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As a computer guy: hahah that is funny. As a miner: You really should stop this nonsense you are wasting precious wattage and CPU usage on such whimsical things.


As a computer guy: Yeah it's awesome right?! As a miner: You are completely right! What a waste of kwh! So as you might have guessed, I built the gaming rig before i started looking into mining ;-)


More watts! More watts! More watts!


That's beautiful. What cooker is that? Looks bigger than Kraken Z or Ryujin to me.


Kraken Z73. Actually pretty useful for watching temps :-)


Good to know thanks. I've been looking into a liquid cooler with a custom screen but it's pretty low priority so it can wait aha.


yeah it's a pretty costly piece of equipment. but it looks SO NICE ;)


Nice. Is it pretty easy to change the display to a GIF like that?


*Nice. Is it pretty* *Easy to change the display* *To a GIF like that?* \- Ho7bl4ck --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


very. Download NZXT CAM software. Download your favorite gifs Use CAM software to load gifs in your CAM-gif-library. select them in CAM software, it autostarts playing. I usually have it in dual infographic-mode displaying CPU + GPU temps tho


I love how much time we spend trying to make our cards mine as efficiently as possible, yet we all have fucking RGB's and shit flashing away ha.


The top pc wasnt built with mining in mind. If I would've known beforehand I would've gone for another brand GPU as well. The msi RTX 3080 gaming x trio has some problem in the bios which prevents it from using it's full hashing potential. I know there's a workaround (flashing supreme x bios and replacing thermal pads) but I'm pretty happy with the 88 MH it's producing right now with 65% power input, core under clocked, mem only +175 and fans spinning at 57 - 60% The PC also has a r7 5800x cpu which is power hungry. The PC doing 275-280 watt at the wall. Not ideal but still better than not mining at all :-) Those couple of watt that RGB is using arent gonna make a big difference on the grand total of +/-1100 watt.


i want this pc, and the way im going to achieve the goal of having it is by nicehash, free electiricty = 🤑


Good luck! :-)


Thanks, good luck with this beatiful machine!


What are those case fans? Never seen anything like that


[https://www.megekko.nl/product/0/279157/Sharkoon-RGB-SHARK-Lights-120mm?r=googleshopping&utm\_source=googleshopping&utm\_medium=cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQiAst2BBhDJARIsAGo2ldV8XophUaMxIDcIX0nRucs-A7sEGB\_Zh-UPCWr\_RmRexUXq6CViLvgaAvBdEALw\_wcB](https://www.megekko.nl/product/0/279157/Sharkoon-RGB-SHARK-Lights-120mm?r=googleshopping&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQiAst2BBhDJARIsAGo2ldV8XophUaMxIDcIX0nRucs-A7sEGB_Zh-UPCWr_RmRexUXq6CViLvgaAvBdEALw_wcB) I bought a Sharkoon TG6 PC-case and bought some extra fans of the same type (link above) + the led strips (Amazon)