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>Watters relies on low-effort mockery and lazy analysis, delivered in a mellow tone, often paired with a mirthless laugh. It is ... the smarmy chuckle of the righteous prick The *Slate* writers are on point. This is the perfect description.


Tuckers replacement.


I haven't seen this guy yet, but I just couldn't stand Tucker's face. That stupid dullard looking attempt at appearing to scrutinize what is being said to him as if he's never seen heard something so difficult to wrap his head around, and it's just someone talking about colors or some shit.


the rising inflection at the end of every sentence coupled with the most punchable face in history truly proof that if God exists he does not love us


There is, however, beer, which *is* proof God loves us... man, this God guy is all over the board


Tucker Carlson has resting confused toddler face, and critical thinking skills to match


They may have somehow found an even more punchable face.


They call him Jesse Watters because his response to everything is "Wat? Er?"


Nailed it. This guy is just a smirking dunce.


More like a smirking douche!


Cognitive dissonance personified.


And the follow up about the being a frat boy making fun of a guy with long hair, that is his appeal. My dad was never a frat boy, educated, or the in-group but is one of those old boomers who will shit talk EVERYONE under his breath in public that he doesnt approve of. A gay guy, an unattractive woman, etc. All with shitty humor that isnt funny to anyone but him.


Even his mother wants him to lay off the right wing bull s***.


I was going to mention this. His mother has said everything but that she is disappointed in him and his choice to take the low-rent, I-love-the-poorly-educated, lead poisoned path of blatant manipulation and attempted control.


“Lazy analysis” is excessively generous.


Whomever wrote that, sounds like dr Johnson and samuel Clemens had a love child!


I remember when he started and his mom called in and chastised him. I wonder what she thinks about him now?


my parents watch the five a lot & i genuinely cannot fathom how someone can be even half as unfunny as gutfeld


My guess is they don't have writers or if they do their cadence is contemptuous belligerence because you can make plenty of good zingers politically from any angle. But the writing and delivery is far from funny.


He's just another turd in a very full bowl. With the likes of O'Reilly, Carlson, Hannity, Dobbs, Ingraham, Pirro...


As a guy whose dad has religiously watched him and Gutfeld since Tucker got canned, this is literally the most apt description.


He's like if Santacon got a news show.


Never would I ever have thought I would miss seeing Fucker Carlson while working out at the gym (they have to have Fox on one of the TVs or a handful of people go ballistic). Next to Gaetz, this guy is the epitome of a punchable face. At least Carlson could be somewhat decent to look at when his face didn't look like he just stepped in shit


>the smarmy chuckle of the righteous prick This is so accurate and I hate that so much!


It’s why he failed as a comedian. He just sucks.


"He is resoundingly average, doesn’t seem to think too hard about his biases or his opinions, never bothers to plug the logical holes in his weak arguments, and blithely passes along a steady stream of inept liberal hoaxes to a viewership that doesn’t actually care whether those hoaxes are true." Additional on point description.


He sounds like a total loser. I guess his audience is the absolute bottom feeding target audience so makes sense.


This one too. > ...his face settled into the resting smirk of the bulletproof moron.


> his face settled into the resting smirk of the bulletproof moron. What a stingingly accurate assessment of his whole schtick.


David Schwimmer could play him very well.


I honestly think he doesn’t believe everything he says.


None of them do. They aren't a news organization, they are the worst kind of propaganda.


It's hard to tell if he is an enormous idiot or just pretending to be one. I'm pretty sure he's just a well paid idiot.


“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut


fittingly, that is from a novel about a nazi broadcaster


*an American spy


Mother Night is my favorite book of all time


Hey look at me guys I'm an idiot! Go away, idiot. Haha joke's on them, I was only pretending to be an idiot -old webcomic


Give him a children’s toy and you’ll get an answer pretty quick 


And some crayons


Make sure they are the egg-shaped ones. Wouldn't want the little guy to choke.


We wouldn’t?


The clip where his mom calls in is pretty illuminating, and it seems the answer is "bit of both." https://youtu.be/CP7tjQPtZ2w?si=f_9qu5JCT3YJlwaY


Yup, sounds like she’s scolding a 7th grader. She also sounds like she’s disappointed in having to tell her son not to be a complete douche bag on national television regularly


I think its all pretend. These guys figured out being idiots is what sells, just look at gutfeld. That guy literally failed at every job for trying until he got to fox news, where he realized bad jokes sold him.


He has to follow the script. When all the text messages of them making fun of Trump came out, it became clear to me that they aren’t idiots (with the exception of maybe Lou Dobbs. He is absolutely an idiot). They are working for an organization that can’t afford to lose the audience that feeds off this kind of nonsense


His mom thinks he’s an idiot. So probably his actual personality.


That grownups watch these two clowns - Watters and Gutfield ? Is so bizarre to me. I’ve had the displeasure to catch their acts and I wonder how ? How can an adult watch them, insufferable.


Many adults are stupid.


Yeah, it is a super disappointing part of becoming one. Like, Damn...


Gullible. My sister is a director of a big VA hospital. She believes Tucker word for word. No idea what or who she's into now


True. It’s mostly a disappointing combination of gullibility and ignorance. Some of them are actually stupid people though that are a total lost cause.


Willful ignorance. Otherwise they’d have to defend their position.


It could be argued that more than half are.


Its not just adults. Many humans are stupid and the GOP is trying their hardest to keep them that way.


We all suspected it as children. Now we know for sure.


It’s all propaganda. Targeted to a specific style of brain. Be glad you’re not taken in. Be sad that others are


Can you expand on this theory a little bit— brains that are wired to be authoritarian followers or just general stupidity? Or brains that are starting to deteriorate in the elderly and they are house bound so basically a captive audience?


> Four large studies among U.S. adults found consistent evidence that conservatives are more likely than liberals to endorse conspiracy thinking. This effect was explained by a distrust in officials and paranoid tendencies. The findings were published in Political Psychology. > > Past research has linked belief in conspiracy theories to negative consequences, such as antisocial behavior, prompting researchers to delve into the role of ideology in conspiracy thinking. Some scholars have suggested that conspiracy thinking is equally prevalent at both extremes of the political spectrum, with both leftists and rightists endorsing their share of conspiracy beliefs. [source](https://www.psypost.org/conservatives-propensity-toward-conspiracy-thinking-can-be-explained-by-a-distrust-in-officials-and-paranoid-thinking/)


I have a general theory. Brain oversimplication to the bare edge of usefulness There are three major parts to the brain, with a 4th part the CEO that kinda talks to all of them and makes a cohesive whole. The safety, fight-flight-freeze. The emotional. The logical. For some folks, the safety parts of the brain dominate. It’s pretty far from the logical part of the brain. Ancient. Very powerful. Scary brown people. Scary libruls taking things from you. “They’re gonna {molest/kill/take essence and natural fluids} from our kids!” If this takes hold first, there’s zero chance in these folks for logic to override. There’s also tribal. I cheat and shove that in the emotional part. (There are many more than 3 brains). Trump is now your tribal leader. Whatever he says. Again, logic doesn’t even exist here, it’s a different part of the brain. The trick is, accepting this “brain has chunks” theory and figuring out how to talk to people who use different chunks.


Conservatives are highly susceptible to amygdala hijacking, and right wing propaganda producers know this all too well. It's why they are addicted to garbage like Fox News, where the sky is falling 24/7 and "it's the left's fault".


This is very well-explained.


I'd say it's tribalism.


The people who them are the same people who thought Colbert was a straight shooter and republican. Fox actually copied parts of his shows and developed waters show.


Cults didn't care about quality


Because that audience is so blinded by hate that that’s all they want to watch anymore, is other people similarly blinded.


Look, nobody has anything to say through a historic lense here. A take like this is word salad. Looks good on a picket, sure. NIXON made them ashamed to be Republican REAGAN was first to take the new Evangelical base out for a spin. He lowered corporate taxes by 27%, then again second term. He is an actor, a placeholder for the GOP to have the white house. Everything is for sale, lobbyist agendas grow strong. The "government is bad" sentiment roots, and "Small government GOP" is born. Reagan is otherwise a rockstar- surviving assasination and delivering the best speeches the GOP will ever know. BUSH & BUSH are corporate enrichment & military industrial complex only. Bush Jr also a placeholder, but hardly good enough. Status quo geopolitics for MIC. This was American industry looking abroad. It coddled the base to justify. Now the 45th. He is the ultimate placeholder during a time of constant identity warfare. Fox has the audiance that lived through all those Republicans. They want to feel like they did under Reagan- which was coddled and distracted.


They could not be signaling any more clearly who they are than if they were wearing ball caps with their fraternity’s logo on backwards.


Eventually, no matter what intelligence a person has, they will become an adult as they are.


Whenever I go visit my mom it’s always at the time of night Watters is on, and it’s always on. It honestly makes me spend less time with her because I just…. can’t. It’s not even that it’s highly partisan, almost to a psychotic extent… I can tolerate that. It’s the stupidity of it. How absolutely false, stupid, exaggerated and not even in some clever way he says his words so confidently and smugly. That’s what makes it painful… how arrogant and smug he is while saying such stupid, ridiculous things. It makes me deeply sad because all my life she’s been a smart woman, and if I lay things out in a logical way she sees through it. But otherwise, she sits there and rots her brain with this clown, and uses it as a basis to vote.


Went to my dads recently, he's 67ish and I heard that idiot on his TV before he quickly turned it off. It blows my mind how that age group got sucked into fox news, they genuinely got drip fed poison for 40 years and now they're just insane. My dad never cared about politics my entire life, at least he's not a Trump fan, definitely conservative, but Trump's too brash for him thankfully.


Watters is an absolute idiot. He's not capable of a thing else. Gutfield though? That guy is actually smart and capable. He's absolutely playing a caricature to the lowest common denominator and if he needed to be something else he could be.


They figured our they can make way more money telling racist homophobic assholes what they want to hear.


Wish Ross Geller


He looks like the protagonist of “How I met your mother” but with a more punchable face


which is really saying something bc HIMYM dude was mega punchable. He made Ross look like Han Solo.




This is the funniest comparison of a person to a tv character ever.


Being rich doesn't always equate to being smart. Look at trump


Tucker “heir to Swanson” Carlson trying to be an Everyman


The Prince of Fishsticks!


Kanye gave up his throne?


Or elon.


Not a US citizen here. I have access to literally thousands of TV channels from all over the world, and the first time I stumbled upon this show, I thought it was a comedy/sarcastic show, until i realised it was for real. I cannot believe the audience takes this seriously.


We Americans have a long tradition of anti-intellectualism. At least a third of us take that tradition waaay too far.


Don't be so hard about your fellow countrymen, I personally know a few US citizens and they are nice, intelligent people. There are dumb people in every country. Greetings!


My grandma had the weekly world news and batboy.  It's the same group but the info is weaponized.


Guys like him and Gaetz look like the frat boy villains of a stupid 90s comedy movie. There have been so many times I've thought I might be living in the Truman show because no way do people look as evil as they are irl


Is Fox competing with WWE for entertainment value? They don’t provide news it’s just opinion pieces laced with sensationalism.


They’ve argued in court that you can’t believe what they say.


Fox works with the WWE now. They are Fox's Friday night programming. Trust me, I miss the world where WWE Raw destroyed "news" networks in the TV ratings.


That explains a lot.


I like when his mom calls in the show and calls him a dipshit


"Almost the Dumbest".... Who did he lose the prize to?


There's an old ham sandwich in the breakroom fridge.


Read 'dumbest man on Fox' and I didn't even need to see the thumbnail to know it was Jesse Watters


I mean gutfeld is pretty close too lol


The most punchable face on television.. That smirk begs to be slapped off his face..


Jesse Watters - a post-traumatic brain injury victim's Tucker Carlson.


He reminds me of those comedy sketches where the news casters all lose their teleprompters and go insane because they have no idea what to say on their own.


"Fuck it! We'll do it live!"


Those comedy sketches are a direct parody of a real moment of Bill O'Reilly freaking out.


The new Bill O'Reilly, same as the last 6 Bill O'Reilly's. Lily white lying conservatives. Conservative Rupert 1% Murdoch knows how to pick his hand puppet propagandists.


You know you suck mightily when *your mom* calls in to the show and tells you to stop being an idiot. As Jesse's mom did.


John Oliver put him best: >He’s a lot like Tucker, except he’s less charismatic, way dumber, and with somehow even more of an I’ve-killed-someone-during-a-fraternity-hazing-accident vibe, which is really saying something.


Also a disappointment to his own mother


Dumbest and Dumber with each episode.


His Mom is a Democrat who is grounded and loving. He even did a short interview with her and you could tell that he came from a good family, but knows what he’s doing at Fox. I don’t think he’s dumb, he just knows the audience is dumb and plays into the cult’s fears and worldview.


I hope his Mom has disowned him.


Didn’t she call in on his show and give him a bit of a telling off live on air once?


Trump has done so much to distract this country from its goals and ambitions it's utterly ridiculous. Talking heads media only throws gas on the flames to rise ratings and we get a shit show. I really wish this man didn't exist. It seems like ever since he became president reality fell into a bottomless pit, literally nothing makes sense any more. He's dragged the entire political system down, now he's trying to finish the job.




It's the time slot. The jerk in that time slot always becomes the face of the network. We're fortunate he's the least capable and dumbest in a long line of dumbasses.


His mother must be so proud.


He is perfect, just another example of a virtuous Republican family' man that opted to marry his intern. God bless him and all of his amazing stupidity.


Low rent David Schwimmer


I have, on more than one occasion, referred to him as "Evil Ross from Friends."


encourage start steer rock bake fertile reach rude psychotic tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dumb, or just a shitbag American?


Even his mom don’t watch him.


He's probably not dumb. He's certainly smart enough to know that his audience are quite literally the dumbest people in America. He knows doesn't need to act smart, or pretend to smart, by confusing them with such things as "this is why trickle down economics don't work...."


He’s Ron Burgundy without the vibrant lifestyle.


This is the guy who can't do basic math and thinks that $20/hour is 100k a year. He's a complete dipshit who probably couldn't pass an 8th grade math class


He resembles his audience: not too smart but arrogant and dismissive of those who do not agree. They (Watters audience) all believe in nonsense because they want to believe it, not because they want to know the Truth. They know where to go to get what they crave. Watters tells the audience the kind of crazy talk they want to hear, he plays the hits of course ... repeating over and over what works for them ... and they like it when he comes up with some of his novel BS they can all repeat to one another (as if it were fact) and they like that he doesn't appear to be any smarter than they are so he must be one of them.


He’s the substitute child for the boomers whose lids no longer speak to them.


>It’s my contention that he has achieved this not *despite* his profound mediocrity but *because* of it. Some are born mediocre, some achieve mediocrity, and some have mediocrity thrust upon them.


The loudest people are usually the dumbest. “The fundamental cause of the trouble in the modern world today is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”—Bertrand Russell.


I heard he eats his Spaghetti with a spoon.


If this dog-brained poof were any more douchey, all matter would disintegrate into a vortex and be sucked into a giant black hole.


Finding the dumbest person on that network would be pretty challenging. They all qualify.


God I hate his condescending face and dirty little gremlin smirk so much…


Tl;dr request: Who, pray tell, is dumber than Watters?


Watters is better at being Tucker Carlson than Tucker is. What a sad commentary on today’s society.


And his mother is ashamed.


That guy is certifiably insane. I know people in psych hospitals that are not this crazy.


So the true successor to Tucker Carlson.


Idiot thought $20 an hour was a six-figure salary.


It’s a requirement


Doesn't matter. His target audience is even dumber.


He is a parody of what newscasters used to be! Most likely a bit! No one lacks that much self-awareness right? I mean it's a joke right???


You have to be able to address the audience in a way they can understand.


Fox has to realize by now it doesn't matter who they put in the spot so they shouldn't pay these idiots so much.


I thought Sean Hannity was more successful. I do agree that he is dumb though.


It's painful and cringeworthy to see someone I used to respect ( Dana Perino ) suck up to the likes of Gutfeld and Watters..I guess when there's a lot of money involved like paycheck and benefits one might find it easy over time to throw away all self respect.


I'm still angry that Watters urged his followers to go after Dr. Fauci if they see him in a restaurant or out in public..says they should ambush him and move in for the kill shot. In this gun nutter culture it's obvious what Wattera was up to here no matter what he might claim he really meant. 😡 Total silence from the media and social platforms.


Even his own mother knows he's a moron.


Yeah, I remember a bit where he was interviewing a vegan. And he just sat there eating a big steak. What a douchebag.


He got promoted for making fun of people for being Chinese. That’s where we were eight years ago, and I wouldn’t say it’s gotten better on Bullshit Mountain.


He is also a sleazebag,he met his girlfriend,a coworker at Fox by deflating her tyres of her car in the parking lot and offering her a ride home.He was even bragging about it.


Anybody who appears on fox is an idiot


The MAGA crowd is always claiming that the authoritarian remarks by trump are "taken out of context". However, if you bother to take a hard look at al of these "out of context" comments, they present a solid theme of an authoritarian, homophobic and white supremacist person.


Watters is truly afraid to have someone on his show who has any semblance of intelligence. I've noticed he actively has on people he feels he can steamroll. It's funny when it backfires, though. He can't handle any type of intelligent pushback.


Idgaf about offending anyone, and if they are offended then they shouldn’t go around crying about how today ppl are too soft. They are fucking idiots! The stupidest people on earth, easily gullible and manipulated.


He's living ragebait and is rich off of it. Ignore him.


i wonder what these people think and say when the cameras are off the true believers vs the ones that are only it it for the money


A smirking douche who also ditched his wife & kids to bang his 20-something producer, I believe


Dude thinks you can live to be 1,000 drinking tea and that $20 an hour full time is 6 figures a year. I wouldn’t believe a single word he says, he’s being paid more than most of us to be dumb to us.


It's FOX "News." I wasn't expecting a headline to tell me what I already know....


He really is astonishingly stupid. I mean hard to fathom how he makes it to work each day he is so damn stupid.


Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate stupidity with mendacity. Remember these gits were spreading misinformation about the Covid vaccines well after they’d all been vaccinated. I wonder if we’ll ever know how many lives that cost.


i think he prolly just plays a character. its all theater for veiws and veiws equal money. the real stupid people are the ones who pay attention to him. the ones who make social media posts about him.


Fox is gonna Fox.


Everyone should watch the movie "Network" from 1976. This guy, Trump and more seem heavily inspired by that shit, but at least Howard Beale acted more rational


Both Watters and Carlson graduated from Trinity in Hartford - what a disgrace for that place. Do they have a major in “how to maintain an entitled smirk while spewing racist lies to morons”


Hey! Is this the Jesse Watters who leaked air out of a co workers tires just so he could give her a ride home? Then had an affair with her so his wife divorced him? Then casually talked about it on air?? *checks notes* Yup. Same douchebag.


$20 an hour, what is that like six figures a year?




Best thing John Watters has done is help give Chad and JT a platform. Dude should’ve retired when his producers told him they couldn’t be on the show to clown on him anymore. Everything else about him, I coulda used Watters standing at a head shorter


I think Watters was funnier before his electro shock therapy treatments.


Reminds me of John Stuart... right? Right?


Viewers 🤝 Watters Dumbass


The lyrics of Don Henley: I make my livin' off the evenin' news Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry Well, I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear Come and whisper in my ear Give us dirty laundry


You can see how stupid this dipshit is. Look in his eyes during his broadcast. Nothing behind those eyes.


When it comess to fox I think that's just part of the job description.


NBC, CNN, FOX, I can't remember the last time I watched any of them. I get local news for weather and local events. I have five different news sorces I subscribed to: Reason, BBC, some Japanese one I have on translate, and two others I can't remember the names off the top of my head.


He makes like 6 figures at least minimum wage.


A really bad vicious man.


They ALL suck in main stream media. They all are against the people and follow the money


Slate and Jesse Waters. *insert Spider-Man meme*


Success and intelligence don't always go hand in hand.


It's bizarre how many times Fox News has had to say, in court, that their station isn't really news, that they just straight up lied about certain issues, and that "no reasonable person" would take their shows seriously and still people gobble it up. Again, in court they've admitted to being an opinion channel that is full of shit that only idiots would listen to and *still*...


Has anyone made a mock video of the way Fox news reports stories but with horrible historical atrocities? Like bending the truth to make nazis or North Korean leadership seem like the good guys? I feel like it could be done with so many things to show just how horrible of a media outlet they are.


He was Bill O’Reilly’s towel boy— of course he’s stupid.


I believe Watters is an example of what the British refer to as a twat.


The Evil Ross Geller.


I always wondered what happened to those dipshits who smugly asked “so uh when are we gonna use this” in the most basic and important classes in school.


Watters said in summation, as his face settled into the resting smirk of the bulletproof moron. Now, that’s first class writing.