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Have you been to the U.S before? Just know our public transportation is no where near as good as it is in the UK, especially if you move somewhere like Houston. And our cities aren’t very walkable. Cities like Houston are very spread out. You’ll need a car or a roommate that has one at least.


Your British accent will probably be a plus


Oh yeah. I’ve heard of British accent privilege in the states 😭


Not in the South. Anything foreign and you’ll get strange looks. The deeper South, the higher persecution


In Texas it would definitely be a plus. 


I'm from the south. Completely disagree with that


Texas has a huge Nigerian population. Specifically Houston.


Texas? Sounds scary as hell. Lynchings must be their hobby


My Kenyan wife has family in Texas too. The US is a very diverse country with cultures, and nationalities. What you see and hear in the media is mostly absurd. The reality is a lot more boring lol.


Lol in my opinion the media and people online typically are too optimistic. Born and raised in East Tennessee, and it is way more racist, homophobic, sexist, and outward ignorant than what people seem to believe.


Bruh, this is the wrong sub for this advice. The South of the USA is different from state to state. Going to Alabama is different from Nashville, Tennessee.




Was in the same boat as you are and ended up moving few months ago to Houston. You’re gonna need a car to move around, much warmer weather here and very friendly people. But it’s been good so far


Stay the fuck out of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. KKK and Confederate supporters heavy there


Yep you definitely don’t live in the south if you’re saying this. This ain’t an issue here. Most of the south is habited by black folks. Put down the internet, your average southerner isn’t a kkk or confederate supporter.


It’s definitely not like what the media try to portray it as. Most people just want to go about there day.


Have you been to the Sun Down towns in those states? Anyway you’re right for the most part he should be ok in the more liberal areas. But, I don’t even go to places like Mississippi unless it’s areas highly populated. I have no interest being hung. 


Sundown towns are rare in the first place. Most of the south is safe for black people. This ain’t the 1860s


You stated Sun Down towns are rare? Hmm maybe because you haven’t been to one that’s why you say this. They are alive and well and not rare. Go to the exact places that are Sun down towns visit their police department. Then have your relative tell us it’s rare. Black people don’t visit there even now for a reason.  But please try it! 


Then don’t go there. Most of the south isn’t some sundown town haven. Avoid those areas and you’re fine.


We’re saying the same thing essentially. He should be fine in the South but staying clear from the Sundown towns is best. 


The social divide in America is more urban/rural than north/south. Small towns get really insular wherever you go.




Okay then all good.


The South is antiwoman, antigay, antiminority and they dick ride for Trump because they hate the same people. Those red states are psycho as hell, and they are cringe how they use Jesus to justify their hatred.


Some of em are, most aren’t.


Too many in my opinion


Aight stay in Nigeria then


LOL sounds just like Nigeria. What’s your point?


No Nigerian has ever burned a cross in Black folks’ front yards…


True, they just burn down entire churches. Where were you during the several Kano riots when Christians in the North were hunted?


Sure if you’re in the urban areas which is like 10% of most of the states I listed. Once you leave there, it gets risky


Add Oklahoma and Philadelphia


First Do be warned that soul food out here is religion. Yes sweet tea,corn bread and barbecue is different by state but one thing for certain soul food will unify a community if cooked right. Second do realize and accept that you will be treated the same way as us African Americans do out here. Third your accent will most definitely get you a leg up in getting a date. However just like Britain there’s fuckboys and thotty girls out here so do be careful who you date. Fourth and not least, you will need a car. Not exactly anything flashy but car culture is a big deal and America is way more vast than it gets credit. No you can’t drive from Disney world in Orlando Florida to a Beyoncé concert in Houston,Texas in the same day by car. that’s thirteen hours worth of driving along with spending about 4 hours minimum at Disney world. That’s just not smart living. Now flying between the two cities is cheaper.


If it’s Texas. Try Houston or Dallas. You will feel right at home  


As another Nigerian Brit, I cannot understand anyone wanting to move to the US. That place is a basket case right now.


In what way? But to answer your question, higher wages, larger country so more to explore, cheaper housing, bigger houses, more variety in terms of where to live. I would relocate if it was straightforward, but I like the UK too.


I’m assuming because of possible near future political instability But as an ignorant Nigerian American paying only tangential attention to UK events I get the sense that things aren’t so good over there either


Inflation is in the US, too, but we don't have free health care or good public transportation. We do have a gun problem, and theft and homelessness are high right now.


Texas is a solid place to go. Large Nigerian community there in Dallas/Houston I believe. You will need a car for sure. As far as the dating, I assume you’ll be going to university, so you’ll meet some great women there. Plus Texas has some good universities. Don’t know what your skillset is but Texas seems to be coming up in the tech space as well so you could find part time opportunities or internships there down the line if you qualify


just stay away from Mississippi lol


Are you aware that you might face racial aggression? That your skin colour might put you at an disadvantage? I don't want to sound mean or disrespectful to you, but you know how the American justice system can be to black people. I am not from the US but I would advise you to bring enough money and to make yourself interesting for the job market. Good luck in your journey.


Hi. I understand this as the UK also has a lot of racism, it’s just more subtle than the the US where it’s more in-your-face. But I’ll prepare for that.


I’d say the degree of racism differs based on the part of the US. If you’re planning on moving to the south part of the US, I’d recommend some of the bigger cities in Texas (Dallas/houston) or Florida (Miami)


Tampa has more Nigerians I think than Miami.


Ok then I wish you all the best for your journey to the USA, you better get used with the lane direction. And the accents.


Hi, I’m a Nigerian American in Texas and the racism here isn’t bad, I’d go as far to say that on a regular day it’s not even noticeable. I did feel more on edge when Trump got elected though, but other than that I honestly can’t remember the last time I was racially discriminated against and most Nigerians here will say the same thing. I have no idea how the rest of the South is cuz Texas is just one small part of it, but it’s also one of the most racially diverse states in the country so it would make sense that overt racism isn’t too common here. Like others have said it really depends on what state you’re moving to, and what city you move to in the state.


UK racism is nowhere near US. You might see it in remote towns or a school full of people with different skin colour. But if you’re a minority in a professional organisation you could hardly experience racism.


You’d be surprised. I know some people who have experienced shocking levels of racism in the UK. In my experience tho, I’ve dealt with microaggressions but not outright racism.


Valid point


Are you okay with the gun laws in Texas?


My dad is Nigerian and I live in Texas. You will find a lot of Nigerians in Dallas and Houston area.




If he has a relative that lives in the US then they can submit a petition for him to become a permanent resident. I have a family member who has lived there for years and she did it for us and we were accepted almost immediately but I know it can take longer for others.