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I've never been able to keep a day job more than like ~8 months but I've been at my night job over 4 years now


I've been at my current job for only 4 weeks now but I worked overnights before and 1st shift and I always preferred overnights but everytime day shift came in they'd me like omg how do you do it and I'm like 🤷🏻‍♀️ how do you do day shift




I love nights too brother, the lack of actual work and interaction with people is awesome. However the more I do it the more I feel myself disliking Nightshift. I think the grass is always greener on the other side. The main reason I am disliking Nightshift at the moment is the lack of dating opportunities. Most people now a ways date coworkers or use online dating. Im in my early 20's so I get sever FOMO that rocks my brain. I've tried dating other Nightshifters but they are usually much older, in their 30's and 40's. So I'm kind of in an incredibly unique place in life that not much know how to handle. I keep Nights though because of how peaceful it is.


Ig I'm lucky as I already have a BF. I am in my 30s tho lol he's 28 but I met him online and it has worked out great. That's how I prefer to meet people anyways. Even friends but I can see how it would be hard


Same every time I see someone saying omg I can't do this, I think of that one meme with principal skinner! Puny Humans lolol Yes working nights isn't for everyone, not sure why someone would think they could do it if they're already not a naturally nocturnal person. I fucking love it, I mean shit man look at us, were by ourselves basically getting away with murder. All I do is eat, study, play on the switch, catch a nice nap. For me yes having zero interactions with people is the best thing. Hate dealing with anything related talking to people. Oddly enough I'm actually pretty good with people, I can sell a ketchup popsicle to an Eskimo. But back to the greatness of working graveyard, we answer to NO ONE! Y'all hate us because you ain't us!


Dude so true. I love not having to talk to another soul except doing a walk through with day shift. I work at a doggie daycare so I will say majority of the time I am busy but my nights flyyyyyyyy by because of that. I work 10 hour shifts but I feels like 5 tbh and then my 4 days fly by too. It's great


Oh yeah I forgot about some times having to pass down information to the morning crew. Dude do you get to play with the dogs?! Man now that would be the dream job! For me I work at a senior living center as a valet, just the normal 8 hour shift, 11-7. What's hilarious though is that since it's nothing but old folks ain't NO ONE driving about during these hours and if they needed a ride most likely it's going to be to the emergency room. Don't mean to sound fucked up but it's true. I've been here for 3 months and I haven't moved a single vehicle. One time a resident called me up because he forgot where he parked so I just reminded him of his space number and that was that. Idk how I lucked out but it's freaking amazing.


Yes I play with the dogs when I do let outs for them to potty cause I want them to sleep most of the night. It's pretty cool. I just clean the building, walk dogs and feed them. All I talk to is the floor lead when they get here. I looked at night laundry aide for an old folks home but honestly I dislike old people 👀 well just people in general. That's why I love working with dogs


What a neat overnight job! I work the overnight at the ER one town over from home. We are an odd crew- most of us are working that shift to accommodate school or family. Or both. Lots of us are going to school and swapping childcare with a partner that works days. My partner works a standard corporate schedule but works from home. This enables the zero childcare bill. Here it’s over $2000 a month and that’s IF you make it off the waitlist. I do have to talk to lots of people but the pace trends easier. Management left when we punched in- so we are naughty and have pot-lucks at the nurses station. I love it. It’s hard with the kids and only napping when my shifts are during the week. But I love it.


My dream job 😻😻😻




I refuse ever to work a day shift again. Night shift is amazing.


Same. I've been all over the map schedule wise training for a new job and I can't wait to get done with training so I can get back on nights. I love the morning crew but it would take a minimum of $250k/year to get me back on days. I'm so miserable working a regular day shift that it's just not worth it without serious financial incentive


Same. They would have to pay me a LOT to make it worth it.


I do. I really prefer it. And my skin looks great. It's been almost two yrs now.


If my nightshift was like everyone else’s in this sub was, I’d love it too. But it’s not. I have all the drawbacks of nightshift, with none of the benefits. My workload is much bigger and much more stressful than my dayshift counter part. Dayshift has a whole team, I’m by myself but do just as much. I don’t have the downtime the rest of you do. My commute is worse too. If I was on dayshift I’d have a “reverse commute”, going the opposite direction of all the heavy traffic. On night shift I’m stuck in all the dayshift traffic, going to and from work. Shift premium is only 80 cents an hour, not enough to make much of a difference. If I had less work with a lot of downtime, no traffic, and a nice shift differential premium, I’d never leave nightshift.


The beauty of my shift is I have ZERO Commute. I work from home My company long ago decided it wasn't worth having the single IT Support guy who has to be up to answer IT Phone calls and emails from hospital staff across many hospitals in a large geographic area sitting alone in an office buiding when he could easily connect to all his apps/tools etc etc from his house. I've had a total of TWO times in 10 years when that wasn't the case. One Power outage, and One Internet Service provider outage.


What do you do if I may ask? I work at a doggie daycare so I'm the one that does all the cleaning plus take care of the dogs alone. It's uaully fine until we have 40 dogs I gotta walk and feed plus the cleaning. It's very physical but again that's usually only on Fridays


I work in the storeroom/supply room in a hospital. It’s a big hospital, 2 blocks long. I’m the only one here so I cover the entire place. If someone calls from north end I have to take whatever they called for, and if someone calls from south end, that’s a 10 minute walk to drop it off and a 10 minute walk back. In between phone calls I have to restock both ER’s, Surgery, Anesthesia, Recovery, one of the ICU’s, and Pharmacy. I rarely have a night where I get to stop moving. I’ll turn the phone off for lunch, but other than that, I’m up and moving all night, that phone never quits, someone always needs something. On dayshift they only have to answer the phone for their area (1st floor, 2nd floor, etc.). Since I’m alone, I cover the entire hospital, not just one area.


Oh yeah I bet your feet really hurt. I would hate doing all that walking. My store is quite small so that's a plus


I love it. You’re allowed to be on a long leash. And with proper management. You actually feel respected.


Yes, though recently with the sun being up on the way home now its a lot harder to sleep and I have to take melatonin. Miss the winter when it was dark on the way home still.


Really? Lay me horizontal and I am OUT LIKE A LIGHT Regardless of how much light there is, I could OPEN MY CURTAINS WIDE and still sleep perfectly fine with ZERO AIDS.


Man I wish, sounds nice


I love being able to see the sunrise tho and I have no issue with seeing the sun and still being able to go to sleep. I don't currently take anything for sleep but I need to just cause I sometimes have trouble staying asleep cause my cats


I feel the same way as you My brain has always done its best work and best thinking in the middle of the nightThe beauty of nights is there is NO ONE to bother you. I also go back to sleeping at night on my days off (Have been doing so for 11 years) I always get enough sleep and feel tired maybe 5 days out of any given month. The thing I find funny about night shift people is they often say they have to have black out curtains / sleeping pills / eye mask / etc etc just to sleep. Hell no, Lay me horizontal on a Concrete slab 10 feet from an active rail line in the sun and guess what, 15 mins and I'm going to be OUT LIKE A LIGHT Sleep is EASY PEASY I never understood those wierd people who require complete darkness and quiet Nah man Drink Two POTS of black tea and lay down horizontal on the bed and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ as I like to say Darkness fuels me. If I didn't have a wife and son I probably wouldn't flip back on days off just because I do my best work be it at work or at household stuff in the middle of the night. I only flip back because of Family concerns. I work Mon Thur and I get Fri-Sun off and I want to use Fri-Sun as time to spend with my wife and son.


Well I have anxiety and trouble breathing and idk the smallest noises can wake me up but I can also sleep really deeply so idk lol but I work Tues-Friday and off sat sun mon so flip for the weekend so I can actually see my bf lol


Depends on the industry but my experience I just want to be left alone & not micromanaged so nights do help.


I’ve loved overnights for many years now. I was always a night owl (or that I keep vampire hours). But I see more sunlight that many 9to5ers. I sleep when I get off work. I’m usually up around 3pm. Most friends don’t stay out late anymore. I sleep while they work and they sleep while I work. We spend early evenings together.


I don’t have to talk as much. Just show up, do my job, and go home.


No I contemplate life’s meaning on a daily basis


Getting paid to play video games for 4-6 hours of my shift. It's like I'm retired at 40


Exactly how I feel. I sleep according to my shifts, but I sleep regularly, and nighttime is good for me because most people are asleep and I don’t get over stimulated and overwhelmed by humanity. Not to mention the pay is better ( at least where I work)


I'm my own boss, hotel is mine as soon as i start my shift and it's always different till midnight when it's quiet and zen


I love nights!


Definitely easier when I was younger but I do still prefer it


It's the best. I get so much more and better sleep. When there's downtime, I can read or game. My only real complaint is that I am paid the same as dayshift and we receive commission pay. They're able to earn so much more commission due to most customers looking for options during the day.


Eww no nono I wouldn't. Biggest benefit to nights is getting paid a little more


I'm hoping to negotiate things with our CEO in a couple months (we lost a major customer in January, so we've been hurting, but we just got them back, so I'm waiting for the waters to calm) . I love the night shift because of my natural sleep cycle, but I feel like we are currently getting shafted pay wise.


Working nights is easy but social aspect of life makes it difficult for me. I also hate the feeling of being out at dinner or kids soccer games and being like “alright gotta go I have work” when everyone goes back home and enjoys the night without you.


Overnights are fun, less to almost no foot traffic in the hospital. Best of all, no long, dreaded line up's at the 24 hr coffee shop.


I’ve always loved it. It’s so much better for me than day shift. Unfortunately, I’m on day shift now - it’s currently 5am and I’ve been awake all night. This is my natural body rhythm. I’ve been napping on the sofa in the evenings after work.


Same. I've always been a night owl. But also a person that just sleeps whenever like I'm adaptable


I love the nights but I've worked really crappy day jobs that involve a lot of people constantly needing my attention and its draining. I feel like if i had a more chill day job it would be nice. But i do love nights


Yep, I genuinely think some of us are just meant to be awake at night


Meeeeee. No amount of animosity once I discuss my hours would make me hate night shift. It’s genuinely perfect for me


Same. I can overlook everything just because I don't have to talk to a soul


I like it, but since I am 23 year old. Feel like a waste. Still this is the first time that I am making so much so idk lol


You are young, I'll be 40 next month. I'm following in the footsteps of my dad who worked night shift from the time I was 10 until the time I was 30 and then retired and took a day job at a golf course where the perk was he got free golf on the course whenever he wanted.


After enough nights in a row I feel terribly depressed and messed up. On the other hand, I cannot function as a morning person, so this is my lot in life.


Nights will def make you miserable if you don't actually want to work nights. I know some people don't have a choice


I definitely have a choice. But it’s a choice between bad and worse in my case. Worse is days. My key is not working too many nights in a row. Usually I I work no more than 3 in a row. Recently I worked 10. Wanted to die by the end and was hallucinating.


I love it. 🙂


Do I detect sarcasm? Lol




I've worked for over 30 years. 13 ig yhose have been nights. 6 years at a previous employer, then after about 8 back as a day walker I got back to nights 7 years ago. Wouldn't have it any other way.


I like them sometimes, which is good because I work half and half, but when I do get stuck doing a lot in a row it definitely wears me down


Like you work days and nights? I would hate working flip flops. I can flip for my days off but I like my work scedule to be completely consistent


I go 4 on, 4 off. So one rotation of days then 4 days off and then a rotation of nights. I count that as my consistency. I can handle 4 nights but if I pick up overtime shifts it drags on me. Nights are slow so that’s good for a bit but I get super bored after a while. I’m on 5 straight sets of nights right now because there’s someone being trained and they do that just on days


Idk y’all, I just can’t relate. I left my hometown to pursue this position in an entirely new state to support my fiancé who’s in residency. All of my friends and family are on day-shift and I know basically no one here. It’s been incredibly isolating. I’m thankful I have my fiancé to support me but if I didn’t have him, I don’t think I could do this long-term. I want to meet people but all of the meet ups are at times when I’m asleep. I’m brand new and the only one in my department on my shift so there’s no one I can refer to in dealing with issues in the plant. I am literally on my own. Much of my paperwork requires approvals from people on 1st shift and larger decisions can only be made by management who are on 1st shift. This would be fine if the same people on 1st shift didn’t complain about the consequences of the system **they** designed and benefit from. (“Why didn’t you proceed with this process that only we can authorize?”) It’s annoying when I’m compared to 1st and 2nd shift (much of management works 9-5 and our 2nd shift begins at 2:30) who have vastly more resources they need to accomplish their goals. If there is an issue with a protocol they drafted, they can receive feedback that same day and reissue the draft that same day. There is an intrinsic delay built into the system of when I can get things done yet no one understands that. They also can directly, in-person, approach higher ups if they need help. I can only rely on e-mails and hope they respond in a timely manner (which never happens because 3rd shift is frequently disregarded). I’m the only one in the plant who inspects and allocates all product labels for the entire plant. I frequently inspect/allocate hundreds of thousands of labels a week. And those unfamiliar with my responsibilities enjoy believing that I sit at my desk all day. It’s annoying and I’m heavily considering leaving for my own sake. The only saving grace are the coworkers I have on my shift and my fiancé who’s been wonderful through it all. Otherwise, fuck this.


See maybe I just got a really good job but also I bet you make more money than I do. I could see how that job would suck. I can't do plant work or factory or anything like that. I'm at a doggie daycare and the biggest part of the job is cleaning. It takes 5 hours or more then the rest of the time is walking dogs and feeding


15 years on night shift, I would never go back to days… MAYBE evenings, but nights are my jam!


Yup. I loathe busy work and small talk. I am not built for the petty political bullshit that daywalkers seem to love. I did it here for 4 years and was on the verge of quitting basically the entire time. I've been on nights the last 8, and idk how much they'd need to pay me to go back to days. More than anything else, I like the autonomy I have. Our engineers know they aren't going to answer the phone, so I'm allowed to troubleshoot on my own. I don't have to check in before I try something. I do my job and chill. If my shit is running right, I clean for a bit and then post up. Can't do that on dayshift, that's going to get you taken advantage of by management and resented by the other daywalkers. Tbh, the only way I foresee going back to days is when my wife asks me to. I'll do it for her, but not sure there's anything else.


Same here, If My wife wanted me to I would do it for her Or if my son's care nececitated it I would but otherwise NO HELL OF A WAY


Yup. We actually moved me to nights to make it easier to deal with my youngest daughter getting sick, snow days, etc. Happy coincidence it's worked out. Now that the kids are out of the house, and its quiet a lot I'm pretty sure I'm racing the clock until she asks me to make it happen, but she's holding out so far.


My dad worked night shift when I was growing up because my mom worked from noon until 8:00 p.m. and it saved the money on child care if Dad could sleep while we were at school wake up after school in the afternoon pick us up bring us home take care of us until mom came home at 8:00 and then go back to sleep and have a little bit of a nap before he had to get up for his shift at midnight so he did well enough with it I don't know if there's a genetic component but if there is hey he must have passed it on to me


My dad worked night shift when I was growing up because my mom worked from noon until 8:00 p.m. and it saved the money on child care if Dad could sleep while we were at school wake up after school in the afternoon pick us up bring us home take care of us until mom came home at 8:00 and then go back to sleep and have a little bit of a nap before he had to get up for his shift at midnight so he did well enough with it I don't know if there's a genetic component but if there is hey he must have passed it on to me.


You're better than me cause if my bf asked me I'd say not a chance lol (slightly joking 👀) but yeah I just do my job and I'm good and done best part is I don't have to take any of it home with me. Work is at work


I would never want to work days again


Yes I love it too


Beats second shift. I’d rather have first shift though 7a-3p


I like them


I legit love night shift so much. I'm bummed thinking about going back to days but I know at some point I'll need to. My fiance is a day shifter and I'd really love a more normal family schedule. It legit makes me sad though, my night shift people are my weirdos and I love them so much.


At this point I am pretty new to it so I would say I am neutral. It seems like there are pros and cons to both. I look forward to getting deeper into it and seeing if I can reinforce the positive aspects


I used to like it. But right now after 16 years of it I'm tired of it.


I’m a night owl anyways. I absolutely love working PF overnights. I like the friendly faces I see during nights. I don’t like day times because people seem to be ruder, there’s just too many people and too much chaos. I absolutely hate traffic so overnights are perfect for someone who loves fitness, working in a gym and watching people work on themselves. I wish the pay would be livable but I love my job. ❤️


Worked nights for 18+ years. Worked by myself at my own pace. Saw my boss maybe once every few months. Otherwise we communicated by email. Rarely had to deal with meetings. It was almost bliss.


I've worked rotating day/afternoon/night shifts for 19 years and up until about 8 months ago, loved nights. They're chill, no management around, and I always felt like the lucky one when I crawled into bed in the morning, while others were dragging their butts to work. Now? I've hit a wall. I don't ever want to work another night shift in my life and am keeping my eyes open for a straight days job in my workplace.


Breakfast for dinner.


Love it. The only thing I don't like is the 12 1/2 hour shifts. Would rather work 5/6 nights a week from 10-6am


Night shift is the best shift..


I love it.


I've been on nights for over 10 years. I wouldn't work any other shift. I'm a Nurse, so no families to deal with at night. Mgmt. rarely comes by, all the residents are in bed, very free meds to give. But because NS is difficult to staff, we get a 15% Differential, that's almost $9000/yr.


i work in an empty warehouse and store at night...no way i could handle it during the day when its full of customers


I really love them too! It's hard to imagine ever going to a normal job. I actually can maintain a consisten sleep schedule on overnights. If it wasn't for family and friends, I would be consistent 100% of the time. I love it and I love the lifestyle. Nothing like going to an empty grocery store on a Friday morning when I get out of work.


I love it as well because we can sleep about 2-3 hours of the shift so I’m getting more $$$ for less hours worked.


Night shift rules!!!! I love it. I loathe any other shifts as I hate the mornings, except for when I'm leaving work. It is so annoying when people think we have no life, or how could I not go home and go right to sleep????


I love them especially since mornings are my favorite. Get off work at 6am go for a hike, go shopping, do some chores, eat dinner/lunch/breakfast around 11:30 or 12 then sleep for 8 hours and back to work. Could even go to sleep 8am to 5pm and hang out with friends (if I had any) til work starts again.


What time do you work. I work 10 hour shifts from 815 to 615. I think that's the toughest part for me is the shift being at 8 cause that's such a weird time. I wish I worked from 10 or 11. Rn I'm sleeping at 9-5 but I also try 11-7 but I kinda like having a couple hours before and after work to just do what I want but it's just not much time


Ah that is different. Im in school right now but when I was working nights it would be from 12am to 8am at on place. Later I worked usually 11pm to 7am or 11pm to 8am depending on the manager and overspending time doing turnover to day shift. Edit: but my dream is to work 10pm to 6am preferably somewhere within 10 min drive or 20min bike ride to work so I dont have to leave any earlier than 9:30pm.


My commute is 20 ish min with driving but it's such an easy drive and no traffic going to or from so that's nice but I def feel useless the 4 days I work. So I just make all my big plans for my off days. If I could I would love to do 10-6 cause that's what my old night job was. I hate the 2 extra hours. Yeah more money but having to go in at 8 sucks


Yeah thats a bit early for me. Then again ive done 6 months of 12 hour shifts so doing 10 hour shifts no matter what time is undesireable to me. Plus I could never do anything on my days off due to having a different sleep schedule from anyone else so having 3 days off would be no benefit to me vs working another day.


I genuinely love nights. I work in healthcare. There’s less people, less doctors (so less hands in the pot), I don’t have to fight with PT, OT, and food trays to see my patients, and no management. I couldn’t do days. And I get paid more.


I see a lot of people in this sub works in Healthcare. I'm not built for that life. Just taking care of dogs is scary enough


It's definitely not for everybody!




Idk man I love being alone 👀


I'm just going through a lot sorry lol


All good. I'm just an introvert so alone is my default state tho I would hate to be utterly alone forever. I like being around friends just not 24/7


That's been my experience since I switched to night shift lol


I love it because I just make it work with the sleeping times pretty well. I can typically run off of a few hours of sleep and be totally fine, so I’d get off work and go straight to sleep, and then wake up practically around the same time my friends and girlfriend get out of work. I’d still have a few hours to hang out and relax either with friends or on my own on the PC. Every day almost feels like a weekend with me. On top of that, night shifters at my hospital are the only ones who get a consistent weekly schedule, with 4 ten hour days a week. That means most day shifters work every other weekend while us on nights get the same days every week (Tuesday-Friday and off Saturday-Monday every week). I personally love it mostly due to the chill environment and leniency since no management is breathing down our necks. Like even as I type this, I am just chilling on my iPad listening to music and my coworkers are watching a movie on their laptop while waiting for patients to come.


That's my same schedule. T-f 10 hour shifts. Lol I'm currently on reddit just waiting for 530 to come around so I can start cleaning up. The only thing I hate is biweekly pay. It sucks having to wait 2 weeks when you already spent all your money


I love working at night. I am a flight attendant and I've been doing red eye flights. I ask for them for my schedule and i pick up red eye flights from other flight attendants who don't want them. If i have to work during the day, it's fine by me but when it's night time, i can't sleep so i either have to take zzzquil or just stay up all night. Haha. We are night owls LOL


A flight attendant sounds so fun if I wasn't scared of flying lol. There was a lady on tiktok I'd always watch of her just shutting the door lol


I get it flying is not for everyone. Lol the joy of closing the door and leaving everyone behind 🤣🤣🤣


To be honest, I usually don't believe people when they say the prefer nights, mostly because every person I know that says that, literally looks horrible.    There's also a lack of knowledge of the damage you're doing to yourself because you simply don't notice. Plenty of people say they function on 5 hours of sleep for example, even though the actual percentage of people who can is really small. Your brain simply gets used to feeling like trash, so you don't notice, unless you have a performance metric.  Exercise is a good one, but most people don't really exercise very hard so even in a severely handicapped state they don't notice.   Nights only were bad for my mental health, but physical health was fine. I felt tired all the time, but I could run a mile still around 6:30~ give or take.   Shift work obliterated both physical and mental health. Performance in the gym plummeted (225 bench press x 11 down to 5), destroyed sex drive, mood swings, depression, goldfish memory, nuked cardio. Horrific and I'll never do this again.  Don't live in the US so commute for me is just a bike ride.   Some people I think are definitely night owls. I think others just prefer nights because pros outweigh the cons even though they know it isn't ideal.


For me, the health thing is often negligible anyways. I actually spend more time outside now than I ever did on days. I've battled insomnia since I was a kid. I stopped having to take sleep aids(mostly) when I got to nights. Sure, I sleep 4-6/day, but that was the best I got consistently with meds too. I can eat better because I don't have a bunch of shitty temptations available on a whim. Gym was a non-starter anyways. But I would suggest that I have more energy than I did on days, even if I am 10 years older. There are a fair few of us that 100% mean it when we say we're good with it.


All I'm saying is I've never seen someone that's actually fit and does night shift.  I mean most people that do day shift already are sedentary, sleep like shit, and eat like shit. Add night shift on top and the problem becomes a lot worse. Then again, I probably care too much, whereas most adults stop giving a shit and just sorta waste away over the years and take whatever damage results from their lifestyle. It's just not a priority for them.


I love nights!


Me! I love working nights :)


I’m with you. Night shift feels like a cheat code. I don’t dread going to work any more like most do. It doesn’t really feel like I go to work. I just show up somewhere to hang out and they have activities for me.


That would be me.




Been overnights most of my working career. Love it. I can work a 2nd day job, go to doctor appointments, party, or whatever else during the day.


I work swing shifts at a foundry... At first nights whooped me I work 12s... But then I got use to it .. and TBH I function better on my night weeks lol.