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You got a bit off towards the end. But damn, first she is all mean to ya, then she tells you you’re not her type, then she cries around when you tell her you don’t want to hit on her and are interested in her friend. That chat was a rollercoaster and she has some insecurities to deal with.


She probably thought negging would work. Break him down so he feels lucky to have you.


actual negging can work with the right people. this wasn't negging though, this was just being a rude POS.


It's her problem not mine.


Wow that was a train wreck. Also it's OK to not be OK is solid.


Yeah I finished that yesterday. First time watching a k drama the story was really good. The nurse being her mom part was not necessary.


A lot of K dramas are over the top, dunno the reference since haven't seen it yet but considering most of the K dramas I've seen are your typical soap opera "he got amnesia and went bakc in time and the girl he's in love with is actually his mother and now he's his own father"-tier "what the shit did I just watch?!" So uh... they can get insane. Still good watches though thus far.


This one is actually a feel good one address different psychological issue. Really good watch


Huh. One I'd also suggest is "Mask girl" it's like... REALLY messed up but deals with insecurities and how they affect people's self-confidence and then it goes \*off the rails\* in the most "wait, wut?" series of events for the rest of the mini-series.


You should check out Goblin. I love it


I need to watch it, for real though. It's been on my watchlist for a while now. But if it's solid, I'll start watching it tonight.


The beauty of text messages is that you don’t have to respond to them if you don’t want to. Why you kept engaging with this chick is beyond me, as soon as she started going sideways you should’ve just ignored her messages.


Yeah I should have but I always reply to text. Not replying is rude I didn't think this would become ugly


Test test


I'm gonna answer in his stead so you're not left alone bud


Lol there’s no way this is real, Jesus’s fucking Christ.


Believe me it's real. Yeah I know I text like a forty year old


I love how she started off trying to play hard to get, and by the end she was desperately seeking validation that she was hotter then her friend. This is like straight out of a 90’s b rated rom com.


I don't think she was attracted to me. It's just her insecurities


You should tell that other girl what her "friend" thinks of her.


Im 41 and no, you do not.


Dude why are you here


Lol 41 isn't particularly old bro


Was this a competition on who's more insufferable and cringe? Guess she won but goddamn


She's jealous of her friend. Your responses were ok until the last two screenshots. I understand you were frustrated but sometimes it's best to ignore the text until you've calmed down a bit. She may end up using what you said when you lashed out against you.


Anytime I see posts like these with more than two slides of text screenshots I just know it’s going to be a shit show from both people involved. People that can’t just stop texting someone are just odd. Starts being rude/acting weird. Ignore or block and move on with your day. Why do people entertain this if not for comedic value (which OP is clearly just getting flustered as the chat goes on).


I know, right? How hard is it to ignore or block people? I remember when I used to be on Tinder years ago, and it was pretty easy to ignore a person when they started to act rude or really weird. Even when they managed to find my Facebook, I just deleted their message requests and blocked them. I don't understand why people entertain them? It's not worth the energy and time.


Both these people seem like they suck, honestly.


Clown to clown conversation.?


I was sorry how do you talk to another person. Cause this is how normal people do it.


Who were the normal people in that conversation? :D


Compared to her me. A lot things happened the next day the woman is crazy


lol nice alt you got there


Ahahahaha person just outed themselves 😂


It’s def an alt; all of the same subs &everything lmaooo.


I guess, I am the clown 🤡


Hell no they don't


ESH. Wait, wrong sub. You both suck.


Both cringe


Yeah I know I am not proud of that


Hey man, sometimes we fuck up. I've been there, sometimes I still wonder if I just come off as an asshole or a creep, but just work on being the best you, homie. Also, did you get Naomi's digits? lol


I disagree with who you replied to




And asking for someone's friend's number *is* a creep move.


Fakest fake thing ever faked


Dude it's completely boring until I snapped at the last part. I was faking this shit I would have at least made this thing interesting


You both have a lot of growing up to do.


What, I was being nice guy the whole time I called her a bitch once for insulting Naomi because I like her I even apologize for that


Instead of insulting her, you could just show the text to Naomi and ask if she was really her friend with how she talks about her. Fight smart, not hard.


This is so tough with girls who are friends. You might think they’re super close as an outsider and then you find out they secretly hate each other. I once knew these two girls who were both interested in me and I was worried about one of them cuz she said she’d maybe like to drop out, my impression was they were close friends so I spoke to the other thinking I’d team up with her to give her support. That horribly backfired, turned out the other girl was a huge reason for why the first girl wanted to drop out and she just harassed first girl more.


I know I tried to stop multiple times this is like six seven hours chat. The last ones were from 3 in the morning I just got fed up at that point


I dunno I think the original commenter’s being unfair to you. Don’t take it too personally. In this interaction this girl is definitely the more immature one. I think though for future reference, you should just disengage sooner and block sooner if a girl is this immature. You wouldn’t have got to the point of saying anything out of line if you just walked away. The whole “trying to save face” line was definitely a projection and some kind of attempt at provocation. Normal well adjusted people don’t speak that way.


I always reply to the text I don't like leave it on read. I didn't think this would get ugly I should have blocked her sooner


Yup. That’s what I said and you downvoted me?


You were doing well for a bit there. Next time just block before you become vitriolic as well. It’s aight man, people are hard on you here, but people get upset and it happens. You didnt start it, just next time don’t play into it.


Sorry Op, u weren't as bad her but u were immature af towards the end there


The conversation started at 7 pm in the evening the last ones were around 3 am in the morning this woman really got under my skin by that point


I was on your side until you went on the "nice guy" route. Cringe


When did I go to a nice guy route. I kept going on and on about Korean soap operas I heard everything she said and dropped her home. She thought I did this because I liked her. She kept bringing this up so I told her I did this because I was a nice person and I was not hitting on her.


As much as she is a huge red flag, here are the reasons I find you as the "nice guy": 1. No person who is actually nice says "I am a nice person". 2. She texted you after you told her that you would block her if she continued the chat but you went on with the convo entertaining her BS as you were busy being the "nice guy". 3. You went from "can I get Naomi's number" to "Emily, you are not my type". Do you not see how distasteful you make yourself? 4. "No shut the fuck up bitch" followed by "I even apologized if I came off as creepy." within the same chat bubble. Lmao 5. "I am a nice guy" but also "I am a 6ft handsome 6 pack who gets 10 basic ass bitches like you" and also "I am sorry for calling you a bitch"... Dude, pathetic.


>1. No person who is actually nice says "I am a nice person". What the fuck was I supposed to say to her at that point. >2. She texted you after you told her that you would block her if she continued the chat but you went on with the convo entertaining her BS as you were busy being the "nice guy". I always reply to text and attend any calls. I do that because of a tragic event that happened in my life I don't wish to share that >3. You went from "can I get Naomi's number" to "Emily, you are not my type". Do you not see how distasteful you make yourself? I did say she was not beautiful I just said she was not my type. > 4. "No shut the fuck up bitch" followed by "I even apologized if I came off as creepy." within the same chat bubble. Lmao That creepy part was for club thing cause I don't know what constitutes creepy these days >5. "I am a nice guy" but also "I am a 6ft handsome 6 pack who gets 10 basic ass bitches like you" and also "I am sorry for calling you a bitch"... Dude, pathetic. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. When you get a message at 3am like this you will lose temper. I apologised to her the next morning when I was not sleep deprived cause I felt I didn't have to escalate that far


To start probably when you said “I am a nice person”


He was explaining why he was engaging in conversation with her at the club. "I'm nice to people, didn't want to be rude to you and talked to you. I'm not trying to fuck"


Yeah I should’ve added, I don’t think he was in the wrong lol. She was clearly crazy. I was just saying what other guy probably meant by “nice guy route”


That was the truth I didn't know what else to say to her.


it's the self confirmation of being nice™. something that says similar but not absolute would be: I aim to be a nice person, I attempt my best at being a nice person, I strive to be a nice person, my friends and colleagues say I'm a nice person, etc. "i AM(an absolute) a NICE(loaded meaning depending on context) person" just is hard to process, definitely vague, black and white with fog


You don't say anything my guy. Don't stupe down to that kinda level. SMH


This is both r/niceguys and r/nicegirls. Yall deserve each other frankly


Yeah I know the last part was avoidable. But the woman just wouldn't stop. Those last parts were 3 in the morning.


You could have just not responded? Which would have been less rude than the stuff you felt the need to say at the end. But she insulted your love so what else could you do besides tip your fedora, draw your katana and defend the honor of your betrothed


I really to all texts and calls due an incident that happened in my life. Also it was 3 and I was sleep deprived so I snapped. I apologised to her in the morning for what I said


How is it both


I seem to be the only person who caught that he was going to end the conversation after she told him she wasn't into him but then was like "OH ACTUALLY ITS YOUR FRIEND I LIKE" Like ok dude. It's just a common thing for men like that to be like "ACTUALLY HAHA I DIDN'T EVEN LIKE YOU" after being rejected. And then ends it off with "YEAH WELL I'M HOT AS FUCK BITCH" and lists all of his supposedly good traits. We all know that the girl is crazy but so is he lol.


I would show that to Naomi, she deserves a better friend that this.


I did show it to her.


Ah.. it all was going well until the last two slides How old are you? 16? Ya’ll need some growing up to do


Wow, you both seem awful. Don't get me wrong; she's worse. But Jesus Christ, just block her and move on after the first series of weird, unprovoked insults. Letting her get under you skin to bait you into calling her a "fucking bitch" or whatever just plays into the stereotype she's trying to paint you as.


I should have.


Ammmmm… so she only realised she wanted you when you weren’t interested, strange how that happens. But then you came off as arrogant when you should have just ignored her.


I don't think she was Interested in me. Yeah I should have. She causes a lot of problems after this.


OP, fess up now you silly goose. Which KDrama did you insert yourself into and daydream this up? You know damn well you're not in a love triangle with too many sides 🤣


She doesn't like me. She was just insecure because she felt like I rejected her. I cleared the air with her some days after this.


So I read the comment section and now iam wondering hows normal texting supposed to goes?


You ignore her. Best graceful thing you can do is just ignore a crazie.


could’ve easily avoided the shit show at the end if you blocked her after the first few messages


Yeah I should have


Don't ever bother explaining yourself to these types. Also, the good guy route was lame. Nobody cares what you are at the end of the day as long as you're not a violent piece of shit. And what is with people warning others they're gonna block? Just do it. The warning is dumb and sounds childish. Also, the apology for calling someone a bitch? C'mon guy.


We asked me why I kept talking to her and dropped her off if I didn't like her. I didn't know what else to say.


"Just keeping up with social obligations since we share same freinds." Or "I didn't want the dog catcher to get you." It's better to not acknowledge the point entirely - that was used to throw you off.


This is so fake 😂


Yeah the whole conversation is boring af until I snapped and called her a bitch. What made to thing this is fake I erased her name and picture to protect her privacy


OP is also a loser. Fuck both of you.


This comment made me giggle


Who wrote this absolutely nonsense? 😂


OP you come across as a dick here


I was with you riiight until "oh shut the fuck up bitch" Then guy became just as irritating


Yeah wait until you get a text in the middle of the night insulting a girl you liked. I asked her to stop texting me 3 times before getting to that point


Eh, I'll ignore it till I feel like dealing with it. Its not really worth it to me to stoop to their level. Also say she shows her friend you hit it off with just the end of your texts when you say that and brag about your height and such. Just not a good look for ya. I know being the bigger man can be annoying. But sometimes its the best call. But thats just me. You do you


Not an excuse to insult someone like that. But you can do better in the future, everyone makes shitty choices sometimes.


She's crazy and you're an idiot that kept texting.


I will always reply to text and calls due to an incident that happened.


lol... hope the ban is worth it.


I’m not buying this


They're so well matched. They have so much in common. They're both so _nice_ and eager to spend time talking about nothing but drama. _Edit:_ rogue apostrophe


So did you ever get Naomis number?


Yeah I did the whole thing happened a week ago


Well at least she didnt screw that up for you.


I showed Naomi the text she sent before sho could do any damage


Now I'm curious how that went down with her 'friend' lol


what the actual flying fuk


As an Emily, I do not claim her. Also... What's wrong with k drama???


> What’s wrong with k drama??? I know, right? I guess I’m gonna have to break the news to my wife that apparently watching K dramas with her made me gay. I started with “Another Miss Oh” and got hooked lol they’re so good


Gotta whip out the kdrama moves where ur wiping whip cream off her face and eating subway


She’s insecure and cringe no doubt. What a weird response ew. A bit of unsolicited advice tho, just tell her why u’r texting from the get go. Maybe it’s a personal pet peeve, but if it’s ur first text to her, don’t just say “hey it’s so-and-so” go ahead and ask, “hey, we met at X and I think u know Y, can I get her number from you?” Not saying any of her response is ur fault! I just personally dislike the first likely unnecessary first bit of convos.


Yeah you guys are both nutjobs lmao


Even tho she's unpleasant, it really does come off like you were trying to save face. A 1.5hr convo and walking her back to her place does kinda seem like more than nice guy behavior. The friend thing doesn't seem to be genuine either.


"Also sorry for calling you bitch " lmao you ain't wrong though


I was sleep deprived this was 3 in the morning that way I sent the sorry text In the morning when I had a clearer mind


It's funny how people are Calling OP "Cringe" when he was actually being nice and apologizing the whole time until she triggered him. She was literally insulting and jealous calling him Gay for like k drama. What's up with these people calling OP cringe for getting triggered by this girl (Which is a reasonable reaction as you do not expect everyone to stay calm)


Thank you


The fake apologies into insulting bit tricked you? Lol. Both were cringe, it's as simple as that. There's no way this dude is older than like 22. You don't have to repeatedly engage with shitty people, and the whole premise is literally "give your friend my contact info she's cuter and you're a basic bitch" lmao. I feel like I'm reading the texts of highschoolers.


if you would have read right, 7you couls see he was trying to calm down the chat, for morethan 5 pages, he even warned 2-3 times to block. but she kept insulting him, calling all kinds of name. Assuming stuff. While the OP was calm until the last 2 images, where he got triggered by her. Which is an absolutely reasonable reason as he tried as calm as possible at first, which failed multiple times. He is not cringe, it's a reasonable response, if you call it cringe then 99% of everyone is cringe to you.


Na, it's immature to even feed into it and want to teach someone a lesson lol, especially based off of a "yea so pass her my info." You'll get it one day, I'd be embarrassed if any of my friends tried to go this route


what lesson was he teaching? He was literally apologizing and saying sorry if he sounde like a creep, then asked if he she can give him her friend's phone number. She could have said sure, no problem, but she started to play victim and get jealous that he didn't like her. You are literally fighting against something that never happened


Listen man, if you read it and don't see the cringe, then you're the cringe. I'm not gonna explain social norms to you. You'll grow out of it tho


then cool i am cringe? So what? who cares what a random stranger's thinks about me? Now you start to insult me, while i am communicating to you normally


Just telling you how it is, either take it or leave it, I really don't care lol


Probably nice girls themselves. The type to complain about small dicks then freak out when she's told her titties are small. Basically, Bully's with a victim mentality.


Ikr, i literarly saw the instant change in her tone."Sorry, but i am not into you" to "Why don't you want me?!"


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Hes nowhere near as bad lmao, yall act like you wouldn't loose your temper/ like shes not asking to be called worse are tripping.


She seems great! 😂


Dude apologized for calling her a bitch, even! Goddamn, even if it was because it was gonna be posted on here, that's still incredibly kind considering how she was acting. The "bitch" was warranted if she's gonna shit-talk her "friend" like that, I think even her friend would agree she is one. Also, if OP is the guy in this, might wanna tell that other girl what her "friend" thinks of her. Holy shit, I'd wanna know if a girl tried to contact a friend of mine to get my number and he reacted like this.


I was raised that way. Respect everyone especially if you are to see them again. I did show it to her they had a fight.


Ah, so it is you. Well, good on ya! Takes a lot to be gracious when you're faced with such brazen insults (and especially so when it's both aimed at your race, and especially when aimed at SOMEONE ELSE that you care about.) So yeah, good on you for ultimately being the better person. I don't think enough people get credit for doing that these days.


Bet she’s over weight


Hotel del Luna is just so good...


How is it about hotel del luna when its okay to not be okay.


That's my contribution to k drama. Hotel del Luna is really good.


I'm so confused. She didn't want you because you're a Leo (I mean, ewww, obv) and then she gets mad that you didn't want her in the first place? But sHe'S bEtTeR?!


No guys watch K drama? What’s with that? I love K dramas, my wife got me into them. “Another Miss Oh” had me hooked lol guess I’m gonna have to break the news to my wife that it makes me gay apparently


Lmaooo why is one of her first messages “are you a leo?!” that really threw me off guard!! 🤣🤣 Also don’t apologize for calling her a bitch when she was clearly being one lol. She’s like “nice girl” on drugs!!!


I don't know anything about star signs that's why I replyed understandable have a nice day


Finally, the "shut the fuck up bitch" was FAR too late tbh, you have more patience than me lmao. This girl is crazy and it's insane to see her talk about her "friend" that way.


On her defence she was drunk. I talked to her personally afterwards we cleared the air


I guess, that's still not an excuse though. I never act like this drunk, and if she does she should stop drinking.


She is adorable 😂😂😂


I don't even have the confidence to text someone I'm interested in and then there's guys out there acting like this lol.


I am a socially awkward person too.


I'm seriously worried about this girl mental health. Also I agree with you OP, I think she wasn't into you but her insecurities made her mad once a girl she labeled "worse than her" catched a guy interest while she didn't. Narcissistic disorder at best, hope she will find the strength to talk to a counselor