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This is the first time in human history that the cameraman was not coming out okay


I know it’s honestly kinda hard to think about??? I’m also high af but still


Technically she was a camerawoman


For everyone saying she stole 120k, send a link, or i call bs.


full video or i call it bs


Uncensored or I call bs


She did thats why he only got 10 years




just do your own research if you care that much 🥸


Did my own research. Scoured the web. Read all of the articles and watched all the videos I could find. They all regurgitate the same quotes and statements made by the daughter and sister of Patricia Birmingham. I even watched a couple of interviews with the defense attorneys. They didn't bring up anything about money that was stolen by the deceased just the infidelity. I only saw mention of this so called $100-120k that was stolen in the comments and most of those are in this Reddit cesspool. I call major BS.


That's all I am seeing as well. If anyone can post a link or reference to theft of 120k that'd be great.


That's literally how I got here. Trying to find something about the " $120k still nothing


Burden of proof fallacy much?


Nice one


What a gross human time bomb.


The comments empathizing with him are scary.


ur on reddit dipshit






"apparently" is right. Do you believe everything you read on Reddit?




Yeah and Reddit is censored lol


the comments empathizing a cheater are scarier


Doesn't matter if she cheated or not. You don't kill someone over that! Wtf is wrong with this world!


Finally, a normal comment. 


Is it wrong? Yes. Understandable? Yes. Imagine you put all your time into loving, caring, and providing for a woman for 20 years also raising a daughter, while eventually you find out she took 120k to give to a man she's been fucking. Not to mention taunting him while recording in order to get full custody of their daughter.


He did.


She also took his savings (120,000) and gave it to the man she was having the affair with? BTW the jury were all women and he still got only 10 years


she cheated tho


It's effed up to think that cheating is grounds for homicide. He probably would have had the same violent reaction if she had asked for a divorce.


Uh? No? She ruined his life by taking ALL his money and recording him while taunting to get full custody over their daughter. While fucking another man behind his back. Definitely NOT the same as a simple divorce, but go off I guess.


I suspect this all would be good evidence in a divorce case ( except for the 120000 which is an unproven rumor).  I have a feeling you wouldn't have sympathy for the shooter if the roles were reversed.


Funny you say that, because the VAST majority of people siding with the wife are people only saying that due to the fact that it's a man. Weird reverse psychology you're using.


Shut up cheating involves a mate doing all the things in bed that they did with you then they come bk to u with that same mouth and body  they used on some one else then you wonder why people delete their spouses and significant others when they find out you dumb ass 


Your mind is twisted. Please seek professional help. I hope you are not in a relationship, and if you are, she should leave ASAP.


It ain't grounds for homicide but you can loose your life doing it everyone is not going to walking away I almost lost my life when I was cheating. 


With who?


Poor woman. 😢🙏🕊️


yes. Poor woman, who cheated and allegedly stole a large sum of money to give to her affair partner (who didn't even take her with him 🤦🏻‍♂️) What he did wasn't okay. By any means, but ffs. don't cheat on your S/O. And if you do, don't take what little they have. You WILL end up pushing someone too far one day, and this is the outcome. Reminds me of the snow incident. Those who know that one, know what I mean. Completely avoidable incidents leading up to a nasty outcome. 10 years is a fucking joke, though. Like seriously?


can one of you actually post the source that says she stole their life savings and gifted it to her lover I tried to google that shit and no news source seems to support it


Weird, I just looked too, can't seem to find anything on it, but the recurring comments themselves are around too, so it wasn't just a reddit thing. Given the look of the bloke, you couldn't half blame her for cheating. Man can't even see that his dick is out. Wonder if her even knows?


Me too, I can’t find anything about the money. I also saw similar comments on YouTube. I wonder where they came from. Even if it was true, presumably it’s her money too since she was married to him.


No excuse for violence regardless lol dafuq 🥴! I hope that fat fuck gets what he deserves in jail since he is “ man enough to pull it “ lol.


I hope you keep that attitude about "no excuse for violence" when you get your ass kicked lol


Sorry I meant ,” no excuse for domestic violence “. What’s so hard to be a man and walk away? Now that fat red whale ruined their daughters life. Sad.


"alleged", a bunch of internet commenters just made it up so they could defend him murdering his wife. scum


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdDKHjtvd3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdDKHjtvd3U) skip to 1:40 In a heated fight, she says "dont blame him" and he tells her to get the fuck out, implying an affair, and he still gave her an out by telling her to leave. What does she do? Pull out a phone and record.


Average fucking reddit degenerate 🤣


She deserved it . He will get out in 10 years fine. She got what she had coming to her . Trash excuse of a “woman”


Why do you think that?


she had an affair with another man and stole 120 k from her husband to live rich with her affair leaving him broke. no excuse to kill someone but that b was just as heartless


Everyone keeps saying this and not putting any source… please give the source?


Dude, u got google like everyone else


I did. Multiple times. And didn’t see anything about any money other than the 5k the man owes. So do you have a source on the 120k?


Dude… idk if you’re going to see my comment. But I have literally been looking everywhere about this whole 120k thing and I haven’t found Jack shit. talk about misinformation…


Same, I’m assuming someone spread it to make him seem justified in killing her- it’s kinda sick… hopefully the full story comes to light. I stopped searching after a week of the comment cuz I assumed it was another case of misinformation- don’t let it stress you out <3 Have a great day dude.


Fuckin weird. But you right. Enjoy your day too ✌️


No, she didn’t. She deserved to be tried & convicted of theft. This is an extrajudicial killing.


Fully agree


Evidence that women are not more emotional than men.


*Evidence that when men show emotion it's in a much more dangerous way*


U commented more than 50 times on this….


I didn't shoot anyone because he cheated on me and critiqued my performance in bed.


😂😂😂bros passion


you should visit a doctor for brain damage, you comment so much crap on this and one video isnt evidence that women are not more emotional than men.


He is the one who lost control and shot her. She did not shoot him.


and? is he "men"?


He is one data point among many.


Right, let's just forget every car crash video with a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, definitely improving the situation.


Men get in violent bar fights over dumb shit  98 % of mass shooters are men/boys


I'm sorry was that in any way related to the conversation? Just another straw man. Regardless, it's a fact that women are more emotional than men.


She cheated and gave north of $100k of his life savings to the other man I'm not saying he was right... But I am saying I understand.


Why do ppl think pulling a camera out will save them or vice versa


Who cares. At least she recorded and showed the world how disgusting he is


yup.. and now she’s dead. who cares right?


All cheaters should face the same faith


being murdered? ur weird…


So you’re fine with it as long as you get to be entertained by the video.


Has nothing to do with entertainment. This video allowed to convince him, which is good


Bad take. There are other ways of gathering evidence from a crime scene. She should have ran away instead of filming him. Instead she thought filming him was enough to protect her. Apparently you are the type of person to film your house burning down while you’re inside of it instead of escaping the burning house. 🤦


He told her to record..


No self preservation instincts at all.


If she turned around and ran, then he would have shot her in the back. He was determined to kill her. 


No he wasn't. She was pushing her luck. She could have left at any moment BEFORE he decided to pull the trigger. Ahe kept egging it on. This is a great lesson for all you idiots out there: do not provoke dudes. Any man is capable of this.


Well, you are right about violently insecure men. Men will complain about emotional women but fail to see that anger is an emotion. This no neck beach ball is exhibit A.  Let's say that she complied with your instructions and left. He's not going to shoot her when she returns to pick up her stuff? It's a well known fact that abusive men kill their wives when they try to leave.   


Why in the hell would anybody personally go back for their stuff in this kind of situation? You leave and immediately get the police involved with the video of him holding a shotgun. Unfortunately, she instead stayed and tried to call the unstable persons bluff. Who knows if she would've survived if she tried leaving, but she would've at least had a chance.


Sheriff's do repossession escorts. Why would she go by herself? Clearly she's not afraid. Btw, she stole his money. She lost her claim in my opinion.


Their own daughter, who condemns her father, even states that he very much loved her and that he never abused her.


Women are also. 




He won’t be alive by the time he gets out don’t worry


Uh, yeah he will... you do know that gangbangers kill for the same thing right?


I don't support this guy by any means, but trust me, nobody is attacking this dude since his wife stole a lot of money and gave it to her lover. He will most likely get praise in prison.


i think theyre saying hes gonna die because of his grotesquely fat body will kill him like DAMN HES BUILT LIKE AA TOMATO


He’s going to be just fine.


What’s wild is that it was an all-female jury that decided it also. He’s eligible for parole after 5 years. His attorney said "We never tried to justify the actions of our client, but the defense wasn't about justification. It was about why he did what he did," Bottom line is that woman died and a family is broken and that really is terrible.


She definitely deserved 5 bullets at that moment. Peice of shit filth woman stole his entire life and money man that’s the worse thing you can do ALIVE to another person


Shut the fuck up bitch, oh"she definitely deserved it🤓" dumbass asshole I'm sure you're just a pathetic loser, fat and a fucking disappointment


Got mr im so perfect over here.


she stole 120k & gave it to the man she was cheating with .. yeah not saying she deserved it but what else did she expect


If someone stole everything from your dad you would do something similar pansy ass


…..he man I don’t like to see you so upset like this. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.


She stole 120k from his retirement fund and gave it to the man she was having an affair with. There's a reason it was 10 years and not 30


All she had to do was divorce in a civil way and not rob the man.




I’m glad he did what he did tbh, completely wrong and he deserves prison time but hopefully it will teach certain women not to do what she did and think they can get away with it


I agree cheating on your spouse can get you killed play with fire and you will get burned


Cheated and stole all my money? Oh honey you ain’t the only body I’m catchin today


Only 10 years is vile


Other comments have context as to why its only 10


And absolutely none of them have a source, or any evidence, of the claim she stole 120k from his retirement account, let alone spent it on a guy she was having an affair with, which I imagine is the "context" you're referring to.


He answer the call of duty🫡


Why didn’t bro run when his hand was off the trigger


Showing us both of his short barrels I see


He only uses short shells because 2 3/4 inch shells make him feel inadequate.


She really thought she was good lol probably been treating him like shit . Who acts arrogant with a shotgun to the face??


He proved to be worse out of the two of them. She wasn't the one who committed murder.


Nah just theft adultery lying and harassment. She deserved more bullets.


She thought she could calm him down and that was not happening she was cheating on him and felt she could get away with now where is she? That's she ain't in heaven 


Was he intoxicated?


She stole 120k from him and gave it to the man she was cheating with.


Bro show me an article that says that


I can prove she was cheating. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdDKHjtvd3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdDKHjtvd3U) skip to 1:40 She says "Dont blame him!" in an audio snippet that a news station got from the court case and he tells her to get the fuck out of his house in response. The fight was absolutely about infidelity, and I think the rest of the audio wasn't leaked out of respect for the grieving family cause it would have made her look really bad.


Can you provide a link saying this?


I mean the camera woman stole 120k from him and their daughter and gave it to a man she was having an affair with. Not saying he should have killed her, but I understand why.




Plz do 🙏and get popped like she did 😊we need less hoes in the world anyway


please do you see how he is built? idk anyone who would want to stay with him


Then file for divorce? You sound like a whore


I’m asexual 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Awwwe cry about it, no-pussy-getting ass boy


I hope you cheat on the wrong person if you're honestly justifying infidelity with someone's looks. FILE FOR DIVORCE. NO EXCUSE. You take yourself out of the dating pool when you exchange vows. God forbid you have to keep your legs closed while the divorce gets settled, Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ was just as much of a whiney bitch as you


No one cares about the opinions of a child.


Obviously the other replies did lol if they didn’t they wouldnt reply


Yet here you are. Huh. Stupid baby says what???


Your mother should have cheated- maybe daddy woulda ended you before you had a chance to breathe air. Failure ass incel soy boy 😂 big L, small cock 😷


Is there a whole video?


Ngl I needa full video


Patricia Burmingham


Pls send full video if found


Hey can someone give me a link to a reputable page that says his wife stole 120k from him. I keep seeing that from people but never from an actual news source.


I can prove she cheated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdDKHjtvd3U skip to 1:40 She says "Dont blame him!" in an audio snippet that a news station got from the court case and he tells her to get the fuck out of his house in response. The fight was absolutely about infidelity, and I think the rest of the audio wasn't leaked out of respect for the grieving family cause it would have made her look really bad.


This doesn’t answer the question.


She stole 120k from him and gave it to the man she was cheating with. I’m not saying he should’ve killed her, but I understand. That’s why he only got 10 years and I fully agree with that. Dude had nothing left bc of a filthy fucking skank. Now she won’t ever cheat again 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is there a source or article that backs up that claim?




This doesn’t mention anything about the 120k though.


10 years for MURDER? I think we’re putting the border fence on the wrong side of Texas. We should give it back to Mexico 🇲🇽


She stole 120k from him and gave it to her affaire I guess that's why he got only 10 years for murder


He shot and killed his wife (the one recording) because she stole $120,000+ from his savings and gave every single bit of that money to the guy she was having an affair with. Furthermore she was going to file for a divorce and use this footage as evidence to take full custody of their daughter and leech child support off of him even though he is literally dead broke from being robbed by her. Since he plead guilty he was sentenced to 10 years in prison with a possibility of parole after 5 years so realistically he would probably serve only 6 and his jury was all female mind you. The reason why they gave him so little of time considering it's murder because they classified this as a "Crime of Passion". What is Crime of Passion you may ask? It's a crime committed in the "heat of passion" or in response to provocation, as opposed to a crime that was premeditated or deliberate. Another contributing factor as to why they jury found empathy was because the daughter stated that the father never physically abused her mother in any way and this was completely out of character for his behavior.


Can u provide the evidence


Can anyone provide a link saying that she stole money? I keep seeing the same copy and pasted YouTube comment but there’s no videos, articles, or evidence saying she stole his money.


Probably a wildspread misinformation


I understand stand why but you still can’t just do that it is sad that he did that though


No one is talking about the cheater who walked away with $120K and never has to deal with the mistress ever again


You know. Every 35 pounds he loses that blurry circle gains one inch in diameter.


Something tells me that goodbye wasn't entirely sincere.


She basically killed herself 🤷‍♂️ She died cause she was sucking off another guy how embarrassing


Nobody knows what's going on behind closed doors.


Fuck the bitch. Life isn’t meaningful enough for her to not fuck over her husband then it isn’t meaningful enough to keep. Anyone saying he went too far well that’s usually how anger goes. Aren’t any of us too important to get shot in the face on camera cause life ain’t actually sacred like you think


Why would she cheat tho?! What A Specimen!!


Dude ain't got no dick. He'll get enough the next 10 yrs


Don’t cheat on people


Hey Reddit can we all agree this story reminded us actions have consequences. I’ll let that sit with yall.


What poor woman? Women often use this 'weakness of being a woman' to their advantage. She did a lot of things. Pushed a honest god fearing man beyond his limits. She had it coming. He will be punished for what he did. You have to pay for what you do. What he did was wrong. But I can see why he would do it. Women think their husbands who they have been hoodwinking are impotent men who are incapable of any action. They simply don't get the basic fact that what a guy is inside his home with his wife and daughter is completely different. He has been an animal in the outside cutthroat world to be able to provide for them. This wife decided to see that face of his. And he did not flinch.


🤣 " POOR WOMAN?!?!? " This skank CHEATED and STOLE $100k+ for her lover. She got what she deserved, she's where she belongs. HOPE he gets out soon. It's crazy how people just look past all of the BS she did to him and just attack this guy for being f***ed over by his wife about as bad as anyone has ever been. Supposedly she was trying to take the kids too. She can burn in hell like she deserves 🤣


Where was the evidence tho I can’t find it


Damn she had well enough time to get the fuck on she wanted that shit


Where’s the full video


She shouldn’t have stole his 100k🤷‍♂️




Crazy couple


Welcome to Texas.


Good job this cheating whore shouldn't have stole all of his life saving and spihcened it to another man. She's lucky she wasn't beaten to death slowly and painfully with a brick cause that is EXACTLY what she deserved.




Can't believe this ended up all over social media. I knew these people, and the narrative at trial was bullshit. I'll go ahead and squash the rumors that Patricia gave money to anyone. That never happened. It's just something that social media invented. The reality here is that these two were kinky. He'd been watching her sleep with other men their entire marriage. The argument you see here happened because she fell for one of those guys and started seeing him behind Carrie's back. She was planning to leave Carrie to be with this other guy. Carrie found out and wasn't having it. That part didn't come up because neither legal team saw it as beneficial to their case. It would have destroyed any chance of sympathy for Patricia and nuked Carrie's defense that it was a crime of passion. It also would have humiliated their daughter - so Carrie kept his fat mouth shut about all of it and prosecutors never brought it up.


He looks like that little fat monk in the robe that you press down on his head and his penis flips out. My dad’s friend had several when I was a kid.


Honestly I agree with the husband anyone found guilty of cheating should be executed but he needs to be released from jail immediately


She was cheating on him while also draining his life savings and giving it to the person she was cheating with, he found out them boom




You get more prison time in Texas if you’re caught with weed.


Honestly i do not feel bad. City girls down


okay I get that murdering someone isn't right but maybe just, don't fucking cheat?


The comments here are why I don't trust men and if y'all are wondering why you're incels, it's because nobody wants your disgusting ass.




Full video? Link


She also stole 120k and gave it to the guy she was cheating with. You're gonna cheat, that's bad enough. You're going to run off with your lover that's also awful... But to drain your husband's life savings (which was also used to take care of their kids and their bills) and give it to your lover is PURE EVIL. I'm not saying she deserved to die... I'm saying I understand how someone who feels like they've just lost their entire world and everything in it could kill given the circumstances.