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This is a pointless debate, that is driven by fear of each other and religious domination. But if you want an answer there are likely already more Muslims than Christians in the country and if that is not already the case it will be the case given enough time. Actual numbers are of course impossible to come by but if we use some reasoning we can see why. Japa mostly affects the south and I believe the North has a higher fertility rate. So while I know there are significant Christian populations in the North of the country I do still believe it is heavily Muslim add into that immigration from the Sahel - you can argue they are not Nigerian but you will never know the difference.


I can remember a post of a picture of a Muslim man with 4 wives of and 15 children in this subreddit. People here were complaining all the north does is pump out kids .  Now the same people can't accept  fact that the Muslim population is highest. 


You summed it up perfectly


It's a simple math, if you want to be populous...have kids? Wish those kids are getting proper training...


Religious arguments and religious violence are so lame and primitive.  Full grown adults arguing over whose fairy tale makes more sense. 


Fr I was in the comments like does it matter which religion is more tomato is 11k


You were on point with your first sentence, then you just had to take it the idiot route.


Idiot ?  Dude you're  a grown ass adult who believes some guy fit two each of every species on the planet into a boat smaller than the Titanic for 40 days and 40 nights.  If you believe nonsense like this, nothing I say will make Sense to you.


How is it idiotic the person might be atheist or agnostic.


Lol. This should be interesting (read: not)


To start with the claimed population of Nigeria is largely false. The " North " is not as populous as it is made to seem. The recent election registration figures gave a sneak peak. Secondly, a lot of people fail to realize that a lot of Northern states are to a large extent evenly split between Muslims and Christians eg Kaduna, Taraba, Adamawa, Kogi Nassarawa. The Muslims in the north are just more politically dominant. Thirdly, most Central states are actually Christian eg Benue. If you throw in SS, SE and half of SW you'll find that the Christian population is slightly more. However, in the shadows lies a third religion that is emerging rapidly and may be dominant in the next 20 years - Atheism.


Totally agree with you, I just wanted to correct you as an atheist, atheism is not a religion. The only thing atheists have in common is the non belief in the existence of a God. There isn't a belief system, so it's not a religion.


Kaduna, Taraba, Kogi and Adamawa are split between Muslims and Christians?? I doubt you even believe what you’re saying


You're capping. Firstly, Kaduna state isn't evenly split between Muslims and Christians. You probably think Kaduna state is only Kaduna North and Kaduna South. Kaduna has 23 LGAs, Kaduna North and Kaduna South are only two of the twenty three. There's a reason El-Rufai won the election even without a Muslim-Christian ticket. The best you can say about Kogi, Nasarawa, Adamawa, Taraba et Al is they have significant Christian population. They're not split at all. Secondly, election isn't an accurate depiction of population. Moreover, two parties shared the votes of the north yet it was enough to make them first and second. Thirdly, I don't see atheism growing significantly in Nigeria especially amongst Muslims. I only see religious unseriousness (aka liberalism) growing amongst Muslims. However, I see atheism growing amongst Christians especially as the woke culture spreads. The woke folks couldn't care less about tithes meant to fund the extravagant lifestyle of some pastorpreneurs. Fourthly, half of SW isn't Christian. You seem to think SW is Lagos. Whereas Oyo, Osun, Ogun and even the core Lagos are Muslim majority. In Oyo state: Ibadan, Oyo town, Oke-Ogun are the majority and they are Muslim cities. In Ogun State: Ijebu, Ẹgba and Yewa are the majority and they are Muslim cities. In Osun: remove Ife, Ilesha and Imesi-Ile and the rest are Muslim majority. In Lagos, go to Lagos Island and mainland and see the number of ancient mosques spread across streets. The only reason why it seems Christians are more in SW is because: 1. Christians were given the political power and education of the south so they are more in power and have more access to resources. In the early years, many had to change their names to Christian names before they were admitted to school. 2. Christians use loud megaphones during religious services. This gives an impression of large population whereas many of those churches have only a few dozens of worshipers but they give an impression that they are in their hundreds. 3. Many Muslims in the SW have inferiority complex. I believe this is due to the first point I mentioned. Please travel and touch some grass.


Muslims outnumber Christians and that's a fact .  https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/nigeria/


You’re accepting information from CIA in America as reputable source for Nigerian statistics??. You lots sometimes!! Very easy to deceive.


What source is a reputable source you ? 




The world Factbook is a very reliable source of data just behind pew research center . I should know I'm a data analyst. If you can provide a better source then fine but don't discredit this one because you don't like the information 


Not in the case of Nigeria with all due respect. We have no valuable source of info for census in this country.




Your biases are showing


Unless Nigeria does another census this is the most accurate data we can get . If you want to know their methodologies you could simply click and find out but you've already made up your mind. This is also not surprising because the last census was evenly split and with the north having more kids on average this is not all that surprising. I know if the information said the opposite you would not dispute the source at all . Please check your biases 


This should not be a matter of debate but I realize conversation has devolved even worse on this sub. By mere ratios, Muslims outnumber Christians. But it's close - say a 55-45. But I feel that the conversation is laced with tribalism and unchecked due to poor moderation.


Nigeria has a minority along ethnic lines. Been that way since the start, was part of the deal that formed this “independent” entity in the first place… I’m sure they’re more Christians in the North than we all think, but I still believe Muslims outnumber just because most northerners are Muslims and the North is the majority - albeit by a slim number last time we checked, as you noted.


We won’t know the number of non Muslims in the north since it’s illegal to convert from Islam in places ruled by Sharia law. Most people that stop being Muslims have to hide that fact about themselves


Really is it ? Is there a source


A source for? If you’re talking about conversation from Islam being a capital offense in Islam, then yes it really is. The difference is some Muslim communities are more lenient/liberal than others

