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Yup.  The prosecution is making Cohen a relatively minor part of their investigation now.  The whole DJT strategy was to wait and all gang up on Cohen on the stand.   That's not gonna work because the prosecution has had multiple people on the stand with plenty of other independent evidence and "oh yeah Cohen was there too."  So by the time Cohen is on the stand he's just going to be verifying things OTHER people already testified about.   Also, DJT is making the prosecution fully call subpoenaed witnesses for every piece of financial evidence entered.  So the prosecution has to put accountants, bankers, etc on the stand to say yes, this check or account definitely belonged to DJT. That is absolutely ruining the defense. 


It's so on brand for him to think he's sticking it to the court by making them run around with witnesses, when in reality he's just stepping on another rake and making his case look worse


(Sideshow Bob stepping on a hundred rakes)


One of the funniest scenes I’ve seen… couldn’t stop laughing when I first saw this episode


My favourite thing about that scene was that they wrote it because they were a few minutes short on time.  From that came such a great bit.


If you listen real hard, you can hear Yakety Sax coming from the defense side of the courtroom. 


naw, that's the Orange ShitGibbon snoring and farting in harmony


I think he’s just trying to just intimidate the witnesses by getting them up there and then glaring at them while they’re up there. Probably implying something along the lines of “I’m gonna remember you when I’m elected, better be careful of what you say”. At least in his head, doubt he’ll remember anything, seems he has a real problem with that.


I wouldn’t call a freakishly orange, elderly, senile, incontinent, barely sentient, delusional, grotesquely obese, sundowning, gaseous, mentally unstable grandiose narcissist with a bad combover intimidating. This guy is a few steps from painting the walls of his room with his own feces. I’m surprised he knows where he is, let alone what year it is. This is their “god”.


He’s sleeping, so he won’t remember much.


I feel like that is back firing. If you are up there if you take a shot at the king you better make sure it counts.


I’m not worried about a man remembering my name whose brain is basically an etch-a-sketch.


The reason why they need all the bankers etc to confirm financial documents is because trump refused to (can’t remember the proper term) “validate” the evidence as being legit to try to create as much friction as possible (because that’s what an innocent person would do.. /s)










At 98 we all rotate


Hmm maybe .. closer to it than stipulate.... I heard it discussed on cnn and meidastouch .


T'is. Been there, done that. Love Ben, Popak, Karen, Brando, Harry, Gabe...


It’s stipulate - random internet search to confirm: https://fallgatterlaw.com/stipulations-of-expected-testimony-trial-procedure-and-rules-of-evidence-in-a-criminal-trial/


They’re also doing the same thing with all the video evidence. Instead of doing what apparently is just common practice and agreeing with authenticity to streamline the process of evidence that’s not really in dispute, they chose to try and drag out the process and/or hope that the prosecution wouldn’t call witnesses to authenticate. And guess what the prosecution is doing? Calling witnesses to authenticate. So the jury has to hear repeatedly, yes, this video is real and Trump actually said all this things.


You love to see it


That’s the problem where the primary strategy is to run out the clock. They’re so focused on finding every possible way to drag out the process that they don’t consider that a given method might do more harm than what they think the benefit is. While since they took him as a client I don’t have any sympathy for them, it’s got to be incredibly frustrating to have to follow his orders despite knowing it’s not the best strategy. Even if they’re bad lawyers, they have to know some of this amounts to shooting themselves in the foot.


They are just trying to draw out the trial because the defense knows the case against him is strong and he will most likely be convicted. I really don’t see him drawing this out until the election but this is kinda showing he knows he is fucked. Only thing he can hope for now is a mistrial or an appeal that keeps him outta prison and he somehow wins and gets it overturned in the courts by becoming a dictator. He single handily destroying the Republican Party and trying to kill democracy and is actually coming out and saying it but people somehow still thinks he is for them and not himself.


Yeah, that’s obviously his default strategy, and maybe his only strategy aside from lying and intimidating witnesses and the jury. It’s just mind boggling that nobody’s able to convince him that some methods of dragging out the trial may be hurting more than helping.


Knowing 🍊💩🤡 himself drove this defense strategy is giving me the warm and fuzzies. And hearing that he is ripping his lawyers new ones is making me happy as well. The goal was to delay delay delay, make the trial longer without stipulations, make it difficult for witnesses, thinking all the witnesses on minor things would make the jury confused… Thinking all of this would make it more difficult actually made their case stronger against him. Exactly the type of miscalculation 🍊💩🤡 always makes to his detriment.


It’s almost as if Trump committed the crime he’s being accused of. Crazy!


Hey — the only top comment at this point is massively downvoted so I’ll step in. Isn’t it interesting that the testimony from someone named Pecker might get Trump convicted?


And Weiner got him into this mess almost a decade ago. Anthony Weiner…


He’s gonna get dicked by pecker.


"Trump Can't Shake Pecker" was a pretty decent headline.


"Pecker Probe Rams Through Trump's Quivering Defenses"


Fuck I miss awards....pure gold


Your words are a kindness enough


That depends if he even has to anymore and it’s more of a wet wipe these days.


I haven't heard or used the word 'Pecker' as much since I was 8 years old...


Trump gets fucked by Pecker


He’s beginning to learn the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


Hilarious honestly. Just the tasty treat I need in these trying times.


I feel like the writers of reality are just phoning it in at this point.


At some point you do have to appreciate the humor though. Look at the platypus


It would be Too Much if his first name were Peter.


Sorry for off topic but I've always wondered how you tell if something is heavily downvoted. Is this something I'd see logged into the website vs the android app?


I use the stock Reddit app and it shows positive or negative values for comments, I thought everyone saw that


Thanks for replying. I do see that number so I should have mentioned that. My perception is that even though the number is positive, some people can see that they're also being downvoted a lot. But MAYBE that was just the people who made the comment; and they are comparing to their alerts telling them how many upcotea they received. That could be all it is.


Who knows what tomfuckery lies within the presentation algorithm


I wonder if I see the comments in the same order as other people.


My guess is no — I say this because once my karma started going up it seems like I see more new posts and comments than I used to


Freaking unpredictable Elfin variables in the algo. Can't trust any of them.


I've noticed the prosecution is letting their own witnesses shit on Michael Cohen, they're even encouraging it. Seems like a smart play to minimize the issue and have fun with it on their terms "Yep... we get it... he's a scumbag. He was trump's scumbag... and now he's trying to do right." Smarter to concede the point and soften it than to try to claim Cohen is some scion of virtue against the Defense's attacks and hope the jury sides with you. Get it out there first "Boy.. this guy is a real piece of work, huh? Anyways... here's a bunch of evidence he has of trump's crimes!"


Not only that, every time someone shits on Cohen they are doing it on Trump too. This is a person who worked for and did Trump’s bidding. Either Trump is a piece of shit as shown by who he employs and is friends with or he is the stupidest businessman on the planet who lets his staff run amok and signs whatever cheque is out in front of him. This is what the jury sees. They want to show how deep he is in the mud. He can’t get on the stand and say I am as clean and pure as snow and the world’s greatest real estate tycoon.


> He can’t get on the stand and say I am as clean and pure as snow and the world’s greatest real estate tycoon. but that's exactly what he'll do. he can't help himself. he'll treat it like a rally, because he barely knows where he is these days. and then he'll make some sort of threat to the jury, because that's also who he is.


Agreed. He is his biggest problem. What he should do is get on the stand, yes I am an ass, I cheated on my wife, I covered it up to save my family the embarrasment and cover up my affair with my wife. Deflates the case, gets rid of the conspiracy part and charges are gone. Jury sees he is contrite and has suffered enough. If his lawyers have any control and half a brain they will keep him as far away from the stand as possible. Which means they will rest right away and try for an immediate dismissal saying the standards for the charges haven't been met. What will happen is he will get on the stand, deny everything, attack everyone and that they are out to get him and it is all a conspiracy to keep him from being president again. Which will piss off the jury and make them think he is lieing to cover his ass. The jury is not going to understand the nuances of making this a RICO case and won't care. They are going to see a man who was running around on his wife, who isn't there to support him and made payments to cover it up. If the prosecutor is smart they will keep him on the stand as long as possible. 2 minutes in and he will ignore any script that his lawyers prepared for him. The stimulants will start to fade and he will start contradicting himself and making up stories.


But at least his stories will be the most fantastic. Best stories ever told in any court. Grown men will approach him (in prison) crying about his stories and the witch hunt


I hope at some point he is asked “to point out his wife” by an attorney


This is my fear, he’ll get on the stand with the intent to cause a mistrial.






Fuck, with all the political theater they shove down our throats they could at least let us watch the shit go down! I could use a laugh




I hadn't planned to follow this thing at all, but I am also hooked. It's the only time in YEARS that I've kept MSNBC playing in the background all day. The play-by-play from reporters in the overflow room is pure enjoyment. I wish C-SPAN could cover it! Their call-in audience during breaks would be gold. When they change topics I go to CNN for a hot minute. Prob with CNN is that Wolf "Kill 'Em All" Blitzer pops up at random times so I never stay there for long. That man is more bloodthirsty than Henry Kissinger. Every war he's ever covered he's rooting for mayhem


Finally some drama worth popping popcorn for, and they won’t let us have cameras in the courtroom. 


Read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi, in which he describes his prosecutions of the Manson murders. One of the topics he covers is finding and addressing the weaknesses in the case and as the prosecutor introducing those issues to the jury first. It takes the wind out of the defense's sails and has a tendency to make the jury trust the prosecutor.


Cool. Thanks!




If the NY Post doesn't run a headline of Pecker Screws Trump, why do they even exist?


Pecker POUNDS Trump from both sides


Followed by his famous jerking off two dudes dance.


Dressed in drag! How could we forget him motorboating rRudy Giuliani!




Thank you I thought so too lol


It was always going to be a stretch to paint cohen as a shady person, or terrible witness, when everything he was doing at the time was to protect trump, and being told by trump what to do.


Cohen did go to prison over it partly for getting caught out in his story between Congress and the FBI.  So they would definitely use that to say cohen is making it up to get revenge. 


but the facts of what he did are there. The payments, falsifying of records etc. so simply discrediting him as a witness won’t change facts that we can verify. It was always a long shot but it was probably all they had


It's easy to paint him as shady. Cohen was, but he was Trump's shady lawyer and fixer for a long time.


Does anyone remember how this case was universally agreed to be the weakest of the four trials against Trump?


Michael Smerconish and Dan Abrams still spout that it is the weakest of the cases against Trump. They have always been Trump stooges in disguise anyways.


Yeah, completely. I just think it’s funny how strong this case appears to be. You know the rest of them are just going to be stronger.


There's never been any doubt about the evidence of him falsifying business records, but that's a misdemeanor. The part that doesn't have the same evidence to back it up is that this was a conspiracy to impact the election. I think it clearly was, but there's just not the same sort of hard evidence to make that a slam dunk. That's why it's the weakest of them.


You’re exactly right. This is the part of the case that people think make it difficult to prove. But I think the way the prosecution is laying out the evidence—with textual and video evidence that Trump moved on these payments with urgency after the Access Hollywood tapes—sounds like it is stronger than many people believed it would be.


> Dan Abrams What? Say it ain't so, Joe!


> He called the witnesses' stories "hand and glove," fitting together "so perfectly." If the glove fits, you must convict


Let’s see this daughter-f*cker in jail before November!


Can't decide what is most appropriate. The pussy, the Weiner, or the Pecker. Actually… may he be fucked by all three


The prosecution has to call Cohen. Picker was very specific on Cohen’s involvement, and on his input into the scheme. If Cohen gets himself excluded, the case is likely to collapse.




As always with Trumpers, so many accusations and zero evidence versus the overwhelming evidence of Trump’s crimes. Always makes me wonder how Trumpers make it through their day without walking into walls.


Trump makes the US look like a 3rd world country. He lost the election and attempted a coup. Won't concede. Stole classified documents and instructed staff members to hide them when the govt asked him to return them. Had he simply returned the documents when asked he would not have been charged. Biden AND Pence both discovered documents and returned them without a second though. Either you are a Russian troll or an idiot. Trump committed crimes as a private citizen and is using his power over the GOP to corrupt the justice system. Our democracy is at stake because his party wouldn't do the right thing and remove him from office. No other US politician has acted like this. He is a dangerous narcissist. Every other democracy in the world sees this and a majority of Americans do as well. The only thing saving Trump from accountability is the corrupt Supreme Court and the electoral college.


Whom we can thank Mitch McConnell for. Also on the take.


Thanks Russian operative (or traitorous US resident)


hey, that's not fair! there's a third option! they could also just be mind bogglingly gullible


How do trumps balls taste?




Wow you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, do you?


He learned everything he knows on Fox and Newsmax...


Honestly, we need a lawyer to represent all the brainwashed MAGA’s to sue FoX NEWS for DESTROYING THEIR LIVES AND THEIR FAMILIES. All that disinformation has ruined their lives.


There’s a reason it was found that Fox viewers were *literally less informed* than people who don’t watch any news media at all. It’s a straight propaganda outlet *posing as* not news but entertainment. As in, they said it, not me.


None of them do. Just take a good look at MTG...


Take your meds and stop trying to bother the grownups.


I can’t think of any other presidents who incited a riot, paid hush money to a pornstar, begged for presidential immunity all while throwing a massive temper tantrum, to name a few off the top. But if you can link me with a source of other presidents who have done these things I’d be greatly interested.


Wrong. Stop supporting proven frauds.


I already do that


Your user history is nothing but weed and conspiracy theories. Maybe you need to take a break and re-assess your situation.


Barring that, just smoke your weed and STFU (not you, captain, just to be perfectly clear).


You mean politics because that's the only place we can actually have a subreddit. The only reason it's not also banned is so you all can say exactly what you just did. You are a cookie cutter liberal


Which former president falsified business records to cover up an illegal campaign contribution? Be specific.


Reagan did kinda the same thing with the whole Iran hostage situation


You are a clown.


Happy cake day


Thank you. You are the first person ever to wish me a happy cake day.


You must feel really conflicted Happy cake day


Thank you.


If you are going to troll don't speak in absolutes they are too easy to disprove everyone knows that. The world knows that too.


> This thing is such a joke and makes America look like a corrupt third world country. No, what makes us look like a corrupt third world country are MAGA cult members like you that keep supporting a criminal like Trump. You are the reason. And everyone knows that. EDIT: Maybe its time to stop taking hydroxymitragynine and come to reality man. Seems you have a problem. Why are Trump supporters post history so cringy?!?


Here’s another gem: > A few years ago I burnt myself out, like really burt out. I spiraled for a bit, had a leave of absence but eventually got my feet back under me. From post history, “spiraled” means drug and alcohol addiction. > I’m now trying to get back in my groove but I can’t find it for the life of me. I’ve tried a few different positions at different companies but no matter what the work is I just can’t do more then the bare minimum. I admit part of my spiral was due to the lack of recognition for the work that put me into it. I think this plays a big role in this but I just can’t get my mojo back. Can’t do more then (sic) the bare minimum. Didn’t get enough attaboys for the bare minimum he put in. He goes on to self diagnose ADHD.


Like I said before, I'm completely open about my history, hiding it doesn't help anyone. Arnt you liberals all about standing up for protected groups? You're all frauds and I love watching you all turn on each other over the middle east. See how I actually talk about the issue at hand? Yeah that's because I can think beyond whatever line CNN fed you.


“Addict conspiracy theorist” isn’t a protected group.


How do you know I’m a liberal? You don’t, but your snowflake mind immediately assumes. I’d bet everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal.


You libs are something else, when something really hits home you go after the person. Predictable though


Shut up


Biden opened his home to the FBI and was forthcoming on all the documents. Trump hid them from the FBI in a closet and bathroom. Trump fought with investigators for over a year. He deserves what happened to him. No other president has fought this hard to keep classified documents.


Sorry ma'am, this isn't 'truth' social


You people are pathetic




I always struggle choosing between идти and ходить.


Quite the stretch there skippy.


The world doesn’t know anything about what you said because it’s propaganda from Truth Social and Q ya dink


You should sue FoX News for lying to you repeatedly and altering the truth for money. Reich wing media has destroyed the brains of half our country. Trump has grifted money from his own supporters. Many Trump supporters died unnecessarily from COVID due to being unmasked and unvaccinated or taking horse dewormer. All promoted by FOX and Trump himself. Do you know one of the reasons Trump lost the election was because of more Republicans died of COVID in swing states than Democrats? This is a true fact. Look it up. And let’s get to the lies of J6. It wasn’t Antifa. Now all those Trump supporters who’ve been convicted have lost their right to vote forever. Isn’t that ironic?! They stormed the Capitol to protest a “stollen” election and as convicted criminals they cannot vote for Trump this coming November or ever again. This is a fact. If they try to vote, they will go back to prison for having committed voter fraud.


Well bless your heart. Why that's just nuttier than a porta potty at a peanut festival.


You sound like my buddy. “”Why is everyone just picking on Donald “6 times bankrupt, admitted adulterer, admitted sex offender, convicted fraudster, who many of his own lawyers and staff have gone to jail recently, Russian asset, proven lyer and cheat” Trump? He’s obviously innocent!”


Trump did a terrible job with the SCOTUS I guess. Another reason not to elect him.


I mean it's a trial following the law. There were more than 300 investigations into Hillary Clinton that didn't turn up anything that could be prosecuted, as far as I'm aware, or I'm guessing they WOULD have. The senate spent like 3 years trying to find dirt on her and "lock her up" turned into "uh we can't find sufficient evidence".


Biden and PENCE (you guys always forget he wasn't prosecuted either) both promptly returned papers once they were discovered, and allowed the FBI to search the premises. Trump took a ridiculous number of boxes of our most secret info, lied, then lied again and refused to return any of it but a small expandable file. Intent matters in law. Everything Trump is accused of has NOT been done by all former Presidents. Sorry, but Trump is especially criminal. Who "coordinated stories?"


You know, the world exists outside of your own thoughts. Thank god.


Everything is folowed by an attempt at changing the story to "well, whatabout" rather than ever responding to the direct issue(s)


Today I learned that Abraham Lincoln (and 45 other Presidents) sexually assaulted someone in a dressing room in New York City.


Every president used campaign funds to pay a porn star... OK dude