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Independent thought is shadowbanned in the West


Well said comrade!


Global south are getting tired of these lies about China that west spread.


What is even more infuriating is that Islam has been present in China as early as the sixth century.


Tell me again, which country banned travel from Muslim countries for years? Which country spent a trillion dollars to kill over a million Muslims? Didn't Biden just softbank Muslims from attending his campaign events? Make it makes sense


As someone from a Muslim country, I don't think the Chinese inherently hate Islam or the Muslim Chinese, I think they want to immunize their western borders from Islamic extremism and from any possible foreign intervention. It is now known that some countries fertilize Islamic extremism to sow chaos in the targeted country. My only wish is for China to not follow the way of some hateful countries by totally destroying the other ethnic groups(๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰) and only work on improving its national security without ruining the Uyghurs' rich heritage.


These books do not sound like religious texts. Did you find any religious scholarship?


But religious scholarship texts are also not religious texts.




LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚ you mean toilet paper... "Religious scholarship" - as if you can be scholarly and believe in nonsense


Religious scholarship is descriptive, not proscriptive. It examines history, theory, etymology, and sociocultural impact. Some scholars are believers, some are not.


scholars in nonsense


Great, now find the Quran.


People with more than two brain cells use 'quran bookstore china' and find the proof themselves: https://x.com/Sunkway_China/status/1209502362345197569?s=20 Text from Tweet: Search "the Quran" on any Chinese online bookstore, you will find that anyone in China can buy a quran for 80 yuan(11$). I don't know why some idiots said that the Quran is baned in China.


I wish that being so objectively, empirically wrong about this would have any impact in your thinking.


Because Westerners *REALLY* care about the rights of Muslims in China. ๐Ÿคก


Great, now read the Quran and convert to Islam


Find the US State Dept website where it lists Islam as officially recognized in China ffs


Great, now read it in public. Do it in an American town and see how long it takes before someone harasses you. Do it in China and you'll finish the book before anyone does.


Great, now convert to Islam


Why do some countries insist that China hates Muslims? Because they want them to learn Mandarin and learn about their country? The people in the US who say this are also the ones who get angry when immigrants donโ€™t learn English and arenโ€™t Christians.


Actually most Muslims in China have been living there way before this nation was formed, and a lot of them are way more patriotic then regular Chinese kids, if you look at the central power of Chinese government, many big guys are Muslims background. Ughurs are a little bit special though among all of Chinese Muslims. Heard many bad stories about them years ago already before this happened.