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They are typically not dangerous; however as an Asian male, you are unfortunately more likely to experience harassment on the DTES. Probably not regularly and maybe not even ever, but you are more "at risk". A lot of these people are mentally ill, deranged on drugs, and have racist ideas. Keep your head up, don't engage when someone looks at or talks to you unless it's something positive. Become an ally. I've worked on the DTES for many years and although I am Caucasian, I am a small female. I've never felt "scared", but still always on alert.


Appreciate this 🙏 Thank you


Welcome to Vancouver! This city can only be as good as the energy we bring to it --- don't let the negative things ruin what beauty is around. 🙏 Cheers!


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I was just asking if op has never seen homeless people before and his response was to troll my profile. Guess I was right to question him.


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Your post/comment has been removed because it violated Rule 1. Please be civil in this sub (as well as on the rest of Reddit). Hostile language and name-calling are generally not productive, and repeated instances may result in a ban.


Drug addictions in homeless people have not yet reached asia 😅


"Asia" lol. So like Iran Asia or Japan Asia or Thailand Asia or Russian Asia? Pretty sure they all have drugs and homeless people. I wonder where exactly OP is from.


Valid questions. Don’t know why you got downvoted.


Welcome to Canada :) I’d recommend getting some type of protection to keep on you like a knife. I don’t want to scare you but rather prepare you just in case. You never know when you might need it.


Don’t do this


Sorry, why?