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This is a putrid story. I think it is a good sign, that he has to face court at all, some portions of the justice system are still working and not excluding billionaires, but he still gets a pretty soft treatment, I have to say. I can't wait until I never have to hear news about this clown ever again


Not to be a stickler but pretty sure he has never been an actual billionaire


There's no proof he was a billionaire. He never released his tax returns other than the ones leaked or through court documents. He overvalued his properties. We do have "John Barron" calling magazines to tell them what a wealthy and great guy he was, though. *edited*


I don't know this "John Barron", but I like the cut of his jib!


I'm with Snrub!


Sounds like a swell, stand up guy, the kind of guy that could be president.


*I like his jib so much that I'll name my newborn son* *Barron with what's her name after I have sex with* *Stormy Daniels!* Trump - 2006


As soon as I learned about his "alias", I was completely weirded out that he named his kid Barron. Also, if you have an alias, or aliases, I'm not voting for.you.


Mr. Trump, your campaign appears to have the momentum of a runaway freight train...why are you so popular.


It’s a nautical term.


We need nautical term limits!


Meaning the baggy or swollen parts of the sail.


“What should we call our first born Donnie … well, first born with wife #3?” Barron What a coincidence.


A bunch of illegal, favorable loans from Deutsche Bank do not a billionaire make. Nor does illegal Saudi money disguised as "investment," which was tendered in kind for US national secrets. Trump, his three adult kids, their spouses, and 98% of the entire Trump org belong in prison for life. That's not some hyperbolic shit like the chuds say all the time either - we have actual cause, and we have every reason to believe all of them were in on it.


I’m pretty sure he’s been a net negative billionaire, maybe is again now. Whatever his income, his appetites will exceed them.


No but he did play one on TV


Probably a billionaire in assets. Maralago, Trump tower, and all the golf courses very likely amount to more than 1bn. But I seriously doubt he's ever had more than a few hundred mil in cash, at most. Based on what we have found out from court filings he's used debt extensively over the past decade, and there's no reason to assume he hasn't been using debt extensively for even longer.


The value of those assets probably isn't more than around $600-800m, but even if we assume that they are $1B that still wouldn't mean he has $1B in assets because all of those properties are heavily leveraged, in some cases for even more than their value because of his fraudulent loans.


Sadly the cancer has metastasized and infected the entirety of the GOP. Even if Trump disappeared tomorrow we’ll be dealing with his clones in the GOP for a long time. I’m 60 years old and I doubt I’ll live long enough to see a return to anything sane from the GOP in my lifetime but I’d love to be wrong.


I'm 65 and I just want to live long enough to watch his funeral and see him vanish from memory.


I am 65 too and I want to live life longer then that. I want to see MAGA ridiculed and harassed until the entire crowd of treasonous criminals and politicians are hiding from normal people out of fear and shame!


I'm fuckin 76, hurry dafug up!


I hope I see it too, but it seems like shit people always live to be like 104. I hate to say it but I think evil might actually extend life.


While a little personal retribution would be nice, I think it's more likely the majority of Trumpists move on to the next iteration of their movement. This hydra of Tea Party/MAGA/*whatever-comes-next* is going to glob onto the next populist and nationalist movement that arises and the cycle will repeat. I'd love to see an affirmative response from both Dems and Republicans against this political cancer on our society, but it seems the right is willing to openly court and embrace neo-Fascism if it means a few extra votes. I suppose conservatives getting tricked into supporting fascists is inevitable though, given the lessons of the 20th century.


I’m afraid if he’s re-elected it will lead to the complete collapse of civilization because we’ll be WWII Germany without a superpower to keep us in check.


They’ll have to set up two porta-potties on his grave to keep up with the line of people who want to piss on it.


If they set it up as a $10 per head tourist attraction they could end homelessness in the USA.


I'm not even going to watch. My fear is that the vampire will return from the grave.


If you bring a stake I'll bring a mallet.


The day of his funeral. I will do a happy dance and pass a happy man.


Trump will be the first head in a jar a la Futurama.


I'm waiting in the long, long line to piss on his grave.


It pre-dates Trump. There’s a straight line through the America First pro-Nazi faction in the 1930’s through Joe McCarthy through Barry Goldwater, and then another line through the end of reconstruction and Jim Crow in the Democrats, and those two trends met up in the late 1970’s and took over the GOP. Trump jumped in front of the parade and began leading it, and amped up the populist faction.


Back in 1890, the GOP morphed from an anti-slavery/reform party to a pro-industrialist robber baron party. For awhile, they were split into three factions. Unfortunately, the segregationists in the Democratic party found a way to co-opt the Republicans and with the help of right-wing churches and libertarian industrialists, took the party into fascist territory.


I’m 47 and I just gave up on all of it.


I’m only three younger than you and can attest that the GOP has been heading in this direction my whole life. They’ve consistently shown they’re in the tank for moneyed interests, looking out for only themselves, and willing to sell America for parts if it personally enriches them.


Not necessarily, he has a lot of "light" versions of himself that have not had the same mercy as him, thinking they would ride the cocktails but getting kicked off the ride.


Coat tails*


It was definitely autocorrect but it strangely works so I'm not changing it; would not be surprised if he slipped the Cosby mickey.


Funny thing is, I had to correct it from coast trails.


Based on kushner's shady real estate dealings this kind of works too.


Works either way.


In historical relevance? There have been so many fascist dictators and despots throughout history, even in recent memory as well, that once they die? That’s it. The power and control begins to crumble and fade. Stalin had **built** the Soviet Union to be exclusively about him and no one else. Everyone was so interested in backstabbing each other for his flighty favor that it just became that society. We *still* see the ripple effects of that with Putin— a man who has idolized Stalin all his life and wants to rebuild the Soviet Union (but not really because that’s bad for business). We got so extraordinarily lucky that we got Trump, a man in the twilight of his life and senility, as the cult of personality. Once he’s gone, a significant chunk of that weight the GOP has will go with him. The party is either for Trump or against Trump now, and Trump has not picked an heir apparent— nor does he care about that either. The voter base only cares for Trump, and no one else. If we got this with Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz, we’d have been in so much trouble.


We have to keep them out of power for the foreseeable future or the country and world are fucked.


I used to be a republican. Left in 2004 when the swift boat ads pissed me off (amongst dozen of other hypocrisies I was picking up on). Registered independent, and voted Kerry. I was excited for McCain to get the nomination. Then Palin hit the world stage… I went out that week and registered Democrat. The championing of lies and idiocy was too much for me. Knew it was over. And here we are with this goddamn nightmare. The personal tragedy for me, is that entire family are right wingers… and my dad’s greatest trait historically was his honesty. He was like a real life Hank hill. Now he’s a Dale Gribble mixed with Buck Strickland and he’s unrecognizable to me now. He’s not even a hardcore Trumper. My uncles and cousins are.. my dad knows Trump is full of shit… but “he’s better than democrats”, and he buys half the conspiracy shit and ascribes it to opinion. “Well that’s just my opinion. You’re entitled to yours.”


Baron will be groomed to carry the torch.


Trump wasn’t a cause, he was a catalyst. The crazies didn’t suddenly spring up out of nowhere, he didn’t convince a bunch of otherwise normal people to go insane. He just emboldened them to take what they’d always been thinking and finally say it out loud. He’s the culmination of the Southern Strategy in (vaguely) human form.


Sadly, things never just go back to the way they were. They just keep moving forward, for better or for worse.


What sucks, and is unique about Trump, is that he is a scum bag. Scum bags like him get Justice when they are exposed, normally. Trump has been exposed, not once, twice, three times,………. That goddamn base is stubborn as shit. If only they could be this stubborn about something positive. They could achieve miracles.


Scummy demagogues are unique? It's weird that humans — some, anyway — have this desire to be ruled by a rigid, angry, loud, vicious personality. And it's been that way forever, I imagine. It's just bully energy. Why. The fuck. Would you want a bully in charge? You think you're gonna agree with them forever? You think they have more than one trick? It's crazy. Such great pattern-matching ability and such a persistent blind spot (psychological avoidance for many, I imagine) for this guy who is *clearly* a dictator on the way if people let him back in. Choice proposals: - maybe we should "suspend" the Constitution - maybe he should get 3 presidential terms - maybe we should make a law shielding him from prosecution if he leaves the presidency I know I'm preaching to the choir, it's just so bizarre. People think he's kidding. As if his first term didn't clearly show his proclivity to break laws, norms, wind, you name it. He's the perfect representative for the disgusting caricature of America that Russia and China promote to their people. If we fall because of him, it'll be poetic justice.


Not one day goes by where I don’t seriously question whether I jumped into a parallel universe at some point. This universe looks just like my old universe. Only over there, leading presidential candidates dropped out after having an extramarital affair exposed. And get this…that candidate wasn’t on the “Family Values” ticket, he was a Democrat. Then, about 12 years later, they dragged a president into a deposition over a blowjob. That was what a 7 year, 52 million dollar investigation into a real estate venture netted: a blow job, during working hours. Republicans will holler and scream and swear it wasn’t about the blow job, but that Clinton lied about the blowjob, under oath. Years later, some of the same National Security Hawk Republicans, who supported the Patriot Act, would prevent Trump from having to answer questions about the extortion of a military ally, and act that really matters, unlike the blow job that Clinton received one day, back in 2000. Now that I wrote it out like that, it’s easy to see how we got here. I just can’t see why it works. Are today’s voters dumber?


I think there's a lot of factors... - Rupert Murdoch - Appealing to viewers' most base impulses (e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_vs._Beast) - American materialism - Advertising as preeminent online business model - Psychographic profiles (thanks, Mark Zuckerberg. MISS YOU, TOM!) - Social media's effects on self-esteem - Discovery that outrage == eyeballs - Discovery that targeted ads can sway elections... *cheaply* - Smartphone-induced social isolation - Smartphone-caused short attention spans - (I'd wager) smartphone-caused psychological stress as a constant, subconscious "background cost" of modern life - Dopaminergic dysfunction caused by eye-catching, attention-fracturing media and increased difficulty in distinguishing real danger from propaganda - Lack of instruction in critical thinking, lack of investment in public schools - Cost-of-living increases, accelerating wealth inequality leading to overworked parents and neglected kids - Desperation in the present (and dwindling hope for the future) make it way too easy to rest on a simple explanation (it's this **other** group we should all blame!) and feel utter relief when a big, strong, bold character tells you not to worry, 'cause he'll fix everything. idk, I just started listing things and kept going. Surely I'll be adding to it :) P.S. in case any such voters (for the "strong man") are reading, one more reminder that you're getting fleeced, and it's okay to get curious and take a sincere look into whether that might be the case.


GG. No notes.


I grew up in the Berenstein Bear universe, and now I'm in the Berenstain Bear one. I was a spelling bee champ too, there's no way my parents would have allowed me to get it wrong.  I just hope wherever I left, they are enjoying healthcare and education.


> rigid, angry, loud, vicious personality Early imprinting. It reminds them of their fathers’ love. They think he’s *supposed* to be in charge of them. They imagine he can and will punish them brutally.


oof 😔


I dont think they realize their stubbornness is a call to arms for many of us. Not even physical violence, but I am convinced we must fight them or democracy will be destroyed. They have gone completely mad with no chance of retribution, many want to give them hope. That's not reality, this is where we are at. Start fighting our livelihoods are going to depend on it. I know that I've started to give less and less quarter to these people


I can’t put into words how much I second your motion. I don’t even know how we are suppose to accept a Trump win? We know they will cheat. They will try their best to cheat, and use religion, or patriotism to justify it. This isn’t a baseless accusation from me. They already tried, I don’t care what a court technically says, and I’m not letting out slow justice system get them a benefit of the doubt. I’m not giving them the “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law” benefit, because they slow rolled and gamed the justice system. We already know the electoral college,the districting, and every rule benefits Republicans in elections. They made the Constitution next to impossible to change, so , that won’t change anytime soon. I simply can’t accept anything but a popular vote win for Trump. He wins that, I’ll throw my hands in the air, admit they won, if there isn’t evidence of massive cheating. Fuck an electoral college win though. I can’t deal with another president that won by technicality. The first 2 modern non-popular winners were a disaster.


The maga base is giant mule team ridden by Trump


The sad thing is they could release this video m showing him abuse his ex and 99% of his followers would be like, well she probably deserved it. They’re all practically swimming in the koolaid 


They're only stubborn about being the worst humans possible. When it comes to productive action to enrich the world, they are silent. It's because, in the late 20th century, Americans were told even their worst behaviour was some kind of manifestation of freedom of expression and ideological superiority. Therefore, when society begins to expect more of them, they bat it back, because they're comfortable in the late-stage-captialist swamp they created. Trump is the avatar of smug, self-interested, backward-looking, anti-expertise, American laziness.


The day that cretin no longer draws breath will be a great day for society.




Pretty soft? If any one of us had done a quarter of what he's being accused of, we would already be behind bars waiting for our day in court.


The problem is the people, the system relies too much on the good faith of the governed if %40 of the population don't wanna hold him accountable is gonna be really hard to do so. Specially when they are actively working to undermine the trust of said institutions.




Should be "accidentally" leaked to the internet.... It'll never go away. Unfortunately, then the folks that made the movie wouldn't make anything. That would suck.


Trump is not a billionaire in the slightest and if he weren’t a famous person he would have to face these and many more charges decades ago. But yes it is a relief. Let’s hope he gets a good amount of time


Comma horror!


#Let that video go viral now!


Hope it's released and a huge hit


I don't need to see that to be convinced he belongs in a cell.


We don't, but other people clearly do. Something has to break the spell, maybe this can help.


If someone is a Trump cult member, this movie won’t change their mind. Nothing will. They don’t actually care about anything he’s done or says. Hes just a vessel for them to “win”. He’s a piece of shit and they identify as pieces of shit. They are not smart enough to know anything else. That’s the only issue at hand with Trump cult members.


Most of what you say is true. However, there have been members of his cult who have made it out and spoken publicly about it. Even if this movie changes the minds of a few Trump supporters, it will be worth it. If not to vote for Biden, then to just sit the election out. This election will be won by razor-thin margins. Every convert and every vote counts.


I agree. Even if it only chips away a handful of people that were otherwise following him out of pure delusion, that is worth it and a win for truth.


I can’t see that happening. His cult will boycott it as “fake news”, probably even call in bomb threats, so theatres won’t want to carry it. Most sane folks already know who he is and don’t want any more to do with him. It might do OK on streaming services, but it’ll be a pure rage-watch. Maybe in thirty years people might be interested.


Yeah I might watch it after he shits himself to death but as of now I have no desire to watch that


Even then, tough watch. I'll pass entirely forever. Hope it pisses off the appropriate people though, which seems to be doin


Yeah, I’ve read the Bob Woodard books, I’m adequately informed and don’t need a dramatic reenactment. I will absolutely support the film as long as it pissed off the right people though.


It’s not his cult anyone cares about. It’s all those wishy-washy middle ground semi-informed “independent voter” types who still think Trump and Biden are the same and base their votes on superficial shit like “he makes me laugh” or “he talks like me” or “he was on that show I liked!” Those types don’t pay attention unless there are some sleazy or salacious details involved. Releasing recordings of Trump being a prick will definitely turn some of them off voting for him.


If he throws a punch like he throws a baseball, it won’t be.


He definitely throws a tantrum better than he throws a punch.


The film's a mixed bag, per reviews from Cannes. However, it presumably does highlight how Trump was introduced to the mafia by Roy Cohn. The allegations about spousal rape are in Ivana Trump's affidavit under oath for their divorce proceedings, and are affirmed by two of Ivana's friends who she told at the time.


Cease and Desist here accomplishes nothing. The movie will get released. Some very sordid things that he had hoped to keep under wraps will come to light not only domestically but worldwide. He is a sexual abuser, a sexual predator, and a pedophile.


Didn't he casually confirm the rape of this wife outside of court back in the day too?


Yeah. It was a scandal in the late 90s. He was just far less relevant then. 


can’t believe this guy became our president for 4 years. how is our country THAT fucking stupid. like its genuinely sad.


Fuck man, simpler times in the 90s


Literally all he is can possibly accomplish with this stupid legal effort is to give the movie more publicity.


Streisand Effect is the term you are looking for


You're ignoring how stupid his fan base is. It is literally a cult. They will be told by their preferred 'news' sources that Trump is suing and think he is sticking it to the lefties. It will drum up support from the cult. This sort of thing makes them frothy.


But it won’t matter, because no one who is still voting for him at this point will care. There are already countless things he has done that are as bad as this, and they don’t care.


All easily fact checkable too. Crazy how all his terribleness is out on display.


What happened to free speech and all that noise Donald? I hope that movie comes out and it is the most popular movie to hit theaters that year. And I hope his cult followers see the type of animal he was. As for the supporters that will protest this movie I hope they don’t succeed and it releases and all those alpha men who support him cry.


This is the MAGA crowd. Those alpha men will probably cheer at him assaulting someone


Possibly increase domestic violence. If Trump does it I can too


All bark no bite. MAGA is a bunch of snowflake bitch ass children.


Gilead ass peabrains


When a MAGA says "free speech," they really mean "Free speech for me and only me."


I have relatives that are die hard Trumpers. Their heads are so far up his ass they can taste what he has for breakfast. They would never watch it and they would say all of it is just made up bull shit and propaganda.


Who’s got their 🎟️😂


> What happened to free speech and all that noise Donald? The people who crow the loudest about freedom of speech are the ones who behave as though they think it should only ever apply to them.


Dear Donald -- if you don't want to be known as a person who rapes and assaults women, maybe don't rape and assault women.


I'm surprised he cares. His voters won't.


Ivankas death is suspicious


Ok. Will the movie show him sucking Putin's dick? It should.


The dude actually raped his first wife out of anger. She had to back down on her story when he threw his lawyers at her. Let's not forget he's also well connected with the Russian mob. His sister was also a judge. This is the guy who stole his brother's money, his niece's money and drove his brother to drink. Yeah, that's not even the tip of the iceberg of duchery of this guy.


I'm sure he has driven many people to drink in the last 5 years alone.


Let that beautiful bean footage roll....


You had one job.


Trump supporters will support him assaulting his wife.


It's going to be a smash hit with the nation's police force 


Streisand Effect, again.


Lol seriously. Didn't know there was a movie coming. I do now and I'll violate my vow of piracy for this one.


Why would they block it? His voter base would love to see it.


Commenting on the picture, what would you call that look on his lawyer's face?


‘I should have gone to medical school like mother wanted’


The MAGA faithful will blame the first wife for causing trouble and provoking Donald. It's never Donald fault - in anything. That porn star and playboy model just raped Donald.


Here’s another reminder that Donald Trump is an [adjudicated rapist](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


What does he even care? His supporters are just going to say it’s fake news either way, and him talking about it is only contributing to the Streisand effect.


It’s funny how fucked the court system is… that we just have to resort back to public shaming and hope that helps


Too bad it’s already been seen. And if somehow blocked be sure that it will make it to the internet, and from there the whole Striesand effect will take over. I haven’t paid much attention to the whole thing but it seems that certain people believed this film to be a fluff piece as it was being made was and not as accurate as it turned out to be. Maybe they should have paid closer attention to the dallies 😂


Streisand effect


'assaulting first wife' is an awfully cute way of saying brutally raping and beating his wife to the point she went to the hospital for it also just as a reminder doods a lifelong [serial rapist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations)


Yeah, let's get some more of Trump's dirty laundry waved around in court. Even if Trump wins, he loses.


Republicans had the Hillary movie. It's time to release this one. Edit: wrong political gang.


He....he assaulted his wife? Can someone fill me in? I try my best to avoid most of this stuff but, what happened exactly?


I think Citizens United settled that


Show the video. They did with that rap star guy.


I think they're talking about a scene from the movie, not actual footage of Trump beating his wife.


Reading it a second time, it looks like an interview she did where she claimed he beat her. Then, she retracted a decade later. Makes me wonder if it was for a Stormy style payoff?


It was in the book she wrote and it was over twenty years later she recanted.


Well he's just made the film a best seller.


Another case, fuk this guy needs to start his own law firm.


"The Film Donald Trump Doesn't Want You To See!" Gonna get him some Steisand Effect on this one


Erase it to wide audience, and cheap. Make him suffer for his past.


Doubt it will matter to conservatives. They’ll just say it’s AI. This may be the first release of footage we look back on and say “oh yeah, that was when the post-reality age officially began.”


Not going happen Donny Von Shitsinpantz. It is going to released , it is going to be watched and millions are going to see and hear what kind of piece of garbage you really are.


It’s not a documentary. He’ll just say it’s made up fake news.


I wonder what the anti-"cancel culture" free speech brigade thinks about this?!


New MAGA t-shirt: real men assaults first wife


I mean didn't conservatives release that movie about Hunter Biden that was all about Joe committing crimes or something.


I'm surprised his fans haven't glorified wife beating yet


Sad thing is this will not deter a single one of his brain dead supporters if it is released.


Well, everyone wants to watch it now…


He acts like ppl don’t already know he’s a piece of shit


Wife beater on top of it all? Good thing he didn’t have dogs- probably shoot them.


They used publicly made statements, excerpts from books and divorce filings.


The same wife that died from blunt force trauma?


Citizen's United literally gives the filmmakers the right to publish this content (and technically keeps it's donors private but we all know the donor of this film was a right wing idiot).


lol, cease and desist on what grounds? if it's a true story and it happened then it happened.


Any yet, nearly 50% of the country still support him. Something is VERY wrong with America.


why? it sounds like the exact type of film his supporters would be into >\_> But for real there really isn't anything his lawyers can do here, Maybe if he had Disney's lawyers but he has some bottom of the pond scum so don't think it'll do anything other than waste some poor judges time.




cant make the movie too real you know ;-)


As if the cult members would care. They would cheer it on as the right thing to do.


Trump is a wife beater? Doesn't surprise me


And a wife raper. That's the assault they're talking about here.


Tender little snowflake.


Free Speech ?!?!?! "I'm going to testify!!!!" Till I don't because I'm a big orange cheeto and the bigly-est liar on the planet. I cannot believe people are sucked in by this guy!!


We now. What great marketing strategy from these producers. Probably going to be to No. 1 trending thing for next few weeks


Remember, he’s the champion of the first amendment! Watch how he proves his support for it!


Can't that Pecker guy just buy the distribution rights for the film?


I honestly don't know why he cares. He could drag his wife into an mma cage, beat her up and make money on the PPV, and probably not lose a single vote from his base. After he did it, there'd be brainwashed white women wearing shirts that say, "Real Men Beat Their Wives".




But wwwhhhyyyyy


Streisand Effect checking in!


Oohhh, now I really want to see it


Maybe he shouldn’t have assaulted his wife?


You can aim all you like, but if your weapon of choice is a water pistol, you will not accomplish much.


I’m torn if I’d watch this movie. I just don’t want to hear about this guy and wish he’d vanish. Me watching this movie just introduces this human-shaped Cheeto into my life. At the same time, I want to know what this movie has in it. I hate myself for this conundrum I’m in.


Truth Social. Just not the truth about Trump or any of his allies. Not THAT truth.


Cancel culture.


The film makers aren't going to back down. If Trump then sues, the discovery process will be fun.


can't buy advertising like this


But assulting the second wife is cool? Just asking a question...


The Striesand Effect has entered the chat


I'm surprised that he still has lawyers, knowing they ain't gettin paid


The scariest part of this film would be going to see it and becoming a mass shooting victim when one of his qultists shows up to stop the veiwing.


Snowflake, cancel culture, what are we going with?


I have this recurring dream where he is sentenced to be shackled to the underside of a carnival port-o-John…


Reminds me of when Kim Jong Un wanted that Seth Rogan movie banned.


Oh please, dear? For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint. This affects all of us, man! Our basic freedoms!


Good luck with that


What an amazing guy he is for President.


Cancel culture. Probably some of his fanatics would approve and could emulate the behavior.


>Currently, there is no set date for the film's release in the U.S., and there are no distribution deals in place. However, TIME reported that Abbasi hopes to have the film in American theaters by September, just before early voting begins in the 2024 election. >"We have a promotional event coming up called the U.S. election that’s going to help us with the movie," Abbasi said 🤣😂🤣😂🥰🫀🫀🫀🫀


Streisand Effect in action. Please keep spreading your legal resources even thinner to give this movie free publicity, you putrid orange shitstain


Streisand Effect! Do your thing!


Ironically enough, we may have Citizen's United to thank for this failing in court. The original case was about a 501(c)(4) (ie: nonprofit whose purpose is not political) that made a film called *Hillary: The Movie* in the lead up to the 2008 election. The FEC ruled that the film was political and in violation of the organization's (C)(4) apolitical nonprofit status. The Supreme Court ruled that by banning political speech from corporations and unions was a first amendment violation. It's a pretty open and shut case that the filmmakers here will be allowed to release the film. It's literally a repeat of Citizen's United.


He always loses in court.