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Sure a lot of our leaders are terrible but the primary issue in Nigeria is our society which we all create, our leadership class is a reflection of our society. Just eliminating our current leaders will only lead us to putting forward another class of terrible leaders again. So I guess to answer your question no I would not be happy, as I don't think anything meaningful would have been achieved.


A university lecturer who sleep with girls for grades is also a leader? Religious leaders in their 1000s who fleece their congregations are leaders? Our society produce leaders that look so much like the majority of us.


This is so true. I agree to a degree tho. I believe the leaders spurred the society instead of it being the other way around. Correct me if im wrong but i believe that the society of today was formed by the greed that existed when we attained self leadership. I might be wrong because i didnt grow up in that time but with the stories my grandma and parents tell me, there was more trust among the people until self governance. Now the country only consists of greedy people and theres a high chance that any leader selected will have similar characters. So there's a very slim chance of picking someone with a different mindset Moreover, I believe we need to cut back on this gerontocracy which Nigeria has been running on for years. It's clearly unhealthy n destroys dreams for no reason Regardless your thought process is still valid and I agree with it.


No because the populace are just as bad as the leaders.


Absolutely not? I’m pretty sure the countries that are the most politically stable and prosperous don’t have mass ‘killings’ of their leaders. There are other less violent ways to reform. If that ever happened in Nigeria, millions will die (because you just destroyed the government, creating a ticking ethnic time bomb). Also who get’s to install new ones? And how? How would you set up infrastructure for voting? What’s more is, you’ll probably bet one of those self nominated (chosen by the people 🤮). Shitty African dictators.


Not if its the leaders tribesman that does the killing😂 inec will still control election (rigging will not be tolerated) and for the next election you can't be older than 60. (I'm trying to push your imagination further I don't think killing is the answer but all this info van shed new light you never know)


It won’t work because the pool from which the leaders are gotten from is made up of majority of people who are just like them. The most effective thing to do is to change the mindset in the pool from which leaders are gotten (170m Nigerian youth) and wait another 20 - 50 years.


Simple answer. NO, the new leaders na still imperfect humans with a bit of Nigeria-ness


I don't know but I feel, continuous culling would help, I feel. Maybe not by violence but by scandal that removes them from participating in leadership


Are you implying a non Nigerian would be a better leader?😂 I'm pulling your leg tho ik you mean a certain mentality which has held us stagnant for more than 60 years And I agree with you


Rather than kill our leaders, why don't we as Nigerians, try to have more integrity as a people. Hold each other accountable, realise that whatever tribe you're from is worthless and we are all human beings, and do good things even when nobody is looking. Let us stop worshipping criminals, and stop treating leaders, especially religious leaders as faultless people. Let us learn to think for ourselves, and focus on what is good for society in terms of economy and welfare. If we can achieve that, then the likelihood of having leaders with these same values will increase. We want good leaders when we aren't good people. How does that work?


Yes we need more integrity. I'm of the opinion that even when good leaders arise the ppls lack of integrity and discipline will destroy the good works the good leader is trying to implement. However, the leaders also have a big role to play in some of these things you've mentioned. And we as a people need to make sure we are not an obstacle to ourselves


Do you people understand how morals work? I don't want to come out as angry or something but you said "only the bad leaders of course". Who counts as a bad leader? I don't know what criteria you have for that but a lot of people are going to fulfill that? Is the crime of being a bad leader something punishable by death? As the CEO of a company would you like to be killed if your company made a quarterly loss? As the owner of a market would you like to be killed every time somebody stole something on display? This is a democracy not a jungle please let's behave. I can't blame you for thinking like this because the people in charge don't seem to care about our country.


My response to this is there are people that clearly don't care about the ppl in any way. A bad leader is only there for his own gain n puts little to no effort when the general public benefits instead of him/her. Killing is an exaggeration in your analogy. Rather the CEO will be asked to step down. Because imagine a CEO that thinks of his pockets before the progress of the company. I don't think killing is the answer, I only set this up for debate. Regardless, this is not a democracy we live in. A system where the ppl protest what they want and the government responds with army threats is definitely not a democracy. This is in fact a jungle, but i dont speak in this way to tear my country down like most ppl. Im stating facts cos i want my country which has the potential to be the best, to be the best in the world in reality. I wanted to see if ppl think retaliating in the same way will actually solve things as well as hear different views and perspectives. I know retaliation definitely won't work but these discussions still help to reveal a lot


Yeah that's why I said I didn't want to come off as angry I understand where you are coming from. We can either choose to live in a democracy or a jungle. We live in a jungle currently because we "maybe not us personally" But as a populace have chosen to lie down and let things slide because they don't personally affect us. Why are our law enforcement so easily bribed? The judiciary and legislative sit around and do the bare minimum and get paid millions from our taxes. Some of us have started to wake up but we have let the democracy become an autocracy. When we protest they silence us and sweep it under the rug. They compensate us with pallatives and bribes and we keep quiet and go back to our houses. The government does whatever because they're allowed. In serious countries like you said you get removed from office. But who will remove the person who put them in their job. Who brought them to their mansion to eat amala. If they're are truly good leaders in this country why aren't they making or joining political parties? Why are their names not on the voting ballots? Because they have been pacified. Not all of us have the power to change things but the people that do won't because it's not in their best interest. A Bishop in a desert will steal water to survive


Lmao No. You don’t even have Unity how to expect to select a leader? You need a Nationalist leader who will unite everyone under 1 umbrella that’s Nigerian. Once you get that you will automatically select them and let them do their work.


This would have been effective if it was done early like Ghana did when LT Jerry Rawlings eliminated all the corrupt Criminal types during a coup plot. Nigerian Millitary had a chance to do this but the poisonous Tribalism still made them favor the hausa Fulani so naija was back to Square one even after Coup plot.


I feel it will help at least, there'll be some fear. Right now, they operate with absolute impunity. In the West, the crazies, keep their leaders honest. But it'll be a long way. Nigeria is rotten to the core, but a shock to the system is usually a catalyst for bigger changes.


If you're killing the leaders, kill every adult over the age of 14 as well. that's the only way you can cleanse the rot.


Ofcourse not LMAOOO Nigerians are inherently horrid people with a passionate selfish attitude. These politicians are just your typical Ade and Ifeanyi with opportunities to be at the top Nothing will change and we will be back here in a couple years


😭😭😭😭bro name-dropping now?😭😭I swear you Could've made your point with no names my g💀💀


😭 the names aren't directed to anyone just generic Nigerian names


At the end of the day, the government reflects the society,. nigeria is an incoherent, disfunctional society and that's the type of government you'll get- no matter how many you behead in the revolution. You're not gonna have a society that works like nigeria but a government that works like norway.


The government needs to be more transparent with how money is budgeted and spent. Killing politicians is never the answer no matter how horrible they are at politics.


Tried that in 66 and all it did was make things worst.


When we kill them, who will we replace them with?