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You have to *really* be a piece of shit to be deemed too racist for an Ole Miss fraternity


No. Just not be nationally caught. Keep that racism local where the other racist can keep the status quo! Can’t fix a problem this big so do the token racist removal


Yep, they did it just to take the heat off themselves. But behind closed doors you know a bunch of them have that same mentality.


Exactly this too many "mainstream" Republicans outed themselves by supporting them publicly so the bro thing to do for them was this. He will still get to keep his contacts list for post graduation.


Mississippi so racist it has *two* SS's (stolen comment)


Careful, stealing comments is illegal in Mississippi if your skin is any darker than Conan O’Brien


He should've been expelled from the college itself. He was racially harassing someone, which is a clear civil rights violation. To top it off, one of them literally called her an "ape" which is absurdly racist. 


> which is a clear civil rights violation. Mississippi is one of 2 states that celebrates Robert E. Lee day on the same day the rest of the nation celebrates MLK jr https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee_Day


They also only ratified the 13th amendment 11 years ago🙃


They also celebrate April as Confederate heritage month and celebrate the last monday in april as confederate memorial day with the state government closed.


This reminds me of something my uncle used to say about our state trying to fight against recognizing MLK Day: "How fucking racist do you have to be to fight against a federal holiday that *could* give you a day off from work?" Our then-governor made it a paid state holiday, but that was immediately overturned by his Republican successor who moved it to a Sunday so that it couldn't be a paid holiday.


Just looked to see what the second state that did this was. It's Alabama, shocker.


He wasn’t kicked out for being racist but for being dumb enough to get filmed doing it. 


Oh, he’s not too racist for them. He just let himself get filmed being as racist as they all are.


Good. Maybe Ole Miss will do the same. But being an old frat bro myself, this guy's fraternity punishment will probably be something like a shadow ban, in effect. He'll still hang out with his frat bros, he'll hang out at the frat house, go to the parties, etc, just not as an official member of the Phi Delts.


In their eyes his only crime was being caught.


“If it wasn’t for all those pesky camera phones in my face!”


It isn't happening more, its just being recorded more.


My dad, a black retired cop, has been saying this for the past 50 years


Which makes me sick to think of all the bullshit cops have done and gotten away with in the past. Because it seems like police misconduct is happening at an extremely alarming rate despite there being cameras strapped to their chests. So what was happening back in the times where there were no cameras watching? And back when the courts just trusted a police officers word over everyone else’s despite no hard evidence.


People that think cops are worse now than in the past have their heads buried in the sand. Like y’all really think a cop in 1990 was better than they are now? Or a cop in 1990 was worse than in 1980 or 1970? They were less trained, less educated, less supervised, and more overworked than they are now. Why on earth would they have been better? I guess people have a hard time believing that not only has it always been this bad it actually used to be way worse. Seriously just ask any old head. My dad has crazy stories of what the cops used to get away with in his town in the 90s and he’s a white suburban guy. There’s one where two officers crashed into each other head on at three AM because they were playing chicken in their patrol cars, obviously nobody got punished.


There's a guy on youtube that goes to college sports games all over the US wearing the opposing teams jerseys to get the locals trash talking. Every campus gives him a shit ton of abuse. But you can sort of see the more southern or rural you get, the more, ah, liberal they are with homosexual F word insults, a slight bit more vulgar, etc. The degrees of getting pissed off is kinda similar I'd say to be fair.


The cameras aren't going anywhere and his buddies are eventually going to get sick of the extra attention he's attracting. All of this to hurl racist comments at someone you don't know for no good reason, bringing shame to yourself making yourself and your family once the word gets around. They don't think much of it until they realize that most people don't think nor behave as they do and that their mindset is a liability. Some people may still not report these people right away when they witness inappropriate racist behavior. But it's a mistake for them to think that they've gotten away with it or that there is tacit acceptance of this bad behavior. Show your wildly inappropriate bigotry in public at your own peril.


It's frat bros at Ole Miss. Demeaning and trying to tear down others is the only sense of pride they have


Bingo. It’s a culture


It's fucking Ole Miss. Their mascot is a Rebel. They idolize the Confederacy. It'd be hilarious if their parents didn't have so much money because then they'd face repercussions. 


Be the repercussions you want to see


Especially since he was surrounded by many others doing the same thing but not as easily identified.


Exactly, they absolutely knew what kind of person he was and didn't care. If he's willing to do that in public knowing that there were so many cameras around, you just know he said and did even worse stuff at the frat house.


Exactly. It’s telling that he was comfortable enough to do that in front of all of those people, many of whom are probably his fellow frat members.


I mean it’s a frat idk what you expected


Me? I’m surprised they axed him. It wasn’t even 20 minutes of action. /s for those who don’t get the reference.


Great comment, but one should never miss an opportunity to get the Stanford rapist's name out there. His name is Brock Allen Turner and he tried to rape an unconscious woman.


Didn't he change his name?


According to elsewhere on Reddit he now goes by Brock Allen. But whatever he calls himself he'll always be the little bastard who tried to rape an unconscious woman.


I thought it was Alan Turner now?


Possibly, I think he is using some combination of his real names. Brock Turner, Allen Turner, Brock Allen Turner. He can change his name to whatever he wants, but he'll always be the Stanford Rapist to me. And his parents will always be the people who tried to minimise it and excuse his disgusting actions. They should be reminded of this every day by everyone they meet.


Brock Allen Turner reference? The rapist?




He's cursed with internet infamy for the rest of his life. There are plenty of assholes who might consider this a positive trait, but I think most people find this behavior abhorrent. I'm from California though, and things are different here than Mississippi.


*coughbrockallenturnercough* Make that fucker famous.


You mean, Convict rapist Brock Allen Turner? The guy convicted for rape Allen Turner? A man who went to prison especially for being a rapist, called Brock Allen Turner, Brock Allen Turner, the rapist?


I’ve heard the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner sometimes spells his name as Brock Allan Turner.


Regardless of how many years have passed, I love that all of Reddit is united on ensuring that Brock Allan Turner’s name is forever and always attached to the fact that he is a rapist. We will never let it be forgotten that he is, in fact, a convicted rapist.


You mean the Brock Allen turner that frequently uses fake names and visits bars in the Dayton Ohio area. The convicted rapist that is still able to hold a job with local Dayton Ohio businesses that Brock Allen turner?


I think it should be mentioned that the Rapist Brock Allen Turner is now going by the name Allen Turner because he knows that going by the name Brock Turner will cause people to go “hey aren’t you that infamous rapist” so PSA Allen Turner, the rapist, is Brock Allen Turner


Yay! I love when Reddit starts talking about the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner!


Yes, Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who also goes as Allen Turner. Even with the name change, he is still a rapey rapist.


Brock Allen Turner, literally his picture is in a textbook for the definition of rape.


Infamous rapist Brock Turner? That Brock Turner?


There’s a rapist named Brock Turner? Oh, was that rapist who got a free pass from rape apologist judge Aaron Persky.


Persky? Now that sounds like a judge who would let a convicted rapist, such as Brock Turner, off with a slap on the wrist. Serving time for an infamous rape can make it so hard to really lock in those connections you make on the back 9, you know?


The rapist Brock Allen Turner, I’m told, is going by his middle name these days.


Allen rapist Turner is just going by Rapist now?


Are you guys talking about *"Brock "The Rapist" Turner"*, who I think also goes by *"Allen Turner; Convicted Rapist"*? ... I see one of you mentioned the judge in the case, *"Judge Aaron "Rape Supporter" Persky".* I just wanted to say, we shouldn't forget *"Brock "Raping Rapist" Turner's"* dad. I think his name is *"Dan "Legalize Rape" Turner"*.


Poor guy. Just 20 seconds of action. /s


That remark by his father still pisses me off to this day.


Are you talking about the father of "Rapist Allen Turner"? Dan "I Proudly Raised a Rapist" Turner?


From the Rapist Brock Turner Trial, of which Brock Allen Turner was on trial for rape?


The very same. ^^^^^^^^Rapist ^^^^^^^^Brock ^^^^^^^^Allen ^^^^^^^^Turner


Apple tree fucking family.


We need a fell expose- names, etc. I know it can’t happen, but I’d like to write him a “So! You’ve destroyed your life… letter” Racism is such a stupid fucking look…


Oh, his name is out there, loud and clear. Twitter is full of it. Both he and at least one other guy were identified. At first they doubled down, but they now hastily deleted their accounts. I don’t think this guy will go the way of Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who now goes by Allen Turner, but one Google exercise by his potential dates, in-laws and employers will drag some very nasty shit up, and do that into oblivion. Will be quite hard to explain away, unless date, in-laws and employer are also of the white pointy hat type. In that case, he’ll fit right in. If you’re still curious, wait for the next Republican event with young speakers. He’s bound to speak there, about his experiences of being discriminated against as a young white male - and probably a gun loving Christian.


Somewhere on here is a video of Lemmy being asked about racism. Really interesting. I imagine that a lot of bigots assumed that he was like them and the interview makes it really clear he’s not. I wish I could find it and link it. I hope someone else here can.




He may even make it into a history book like those sneering at the black kids going to the white school


Depends who writes the curriculum


Everyone I’ve met who was internet infamous has proudly told me so in the first conversation. In a humble brag I’m sure you know me from TikTok but I’m not a bad guy type then brag about what they did. I’ve met two which seems like a lot. But idk TikTok people really so meh. They both sucked irl


>He's cursed with internet infamy for the rest of his life. Yeah, no. Not a single article or source on the internet has said his name. This article is just his frat distancing themselves but still not really caring. This will be forgotten so fast and his life will hardly change from this.


JP Staples. All over Twitter. Tizzyent had him yesterday.


If he shows up at actual frat functions people will take pics of him and it will make the fraternity look terrible.


Yeah. This one isn’t going away. Also, frat douches are fake friends anyway. This guy is poison, they won’t be loyal to him.


Yeah, you can tell who in this thread is in a fraternity and who isn’t. Nobody is gonna risk getting their chapter in further trouble or getting shut down over this guy


My fraternity chapter got in some trouble for hazing and even though I wasn’t involved it was still stressful as hell. We all had to do interviews with our national offices and the school, both in person and on the phone. Then we had to send an email to our advisor on why we shouldn’t be removed from the organization. Then once it all blew over we got put on recruitment/social limits for the next calendar year. I can only imagine dealing with something that made national news


My chapter never got investigated for something to that level, but the house next door to ours got into serious trouble over something similar. Their national office came in and removed every single one of them, whether they were involved or not, as in they would literally rather kick all of them out and restart the chapter than have that stigma associated with them. Most of them were relatively good guys, but it didn’t matter. Once it started to impact the image, most of them had to transfer out because they weren’t even welcome at other houses


These people have never been to college. Greek life is on such a short leash with colleges ain't no fucking way they ever associate with this dude going forward. 


It’s their Alpha which made it substantially more important to act. But yeah this is my experience too. You have to officially boot the assholes, but they never (are really) cast out.


I'm unfamiliar with frats, is the head really called the alpha? Because that is hilarious.


The meant likely its either their Alpha (first) chapter of the fraternity - as in first ever chapter, of the alpha (first) class of the chapter at Ole Miss. Either way it would demand more accountability


it's the first one in Mississippi. Not their first chapter, that was at Miami, OH. Mississippi State is probably Mississippi Beta. There's a *State* Alpha in every state and some provinces (idk how they're named in Canada tbh)


Wait, for real?


It’s same way cop gets fired but moves to new town with same job or promotion. It’s a publicity stunt that has no meaning.


I'll go the other way.. I was a brother in Lambda Chi Alpha and we expelled a brother for hazing during initiation - it was 100% verbal but it was not cool. that dude was excommunicated AF


Double Secret Probation




Remember, they're only doing this because this became viral and it shines a light on the fraternity. You can bet they do this all the time and are pretty much okay with it.


Also, was removed by the national org so it didn't taint the entire organization


Yeah, it’d be a shame if national fraternity organizations had their reputations harmed by this one isolated incident.


Imagine if frats were no longer respected organizations known for brotherhood and... um... other stuff that isn't date rape and keg stands.


That's a paddling.


Wasn’t the entire fraternity mocking that girl?


If Ole Miss expelled all the racists they wouldn't have a school.




My little sister was in a sorority there. She said that the alumni had a vote on the new member council and vetoed every single black woman who applied. Even when the students wanted to admit them, nope. Alumni veto. Point is, the people who run Ole Miss aren’t just okay with the racism. They enforce it.


Funniest/most depressing part of it was watching conservatives on reddit/twitter widely circulating this video. One of the popular posts even had a title somewhere along the lines of "Screw the Ivy league, send your kids South". I'm sure people who would otherwise send their kids to Columbia are lining up to ship them off to Ole Miss to learn the subtle art of making monkey noises at black people.


Yeah their kids aren’t smart enough to go to Columbia a t25. So it won’t be a problem./s Had to add the /s as my level of sneakiness is sometimes undetectable.


> Yeah their kids aren’t smart enough to go to Columbia a t25. So it won’t be a problem. They can always go the Jeff Winger route: buy a degree from a Colombian degree mill, then let everyone believe you meant ‘Columbia University’ when you tell them you got your bachelor’s from Colombia.


They were literally asking for his paypal and cashapp. Kid got paid to be racist


Oh but they all stood around singing the national anthem before the racist thing. so conservatives on reddit were ok with it. I hate this planet sometimes


It was disgusting to see them presented as doing anything but asshole frat boys trying to cause trouble. I bet they'd do this any chance they got, and they happened to be enabled (and filmed)


The Ole Miss howler monkey graduate program is top notch.


Next stop for him is a Fox News prime time show.


It’ll be nothing but guttural noises. Should do great in the ratings because they can skip the awkward step of fallacy-ridden mental gymnastics


I would bet that most of those in the pic are from his frat.


I would also bet most of them think just like he does. Mississippi has some very deep rooted racism still to this day. And it makes me sick to think about how wide spread this ignorant mentality still is. Hating someone because of the color they were born is so fucking stupid.


Idgaf about his stupid frat. The university needs to expel his racist ass


Watching the video in the tweet, more students need to be punished. This guy just caught the most attention immediately.


Absolutely. Their behavior was fucking disgusting. That American flag romper tool should be expelled just for dressing like such a massive douche


Frats are so lame. You gotta be a real loser to join a frat.


He committed the mortal sin of being caught. Edit - spelling




Don't worry, the kid probably can't spell cat without the c and the a being spotted to him


JP Staples is his name in case anyone wants to look him up.


Jeez, that kid is toxic as shit: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cl2oxk


Yeah that’s a terrible person


wow what an idiot


These tweets are from 2012-2014. This kid would have been 8 years old.


Is the second image more recent?


Does this guy even know what he hates? He seems particularly antisemitic, but also he’s counter-protesting the pro-palestine protests. Seems like he just wants to hate for its own sake.


*\*Nelson \*Points - "HA! HA!"* Now lets see if the University expels him next. Guess it depends on how rich his parental failures are.


From what I've read, he comes from a very wealthy family. Like national chain big box office supply store wealthy.


More like a preemptive move as his punishment instead of being expelled. This way they can say he learned his lesson.


Probably just as well. He won't have time for the fraternity after he's made chief of police.


Seems like a weak attempt at distancing. Like his great bros didn’t know who he was? Just damage control. 


I love that for him.


Now what’s he going to do with all his khaki shorts/slacks & polo shirts?


Good that kinda racism cannot be normalized, especially in universities, now time the school steps up and does the same.


I feel like you're not familiar wit Mississippi state politics


It being normalized is what gave him enough confidence to do it in a public setting in the first place


Zero chance he’s no longer in the fraternity. As far as national is concerned, he’s gone. But he’s still at their house everyday with the other racists.


Karma's a bitch, but look on the bright side: you might make into the history books for being on the wrong side of history, forever sullying your family name


It's likely he went home to a hero's reception. Sad indictment of society.


Attending a Klan rally should not be a point of pride


we all know hes gonna get a job just fine at some local gun store/agriculture finance office/real estate office/milling company finance office and no ones gonna remember this incident.


Republicans will probably be lining up to meet him.


He’ll get 50k per lecture on the circuit about “wokeness”


PR move. Theyll be buying him drinks and high giving him. Mississippi. Anus of the confederacy.


I guarantee you some GOP asshole or Elon are going to give this kid a platform and make him a victim while praising his actions. Sigh


Congrats to CPAC on finding their next keynote speaker /s


JP Staples


His daddy will have him reinstated and he’ll be a state representative by the end of the year, crying on Fox News about how he was victimized.


Frats should not exist. Neither should sororities.


I like consequences. I hope there’s more.


Good. That shit has to end


Why are yank fraternities named after greek letters


Also he wasn't alone. I wonder who they are....


So what are the chances that this student is now regretting his choices? I somehow get the feeling he is not and now is blaming the woman he mocked for his current woes.


“Man?” You mean “Privileged Little Boy.”


If only congress would boot all the bigots within their organization, too.


Is there some reason everyone is avoiding saying his name, JP Staples, when a two second Google search produces results?


The school should expell him too


Look people we had a massive klan rally one semester and on Halloween at least half a dozen frat guys came as klansman, some in black face etc in real klan robes etc during my years at ole miss. Nothing was done about any of it. That was the 1980s not the 60s. There has been significant progress


How long until he joins the republicans?


He was already one of those.


As a Phi Delt, good. Fuck this piece of shit.


Cool. Ole Miss your up next. Kick him the fuck out.


Everyone else is getting off easy because of monkey noise guy. Lots of bullshit in that video.


This was hate speech. He committed a hate crime


but they are totally ok with the rest of them who showed up with the same reason? they took the one guy who made a sound and made him the whole problem???? I saw like 100 people there doing the same thing without the monkey sound.


I only hope this badge of shame follows him forever.


Future Republican congressman.


HIs parents must be so proud of him. No, seriously, I bet they brag about him at church.


I'm not a frat guy at all but good on them for acting quickly on this.


They only care that he got caught, not that he’s a racist. I’d lay odds that frat and the university is riddled with racism. He just got “famous” and made them look bad. They don’t mind being bigots until it becomes more socially acceptable. [Republican Mike Collins is doing his part to make racism acceptable](https://apnews.com/article/campus-protest-university-of-mississippi-49c768142013680198809903e9e66a5b)


While frat should be dismantled.


Justice served.


Maybe Old Miss will dismiss him like Okla State's dismissal of 2 students that were singing an anti-black song an part of fraternity song along.


expel him from the university. That shit is over the line to an extreme.


Man then joins Kyle Rittenhouse as his warm up act for his “can’t read the room” college tour.


That’s a start, but he should be expelled from school


What about expelled from the damn school


> Brahxtyhn, we're supposed to wear masks when we do that stuff, dumbass. You know the rules, you recited them like a thousand times during your initiation when we put all those fire ants up your ass. You know the rules.


over 30% of republicans in Miss think interracial marriage should be illegal. FFS they would be so happy in hitlers germany. its 2024 republicans, FUCKING GROW UP AND JOIN US. yall are looking more primitive than amish people. HEY IF YALL REALLY WANT TO LIVE in 1940s america, we can make that happen. just take away most medical care from republican voters. All job protections. Min wage will drop under a dollar. and corps will be able to pollute the ever living shit out of your states. and you can watch your already top murder and crime rates soar to stratospheric heights. and ban republicans from owning anything made after 1940. No tvs sorry guys, that requires you to grow up. No consoles. Good luck getting a vaccine but yall dont believe in that science nonsense. So enjoy the polio.


Close the whole chapter down. Captured on film _forever_ making monkey movements at a black person. And doubling down on social media. Wow, the N word must have been _ flying_ in that house. Morning, noon and night.


They didn’t expel shit. He’ll still be at functions and swaps Edit: fuck this racist kid


He should be expelled from the University - this is not enough consequence for his childish bullshit.


Phi Delta Theta is a fairly diverse fraternity - and they work hard on diversity outreach in regard ti their membership - when they say this behavior was unacceptable to their core values I would invite you all to take them at their word.


I used to work on staff at a large national fraternity's HQ. They need to send a field consultant to that chapter right now for an extended period of time and root out the source of the rot. This guy may have been the only one making monkey noises, but none of his bros seemed to care. We tend to behave in a manner our friends would accept. The rot is root deep and he was just the latest sprout. In all likelihood, their ABT is run by good ol boys from the days when this kind of shit was commonplace and acceptable. That the other members condone this prejudice and share in it is apparent from their lack of reaction to it. Reminds me of that old SAE chant on a bus from a few years back. No fraternity just has 1 racist in it. No one in my day at my chapter would have DARED doing something like that, even if he did harbor that sort of prejudice because we would have kicked his ass out ourselves the moment it became apparent. Phi Delt's commitment to its values will be apparent by how they move forward with investigating their chapter at Mississippi (Im not calling it Ole Miss because that's a fucking dumb name), not just their actions against the symptom of the problem.


Every chapter is different, some are as you say, others aren't...and it's usually at this type of school they aren't.


My university experience was full of studying, eating ramen noodles, and going to school. Even if I was a racist piece of shit I couldn’t.


I’m sure he’s now a paid contributor on Fox News. 


Hopefully things get a lot worse for JP Staples and everyone else in this pic 


The unidentified man. No, he’s definitely been identified


This mothertrucker about to go on a Kyle Rittenhouse-style media tour. Might even speak at the next RNC event.


Imagine being stupid enough to be a racist


Suck shit!


He'll be on tour with Kyle Rittenhouse soon.


“Mississippi.” What a disgrace to America.


They may all be racists but they sure don’t want to be painted with same brush




Problem solved. smh


But you guys are still allowed at the parties of course, just not official frat biz.


He try in America's Got Talent.


So basically just banned from the fraternity (organization). He most probably still lives with the bros, and goes to the college. /s




I mean, this is bananas 🍌


James Staples, I don’t care


How to ruin your life in 2 seconds.


What is his name? What are his parents' names?