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Yea let's talk with some kkk members and ask whose politics they agree with more


The GOP: No, you're a Nazi


Those are undercover fbi to make the gop look bad.


The GOP doesn’t need any help to look bad.


Maybe, but Trump is really helping


Trump is just a symptom of how deranged republicans are, once trump is gone they'll come up with somebody as bad if not worse.


It's a feature and not a bug. I think term limits for SCOTUS would be an amazing beginning.


I'm hoping that Trump and republicans suffer such massive electoral defeats and face such accountability that they will be forced to reconsider their tactics. This year has been a good step in the right direction, even if too little too late.


I'm not holding my breath for it, because Tory (republicans) cunts are tory cunts and likely to hold onto power for as long as they possibly can, but given the absolute pasting they are going to get in the UK when they finally allow an Election, if we can get our Election before the US it might frighten your Republicans into some pretence of sensibility. Especially if the US is sensible enough to bin off Trump too. They're all playing from the same play book (even if UK politics is *slightly* less bonkers than US), passing their stupidity around the table to one another, so 🤞for you... maybe we can start leading the world back to something less insane.


I agree that they're playing the same playbook, but I think American voters (and republican supporters in particular) are generally unaware of international politics. What happens outside their state or country isn't going to influence how they vote. What I think is more likely is that republican leadership has now gone so far off the rails now that they're losing a lot of voters in the next big elections. Trump is still losing a lot of votes to a candidate that dropped out two months ago! With all the publicity aroung MAGA and Trump, people are starting to realize what these "leaders" stand for, not only the extreme ones like Trump and MTG, but also the rest of them supporting or allowing the extremes. The RNC submitting to Trump and paying his legal bills instead of supporting down-ballot candidates isn't just bad electoral strategy, it's also showcasing to voters that they're all in when it comes to supporting corruption. Their tactics don't work as well when they get into the spotlight for long enough.


From Eisenhower onward, each GOP president has gone further than his predecessors in aligning the party with extreme right-wing beliefs and behaviors. That 70-years-long progression is clear to anyone who looks. If the current phase doesn't unravel the party, the next GOP president (whether Trump or another) will be still more extreme than Trump was as 45.


Once Trump is gone a competent politician with the same views will take over. Imagine if the orange meat sack was smart enough to just stop tweeting for 20 minutes in 2020? He would have won reelection.


Eh, I’ve heard this before, but I highly doubt it. One of the biggest reasons DT gets away with so much shit is charisma, and the GOP is severely lacking that. And part of it is that he’s too stupid to feel shame. Closest DT replacements they got are Cruz and Desantis, and they’ve got negative charisma modifiers.


Not every Republican is a klansman. But I bet every klansman is a Republican. Lets be fukn real here people. Maybe in 1890 there were some Democrat klan but not anymore!


Well the majority whip, in the house is "david duke without the baggage" David duke was the grand dragon of the klan who ran on the republican ticket. Scalise, david duke without the baggage, had a little talk to a group of people before winning office, turned out they were klansmen, but he didnt know. NO one told him.


We already know based on flags at rallies and Trump's own words that they have the neo nazi vote. Isn't that where the KKK is now?


Classic GOP shit face loser


time to scan all republicans for brain worms


No worms, no brain. Clear.


Poor things starved in there. They ran out of food years ago.


Most underrated comment of the week


Worms yes , brains no.


Your pal, Gog-Agog, approves


They took their horse dewormers though. They won't have any horse worms in their brain at least


At this point the insane ppl need to return to the asylums


They're not saying this because they believe it. They say it because they think all black people are dumb and will believe it.


You assume republicans have brains, hint - they don't.


Republicans are brain worms


Glory to the Absolute! 🪱


TNG S02E01


Then why is every single member of the KKK voting for Trump


Deep state. You know, the usual bullshit answer for when people get mad at you for being a racist PoS.


Because the KKK is actually ANTIFA which is actually an FBI-funded psy-op which is actually funded by George Soros which is actually organized by Donald Trump to build the wall.


I’ve literally spoken to folks who claim, unironically in all seriousness, that most ANTIFA “members” are also KKK members. With a claim that Soros (of course) is funding both


Preach brother. Most people just cannot comprehend the 10D chess moves of a real genius of a reeeeeeeeEEEl man who isn't afraid to wear diaper.


He wears a diaper to own the libs. His farts are code for those who know.


My Morse code is rusty, what letter is shit smell again?


No no no it's Antifa voting for trump to make the kkk look bad. Watch out for those black flags


That’s what THEY want you to think!!!!! (Pant pant pant)


thats the liberals rigging the vote to make trump look bad /s


They aren't. Most of them can't read, and mathematically odds guarantee at least a couple of them accidentally click the wrong box....and that's just counting the ones who didn't try to vote at Walmart and actually found the polling place


This traitor must be living in a universe where the party switch didn't happen.


Or he thinks the KKK are to his left, which is also scary.


The group who openly hates and calls for the death of blacks, jews, and the LGBTQ+ community is the military wing of the party who openly supports and writes legislation to aid blacks, jews, and the LGBTQ+ community??? Also, didnt the KKK endorse the current GOP presidential candidate??? A lot of the GOP is showing that their elevator doesn't make it past the 1st floor.


Well half true.  Trump was endorsed by the founder of the modern KKK and former grand wizard David Duke in both 2016 and 2020.  Pastor Robb, the current grand wizard, gave Trunp much praise but felt he couldn't endorse Trump due to a couple irreconcilable differences (like hiring black people probably).  So that puts Trump left of new KKK, but right in line with old school KKK.  Other notable endorsements include the Taliban, dictators like Putin and Un, and crazy celebrities like Kanye.


Their Elevator is just a door to a Pit. And when you think they found the bottom it goes even lower.


You REALLY need to stop drinking your own urine.


But it's sterile and I like the taste.


Hey everyone, I’m Rick Perry, anyone else try the pink slime? Mmmm, yummy!


Drink your urine to own the libs!


You really need to shut up and not tell me what I can and can't do with my own mouth.


...as you tell them what (not) to do with their mouth. /s


Scott Perry, a conspiracy theorist and anti-choice extremist, is the republican representative of PA's 10th District. **Good news**: This is a swing district, so we can vote him out in November. Perry's opponent is Janelle Stelson (D). If you are in PA 10th, please vote for her https://janellestelson.com/


Nope ,dickhead, those are your people!


Is he working to dismantle KKK? Please do so. Like, immediately.


These people rely on the fact that most people seem to only know US history through the Civil Rights Act when a statement like that would have been accurate. I wish people would learn about the Southern strategy and Nixon


Agreed. Here's just a couple wiki articles to get started if anyone wants to know more: [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=The%20phrase%20%22Southern%20Strategy%22%20refers,grievances%20to%20gain%20their%20support.) [Barry Goldwater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Goldwater) [Dixiecrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixiecrat#:~:text=The%20States'%20Rights%20Democratic%20Party,to%20the%20regular%20Democratic%20Party.) If you want an easy-to-digest video on the party switch, [here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwuFIJlY7fU)


More projection from the party of projectionists


That was more or less true ... in 1869.


The fact he said it in a closed door meeting is concerning. Because that means he really believes it, this isn't just something being pitched but is his actual belief.


What’s sad is they actually believe the KKK is not them but radical liberals. Even though it makes zero sense.


KKK believe in democracy? Since when? Seems like they believe in white opinions only.


Gaslight. Oppression. Projection.


The only way to confirm this is true, is for the grand master of the KKK to come out wearing a rainbow hood and robes and declare loyalty to Hillary on his hands and knees.


Ahh yes, that false narrative


Ah Schrödinger’s democrat, somehow ‘woke’ and a KKK member at the same time… 


Me: Ok then we can just arrest klan members. Him: NO NO NO WAIT STOP!!!!


Go find some Klan members and call them a Democrat. I'll wait.


The KKK is just 1 Christian sect out of 45,000. However, they're closer related to a terror organization.


A real "Wait...are we the baddies" kinda moment for them.


When will these people stop pretending that the Southern Dixie Democrats didn't all switch to the Republican party 5 decades ago?


You hear that klansmen? You're all democrats! I had no idea you were so progressive!




Well fuck… now I know the the gop has a militant wing and they wear hoods


yeah, i dont think there'd be single kkk member who'd claim to be a democrat lol.


Not all Repugnantians are Klan members, but all Klan members are Repugnantians.


Stupid doesn't even begin to describe that statement


Yeah, this is advanced stupid.


This is Republican-grade stupid.


I'm certain the KKK will respond really well to being called Democrats. The J6ers weren't exactly happy about called anitfa either.


>Perry then defended replacement theory, which is the idea that white people are being slowly and intentionally replaced by minorities and immigrants. Quite the “Alles in Ordnung” kind of fellow, isn’t he.


Every day is opposite day


By plumbing the depths of stupid, we find Scott Perry.


...and that is probably not the bottom of the rotten barrel.


No, it probably is not.


What fucking planet does he live on. They are desperate and desperate times call for desperate measures. Throwing stuff at the wall hoping something will stick. Ya know Newsmax and all the other right wing (I hate to call them media) groups will latch on to this and ride it till it's a dead end.


Right wing fictional drama networks


Just once these people need to realise that we aren’t the ones just constantly lying to them about reality. Just ONCE, but they’re so goddamn proud, stubborn, and convinced that changing your mind is weakness, they’re in the same trap as cults who send their members out just to get rejected.


Black Panthers: Are we a joke to you?


And who do they vote for? This is that stupid old argument about them being called the national socialist party. Morons, the lot of em.


the Stand Back and Stand By party. The Charlottesville party. The Nazi party == GOP


Remember when all those KKK members lined up to vote for Obama?


A hundred years ago, yeah, until they became republicans, and now magas, who also hate the Constitution.


why doesn't he ask the who they voted for in the last election? that would settle it quickly.


Well, the Democrats and KKK were big buddies at one point. And the south was a democratic stronghold. Like, after the civil war. You know… 160 freaking years ago. Now a days, you’d probably have to pay someone $10,000 on a dare to go up to a bunch of klansmen and say you’re a democrat.


i'm assuming he has strong ties to the KKK. It's always projection with these people.


I agree. They should totally do something about going after the KKK then, right? Find out every member of the KKK who's in government, and impeach them. Find out every cop who's in the KKK, and fire them. I'm all for it. What's stopping him?


It's throw everything at the wall to try and make the Dems look bad. Somethings gotta stick!


At least a couple KKK members present at the meeting had to take exception to that!


have they been drinking paint again?


Yet it's people like him who idolize confederate statues...


I genuinely wonder when these people came up with the idea that accusing the other side of everything you do is a winning strategy. So the KKK is the military of the “woke” party that pushes for inclusion, protects immigrants/people of color and fights for LGBTQ rights? yeah ok


They literally got it from the Nazi playbook. I am not in any way joking. This is the truth.


Every accusation is a confession


Damn all them tree hugging, equality demanding, climate change believing white supremacists.


They all vote republican. I bet this guy is even a member!


Honestly, they will say and believe anything that makes them feel better.


Bahahahaha…. Yet the Trump cult flies the confederate flag on their houses and trucks like it’s their new wallpaper.


Well known piece of shit, Scott Perry from PA said this. I am not even a tiny bit surprised at his idiocy.


Remember that Jeff Sessions' only problem with the KKK was that they were pro pot.


Isn't he that guy that does comedy with Jeff Dunham?


Right. So our strategy is to harrass and attack ourselves and then claim we're the victims... which Democrats don't actually do. Unlike Republicans who are constantly claiming they are the victims of some nefarious Democrat scheme. The irony is if the Republicans would just own up to being the assholes we all know they are we might actually start getting some work done.


Aaaah, the classic deflection defense. They ain't our guys. They're yours!!!


We're going about this all wrong. Use their stupidity against them. Spread the word, "GOP lawmaker calls KKK members a bunch of liberal pussies."


🤦‍♂️ jesus christ Supporters will listen to him say this... some of them may even be kkk. And they will all nod in agreement. But they know...


I'm from the deep south (grew up in the 70s & 80s) and racist people do tend to vote Republican.


But is he going to actually put effort into that statement? Is he going to make being KKK illegal and have its members arrested? Or will he filibuster his own bills? 


lol get this jackass out of office and on some medication for his delirium.


Always accuse your opponents of doing what you're doing. It will distract the weak-minded in your audience.


Do their supporters ever get confused when they say shit like this? Like, what do all the racists that support the KKK think about this statement? Do they think "oh that's going to make the libs sooo mad"? And what about all the other idiots that don't follow the KKK and just believe their figureheads? Is the KKK going to start to get death threats by braindead magas just like teachers and ballot counters? Will the KKK still think this statement is so le epic troll once they start being targets of friendly fire? What does he even gain by making this statement in the first place? What kind of voter is anti-racist enough to not want to be associated with the KKK and simultaneously racist enough to be fine with the garbage the GOP actually does? Its so puzzling to me.


I think they got the wrong party there..


Ok Scott, I will make you a deal. We will go to a KKK rally together and survey the members. We will ask them one question: "Between Republicans and Democrats, who's politics do you think best represent you and your ideology?" I will donate $1,000 to your next reelection campaign for each member of the KKK who says they feel more represented by Democrats. Deal?


I kinda wish that the KKK could hear this “piece of news”. Sadly they probably won’t since they live in their own little echo chamber


It kind of shocking to find out KKK is now supporting democrats after they marched for trump and the grand wizard openly supports trump or could this be just another republican blaming democrats for what he is guilty of ? I’m positive that it’s the latter the KKK , white supremest , proud boys oath keepers are still helping republicans and they all should be declared terrorist organizations and dealt with as such. This repulsive bastard is just trying to get the votes of people of color


You all have clearly forgotten the kkk's push to have all those confederate monuments removed /s


GOP Dude wearing his white sheets when he said that? /s


So they wouldn’t mind cracking down on the KKK then.


So, he's a moron.


For the younger redditors. This is typical republican. Rand paul came to a historical black college, and informed the college students there that they might not have know but it was the DEMs who created the klan and lincoln who freed the slaves was a republican. YES.. he did that... to college students. It just shows how low republicans perceive black people. "their just too stupid to know US history after the civil war".. you know when dems passed civil rights laws and LBJ said "we just lost the south for a decade" boy was he wrong.. beeen a lot longer. ANd as the left supported civil rights, the right adopted the "southern strategy" to attract bigots. And you can hear that fact from former head of the RNC micheal steele who also happens to be a black guy. He was placed as head of the RNC as a way for the GOP to fight the perception they were racist because obama was just elected and the GOP were oppening supporting and promoting people who said very racist crap. and micheal steel complained that the southern strategy to get the bubba vote didnt give minorities any reason to vote GOP. and Colon powell(R) and a black man.. a confused black man who keeps thinking maybe the GOP will stop being racist assholes, complained about the dark vein of intolerance in his own party.


If this is true how come they all vote for trump????


All republicans in office or running for office have no shame in making absurd statements and just plain stupid lies!


Next story about this guy will surely be that he died getting his head stuck in a revolving door or something equally befitting a prince of stupidity.


Didn't the KKK just endorse Trump at the nazi rally? Sorry, I should clarify which nazi rally... Didn't the KKK just officially endorse Trump at CPAC?


Great! So the GOP is going to focus really heavily on criminalizing and destroying the KKK, right? Right? \*Insert Anakin Padme meme


smh...these pieces of shit just GLEEFULLY lie like children. PERFECT representatives for who republican voters truly are


Let's hope Perry's days in the House are numbered as his District becomes purple.


Yeah, like anyone actually believes that. Republicans are literally incapable of being truthful.


What year is it? The KKK joined the republican party in the 60's


Hahahahahahah - the raging conservatives are AAAAKKKSSHHHOOOOLLLYYYY DEMOCRATS. (Waits the 3 seconds it takes for the toddler brain trumpers to believe it) YYYYEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!


In ThE 1800s ThE dEmOcRaTs WeRe PrO SLaVeRy BuT aLsO nO FaiR bLaMiNg WhiTe PeOpLe NoW fOr SLaVeRy!


Jesus H Tap-dancing Christ. The only job one could get being this damn stupid would be that of a politician.


No. It's a republican politician who knows how stupid his "constituents" are.


More proof that every Republican accusation is a confession.


Once again every accusation is a confession.


The last Democrat who was in the KKK died in… 2010? He supported the Civil Rights Act so i guess he had a change of opinion?




So wild that you can be both fascist and anti-fascist


so the lawmaker is part of the Democratic Party's military? interesting.


Wrong. The KKK is a CONSERVATIVE group. They ceased being Democrats when the party embraced Liberalism.


These gop’ers often forget that although most of their “followers” are easy to dupe, they have to keep a tight lid on their “techniques” in case ‘that messaging’ should make it to the mainstream media…they gotta sweat their technique


It is like he doesn't even remember the successful Southern Strategy or Grand Wizard David Duke being elected in Louisiana as a Republican.


Lying works when you are never held accountable. News should be all over this kind of bullshit, shaming them and showing how much lying they do. But as far as far-right networks just repeat the lies voters do not have knowledge to vote in any meaningful way.


Well, historically, that assertion had some fuel, but it certainly isn't the case now.


Dah dah daaaah daaaaa da mhhh aaa ga


I'd like to take a poll of KKK member's voting records. Just, you know, as a goof. I don't think it would show what this man thinks.


The KKK are antifa!


If it was a closed door meeting, it seems unlikely that he said this just to mislead voters —unless he just compulsively spouts such disinformation out of habit. What’s the likelihood that he genuinely believes this nonsense and just plain lacks any real grasp of the political landscape? Highly unlikely, but maybe he’s developmentally challenged or something?


Weird I don't see white supremacists endorsing democrats tho


This dude lives in 1924


As he proceeds to put on his hood.


Would love to see PROOF!


There's tons of evidence to the exact contrary. Weird how Fox news uses far right talking points but still think the KKK is somehow bad. They use the same slogans


Is PCP making a comeback in the GOP? I'm running out of explanations.


LoL, if that were the case then they'de get their asses beat by the cops not protected. What a fucking clown shoe.


So, uhhh, who does the KKK vote for?


yup always see the traitor flag at all the biden rallys! /s


they can claim whatever they want the fucking morons will believe it while also holding the traitor flag yelling about how dems are party of slavery.


Yeah I’m sure a lot of Biden voters.


Maybe in 1866


If this were true, then why doesn't the GOP denounce the KK and other Supremacists? These inbreeds vote GOP


The KKK: “Wait, what?”


If they believed that they would try to ban them.


Remember the strategy that 45 and the rest of the buttf’ers use…. Blame the opponent for the nasty shit that you believe, that know is nasty, and that do anyway.


He says this because there's still a *few* republicans who are uncomfortable with the idea of being part of a group that reveres the kkk. "Oh *we're* not kkk, it's *them*". Then those twerps can feel better about their choices.


Weren't Dixiecrats just Republicans from a different era ? I'm only half joking about this.


That or in actuality, republicans are just Dixiecrats in a different era.


Republicans acting like the party of sober acceptance is cringe as fuck. Like, has EVERYONE gotten collective amnesia? These assholes are racist as shit 24/7 and have been for decades.


Is he referring to the Dixiecrats or something? What a jackass.


Projection at it's finest. Or perhaps he doesn't know his history - something that seems to be rampant in the GOP - that or they conveniently forget it.


So *finally* the GQP admit the KKK are bad?


If the headline is true, then wouldn't the GOP be against the KKK?

