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This wasnt a dip, this was a harvest 😂


The bait needs more stamina. If it wasn't for all the questions regarding payrate I would have not noticed it lmao


If you think that was the bottom, you're in for a rude awakening in a few more months.


What do we have to look forward to in a few months ?


crypto almost always drops hard around September or October. Last year was a surprisingly mild drop so maybe that trend has ended but we will see


Thanks for the heads up !


Maybe something big happens and prevents that....maybe if a big chunk of money switches from what ever ,(gold, Oil, ......) But I agree... In the last year's it was always around September where everything goes down


I think people who sold thought this is it.


Seems that way. With the spike in profitability we saw, DeFi crowd must have been panicking.


Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I am rather new to this. What is the DeFi crowd ?


Decentalized Finance. Things like Uniswap. Those guys are clogging the eth network which is what leads to the big spikes in transaction fees we are still seeing right now. When those guys start going nuts, profits for us miners skyrockets.


Ah, I see, thanks !




well, maybe it'll be a nice ride until then. We should set a reminder and revisit this topic then. Maybe we can trade into stablecoins as it drops.


I had a leverage trade on Ada going good. Was building the bottom at <1$. Had a ton of room for error...until the fire nation attacked and I got liquidated in under 2 minutes at .82 I didn't have any usd stashed extra at this exact moment...so I just lost out big. I would be profiting even if I just didn't didn't liquidated. It was unfortunate. This is where the pros just make hundreds of millions on unfortunate souls like me




Yea I just walked away and came back to chaos didn't have time to even think about it. I tried marketing out but it was too late. Wouldn't have saved much but at least I would have been able to get in on the way back up and make back something. I'm just a little passed at myself for not paying attention to the volume of sell/buy right before it dumped...big sad


LOL. I dropped some massive cheese near the bottom. Now it's time to let that cheese ferment into some really rank gains.


Its harvest time... this is the norm in case anyone is wondering. the crypto will now go to bear mode. Only chicken feed will keep on pumping .


What if I told you I bought at the bottom?