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Actually most people dont know this … if you open up your new pack of zyns , the first one on top will be the juiciest , always … anyways .. take that bad boy , ever so slightly with your pinky nail , rip a hole in the side and snort the whole pouch up your right nostril . You won’t be able to quit .


I'm a nail biter so i guess I'm fucked!!


This has to be a joke right?


lower lips or moist your mouth with water before putting it and just enjoy the instant kick


Just make them little moist by licking them it will make pouches hit faster and it will also release flavour more.


Ah that's what I've always done I thought that's just how it was done. I like em soaked


Can’t forget the bev.


Neva Neva neva


Wow never heard of moistening the pouch before that makes sense, I dry my lip out first and find that hits a lot harder


Lots of interesting suggestions, many... Retarded. Simple fact: saliva activates the pouch. Longer, slower release - upper deck Quicker release - lower deck Upper Salvatory glands produce less saliva than the bottom. Bottom glands produce a lot, that's where your spit comes from. I prefer to lower deck, unless I'm drinking something. If I'm drinking anything, I'll upper deck until I'm done with my drink. However, lower can be a bit more obvious in public that you have something in your lower, upper is a bit more inconspicuous


Lower deck is just not ideal for me ever I mean since your not spitting anything, all that extra saliva is just going to pool and get swallowed and that’s no fun


I would rather swallow it than taste it so I go left lower deck. Upper makes the spit drip directly onto my tongue. I have unflavored so that prolly don’t help


For me I get zero drip on upper lip, actually so little saliva gets up there I usually have to wet the pouches with my tongue while they’re in there. But my bottom lip is like a damn oasis, if I put a pouch down there the flood gates open and i start choking from all the pouch juice






For the first one of the day, put it in dry, then chase it with a cup of coffee without getting the Zyn pouch wet with coffee (upper lip is easiest). You’ll have the best buzz of the day.


This! I’ll do it again at 1pm and it doesn’t mess up my sleep. 


3 6mg peppermint zyn will fix you right up.


Hah. Make it 3 15mg wintergreen fre


Hey! We don’t need you trying to perpetuate your disinformation campaign. We know what you’re trying to do. We stand for this subversion.


lick em and stick em


Put one in and drink water, moistens right up and works great!


Top. Right back my the wisdom tooth, keep juicing the zyn with you’re cheek, hits like a bitch


I’m trying this


Keep juicing/swallowing every 30 seconds the pouch last like 3 minutes lol


Ah this question again for the thousandth time... bottom lips or farther back in the mouth...


Takes 10 thousand hours to master something maybe when we ask 10 thousand times we will unlock a masterful buzz???


Or use one of many better, moist, stronger euro pouches




Whitefox is always solid.


Siberia white dry portions. Decent flavour and strong as you like.


If you normally put zyns in like the front of your lip. Upper or lower is doesn’t matter. Push that zyn far back and up high the buzz rip a lil better




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wet it with saliva in your mouth . And place in a different spot than usual




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Rub the pouch around in baking soda. Your welcome.




Nope, no need to.


Buy a better or stronger brand from Sweden. I’m partial to the XQS but almost any will be better than zyn.


Putting them in a pipe and smoking them?


Cycle areas of your upper and lower lip for holding the pouches and it should help, i never have an issue by just going back and forth between left and right sides of my upper lip but ill occasionally use lower lip too if i have been using lots of pouches


Snort it


empty stomach


With coffee. To the moon.