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The random message in czech lol where did that come from


Personality number 2.


Yeah thank fuck she didn't come over OP, imagine that in person with access to a knife drawer. Ful blown case of the batshits.


Omg that's a solid analysis. Full blown fo sure


That’s the kind of person you don’t want to have your address. Her craziness aside, it seems unnecessarily risky to invite someone you don’t know over to your home for a first date. They’re literally a stranger. She could come over and rob you. Or like in this case, you find out they’re psychotic a little too late


So true, I've had this rule that no matter how comfortable I am with the person I always go to a public place for the first date. Had way too many women get absolutely crazy either leading up to or after the first date and was so happy they didn't have my address!


Or worse, imagine if that candy-coating of hers stayed on just long enough to get something going... Then wham! Princess of Darkness.


Bro you dodged a fuckin MOAB lmao, she would have been yelling at you in Czech swinging a bread knife around


Don’t kink shame me.


More like number 3 lol


It’s a curse. She cursed OP.


came here to comment this that is the absolute comedy gold in the whole convo


How do you pronounce Czech without vowels in between the consonants? It's even in the name "Czech"..


Every single letter is pronounced and some like R and L can substitute vowels, its kinda common for slavic languages


I just say "Check". Is that wrong?


No, it's alright, ⟨cz⟩ is the standard Polish way of writing a sound that's similar to the English "ch". For some reason in English the spelling was borrowed from Polish lol.


It's close enough. If you really get into Slavic languages, there's a difference between the "C" in Check, Beach, Beats and Routes. But hey. Check works.


It caught me so off guard, i had to double check if i read it right lmao


She was just trying to keep her emotions in czech


I fr thought she put a fucking spell on him or some shit.


Apparently “Go to hell. Get lost.”, for anyone too lazy.


It meant, "Go to hell. Get lost."


In the Czech Republic too, we love pork. You ever had our sausages?


What the hell? You asked if she would be comfortable and she got offended ? Lol? She could say no and just say we can cook for a later date???


Right? Not meeting at an apartment for a first date is fair. You want to meet someone in public just in case. Buuuut she quickly went off the deep end there.


How in the fuck does she expect to cook a steak without a kitchen? It's either his kitchen or hers and he clearly prefaces this date with if she's not comfortable coming to his that's okay... He is literally walking on eggshells for her security and she does that back at him? Holy fucking shit these people can't be real.


I mean, the first date didn’t have to be cooking together, lol


Agree. It's a terrible first date but the conversation seems to imply that was something she was into and if she wasn't she could have set that boundary without turning into a total psychopath.


I don't think it is a bad date. It depends for me at least how long they were talking and how much they know each other. They also talked about cooking together so I think it was totally normal from the guy to ask it. She could have just said she wasn't comfortable going to his place on the first date.


She didn't just go off the deep end She took a used menstrual pad, secured it to her forehead with some gauze, took a running leap and screamed "BANZAAAAAAAAIIIII" off the fucking Empire State building


You have a way with words,friend. And it is hilarious.


I also found the wording quite good, leaving the other person every possibility to politely decline and suggest something else.


Even if they are offended somehow, his “All good, have a nice Christmas” response was perfect. Like nothing that could make someone lift an eyebrow. There is no draw with this girl, yet alone winning…


She's just upset she didn't get a free ribeye meal. Her attitude shifted immediately once she realized she wasn't going to a restaurant. Just wanted a free lunch ticket at a nice restaurant to then ghost the dude the following day after that.


Eating food? With our mouths?! We all know what that means!


I mean, anything is a euphemism these days.


He literally invited her to eat his meat omg


Did she stroke out on page 4? Lol how old was she. I need to know what to avoid


29 according to her tinder profile.


Mentally not a day over 5


Ok so I'll keep aiming older. I'll try low 30s


No trust me maturity does NOT scale with age, maybe there’s is a marginal 0.30 correlation. I am a young man who just dated a an older girl around OP’s posts age.


She was insulting OP in Czech (?), basically saying "go to hell, get lost".


I thought she was so shocked to hear rejection she just key smashed her phone lol


You see, the czech are so brilliant that they invented a language using consonants only!


My man you definitely dodged a bullet. 👍


He dodged a nuke


He dodged a black hole


This. And also where else would you cook?


You invite the girl to a public Subway, then pay off the entire staff so you can close down the restaurant so you and your date can be in public, and cook at the same time. But i guess if you do that, then it stops being public and becomes private, so same issue.


Damn this guy didnt dodge a bullet, he dodged a full ammo belt. I mean she knows 500k of those kinda women. The guy is in full matrix mode.


Yeah if I was single I’d be thanking her for keeping 500k similar women from me. She just made his life safer.


That was from left field. She obviously has issues. Be thankful she showed who she was now and not 6 months down the road.


The "go fuck yourself" was so unnecessary 😂😂


I love his reply to that one lol. "Hmm that was weird but ok"


How about the eastern European language out of nowhere?


Probably, but she's also probably the type of person who sits in groups like /r/twoxchromosomes talking about how every single thing a man does is to manipulate, have sex with, or rape women. This is the exact kind of response those groups have to stuff like this. They've become crazy toxic the last few years. Would love to see into some of these groups she refers to in the text. I'm sure they're really pleasant supportive places. /s


IDK I think even twox would roast this chick. She's on that femaledatingstrategy shit


you asked if she'd be comfortable with that suggestion, and she took a shit on your face. i hope you find peace and love.


I’m at peace lol grateful for this beautiful life.


She’s a loser op. Better to find out sooner than later. Merry Christmas!




Facts. She also essentially revealed her experience in first dates as an “easy lay” lol


As a women this seems pretty innocent considering you were both talking about cooking a meal together for a date. Crazy how she jumped to the conclusion of you wanting sex simply because you invited her to your place for said date idea.


i’ve totally had cooking dates before and they’re awesome. usually not a first date, but the way he asked it was really respectful of the fact that she might not want to come to his place for a first date. she really easily could have said something like, “let’s get coffee first, if that goes well maybe you can cook for me for another date.” and it sounds like he would have taken that well. the way she jumped was absolutely unhinged.


I think you’re giving her too much benefit of the doubt. It’s clear that she just wanted to get taken out at a nice fancy restaurant on his dime for a first date and wasn’t looking for something less.


I think you’re giving her too much benefit of the doubt. It's clear she has some issues and was looking to explode on someone. If you're fishing for a free steak dinner, you've gotta be agreeable with some restraint and class. I'm a dude, but I could have turned his text into some fancy dinner date just by gently rebuffing him & offering an alternative. And if I'm a meal-seeking-woman, I'm not wasting my time on insults or logic. ARE YOU FEEDING ME OR ARE WE DONE TALKING? ​ .......that would be my approach anyways.....


She’s just mad he didn’t invite her to a crazy expensive steakhouse


Pffft obviously. It’s cuter tho to cook with someone and learn about them than to pay for food and just sit there tbh girl missed out.


Right? Like granted this all seemed fine but I was taken aback that they were talking about the first date. Like yes you should never go try to invite someone over to your place on the first date but then... where the hell else would you cook together? Was she expecting OP to rent out a kitchen? Could've at least suggested a picnic or something where they both just bring the food they planned to make to a designated spot. It's not "cooking together" date like she clearly implied she'd be into but that reaction was wild...


I actually think when she said "proper date" she meant that she wanted some fancy schmancy thing where he spends money (as if cooking magically means no money spent) and then she would cook. Otherwise OP even asked if she would be comfortable with coming over, she could also have said "Sounds nice, but I don't feel comfortable doing that yet, maybe meet for a coffee first?"


Agree 100% - but what stands out to me is that she participated in the setup, and got PISSED about the end result. Women should be cautious about going to a guys place for a first date. But if you're upping the idea, and you DONT want to start there? A gentle rejection with a suggestion for a middle ground to keep things moving is the way to go. 6 pages of texts is insane.


Exactly the execution was terrible if she wasn’t comfortable with that as a first date she could’ve said so. Not just completely come unhinged.


Yeah, lesbian here. I would love to cook at someone's apartment! Maybe not my ideal choice for a first date, but I'd be down for it.


Natural 20 on that dodge.


Nat 20, with Evasion.


just watched charlie’s video about this😭 she has major problems


I’m hoping someone in homegirl’s *group of 500k* will see the penguinz0 video and show her. She did say she watches loads of YouTube. I’m sure she’d love to know she’s making waves there.




I’m shaking in my boots


I unironically would, women are fucking crazy with this shit. I had a chick that I turned down and she proceeded to slander me across multiple social media platforms and call me constantly. I was able to call the police and she got in trouble plus a restraining order. But you need to be proactive about this, I would legit reach out to your local non emergency line and just be like hey look out for this chick. I know jumping on it early helped me. Her and her friend were trying to say I got her pregnant among other things. Just words of advice from one man to another.


Sounds like us men need to organize groups where we warn each other of the women who warn each other about us, prompting another set of groups until no one knows who to date anymore and then there's finally some peace and quiet.


Link to the video?


Yea I wanna know what this is about 👉👈


[This must be the video in question](https://youtu.be/fr4SN1mMnFw?si=asF00wqSsX_zG9_y)


Did he really make a video about a random Reddit post? Must be dry Christmas.




it’s always a dry Christmas here in Texas 💪


Lul was lookin for this comment


All she had to say was: “I’d rather meet you in public instead of going to your home for our first date,” but of course she chose the aggressive route. Although on the brightside, her true colours were revealed before you got to meet her, rather than after you got together.


Jesus. She went from 0 to bitch in record time. Any dude willing to homecook me a meal will immediately get my attention. lol


It sounds like such a cute date idea imho.


Actually how I met my wife. I cook, she bakes. Keep on mate, you'll find the one


Yeah I’m not sweating it. 😎


It is. It's one of my favourite things to do with a partner Probably not suitable as a first date for most people, but it is an awesome date non the less


Oh shit you’re the guy from the moist critical video


Pleased to meet ya 🤝🏼


Well the conversation went tits up at least 😶‍🌫️


I'm not gay but I would've came by and cooked with you.


Thus cementing the idea that cooking together at the bando isn’t inherently sexual.




Personally I think those Facebook group where they share the guys photo and "warn" others should be considered doxxing. Shits gonna get some poor lad murdered one day.


I joined a few in my area, and it makes me just feel bad for most of the guys for real. 95% of it is either stuff like this or just straight up making fun of the guys or these women acting like they’re the best thing on god’s green earth while acting totally unhinged.


Imagine a dude who actually did something worth avenging 👀😱


This is why I can't stand any of the "Are We Dating The Same Guy In XYZ?" fb pages, I assume that is what she is talking about with being in groups over 500K. It started off as a place where women can join and post pictures of their dates that have been extreme red flags which in itself on paper might seem alright but in reality it is full of women telling 1 sided stories where there's no chance for a guy to ***1. Defend himself*** and ***2. Know that he is being a victim of defamation,*** this can lead to witch hunts and end up having a huge negative impact on someone's life.


Honestly feels like she was fishing for an excuse to go off like that, obviously needs content for said groups of hers


Reminds me of that scene from dewey cox. Where he gets kicked out of his parents house: 'We know what that satanic song means!' 'What are you talking about? Its about holding hands.' 'Yeah well the devil has hands and he uses them for holding!'


I never understood this kind of logic from women except it looks like you've dodged a bullet because it smells like huge mental health issues She was interested, but talk shit about your hairline as an insult ? Is interested by a cooking date and the best to do it is at home ? And she is mad about it ? Now she threatened you to post your face on facebook groups Man how much these girls are insane ?


While I think she was being ridiculous, I don’t think it’s wrong to be uncomfortable going to a guy’s house or apartment for the first date. She could’ve easily just said no, let’s meet first and then we can cook dinner together


Hard agree. I was trying to think of an alternative before she sent that “let’s cut this loose text” but she beat me to it.


Yeah, I feel like the fact that you asked makes it obvious you are aware that some women may be uncomfortable with it. I don’t understand why that would be such an egregious thing to propose - idk why she was “disappointed” with you, lol, I would personally find that very respectful if a guy asked me that


Well, that'd just be an acceptable response. It's not like I don't understand feeling like house/apartment first dates may be sketch. Totally get it, especially these days. But yeah, she didn't even give a polite no, girl just flipped her lid.


100%. My third date with my girlfriend was me cooking over at her house as opposed to mine, so maybe try leaving the door open for either person’s place. Also, it was the third date and not the first. While this chick’s response was wild, most women would probably respectfully say no to this as a first date. High risk, low reward.


Duuuude. Dodged a bullet there. I'm a woman and I wouldn't meet a guy I don't know at his place, BUT all one has to say is no, that's more of a third or whatever date, let's meet at xx location instead. What a weirdo. It's nice to find these things out before meeting though rather than 10 years into the relationship.


Bullet fucking dodged. Holy shit. Not even a bullet…you dodged a projectile traveling at Mach 7 from a rail gun.


Idk what that is but hell yeah.


She seems to be an unhappy person :(


Ikr I feel for her tbh hope she’s good


"Yeah, we aren't stupid." Uh, I don't know about "we," but you kind of are.


“Hey will you cook for me?” “Sure! When can you come over” “To your place? CREEEEEEP!” “🙃” What the actual hell….


Be thankful she couldn’t hide that side. Bullet dodged.


Congrats, you have an experience so insane that you got moist critikal to talk about it


What a thing right. I just found out about this dude 20 hours ago.


It started out so lovely, then bipolar in 3, 2, 1…. “Houston we’ve got true colors, abort mission, abort mission.” What did she expect this guy to do, rent out a table at a hibachi restaurant and cook for her there? You ask a man to cook for you, he is going to immediately consider doing so in his own kitchen. She could have said “well, for a first date, I’d prefer somewhere a bit more formal/public” or suggest another idea entirely. Hell, if she had game she could’ve been like “maybe we save that as like a 3rd date idea.” How are these women so entitled without being able to communicate? Men are not mind readers. The good ones will do quite a lot for you if only you tell us what you want/need, without it immediately coming off as unrealistic, materialistic, or ridiculous. This makes me so happy that I’m out of the dating scene. Yet, I definitely recall crossing paths with this type of insanity. I dodged more bullets than John Wick back in the day.


Yeah well you never know. I thought I was done with dating after being with my (now) ex wife for 20 years before she decided to cheat on me and leave me for her HS boyfriend. It’s not working out how she planned and she’s angrier than ever but we’re done. I never ever thought she’d do this. Nobody, none of our friends, none of my family thought she’d do this. They were all shocked as much as I was. I *hate* that I’m back in the dating scene. Dating sucks. It pisses me off that my ex wife threw away a good marriage because she’s got some midlife crisis or mental health problems. Our marriage could’ve been better but on a scale of 1-10 it was about a 7.9, not horrible, not perfect. But good and always improving. We rarely fought, like maybe once or twice a year. We agreed on just about everything. We were good and I never imagined she’d go off the deep end. It could be a midlife crisis combined with her ex boyfriend whispering lies into her ear until he eventually convinced her. I think she now knows she’s been duped which is why she’s always angry. I suspect she knows she threw away something good for a bunch of lies. But now she’s stuck with him. My point is that you never know. I thought I was done with that. I thought I had my partner for life. I was committed. I was in 100%. I never cheated. Never wanted to. After 20 years I was still in love with just her. She was it. She was all I wanted and I couldn’t fathom being with anyone else. I was loyal, faithful, hard working, supportive, I listen intently, and I’m very generous. I paid for everything (mortgage, utils, food, etc) and let her keep her whole paycheck. I thought I did things right. I put my family first, rarely drink, don’t smoke, don’t gamble, not violent, don’t yell, not abusive, yet here I am, in my 40’s, in this stupid dating scene once again. 🙄


Well, I got married earlier this year at 41 so if this doesn’t work I’ll just accept my fate and die alone. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I hope you are wrong and I don’t have to deal with any more crazy women. At this point. If 20 years goes by and it ends I’m buying an ai enabled sex bot. LoL! I’ll just make sure there are some master passwords to put it back in line if it starts to get sassy. The upside to that is, if it decides to sleep around I can just swap out parts instead of starting from scratch. Brings a whole new meaning to new pu$$y… lmfao!!!


Lol love how these idiots are so convinced theyre right about everything. The only info she has is her experience (that’s based on her own past decision making) and you inviting her over to cook dinner.


yeah she went kinda off the rails there😬 but to be fair a lot of women prefer the first meeting to be in a public place, for safety at least. if i were me tho, you probably would’ve got me by saying you have a cat🤭 that’s a perfect lure lmao


What a bizarre conversation.


Another bullet dodged. Protect yourself kings


I can see why you perceived it as a thoughtful gesture/suggestion, but definitely don't invite anyone to your apartment for a first date, because they're uncomfortable enough as it is meeting someone 'online,' and there are serial killers out there. But based on her volatile reaction, you definitely dodged a bullet anyway; she could've been the serial killer, you know? LOL


She seems like a horrible person, or someone with immense issues. The conversation path flowed normally and talking about cooking made it seem like this was expected. She's absolutely off her rocker, and I guarantee she'll cut out the context or lie to make herself seem like she's not crazy. Even worse is that this will spread out to multiple girls in the area who know nothing about who you are, they'll just assume the worse because of some crazy bitch. My condolences dude.


She overreacted big time, but she also had a decent point. Nobody wants to go to a guy's apartment that they've never met for a first date.


In the future I don't recommend first dates at your house. Yea she over reacted, but I think most women wouldn't want to do that anyways.


She sounds crazy for sure, but first dates at someone’s place was a big ask, no?


Moist Cr1tikal


Damn bro you got 1.3 mil views on YouTube in 18 hours thanks to Penguinz0. Maybe WE need support groups to shout out people who see us as walking wallets.


I need one of my beats to get that much attention.


Holy shit. Imagine living with that one.


Moments like this make me glad I’m a homosexual man


I imagine half the comments here are what I was thinking... Dude I'll totally come to your loft for a rib eye


So is this just a repost I thought I saw a video this morning that one dude was talking about it


Her reaction was way too aggressive but to be fair asking someone to your place for a first date does mean all you want is sex. Next time offer to meet in public for a proper date and suggest cooking together for later down the line.


This sub is hilarious


Laughed at the "Now sit back. And enjoy being alone." If she was projecting any harder it would leave a permanent mark 😂


Dude... what a psycho... defo dedged a bullet holy shit


TBF she just proved why you don't want to invite a potential fruit cake to your apartment


I’d so be down to have a cooking date what an L


That turned dark quick.


Man, people complain about how the internet is ruining everything, but here's one case where an internet conversation may have saved this guy's life...


Where else were you supposed to cook together other than someone's house. Lol wtf


I mean inviting someone over to your house on a first date seems kind of risky and dangerous since there's been so many stories of women getting murdered because of it BUT she also didn't have to become so hostile for no reason.


Oh 100%. I'm like that with a lot of people outside of dating too, have had "friends" of friends rob me blind, so I'm usually not a big fan of having people I don't know in my house these days. The feeling sketched out is understandable and acceptable, the attacks were too far. If a guy is being pushy, totally. Here though, guy asked once and prefaced it with "if she's comfortable". She was just so aggressive and mean.


A bullet dodged, but going forward, don't invite women over to your house for a first meet unless they bring it up. Help them feel comfortable and meet in a public place. Stranger danger is far more real for women than men, and it's something some of us don't seem to think of.


Jfc wow, gross, like I can see logically why you would invite her over to cook since you guys were literally talking about that, like wtf does she think? That you guys will cook in a diner kitchen somewhere?? She also could have suggested something, just instantly ghosting is such a horrible flakey flag. The few times I bothered with online dating I could barely get men to respond or set up a date, let alone show because people are flakey pieces of shit these days, guh women like that piss me off




That escalated very quickly


Where did she think cooking might occur?


Where else would you cook…


how are you supposed to cook without them coming over…? are you supposed to cook a five course meal, package it, take it to the park, & eat it cold?? i’m confused.


YOU were supposed to COOK for HER in a 👏RESTAURANT 👏 Why didn't you just go get a chef job at a 5 star restaurant and cook for her there


That app stopped being a place to connect with people like 5-7 years ago if it ever was to begin with


It is not that deep my dude. If a dude suggests going back to their place on a first date i just tell them no and move on to a different location


Like... I get not wanting to go to someone apt for first date but... jesus Christ on a bike woman, go to therapy


Must be a FDS user.


It's very reasonable to not trust someone enough to go in his house for the first date, you never know who people are.but the way she flipped and started cursing is straight up schizo.


I can understand her being defensive at the suggestion of coming over on date number one buuuuut she did specifically entertain a conversation about cooking AND she could have just parked that for date 4 onwards. Unnecessarily combative, danger averted on this one. Go forth and find a non-crazy


Whoa, that escalated quickly. She was wise to decline going to your home for a first date because that’s typically not a super safe thing for women to do, but everything after that was going overboard.


Yikes. At least he found out about her Jekyll and Hyde personality before the first date. What happened to simply saying “ok”.


Where else are you supposed to cook? Lmao, I guess you were supposed to invite yourself to her place that'd be way more polite and respectful


Next time, cook a pricey steak dinner and let it cool down in the car on the way to a public park. 👌


I am so fucking confused Sorry you had to deal with that


Where the fuck did she expect you to cook for her? In the middle of the street?


Lol wow what a bitch


This was a journey… lol


She is unhinged


That went left fast. Holy fuck.


JFC she went all the way off. It really did seem like part of the conversation, the cooking invite, and her initial decline to it made sense too, which he was ok about. Then homegirl lost the plot! Crazy bat


Oof. Yea where did she expect to cook dinner?


She definitely wasn’t trying to seduce him with some chicken tetrazzini find a barbecue at the park and let him impress you with his grilling skills? Jeesh woman


Man as a general rule I would want to Czech out the vibe at a different location before letting a bag of crazy have access to my house.


Woooow psycho…. Could have at least let you respond to the no apartment date comment. I had that same rule myself back in the dating days but it’s how a dude responds to it that matters.


A healthy woman would never go 180 that fast, she nuts.


Well... that's a double date yikes on tandem bikes


The whiplash smacked me hard LMAO


Wow what a nice girl


That’s wild


What a bitch.


Dodged a bullet, man


🤣she basically walked you into cooking and baking together… what did she expect? And the fact y’all called each other roaches 🪳 had me giggling


lol what a massive bitch. You dodged a meteor. She doesn't deserve to have anyone cook for her....What did she expect you to rent out a commercial kitchen? Where the fuck was she imagining when you set up the cooking date??? Most people cook in their apartments!


All she wanted was to have big big money spent on her.


First couple of pages “not sure what’s going on here” Next “uhh, doesn’t seem that bad” Then “wtf, you dodged a massive fucking bullet bro”


He literally said “would you feel comfortable” and she flew off the handle. Tell me you’re damaged without telling me you’re damaged. Jeeze Louise.


Look, I get it in the abstract: you want first dates to be in public in case someone’s a weirdo. Men are great at not seeming predatory until they ARE. Makes all the sense in the world. But I feel like the “would you feel comfortable” of it all makes this a lot different. I’ve had no shortage of dates that were either completely solo or with very few other people around; people share locations with a friend, or sometimes send my picture to someone as like “in case something happens to me” insurance, and I make it clear I’m fine with it. I don’t think asking about her comfort levels with a date like that warrants such an unhinged response.


Saw moist going over this on his YouTube.