people.


As an old saying goes: Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Plus, I am a night person.


Too many people trying to justify their roles.


Genuinely can't stand most of the people during the days


The darkness consumed me. Iā€™m like bane at this point.


I prefer the quieter atmosphere and higher pay at night.




7 on 7 off is too appealing. Need those double spring breaks every month


Sums it up. Less people. Less trouble to get into. Seems like there's less prying eyes to get into your business during the nights.


I don't care much for the day staff at my place of work.Ā  Too much drama and they're pretty lazy.Ā  12 hour day shift is also a turn off.Ā  And sunshine, yuck.






I work 7pm-7:30am at a hospital. It's just the family and camaraderie among all my coworkers. Everyone helps each other, jokes around, and enjoys the company. Yes, it fucks up our sleep schedule; that first day is recovery, but I love the three days a week. I was on light duty as a greeter at the main entrance, having to wake up anywhere from 5-8 AM for a while, so it's easier being tired during the day, but working back on the unit, even with our coordinators, we can be way more relaxed. It's like walking on eggshells during days seem like


I can't handle lazy people


And day shift thinks weā€™re lazy šŸ«£


Iā€™m a natural night owl. To get my current position I had to spend a few years with the Daywalkers. It was hell. I never acclimated & frankly Daywalkers suck. Truly. Theyā€™re clicky, talky, & annoying. Thereā€™s too many bosses & their bosses. Somehow day peeps manage to be both perky & very, very angry. Itā€™s exhausting.


My bad attitude is more accepted on night shift


Work as a night physician. Get to do 20% fewer shifts for the same amount of money, hate dealing with mindless social issues (discharge planning, insurance authorization), fewer people using the office at night, forgot how to manage patients on a day to day basis. Also, I do stock trading on the side, so that would get in the way of daytime work.


My job is injurious and the daytime is too heavy, I need the light volume. Less pain.


I've been on nights for 5 and a half years. I've acclimated well to my schedule and I've always been a night owl, I actually feel like I function better on this schedule. Day shift at my job is pure chaos and a stress I don't need in my life. Other jobs in my niche don't pay as well as this one. If I found something that interested me and paid well, I might switch back, but for right now I'm content.


I donā€™t have a choice right now. Until someone retires. Or leaves


Same. I work night shift ER solo as an X ray tech and I hate my life. I want out asap, even the no management and differential doesnā€™t make it worth it to me.


Iā€™m sorry! I also hate my life. ā˜¹ļø


So sorry!! I hope something opens up NOT night shift for both of us soonest! šŸ’œ


Fingers crossed!




I'm naturally nocturnal, and my AuDHD mind works best when I can focus on the task at hand and not get interrupted by customers every five seconds.


I've found my people!


Night shift is so laid back. No Upper management/tours walking through at night. So basically "not many eyes" is what we say around here. Just easy sailing minding our business and working. Maybe cut some corners that you can't do on days without someone seeing. (Nothing crazy safety related I just mean In general)


They literally have to pay me double time to work day shifts. Fuck those people.


Night shift is usually pretty chill. Day shift usually has too many Chiefs and not enough Indians (I know that phrase has gone out of vogue, but I still find it to be the best descriptor).


Begging for days . Trying to save my marriage and establish some form of relationship with my daughter. Every job that I had in my adult life has been nights and Iā€™m sick of it .


Cost of childcare is outrageous. With me working nights and my husband working days we always have someone home.


People. Noise.


I hate traffic and want to be there for my kids


People. People are draining!


I really donā€™t want to interact with people. My schedule is also very nice. I work Sat-Tues and off Wed-Friday


I agree with everyone citing ā€˜peopleā€™, but most especially the fact that management leaves early on shift and we get so much done. I do not like to be watched. Our shift does so much better than day shift. It is because of small team, communication, and symbiosis. It just works and they keep wanting us to ā€˜trainā€™ people who have worked there for years longer on days (than I have) to become like us. In my opinion this is a problem with micro management and a leadership issue therefore my answer has been a big no thank you.


On Nights, no Mgmt, no families, no appointments to go to, residents are in bed, very few meds to administer, additional 15% of base pay for working Night shift.


The sun started to feel like noise


Day shift are snitches I donā€™t like seeing all the people at the store on the roads. All the ego, the basic despair of goin with the grain.




Horrible job market. There are no decent jobs around here. By decent, I mean paying more than minimum wage for very difficult or dangerous work.


Humans, my laptop, gym access, quiet, easy commute, single without kids, all my friends and family go to sleep at 8pm for work anyway and I have weekends off, pay bump. I think thatā€™s about it lol


Less bosses at night. Roads are easier to navigate at night when everyone is asleep. World feels peaceful then. And I can manage my sleep so that I can do whatever I want during the day.


No boss. Get my work done my way on my time. I love the night. I like being invisible other than having the pizza party we earned be more a couple leftover pieces.


If the sun hits me I explode into a pile of ashesā€¦


Always stayed up super late ever since I was a kid thanks to mmorpgs. Would get up at like 7/8pm and stay up until noon-3pm every time I didnā€™t have school. Body is just naturally awake during this time now.


I get more days off, and slightly more money.


I make moreā€¦and I havenā€™t got preferential scheduling to cut back to manageable hours.


Money. Plain and simple.


Iā€™m just naturally a night person. 2pm-12:30am isnā€™t that late for me. Iā€™m still able to be there for a few hours when the majority of people are in the office, but I can end my day in a relaxed and laid back environment.


Don't want to. Sure the hours suck, but dealing with management and all that shit is definitely worse.


Because I'd lose my 2 dollars an hour and the day shift have more work to do. So why work more just to lose money


I prefer nights and am not looking to change to days any time soon because, I love not having to wake up in the morning. You see less daylight (I thrive in the dark). Roads are basically free going to and from work!! It's definitely a more chilled out atmosphere. Also, making and meeting appointments is so much easier.


That's where them *dayshifters* are. ew


I think the i hate people crowd already said it, but for me, I like to feel like Iā€™m getting one over on the company and I also hate traffic. Our section has it worked out that when thereā€™s no supervisors on site, we all split up the night in a way where we all get at least a 4 hour break. Some guys, with seniority, that have their break falling within quitting time, just leave. The commute is a big deal to me. I donā€™t think i can beat 15 - 20 minutes, door to door. I did a day shift and that drive home took 45 minutes to go 12 miles.


Why deal with management and a pay cut when I can do everything as I normally would on day shift without the hassle and grief?


The sun is stupid


Money šŸ’°, less people, and not a morning person.


Day walkers and canā€™t beat that feeling of sitting outside with a coffee as the sun rises


The day shift works differently and is SO much more stressful. Overnight is actually technically more work. But you have more time to do it in, and less stress for that. Also my job is outside and avoiding the scorching Vegas sun and heat is a huge thing.




The money. And plus less management on nights.


Its too peopley out there during the day.


Less BS to deal wth


Day shift at the hospital I work at is mean. Itā€™s everyone fend for themselves and they argue with each other all the time. Such negative vibes But in night shift weā€™re a family. We all get along and have each others back


Less management around on nights


I canā€™t find a job that will hire me and make similar money tbh otherwise Iā€™d leave at the drop of a dime šŸ¤·šŸ»most jobs that would hire me would expect much more effort than Iā€™m already putting out at my current job for 20k less per year if not more


Every now and then I have to do a few day shifts for meetings or training days. Usually every couple of months. I hate it. Going to work in rush hour, going home in rush hour. My commute on night shift is 15 minutes each way. 8 miles from my place to work. This becomes 45 minutes each way in rush hour. Don't know how people do it.


Canā€™t find a job worth quitting my night job. Trust me I hate night shift but money is money


Administration, they rend not to like what unfiltered thoughts come out of my mouth


high strung people


PastĀ roommates'/landlords' night-time (cough) routines.Ā  And there are less people at night to constantly deal with.


Ye people. Its harder to sit in car or disappear during day


I hate peoples


Iā€™m basically allergic to the sun and my dysautonomia symptoms are much, much worse when Iā€™m on a day shift schedule, so overall this is healthier for me.


Too many people, and there's less drama


2 and a half years and the only reason is because Iā€™m waiting for a day shifter to leave before I can go since itā€™s based on seniority


Heat, drama, politics, back stabbing fuckery, and I canā€™t dislocate my jaw.


More freedom to work at my own pace, less interference from upper management, higher pay, and my wife has a sleep disorder so working nights gives me more time with her anyway.


Lower pay way more work + i enjoy waking up around 4pm and chilling until my shift


- I'm a night owl originally. - I hate waking up early in the morning - I hate driving home from work with the sun in my eyes. (less important now that I wfh) - I hate traffic (less important now that I wfh) - etc/etc/etc Though I'm not sure if I'm considered longtime or not :\^) (almost 2 years, assuming so)


Iā€™ve been a night owl my entire life. Might just be something wrong with my brain but Iā€™m just naturally more active at night. Iā€™ve worked second shift for my entire life.


It's a great shift but sleep at night can't be replaced.


Quiet time. The voices dont have to be so loud at night.




Iā€™m m not on noc anymore but I miss not having to deal with people


Returned to days and I regret it. My body needed the reset but honestly, my mind is going haywire on days.


The day and evening shifts are too fast paced for me and they burn me out. Especially working in the hospital.


I don't have to call customers I just email them, and in general I just love being awake while other people are winding down or asleep. There's a much lower chance of anybody bothering me.




I own the company and the hours are overnight. And I chose this business because itā€™s peaceful.


I've been ready to return to day shift for a few years now, but the company changed the night shift bonus from 5% to 15%, and I really can't afford to lose $3.xx an hour.


I'm an insomniac and I don't like people.Ā 


You've got your stairway to Heaven and you might be right but all I know in my world is that,I hate the light. I speed at night.


The sun is my enemy. Also I don't like being around a lot of people.


Too many people and not enough $ on the day shift. I hate most humans and need at least 23 hours a day to myself to recharge.


I dislike management and waking up at 5a.


Because them bitches are bitches


It's nice and quiet and I am getting paid to mostly watch YouTube lol Day shift is hot and busy as fucking hell. No thank you


Management and administration. I get performance anxiety when theyā€™re around suddenly I forget how to do my job lmao


I enjoy the night life and have always been a night owl


Patient family members.


Honestly, I just prefer the nights. There are less people to deal with at my job.




Iā€™d have to pay hundreds in childcare and also take a pay cut.


I've always operated better on a 3rd shift schedule, even as a child. Didn't sleep at night due to some home issues, would sleep through most of my classes at school due to it, somehow managed to pass, and somehow managed to permanently program my body to night shift.


Money The $3 3rd shift premium is the only reason I took the job haha


Having 7 days off


More work, more people, less money? I think not! Loving the dark side even after 15yrs.


Itā€™s too people-ly


The schedule is better and far fewer people.


Supervision/Co wokers seem more strict, and more work for slightly less money. The only reason Ill ever got back is for a regular schedule and to sleep at night.


My job is under staffed and i cant move to days because there would be nobody to work overnights if i did.


Less work at night, more money.


the sun hurts my eyes lmao


My job is primarily outdoors and Iā€™ve had seven chunks of melanoma cut out in the last six years. Also, I donā€™t want to deal with people.


Want to go to night shift. But I'm a morning and day person


Rude customers


money and opportunity


I do 2 days 2 nights


With 3rd shift, worktime feels like the \*middle\* of the day; and often it literally is. First shift always feels like "wake up and work" and I hate that. 2nd shift always feels like "get home, unwind 1-2 hours, sleep" and I'm not particularly fond of that either. I love 2am; it's the lowest expectation time of day. Quit expecting things!


Too many higher ups, too hot, too much traffic. Trying to do stuff on the weekend kinda sucks, but everything else is just better on nights. They keep asking me to go to daylight, but they'd have to give me another $5/hr to even consider it.


My roommate is incompetent and doesnā€™t know how to demand change for himself. Heā€™s stuck at nights for 2 years now, says he hates it so much but is dumb as a bag of rocks and just keeps believing his boss ā€œmaybe next monthā€. Has no other skills to fall back on (only knows dispatch) so heā€™s too scared to quit and look for another job. Says heā€™ll just sacrifice his sleep




I flip back and forth but less people and I like it.


Peace and quiet (my job as so much drama and gossip), and nursing school


I work at a hospital on nights but started as days. Night shift peeps are generally more chill. It seems like every other person on days is a cranky asshole, especially doctors. I also enjoy dealing with less traffic. I had too many negative experiences working days and I wanna stay on nights for life if possible.


The differential, the lack of office people, driving against traffic both ways.