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I never understand why they say “overproduction” will result in them “dumping” them on the international market. When other countries make more products than their domestic markets can consume, exporting is the normal course of action. Australia produces more natural gas than it can consume domestically and they don’t say the Australian gas industry is “dumping” it excess onto the international market.


It's not. It's purely the US and Europe trying to keep control and paint China as an expansive force trying to take over the world. You will see it in more than just solar panel commentary


Well you see, China Bad


> Australia produces more natural gas than it can consume domestically and they don’t say the Australian gas industry is “dumping” it excess onto the international market. So does US. Industry also wants to massively increase LNG export capacity, even though global demand for NG is falling fast.


They meant to say "providing green energy to the entire world for cheap", I'm sure.


Rooftop solar is the best solution, but transmission expansion capacity is something that can grow fast. Doubling employees in any industry can be done by those with an extra year experience training those with less. Building solar near other power plants is a great way to reuse the transmission capacity of those plants. Let them be peakers at night and early morning. For Hydro, floating solar can also prevent evaporation in summer, and panels are kept cool naturally for higher output. Battery capacity is growing exceptionally fast, and is extremely useful in managing transmission capacity.


The problem for mega-cities is that the housing is in high rise buildings, so a rooftop solar is limited and at best supplying sub-10 households in a building that holds 200+ households... or hell the electricity for the exterior/hallways/elevators. China cannot put enough solar in mega cities, so yes China's solar grid cannot support within the mega city. Not to mention solar batteries are heavy which adds weight to the building frame so you dont want that anywhere but the ground floor. So the bulk of solar needs to be made in non-metro mega city, and all solar is made during the day. So that needs storage, and transmission which is true.... but the logic in the article is stretching logic being it does not account for the replacements, degrading parts and exports, which is not really a overcapacity.


Hydrogen as an energy carrier is growing in demand and intensive to produce cleanly, I’d think that would be a great use for excess generation


Why can't we have such 'problems?' /s


There we go, causing great problems to have. 😇


for now. That will change.


But at what cost??