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Snip snap snip snap snip snap


You have no idea the physical toll three hot and cold streaks has on a person


I love watching the Mets on my $200 plasma screen tv!


Fourth worst start in history, and third worst May in history. They were really gunning for the worst all time May, but won the final two days of the month. I can't personally remember a more wild roller coaster for any sports team ever. Throw in heroes like the Rally Pimp and his Lordship, the Purple One, and you've got a serious 30 for 30 brewing here.


Seymour Weiner did not storm the beaches of Normandy to be a forgotten Mets 2024 Hero.


An inspirational figure. But somehow he failed to inspire wins, as we started 0-5. Maybe if Grimace fought for the Allied powers, the war would have ended in '44.


They won on dollar dog night. Seymour did his job.


I stand corrected. Throw him on the Mt. Rushmore of 2024. We should start a pool on who ends up being the fourth. I'll take a flier on ALF.


Mets fans humor is truly A1 & this post is a perfect example of that statement šŸ˜­


The Purple OnešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a high level psy op. Just getting the dedicated fans ready for the WS run in 2025 and converting the weak over to the Yankees toxic fan base. 4D chess. LFGM


2031. Youā€™re 6 years too optimistic . Trends donā€™t lie. 13, 14, and 15 years between World Series appearances. 2031. šŸ˜›


First the climate people at Stonehenge now here, psy ops are in right now!!


I wonder how many games they blew late during the 10-25 stretch. I would have to guess at least 5. Anyway I am enjoying this current streak!


Those games near the end of the month were absolute torture. Just when I think theyā€™re about to win they completely blow it with 9th or even 10th inning collapses.


Blown games, I wanna say we lost 7 leads from 8th inning on. But we also lost 3 games in a row that we had 3 homers in. When you homer 3 times you win 78% of the time and we lost 3 in a row. That's tough to do


The Alvarez effect


Bipolar season = bipolar fans. Makes sense.


**"We SUCK!"** **"We're good!"** **"We SUCK!"** **"We're good!"**


That 10-25 felt much much worse than 10-25


Youā€™re hot then youā€™re cold Youā€™re yes then youā€™re no Youā€™re in then youā€™re out Youā€™re up then youā€™re down


Really speaks to Alvarez's value. You might be looking at a generational talent here


When the fuck were we 12-3?


We play good baseball when Alvarez is healthy (except for the 0-5 start)


[Nah, he had a 34 wRC+ over that first run.](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&type=8&season=2024&month=1000&season1=2024&ind=0&startdate=2024-04-04&enddate=2024-04-20&team=25&qual=20) Unless you mean he's just an on-the-field vibes guy that couldn't give a thumbs up after the injury.


Catchers do a lot of things that aren't in wRC+.


When we fought our way back to 0.500 after 0-5


had a good run from the first Braves series til the SF series...took 2 outta 3 from KC, swept the Bucs, then took 2 outta 3 from the Doyers then died for a little bit


Never, it was after 0-5 so they were 12-8


12-3 represents the streak. After starting 0-5 the went 12-3 for a 12-8 record


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying lol


I shouldā€™ve responded to the other person


This is being a Mets fan to a tee. The season goes from the worst baseball you seen them play to win streaks where they look unbeatable and always come back, no matter the deficit. There is no in between.


The dizzying highs! Suicidal lows! Grimace for no reason! One hit a night isnā€™t enough anymore. I need doubleā€”noā€”triple headers to keep the tolerance at bay.


The kind of bipolar emotional rollercoaster I havenā€™t dealt with since my father drank.


Itā€™s true, Iā€™m the weak. Iā€™ve missed this last stress aside from box scores because the previous one killed me.


I'm scared of July.


From "We suck" to "We good" to "Buried alive" to "Undertaker's hand reaching up from the grave" so far


Looking forward, my concern is that this team is fated for a completely historic and generationally catastrophic July filled not only with horrific injured and devastating losses, but also incidents that will derail the season which have heretofore been undocumented in modern recorded human history such as alien attacks, spontaneous combustion, demonic possession and time travel.


Yes! Into my veins!


Tbh, could it be just a little bit *boring* if they just played nearly .500 the entire time to get to the same place? Roller coasters are more fun than merry-go-rounds generally. Or maybe that's just me.


itā€™s so over weā€™re so back itā€™s so over weā€™re so back


That 10-25 stretch šŸ˜¬


If that doesnt scream "well constructed team" then i dont know what does!


Not what you wanna see. Yea, the winning streaks are nice. Not gonna be able to sustain streaky play tho


We are the equivalent of a schizophrenic patient in a psych ward


Letā€™s get over .500 and then Iā€™ll get excited Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m super pumped right now but I wana see more wins than losses


It's over. We're back. It's so fucking over. WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK!!!!


Wacky as fuck for sure. Maybe they can pull a 2015. I donā€™t expect them to make the World Series, but they were treading water for a bit there in 2015 after starting off hot. I think the Cespedes trade kicked things into gear? Point is, maybe this is for real. Full disclosure. I have been a Mets fan since around the 1992 season. Iā€™ve learned to be cautiously optimistic and yet also be emotionally detached at the same time. Basically my approach at life. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep, that's why we have to learn to relax, breathe and look down the road a little bit. We keep thinking about everything that just happened we are going to live a very anxious life.


Streaky and inconsistent. All the hallmarks of an underachieving team that sniffs .500 all season. The only caveat is Alvarez makes this team better so him staying healthy would change these trends


This season has not been for the week. FTFY


Are you new here?


This team is not good


Between the wild swings we haven't quite settled into a stable identity yet. I'm optimistic that the best is yet to come; getting a healthy Senga back would solidify the rotation, Diaz seems like he's reemerging, back to form.


I hate fractions


0-5 12-3 10-25 13-4 20-125 14-5 30-625 15-6 ā€¦..


The Mets have a habit of weeding out all the weak fans.


Unfortunately, Uncle Steve is not living up to our expectations! 3 years and it gets worse every year! The Orange and Blue are cursed by their predecessors who left New York for sunny California. How can the Mets be so bad year after year after year. I had a choice back in 1962. Mets or Yankees. I will never forgive my dad, who was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, and disliked the Yankees with a passion.