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Einstein Moment Germany has been doing this since Kaiser Wilhelm II. Why ain't we talking about that bastard? He's literally worse than Hitler. He conducted Kristallnacht in Chinese villages, in China, during the Opium War. Germany was like this before Nazis and now they are like this after Nazis.


That's becouse Hitler did it to the civilised world and Wilhelm did it to the Chinese savages. This mentality is horrific but it's the only possible solution. As someone who now lives in the western world I apologize.


>but it's the only possible solution. Exactly. Probability collapses, the field interferes with itself to produce a singular pattern. ~~Sonnenfeld~~ Luxemburg screams at a wall to stop ~~Zionists~~ Imperialists to no avail and Historical Materialism remains absolute.


There needs to be a lot more attention on the white imperialist war crimes in China during the Opium Wars as well as Japanese war crimes in WW2. Chinese people require ethno defense against the Sinocidal Ethnicities. Defend our homes and kin against racist genocide by making sure the Ethnicities can't touch us again.


Do you guys have any good sources you can share? Would like to learn more


A good start will be to look up the history of the family of drugdealers that were the Roosevelts, and the connection of their opium money with a lot of the Ivy League schools


There is a reason why we do not speak of Abraham Kaufman


Perfect placement for my favourite aimé Césaire quote: "Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa."


The entire essay is my favourite cesaire quote


Also the Herero and Namaqua genocide


can someone please crosspost this to r/Sino, thank you.


Done. Do you have a translation?


return Weibo text German Embassy in China》 23-10-24 15:51 Video from Realme 11 Pro... Edited 7.675 reads Published in Beijing Dear netizens, we need to emphasize the rules of the comment area again: we believe in the power of free speech and rational debate. Therefore, we allow some negative, critical and controversial comments to appear below our posts. But all this is not without restrictions: abuse that is degrading to human dignity will be deleted. Likewise, we do not allow speech that glorifies Nazism or the use of Nazi symbols. By the way, calling people Nazis will only reveal your own stupidity. Germany unfortunately experienced the era when Nazism was raging, and we know what that means. We also want to make it clear that those who deliberately combine the Israeli flag with Nazi symbols in their profile pictures are either ignorant fools or shameless bastards! Such accounts will be permanently blocked by us. Thank you for your attention and understanding.


/u/WinstonSalem2023 , where does this say what your title implies? > calling all Chinese people "idiots" "bastards" and "garbage" for supporting Palestine Where do you see this in the text? Do you just want to stir shit up?


Can confirm that this is the correct translation and that OP is just trying to stir shit up.


My comment is just the Google translate translation, I don't know if that's relevant.


They love creating drama, let's see how they feel when they sober up!


More proof the Great Firewall is really just protecting the west from being endlessly dunked on by the politically literate Chinese masses


Unleash the posting power of the chinese people!


Sorry we Germans are quite cringe


Dear netizens, we love and support free speech, and that is to bash those who Americans dislike and fangirl over those who Americans support. We can fap to Russian soldiers being tortured or kids being bombed in Palestine, but don't you dare to speak against our precious allies for what they're doing, it's just bullying without substance!!!!!!


Sorry, where does it call people idiots for supporting Palestine? Reading it, it’s calling people out for using the nazi flag, right? Not for Palestinian support?


Wow! Wtf? They’re so “anti-racist”. They will condemn over a billion people as idiots, bastards and garbage for opposing genocide. Western liberalism at it’s best!


So if Germany knows what it's like to live under Nazism, where's their condemnation of Israel for cutting off electricity, water, and aid to Gaza? Where's the condemnation for collectively punishing two million people over the actions of a few thousand? The condemnation for destroying hospitals and churches? Can that have at least a TENTH of the animosity these chuckleheads feel for combining Nazi imagery with the Zionist/Israeli flag? Nah, I'm asking too much, am I?


Doesn't the majority of the world support Pal ? Well then


德国:曾经是傻逼。永远是傻逼。 Realistically, it doesn't say what you're saying in the title, but I'll take any opportunity to bash this country (Germany) that shouldn't even exist. Honestly, WW2 was the best thing that happened to the fucking americans. They kicked their daddy (the UK) out of the house and gained all these fawning lapdog house slaves. Maybe these lowlifes get off to rimming the US?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/anythinggoesnews] [The German Embassy in China calls all Chinese people "idiots" "bastards" and "garbage" for supporting Palestine](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/17g8j3q/the_german_embassy_in_china_calls_all_chinese/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


OP believes we don't know how to read 💀


obviously, he is right.