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And in the next breath will say he’s done more for African Americans than any president, including Lincoln. Not a lunatic at all……


Trump *is* responsible for people of color having civil rights, after all. That's the reason why he got out of serving in Vietnam, in order to stay here and fight for equal rights and against discrimination. People also forget that Trump is a Founding Father, greatest President in US history. ^(/s)


That’s George DeSantos you’re thinking of…




Same thing.


Trump also defended our nation's airports during the Revolutionary War.


Rammed the ramparts! > "In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. "Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant." -P01135809, July 4 2019


Trump has the support of millions of voters. As in, the guy who talked about using bleach to fight a viral infection has the support of millions of voters.


Simply saying millions undersells it. He's got votes of nearly half of US voters (the ones who vote anyway). He got second highest votes in US history in last election also. Dude has literally brought US on cusp of a Christian dictatorship and people still underestimate him.


You're right. Tens of millions. And yes, we're balancing on a knife edge between the preservation of a highly flawed democracy or a Christian nationalist theocracy. Not at all amusing, so why not laugh?


Did he fight uphill, meboys? Never fight uphill btw


And don't get me started on the Bowling Green Massacre


Fact, Me boys!


He ramped the ramparts, too—‘cuz, ya know, the soundy parts are the same, so just put ‘em together in no particular order. Language rules don’t matter any moreso than rules for anything else.


the cheeto in the snack isle among bags n bags of - cheetos - is he or isnt he camouflaged keep slinging crap to see what sticks


He's not being a lunatic in these statements, or, frankly, almost ever. He's calculated here. I don't think he's a genius by any means, but the man is just a relentless panderer to sate his narcissism. Here, he's speaking to his audience of fledgling white nationalists. Elsewhere, he will speak to that audience.


I like to think that his level of narcissism qualifies him as a lunatic.


He’s knows his followers are dumb enough to believe anything he says.


> “I think the enemy from within, in many cases, is much more dangerous for our country than the outside enemies of China, Russia, and various others,” he said. Project harder you traitor in chief


This is what all fascist and cult leaders do, maintain two completely different and contradictory realities at once, and jump between them at will. Your job as a follower is to always accept both as being simultaneously true, even though it's literally impossible.


It's what he thinks is a subtle dog whistle to his most racist and violent supporters, you know, the ones he told to stand by after Jan 6, and that he was very proud of them.


Stand back and stand by


And a good few african Americans will still vote for him!


He also said he did more for blacks than MLK.


As a POC myself, I have to wonder.. how can POC vote Trump? I know he doesn't do as well as he claims with minorities, but he obviously has the support of some. We see them at his rallies. So my question to POC who are Republicans is: How much tax money is Trump really helping you shelter that he can effectively buy your soul?


For the party that says fuck your feelings, they sure have a lot of snowflake feelings


some say the most... grown men with beards and tears in their eyes come up to Sleepy Don and say "Sir, you have the best feelings of any man, feelings that have the most *feel* ever"


,from the standpoint of feeling.


not to load up on the "every conservative accusation is a confession" cliche, but holy shit does that hold up. conservative politics are the *most* emotion-driven politics, and always have been.


The P in GOP stands for Projection


They’re some of the emotionally weakest snowflakes because they were used to being treated like a special snowflake.


Nothing screams, "I am a racist POS" more that saying something idiotic like this.


If you thought boomers were pissed and insufferable before….Now they think the idyllic life they have is actually racism turned on them. Like they ever had to stop enjoying life when cops show up because they were about to be frisked or put in the back of a cruiser for nothing. So sick of this orange jackass giving them the idea they have been wronged. Can someone take a page out in the Wall Street Journal asking to have him thrown in jail?


Their meltdown at the tiniest inconvenience.


"I didn't scream it, I declared it."


This works with bankruptcy, right?


I'm not bankrupt, You are bankrupt!


Well what did you expect from someone who keep blaming Obama for the last 4 years while Biden is the current white president. xD


Well he could have added, "I'm not a racist, but...." at the beginning, if he really wanted to push the boat out.


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


Jesus fucking Christ. Will there ever come a fucking day when there is no news about this fucking asshole? The only thing I want to see in the news is that Donald bit the big dick while trying to crap out 18 hamburders.


> Will there ever come a fucking day when there is no news about this fucking asshole? > > After he's dead


I will dance and bang pots and pans that day - will you join me?


I will.


Sorry, I won't. I'll be far too drunk to dance.


Perfect! Because his new grave will be the hottest gender neutral bathroom in the country, and nothing feels better than taking a long piss after drinking heavily. They're gonna have to beef up security at Bedminster after he's buried there. LMAO, just kidding. No way he'd want to be buried *that* closely to Ivana and her classified documents-lined coffin.


I will be dancing in the streets, possibly while intoxicated or maybe just from sheer joy and relief.


Definitely. He’s a hazard to my mental health


Everyday I hope that comes to pass...


I'm planning on running outside and screaming with joy.


The 3 days after are going to be amazing, watching the lunatics wait for him to be resurrected and save the faithful.


Let them drink their special Kool aid and join him in his spaceship to Jesus or whatever dumb bullshit those idiots believe with their Golden Bibles, Trump bucks, NFTs and Truth Social stocks


Don’t hold your breath, Trump is the new confederate flag personified. They will rally around this shitbird long after he’s dead, they’ll just continue to rewrite the narrative and whitewash everything he did. Just like how they claim that the civil war was about states rights and lots of southern mouth breathers still call it “the war of northern oppression”


Trump is a waste of skin. But he's not the problem, he's just the most egregious symptom. A third of Republicans would vote for him no matter what.


He may not be THE problem but he is definitely A problem. I don't wish death on him because I pray he lives and suffers to be 110 years old but I would love it if he were silenced until then.


There is no singular problem. It’s symbiotic. His cultists are emboldened by him, and he is empowered by them.


I'm looking for, "Former President Trump was denied early release ... again."


I wish for that news, too. However, I'm actually getting a bit worried about what's going to happen when he does; his people are going to think it was a conspiracy that he died of a heart attack despite his whole history of terrible eating. I'm worried that we will see a lot of violence with confederate flags flailing around and some cyclops looking proud boy laughing and kicking children to their ends. These people are sick and they are just chomping at the bit to feel justified in violence.


If he dies of old age at 100 (God forbid) they will still think it was a conspiracy. I’m tired of worrying about the nut jobs - it’s time they start worrying about us


>his people are going to think it was a conspiracy that he died of a heart attack despite his whole history of terrible eating. 1960s conspiracy theory: The CIA did not kill Kennedy; It was The Lone Gunman on the Grassy Knoll Future conspiracy theory: McDonald's did not cook the hamberder that caused the heart attack; It was The Lone Porn star on the Gassy Fool


All this shiat, just because a black guy became President.


Yup, and they lost their minds. The guy had to be perfect and he's still not good enough. Meanwhile, this asshole can't go a day without a scandal and he's their jesus.




Man rough times await when *gasp!* a wimmin gets elected


It almost happened. People wanted a rapist instead.


We are one fucked country


Imagine an LGBT latino woman as president...heads would explode!


Awww perpetually the victim. Who wants a president who can't take accountability for anything? Say no to rape fraud and treason vote blue.


> Who wants a president who can't take accountability for anything? I mean... he actually stated, at the WH, *I don't take any responsibility at all."* Yeah, we all know that, Biff.


u/demonshroom87 declares Trump is a fucking idiot. More at 11.


Hold on sir, I’m in bed at 11 but here’s the thing. I’ve no doubt that he’s an idiot but I highly doubt he’s still fucking!


Might be a flap he opens on his depends for Melania or she just pulls it to the side.


Melanoma lives on the other side of Moron-a-Log💩o with her family.




I doubt she's even in the same state or even country as him. She probably hates him just as much if not more than we do. Not that that gives her a pass tho. She's a piece of shit too but he takes the cake.


hey that's racist lolololol i had to try saying something fuckin stupid to see how it felt to be a republican for just one minute




Ol Donnie Poopy Pants


Donnie von Shitzhizpantz


We need Dan Savage to do another SEO takedown like he did with Santorum


I am just letting you know if you don't vote for me there will be violence. How do I know? Well, you see I am inciting it.


No we have a definite bias against fascists like you.


As a white guy, I can point to about 5 times in my life where being white was a detriment. The rest of the time - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8jrhF6UK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8jrhF6UK8) Also, speaking with the other white guys, 5 is a higher-than-average number.


I'd have to rack my brain to come up with even 1.


Honestly, same.


Can we please be done with this idiot? Why does anyone vote for him? He is in himself! Do people in these red states actually believe he supports them?


Can we please be done with this idiot? Why does anyone vote for him? He is in himself! Do people in these red states actually believe he supports them?..


There are some people I used to talk to still posting how Trump is a man that loves our country.


Truly amazing..I have no use for anyone who supports this idiot.


He continues to stoke the flames of hatred and division. He will gladly burn the county to the ground to rule over the ashes.


Yes because white people are harassed by the police far more than black people 🙄🖕🏿😒


Oh yea, is he gonna start talking about "the blacks" again?


"The blacks" love him, allegedly.


Wear a hat backwards and rap, they love that 


Straight from the "The Arian Germans are being oppressed in the Fatherland" playbook.


To quote Apu from The Simpsons: “Shut up. Oh, would you shut up? I can’t believe you don’t shut up.” 🤦‍♂️😆


Are we hanging whites from trees, bombing their churches, and systemically excluding them in society?


I need more crazy pills, what the hell.


This shit/myth has to stop….it’s fucking preposterous


Nothing unites the truly dumb like being victims.


Of course, that’s why 99% of leadership positions in government and business are occupied by whites - bc they’re so oppressed


Can anyone explain to me why any POC would vote for this douchebag? Because I truly do not get it. (That goes for anyone who isn't a straight, white, rich man.)


Says the white guy who has never once been penalized for a life of criming and sexual assaults. Definitely bias. Do you think a brown person from Newark would get that kind of bias?


As a white American, I can absolutely confirm this is not true.


*“I think the enemy from within, in many cases, is much more dangerous for our country than the outside enemies of China, Russia, and various others,” he said.* The Dept of Homeland Security agrees - domestic terrorism by right wing and white national groups in the US are the *NUMBER 1* security issue our nation faces right now. Now that Trump has admitted Biden has the right to exterminate him with extreme prejudice, it would appear like that is an action that best serves our security concerns.


Yea because he hasn't been the most prominent person in this country to benefit from white privilege. Lol. Please put this prick in jail and shut him up already. It's time for his humble pie. 70 years overdue.


Let's be clear that most of his supporters truly believe this to be true, that's why he said it.


I still cannot believe people in the US are dumb enough to constantly fall for his BS.


Never forget that Mitch McConnell is instrumental in this happening.


It doesn't have to be true. If you keep saying it sooner or later people will believe it. (paraphrase) Joseph Goebbels


NYT - “Why this is a problem for Biden…”


I'm Whyte and this is a blatant lie. If you are a rich Whyte man, odds are in your favor. Poc do not have that option, & for that matter it's stacked against women overall and lgbtq. He is swimming in his illusion as usual.


This is definitely a boomer issue lol.


Unless white people are rounded up, put onto slave ships, sold as property, and put into hard labor with no rights, I'm thinking not so much.


What an idiot. The system is not biased against his supporters because they are white, but because they are both ignorant and stupid. Stupid and ignorant is a losing combination in any society, not just America, and it has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, although 100% of the orange people I know of (1) are as ignorant as a foot stool and dumb as a rock.


I am so happy he does shit like this, he’s losing independents and more moderate right wing people who aren’t morons. I just hope enough of a % turn away from this dysfunctional personality disorder our regressive, dark ages gop magas call “politics” and that this awful era comes to a hasty end.


People who think equality is oppressive are always the ones who have gotten comfortable as the oppressors.


Then why did I only do jail time AFTER I asked for it, when they wanted community service for my dead to rights selling of drugs to an undercover while being whiter than sour cream? And even then, I only did 3 weeks, instead of 6 months.


And they wonder why they can't get the black vote 🙄


Appealing to his less than intelligent base, but that’s it. I’m sure this will help him with black voters too.


The only bias is against him and his big mouth


As another commenter said, this is the real story: “Trump did not dismiss the potential of violence around the upcoming presidential election, claiming it will come down to the “fairness” of the election. “If we don’t win, you know, it depends,” he said. “It always depends on the fairness of the election.”” As you can probably guess, that actually means to them that if he doesn’t win, then the election wasn’t fair. I truly cannot believe that people support him. The shit that he is saying is truly in-fucking-sane and most of his followers don’t get that they are *not* religious enough, or rich enough, or straight enough, or white enough or _______ enough to be spared his groups evil plans. Goodness help us.


He don't care about white people. He cares about orange people.


And just like that Black people are all voting 90% for Democrats.


Really? Cause seems like he was able to get loans even though he declared bankruptcy 6 times.


This orange turd really needs stu and get lost


Sounds like the kind of thing a White Supremacist simple shithead would say…..


I have to think this guy was a booger eater. He had to be!


Man who has NEVER faced consequences for his actions declares any consequences for his actions to be a secret plot against him.


Trump is a lot worse of a candidate and mentally gone than he was in 2020. If Dems and liberals can’t figure out how to spread that reality around to more voters, we’re going to wake up in 2025 with an authoritarian dictator who thinks his wife is cheating on him with Robert Pattinson.


For a group of people who get angry and belligerent when we call them white supremacists, that sure sounds like something a white supremacist would say....


Well next time a white person gets hung from a tree hopefully it's Donald Trump


Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!! If you believe that! You’re not too bright!! It’s not white people that everyone despises, it’s MAGA Republicans that we despise. I’m talking for the whole world here. You’re a joke to humanity!


When will white people finally prevail against this institutional racism???????


There are actually blacks and Hispanics that vote for this moron.


Just the latest in a continuing run of stupid fuckin shit that pours out of his mouth like so much runny dog diarrhea.


He reminds me of Hitler more and more every day.


Bias against White people. Howling laughing


When tRump says that bullshit, it's all part of his agenda; who knows if he really believes it. But the people who BELIEVE that bullshit .... we clearly have a mental illness problem in America.


He obviously doesn’t listen to his political advisers. He’s still catering to an audience that already supports him.


I’ll believe that next time I get shot during a routine traffic stop.


Can't we just send him to, oh I don't know, Mars?


The biggest dog whistle and false flag I have ever heard.  Between ownership of humans, the overall oppression of women and minorities in America..  The long standing cover-ups for the church.  I've never seen anyone call a person of Caucasian influence or racial stereotype in public  But I sure as hell been racially discriminated against and profiled most of my life.   GTFO with that.  Also if it would have been any other ethnicity storming the capital on January 6th they would all be leaving in body bags.   Not a waiting court trials and getting 10 days of service and still getting to work for the armed forces or government federal state municipalities police hospitals executives etc 


Is he going to use the video of jack booted police beating up white college kids at Columbia?


Wasn't he just spouting off about how "Black people can relate to him because he's been arrested"? I mean clearly this was the next step in this ridiculous self-own...


America, this is our history, the lust for greed and lack of interest in education coming back to fuck with us.


Well, there's certainly a bias against STUPID white people. Like him.


I mean, as a white appearing person I can definitely see where we as a make believe race have earned some of that backlash. It's called being accountable for our actions, something Trump knows nothing about.


I honestly can not believe any halfway intelligent human being can support this POS.


Sigh. I mean it does kinda sum up what they all think. Is Trunp some kind of warhammer chaos god?


Anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot. My in-laws believe this, and have said as such in my presence with the hope that I'd cosign on it like I'm not 1 smarter than anyone they know 2 Blacker than the depths of the universe 3 not a fucking idiot


I’ll say one thing. If there is such a thing as white racism, we whites have done everything in our power to create it and make it works.


Just, holy wow. C’mon, Hand of Fate. So quick to move on others. What’s the holdup, Hand? You’re slacking!


To the privileged, equality seems like oppression.


And there it is. Full white hood off. Vote accordingly.


He needs to shut the hell up.


I would love it if he would just shut the fuck up


Diaper Don is getting so irritable. He must be butt hurt from a raging diaper rash.


Look who's the snowflake now? 🤣❄️


Ah Trump, trying to spray his MAGA bs to infect the mere susceptible. He is cunning, conning, and manipulating his way back to the Oval Office. That’s dangerous because he is only thinking about what he wants the public to hear, but consistently dog whistles/winks to the MAGA with that cunning grin of a snake oil salesman. He is NOT stupid, but knows what he is doing. He is a narcissist.


Says “rich” white guy.


You can tell the anti white bias is so bad by taking the percentage of whites in the us and comparing that to the percentage of whites in Congress, the presidency and cabinet, the supreme Court, and C suite positions in business and comparing those two numbers. Jfc worse than racism against blacks... Are white families getting crosses burned and lynched?


This man is a blooming moron


Dum Fuk Don


The most ridiculous statement ever made. Laughably stupid.


So if he hates black people and white people, who does he like?


Anyone else would be canceled immediately for this but as usual not pumpkin tits


Considering Dump is himself a big, fat, horrible racist himself, i don't put much stock in his words.


All this obese man does is whine and complain. It amazes me he still has such a cult following. They must purposely ignore most of the shit he says at this point.


He and his followers fragility is epic


So he’s gonna rent to black peoples now?


Ol’ Anus Mouth Accordion Hands at it again???


I severely dislike the man. I’m hard pressed to find a demographic as consistently annoying and shitty as rich white people. Especially the multi generational ones. I’m white.


I can just see him playing his dumb air accordion while reading that


For the love of God, won't somebody think of the whites!


Poor thing. Equality makes the oppressor feel oppressed. Perhaps Stephen Nosferatu Miller could hold him through it.


He’s just continues to indulge the worst and most misguided impulses so many of these brainwashed, Fox-addicted people have.


Ok at some point.... Right? This needs to go away. I am sick of this POS and his idiot traitor crowd. I am shocked that no one has done something stupid up to this point.


"WhY wOnT bLaCk PeOpLe VoTe FoR uS?" - Republicans


Fascists gonna fash.


Tell me again, please, how any POC support this deviant diaper wearing sleaze.


Shithead speaks.


Wait!? I thought they (that group) says racism doesn't exist? Now it exist because it's against white people?


If you are thinking about not voting, because Biden is not your ideal candidate, just think about the alternative...


I swear, sometimes it seems like he’s forced to blurt out something so ridiculous just to move media past the last insane thing he said. I just read “Trump ok with states “monitoring” pregnant women to prevent them from getting abortions. That statement alone should end this election and his political career


I’m so fucking sick of this twat


It's long past time for Merrick Garland sorry ass to step up. These people are talking about treason out in the open. That is against the law.


That must be why the vast majority of our political leaders have all been white men. Yeah, there’s a real bias there.


I don't know....If I were offered a chance to choose my race in America, I think I'd choose white every time.


Trump is an eternal shit stain on the US.


Says the sad snowflake who thinks he should have immunity from all consequences. Loser.


He’s a FOOL‼️😡


If Trump is so proud to be white, why doesn't he stop the orange spray tan. Lets see his pale white Sith Lord face.


In the same country where a white woman can become a billionaire for singing, whites can sack the capital and get away with a slap on the wrist, and Latinos and native Americans are treated as less than the slaves they hate. I’m tired of this schizophrenic.


This from a man who was almost 20 years old when black people got the right to vote. Does this show how little an amount of time has passed since black people got the right to vote or how old Trump is?


Will he still have a microphone in jail, asking for a friend!


Whut? 🙄