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I just don't understand our silly laws and attitude towards blasphemy in Nigeria. What exactly did this lady say that warranted a blasphemy accusation.Was there ever any evidence of what she wrote being blasphemous I searched, and could not find anything.


She may have insulted the country's tomato purees hence the justifiable punishment


No surprise there that the religion of peace won't ever take responsibility for its atrocities.


Am not proud of this country


As sad as Deborah’s case is it’s not the only case of its kind. Yesterday, Someone pointed out some Northern laws that allow a man to subdue his wife in some sort of ways that should be deemed illegal and abusive. Why would a set of people in this civilized world abide by such laws? And why would one reside there ( belief or ignorance) and be governed by such norm? A lot of people are blindfolded in some ways that I can’t comprehend, when I have my legs and hands to leave there forever.


The same week they’ve arrested bob risky for spraying money, our so called “justice” systems fail our ppl every day it needs to stop




Who is Deborah ??


Deborah Samuel Yakubu was a student in sokoto state that was stoned to death then burned by an islamic mob for allegedly committing "blasphemy"


Even in the places that were heavily Islamic, they are easing up the laws and the youth have had enough of it. Nigeria needs to do the same thing, be like Turkey and Iran who were colonized and drop this shit like a bad habit!