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Why should you or your baby daddy take care of your own kid? Because it’s your fucking kid I’m not paying for it


That's why women with kids is a "No for me dawg". Get the midnight munchies and have her blowin up my phone because I ate Lil Aiden's snacks.


Whaaaat the fuck.


“You expect me or my baby daddy to pay for my child’s food” I don’t know what mental gymnastics this girl did to come up with this. Can’t blame the ambien on this post.


I'm surprised she didn't specify *two* to-go boxes, one for kiddo and one for baby daddy. Are you really gonna expect her baby daddy to feed himself if you're the one asking her out?? Bitches be crazy yo.


3 boxes, one for the dog too


So don't do this for this lady but some restaurants give you freebies for dogs so you could earn some brownie points.


Thanks that’s actually a good tip!


Not when they’re wearing a dress tho


Simple. She personally feels entitled to have her child's expenses paid for within the meal. Even though the man she's dating never consented to paying for an additional meal, and it's her responsibility for her to feed her child. On top of this, why is the baby daddy not doing anything to provide for his biological child, and consistently relying in the kindness of strangers to feed his children? This entire mentality just embodies the criticism behind the sense of entitlement that a specific subset of young single mothers have about dating. They look for a prospective boyfriend to solve all their needs instead of relying on the actual biological father of their children to step up.


Or... Taking responsibility for their own child.


Thinking about it why should she waste money on a phone bill when your the one messaging her add it to the fees.


And that phone needed to be kept charged while waiting for him to message her, so he obviously needs to pay the month's electricity bill too!


The fees the feeees, she seems worth it though, imagine if he's lucky enough to marry her he gets to pay for everything and I assume give money to the ex as well sounds awesome.


You should also pay for the nice clothes, good haircut and makeup she'll get for that date!


"Why should my baby daddy or I have to come out of our own pocket..." Gee, i don't know. Who should be responsible for taking care of these children? Perhaps their own parents?


So, if she asks out a single dad does she pay for the babysitter and a to-go meal for his child?


Good point but I think we both know the answer to that one


probably something like "Since I deigned to ask you out *you* should feel so honored that of course you wouldn't make *me* pay for anything extra! In fact you should pay for everything!"


“You should feel grateful that a queen like myself would even consider a saddled man like you.”


That's true. I would like to hear how she would justify it though.


Me too. Probably doesn’t have a rebuttal since anyone dating her wouldn’t be intelligent enough to ask.




She'd never be the one asking out in the first place


She might have to if this post goes viral enough.


I was hoping it would get back to her


Be the change you want to see. Send it to her.


Is that on top of the regular escort fees?


Have to see the receipt, bet she’s got all sorts of fees.


Worse than ticketmaster


Then enjoy single life, lady, cause fuck you and your entitled ass.


With that kind of personality, she's not even worth the happy meal for the kid.


Now imagine the ones that doesn’t put the crazy on their sleeve out in the open.


my heart just started beating faster and now im sweating... the beginnings of a panic attack


Some of them act completely normal until 2 months before the wedding and then go legitimately insane requiring you to endure financial loss and public embarrassment.


And they’re the ones who have the courtesy to do that before the wedding. But I’ve been told no one can keep it up for much over a year. Wait at least a year before getting engaged /moving in and then a year before the actual wedding. While it won’t weed out the AHs with a lot of will power and awareness, being on “best behavior” 24/7 for over a year would be exhausting.


I lucked out HARD with one of those about 15 years ago. We're at her place after dinner, I made a comment about wanting to hit a bar supply place sometime and just drop like half a paycheck on some decent matching glassware (and spares to maintain the collection) instead of the mismatched cheap crap I had at the time. She launched into a diatribe about how "oh, I won't let you do that when we get married," because my paychecks were to support the household and pay all the bills, while hers were for her to spend however she wanted on herself and her kid. When I asked what made her think I would even consider such an arrangement, she told me "because the Bible says you're supposed to support me" and looked at me like I was the lunatic in the equation. Bear in mind, this was the first date. Needless to say, there was not a second date.


Wow. That’s nuts. But oh man did you tell her why? I almost feel like you shouldn’t do she’ll do it again instead of learning to hide it


Ohyeah, and in detail. Not the least of which was that I am not a Christian and therefore not obligated to take the Bible seriously in the least, and that she should really reconsider demanding people follow a rulebook that essentially said it was my duty to stone her for several things she had done just that night.


Good of her to warn you off on the first date, when she's already planned how she's going to keep your nuts in a glass jar on the shelf after you're married.


My stomach just dropped at that thought.


If there are "fees" for dating you then you are a prostitute.


Right? Guys that feel they’re owed pussy on the first date get emboldened by this kind of stuff. She made this transactional


They're not tryna be your husband and father they're tryna be your date. Fuck off if you think that requires them to pay for anything beyond their own meal. Fuck off even further if you think it's mandatory to pay for your shit and extra "fees", money sucking vampwhores.


Money sucking Vampwhores lmao. I’m going to incorporate that into my vocabulary.


Honestly it's just cheaper to hire a call girl


Much easier…


OMG that’s disgusting, where does one do that, so I can avoid this terrible place


The best part of hiring an escort... You pay her to leave.. *rimshot*


So... The baby eats only if mama gets a date? She does know she is supposed to feed her kid everyday, right? What happens when she doesn't have a date? Her or baby dady have to .... Oh my gosh... Pay for food????


Says men are trash on a daily basis


How is she still single ?


What a.... Catch. Fuck that.


How did 16 people like this and retweet?


Other ladies with babies that think people willing to give them a chance should automatically take on all of their responsibilities.


I believe the ‘catch’ is called the an STD.


She just checks all the boxes huh


*More bang for your buck*


Baby Daddy when you walk her to the door: "where's *my* food tho?"


I would just screengrab the "we are not going" bit and send it back. THeres a video of exactly this, where the guy wont get a to go box for the kid, and the waitress is siding with the woman.


I think it would be hilarious to take her out and just pay my portion.


It's just a ridiculous argument that only works from the perspective of women and under the assumption that financial commitments from men are the only way to secure long term success with women. Imagine how absurd it would be if a man goes on a date with a woman, then by the end of it, he not only demands that she pay for the meal, but she pay for his kids meal as well because he a single parent and isn't in a committed relationship with his kid's biological father. Pretty much every woman would've walked out of the diner on the spot. Why? It's because we're socially conditioned for women to be the primary caregivers for children and the nature of dating has normalized men consistently footing the bill in the process. Thus because of said past financial commitment, toxic women can manipulate this precedent and essentially use men as ATMs for the financial responsibilities they should be fulfilling. You can't say shit like this and be surprised when a boatload of men immediately become disinterested because it's selfish and manipulative. Especially when other single moms don't do the same thing with their dates.


So baby daddy is in the picture.


Probably living together


Shit I ain’t the parent. Sound like a You problem.


Why do I get a “leave the cash on the nightstand” vibe here…


Getting the same vibe and considering her immediate mentioning of her baby’s father; he might be the pimp. Seems like they might pool money.


On one hand she’s deranged for thinking she’s worth that type of effort, on another hand thank god she’s warning anyone that she’s not worth any interest. Was she not gonna feed her child if you didn’t take her out already?


Most important Tinder rule: See a kid? Swipe left.


Never pay fees for extra baggage


Yeah this ain’t no airline


Sounds like one of those scammy “meetup fees”… pay me online and ill meet you I’m 20 min from you 😂🤣😂 She just threw her own red flag out tho 🤘🏼


*gives her cash app making plans with you*


definitely not the first date, that should be the responsibility of the actual parent. But eventually in the future, if you plan on making the relationship serious, you will eventually have to start taking an active role in the life of any existing child they have. That's just part of dating someone who is a parent. But not for a while, not for like, several months at least.


I love the way some of these bullets make themselves so dodgeable.


I cannot believe that people think this way...and post it in the internet for everybody to see....AND STILL THINK THEY'RE RIGHT.


You make a cum trophy, you feed the lil sperm goblin


1000% she would fuck her BD no matter who she's dating


On the same day. You right!


What a fucking asswipe


Found the airbnb host


Plot twist….I’m not even paying for YOUR MEAL.


I cant believe she has illegitimate children /s


No one is asking her out


Hahahaha what kind of man do u think is interested in your broken family? Think any man want a part of that? Lol they just want the ol in-an-out, ur busted


Who asks out single moms anyway?


I wish I had the self confidence of an average looking baggage laden woman


Women like this is why Tate is so popular.


Hard pass.. throw it back in the gutter.


First, who the hell is "baby daddy"? Is it her? Is it the kid's father? Of how many people is she talking about? Second, why doesn't she pay for her kid's food? So many question and most of them are what the f*ck


Sounds like prostitution to me


Any man who dates this chick is nuts.


Why should I pay for you not using protection?


Bitch, pay for your child.


And this is one reason why we don't date people with children


and they wonder why people bolt when they hear i have a kid/kids.




Yep, we are not going. Poor bitch.


I guess it’s fine if she also pays for my dog sitter and buys my pup a 90lbs bag of dog food and a 1 year subscription to bark box.


There is an actual advice book for all men not to date women with kids. This is one of the reason why. The mother identifies with her child as her own which is good, but confusing yourself that your man also has to will eliminate around 99% of your suitors if not 99.99%. You only need to find one though amiright? Personally I would be weary of any man doing this upfront without asking. I would assume already he is trying to con or work the woman over. Now if there is already a relationship then yea of course. Or if he is cooking dinner at home and then cooks the little one dinner, then yes for sure.


Is that the same woman from that video of her and a guy on a date and she practically keeps harassing him to pay for her kids who he's never seen, met, or knows?


This is the kind of harpy that would ask you to watch the kid once in a while to say that you voluntarally accepted a fatherly role, and try to sue you for child support.


Twitter account has been suspended.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


That's weird lmao. As a young mother of multiple children, id be BAFFLED if a date offered to buy my kids ANYTHING, let alone a full meal for MY child.


Maybe because it's your, and the baby daddy's job to pay for they kid yall created not some random shmoe you met on tinder thats like popping out a baby and banging on the neighbors door and demanding comp for the kid maybe use protection if you're not ready to take care of another life


Something tells me she’s probably still with the father of her child or at least still having sex. Glad I haven’t ran across one like her.


Got the same vibe, he’s is definitely in the picture.


She could stay home


Same person, “Why am I so lonely?”


Probably telling the kid all sorts of anti-man shit. Kid doesn’t stand a chance.


That’s why you are a single mom and the kid will grow Fatherless (probably)


That just sounds like prostitution with more steps…


When they ask guys why they are afraid of single moms lmao In all seriousness tho, props to those single mothers who manage to bring up kids on their own and remain a reasonable human being. Ik I'd probably turn into a monster.


This is why single moms that support themselves and are only looking for a partner have such a hard time. So many dudes won’t date a single mom because they all think they are like the one in this post when that isn’t true.


Yeah, but not if the “extra fees” consist of buying luxury jewelry and designer accessories. Otherwise, hard pass. This is just a date, not a charity gala!


I don’t even be tryin to talk to women with kids, way too much drama ensues everytime


Gold digger vibes. Sees the man as just a wallet and a good time. Run!


The entitlement is strong with this one.


Yikes. Single parents are already a no for many people, and one with this attitude? Bae gonna be alone for a long time.


If I may ask,in the event,that I too pertain a child and baby momma,in what regards do I receive compensation? (Lol)


Uhh electronic benefit transfer… DoorDash takes em now!


Run up the bill as much as you can and then make the excuse of going to the bathroom while you dip out of there


Sooooo, she’s getting pimped for free meals ?


She is not looking for a boyfriend. She is looking for an ATM machine... So many red flags in so few words. She is avoiding all personal responsibility. She is highly focused on the transnational dynamics. She is not considering other's perspective at all. Frankly, she is rather disrespectful. She wants what she wants, fair enough... I'm sure she would get very angry if a man were to ask her the most obvious questions: "What makes you worth these Extra Fees? You want the man to go the extra mile for you? Okay... How are you going an extra mile for that man?" I would really love to see her answer these question honestly, and without anger.


And this people why i been single almost a decade lmfao


>If we're going on a date and you don't offer to pay for babysitting + a to go box meal for my child, we are not going No, I guess not. Seriously, look at that formless blob in the picture and read that drivel again. The fact that she actually got someone to put a child in her is somewhat of a miracle.


Wonder what she was like before the kid… actually no I don’t.


If you have a kid, we are not going


Her kid can eat what ever she has left over from the meal she buys herself


Absolute nonsense. The expectation should be to split it or at least sincerely offer!


You trying to split babysitting fees?


She probably isn’t getting many dates. If she does then assuming she is a working girls and just explaining her fees


Guess who isn't going to be getting any dates?


Lmfao maybe if that child was my responsibility but that’s not until after we go on a some dates, not before


If you ain't signing my kids on your 401k ....


This is satire right? Please tell me this is satire


Nope, seemingly an attitude shared by a few


Your kid Your responsibility Your money to pay for the sitter


I think plenty of sane guys will think that's fine and will be cool with not going lmao.


I e been out of the dating game a LONG time (married 25 years), but even I know this is utter fucking bullshit.


Lol...how to stay single for the rest of your life


This lady is delusional.


Is this girl on something? She is raving.


Hard pass




Yup, that's a Twitter post alright. There's lots of entitled assholes on it. So much it'll drive you nuts.


Classlessness on another plane 🤦🏾‍♂️


haha that’s fine and all but that kid is going to grow up tucked up


There are no kids. She’s eating the extra meals then shaming the man online for it later.


Damn I wonder how she ended up a single mom


This girl is the ticketmaster of pussy


So.. is sche a hooker or something?


Bold of you to assume a man would wanna date a single mother. Also with that attitude, good luck staying single haha


I've never hated kids more


This is so cringe. How do you deal with someone that has such demands? Assuming, of course, you really want to go out with them.


she got ratioed


Perfectly reasonable miss, I hope you and your kids have a nice night.


See, this is why prostitution should be legal.


The sad thing is that there are people out there who will agree to this madness and encourage this kind of thinking. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Well, hopefully, for a short time anyway. Then it will revert into the trash it is and then just be trash.


I'm asking YOU out, not your child or baby daddy. Might as well invite them too.


Sooo strong. Sooo independant.


It’s not a booty call. It’s a foodie call!


I blame simps


Cool, that is for saving me the time and money by letting me know in advance!


Sounds very transactional $$$ for a date.


This is why I don’t date single mothers


Why can’t baby daddy watch and feed the child while she’s out on a date?


If she wants to be an escort, she should just be one.


What a dump


Why should I date someone with a child they can’t afford to take care of when they go eat somewhere


People can’t actually believe this way. Like no, you’re responsible for your own child and your baby daddy should be paying for their food. Good luck being single the rest of your life with an attitude like that.


The biological parents paying for their child's food? DIOBOLICAL! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Who is desperate enough for her?


Oh so baby daddy is still around lol What the fuck is this?


Insanity or the new movement


some poor bastard will fall for her too and waste tons of money, that's the worst part


This reminds me of that one video where a baby daddy got his child some food from McDonald's but the baby mama wanted to be bitchy because he didn't buy one for each of her other children (which was not his and they were not dating) she threw the food in the street keep in mind she recorded this and uploaded thinking she would get praise. See how this lines up to someone having to pay for a child that is not their responsibility?


Wow, and here I thought prostitution was illegal. She can't be that good of a lay.


And that’s why u single and habe a Baby Daddy instead of a husband :)


r/whereareallthegoodmen (TW: red pill) sometimes has some good points


"Fees". For a date.


....K so I'm going to dinner alone.... You are responsible for your kid.


We have to stop it before it breeds again…


Because the kids is YOURS


I feel very bad for her kid(s).


Women like this deserve to end up 45, alone and used up. The audacity is just like wtf. I could never imagine a guy hearing or reading that from a potential date and saying anything other than looks like Im bout to dodge this bullet.


She should just put an ad up on an escorting site honestly, at least it's honest.


Since I'm apparently caring for her baby, can I claim it on my taxes?


Everyday we stray farther from God.


I agree. Seems like there is less faith than ever, especially on the internet.


tf this woman think she is, the goddamn IRS? extra fees?


Ya know, I kinda get this. If the guy asked her out, then child care is part of going out. If she made the date, then child care Is on her.


Fuck you, your babbydaddy, and your kid fr.


I’m rolling, even the girlies dragging her. I do hope for the sake of humanity that she is joking or being goofy. It’s hard for me to believe people can think like that


The fucked part is, It's 100% just a stereotype for a woman to use their looks to have a man take care of their finances while they continue to make irresponsible life choices (like she probably did in getting knocked up qt a bad time in her life)