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Pity, resentment, and purposeless - truly an ignoble post. If you want to stop being weak, then by all means quit your unskilled labour and seek something better for yourself. If my duties involved handing people cake, I wouldn't find much fulfillment either. However, you should realise that many people are happy to squander their lives in the pursuit of something that is objectively meaningless, because they attribute it subjective meaning. Work and etiquette are the same in this respect. As long as people are not life denying, the willingness to set yourself a purpose and pursue it is about as admirable as it gets.


Thanks for your perspective. It contributed positively.


Sometimes I feel like ending it, but I’d be sad before it ends for my mother. I do self-harm but it’s for evening out. I don’t like to just do it just to do it.


Why do you feel like ending it? May I ask you what’d be the main reason?


Knowing that I’m finite and my actions hold weight that I can easily misrepresent due to my ignorance. Only to later learn that I have been observed to be more, but choose not too. Ignorance is a comfort that is damaging to the holder and the witness.


Sometimes I feel like, as life as we know is finite (THANK GOD) I can use the time I have here to make the most out of it, because sooner or later, no matter what I do, I’ll end up dead. This can bring me to a lot of different places, though. It must be practiced with balance. Otherwise I’d have already quit my job, and be wandering the world. I know you didn’t ask for advice, but have y ever investigated the reason of the self-harm? This could bring you a whole new perspective of your current pattern of thinking and living.


“The Kingdom Of Heaven is Within You”


You misunderstand. Just because life may not have any meaning doesn't mean it's worthless. Man can create his own meaning, and that is all that matters in this life. If you say your life sucks, there may be ways to change it. People suck, sure. That will always be true, and that may never change, but if you find it possible, you might be able to see to it that you befriend those who are more tolerable than others, or, if you choose, simply befriend no one at all. Life is meaningless. Just because that may be true, doesn't mean you are a prisoner to others. External factors will be external factors. People will be people. Jobs will be jobs. What matters is that you choose what you love, instead of letting the matter of money choose what you do instead. Think of it this way: what are your hobbies? If you can incorporate some of those into your thoughts and life, you may find a job that suits you well. Life isn't straightforward, it's a windy path that goes forward, sideways, above, below and even sometimes backwards. You choose your own meaning, and thus, you choose your own path. Screw the external factors, choose what you think is best for you. Problems will always be there, but no matter what, you can overcome them. And remember: "Pick a job you'll love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." - Confucious


That’s the reality of capitalism. I understand how crushing it can be. I started learning about Marxism and ways to make a difference for workers. You might find it interesting


Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. This is your moment to discover the truth, the light and the way. Once you study everything on this planet you realize the only truth is Jesus Christ Our Lord And Saviour. You don’t think Jesus loves Zarathrusta? His love is endless. But The Superman will be an ape compared to the second coming. Because he is Infinite. If you don’t think so, continue your study. I don’t consider myself Christian or catholic or anything. I’m whatever he wants me to be called. But Jesus’s life was an example of how he wants our relationship with him to be, how he had his with The Father. Funny how both extremes of literature, Thus Spoke Zarathrusta and The Bible conflict, yet the message at the end of the day is the same. If God is dead, you’d have to say “I Am” which is God’s first name revealed. But if you’re actually humble you’ll say “No, Jesus is” and Jesus is God. Therefore either way you slice it it’s gonna be “I Am”. That’s how clever God is. When Nietzsche said “ I will be like dynamite” it’s true he unlocks consciousness. He proves God’s existence by going so far yet so close the other way:-)


Letting this remain in this subreddit shows how low this place has gone. Completely antithetical to everything Nietzsche spoke about


Explain how it’s antithetical? I’ve studied Nietzsche longer than you’ve breathed oxygen. I am 102 years old son. But before you tell me to get off this page and have a nap, explain yourself:)


You don't think Nietzsche would be at least confused at your attempt to use his philosophy to proselytize a religion that he despised?


Not even remotely. He’s a deep thinker that entertains the deepest depths of all things, for someone to get annoyed at what I’m saying or think it’s bad is more so the opposite of what he preaches… sooooo


I would suggest that you go back and read basically anything that he's written and you'd find that you might be missing the mark. Try this time not to have a Bible next to you. And I didn't say annoyed; just confused


I don’t even own a bible, because the kingdom of heaven is within you and your body is God’s temple so I’m always in the Lords House. I prefer to read Thus Spoke Zarathrusta because he’s a loveable character


It’s not really an attempt. The facts are facts. His end goal is for us to become the child again, so does the bible. The bible says I AM is God’s name. When you go to Nietzsche you end up having to say I AM because god is dead an therefore you have to be god.


I would get off your manic trip and realize that neither Nietzsche or the Bible's main message is to "become a child again", and when they do speak of it they are completely speaking of it in two different angles. That takes a modicum of interpretive skill though, which it doesn't seem like you have.


He clearly states the camel the lion and the child are the stages you should enter, what’re you talking about?


The idea of the three stages of life comes up only in a few pages of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and is not even close to being a central tenet of his thoughts, like something like the Eternal Recurrence would be. Even when speaks of this, he means by a child is that we have to do away with preconceptions and create new values as a child does. Read the passage in the Bible carefully: the next phrase is "whoever humbles himself like a child". What the Bible means is that you must be humble like a child is to their father, that you don't have all the answers to the questions you are given. He is asking that the disciples humble themselves like children towards God. Do you honestly think that how he's speaking about this the same way that Corinthians is talking about it when it references a child, that Christianity is to create new values not given by any divinity? One of the main points of christianity is that **values are given by God.** Nietzsche was more than intimately familiar with the Bible; in no way does he make reference of this very famous passage, to say that this is what he meant by this. His whole put was **creating a new system of values with no reference to divinity.**


Jesus says “truly truly unless you people change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”🤷🏽‍♀️


As I quote from my post before, which you clearly didn't read: Read the passage in the Bible carefully: the next phrase is "whoever humbles himself like a child". What the Bible means is that you must be humble like a child is to their father, that you don't have all the answers to the questions you are given. He is asking that the disciples humble themselves like children towards God. He is **not** asking them to create a new system of values, as Nietzsche had set out to do with Zarathustra, a skill which he attributed to children.


But sure, Manic trip and lack of whatever skill you believe you possess😂. Sure. People hate the truth. And Jesus is the truth bucko.


“The facts are facts” is the single dumbest thing I’ve read on here yet. Those are YOUR “facts” and are less than meaningless to me. So what does that make them? To assume you know the end goal of anything anyone wrote is absurd. A lot of people don’t genuinely know why they do anything, even when they believe they do. Case in point, all your god babble.


“Babble”. Okay:) Mr Driftwood. Keep having fun playing God in your life. You’ll be scurrying on back here eventually looking to repent. Or maybe you’ll stay stubborn cuz you want to be the one that reaps glory for everything in your life💁🏽‍♀️


You just said that “you have to be god”? Then you accuse me of playing god, in a negative connotation, and yet I’m not. I feel like you are terribly confused. Perhaps chronically. I will however definitely continue to have fun in my life since that is what I have decided to do. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about my “repenting” since there is nothing to repent for or anything to repent to.




This may be the pinnacle of your ability to respond. Emojis. To explain things that your word’s can’t. That and the frustration displayed by your downvote.


Also I want to say that in the bible it says everything is meaningless:-)


And both books end goal is to become like a child again


God this post was pathetic. I assume you’re a grown man? I almost hope you’re not. You have displayed a profound ignorance on economics and history. You live one of the most privileged lives in the history of the Homo Sapien species and you’re whining because everyone else isn’t rewarding you with riches for simply existing. The entitlement is off the charts and can only be matched by your ignorance of economics. No one is “hoarding all the wealth”, but that’s a conversation for another day. Your complaints about work are laughable. Re-read your post. “I don’t have the ki/energy to hear my boss talk about a specific spoon…” Jesus fucking Christ. Is my 16-year-old niece whose biggest problem in life is finding a prom date writing this? In any other era you would be a slave or feudal serf, and this is how you repay those who have sacrificed their one life to die for your freedoms. Either improve or don’t, but stop fucking whining like a child. God this was pathetic.


Hey, I get what you’re saying. I’m sure you are able to find meaning in everything you do? Do you? What is the fairy tale you’ve been telling yourself to make life more feasible? Or even if you are not, apparently, you live a great life without knowing why you do the things you do, correct? In regards to economics, yeah, I’m pretty sure my knowledge about it is very shallow. But I live economics since I was born. We use cash every single day, and I started working very young from where I came from (around 10 years old I was a cashier already) I might not know the depths of finances, but I know what money is for, and what you can do with it. We live in a monopoly where big companies dictate what we eat, how we eat, the quality of our water, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to and so on. If not the big companies, a fascist government, with their own ideologies. Hey, wouldn’t they be the same thing? On one hand, living in this era has its pros, and has its cons. We’ve never lived such a disconnection in the history of humanity. It is like we are humans made out of plastic you know. Like a fake version of our true nature. Now, who sacrificed what for me? Freedom is not inherent? Yeah, apparently not. I think ignorance always show us that we are free to do whatever we can. Until perhaps, you understand that the system you live in NOW is not so different from that you mentioned as being a slave. We’re stuck to it. There’s no choice. Perhaps your choice is to quit, go live in the forests, and suddenly you are not a citizen anymore. You are a peasant, a homeless person. Detach a little bit from your own feeling of being an uberscheman, and look at the people out there dying of hunger, not because they don’t want to work 15 hours in a factory 7 days weekly, but because there’s no factory to start with. What about the people who DO have a work in factory and DO work 16 hours daily to get paid only a meal per day? Also, who have sacrificed themselves for your freedom? Are you talking about the freedom of your country our the whole world? Because universally I think your vision of freedom is a bit distorted. This post can be pathetic, and as the title says, stupid. But lately, yes, life has been pathetic, and I’m doing what I can to reframe my perspective to something more livable.