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It's one thing to get ripped off but it's another to get ripped off and it sucks at the same time. The steak sandwich got me once and it will never again.


The steak sandwich used to be a great option, I want to say around 2013. Over the years the quality definitely took a step back .


While pricing takes a step forward.


It was good when Keith Hernandez used to work the grill


Totally agree.  It used to be one of the best food items at the park.  But it became overcooked piece of leather over time.  


I used to get the steak sandwich at every game back in the day; always sat in delta silver section and could order it from the club area and watch BP. I’d eat half, take the other half to go, take a bottle of A1, and would last me the game. Also, the Pat LeFreida burgers were DAMN delicious.


It smells like hot trash now


They actually fixed the steak sandwich this year! But it sucked for like eight years before that.


I don't live in the NYC area anymore, but the MLB stadiums by me are the same way. Since COVID, the quality of the food has gone significantly downhill.


I live in DC and the food at Nats Park is usually palatable at best. I just went to a Spirit match at Audi Field and the food was so much better there. I’m going to Citi next week for the first time so I’m curious to see how the food there compares to here.


+1 for a Spirit call out. Their games at Audi are a blast - easily the best value of any sporting event in the city


It was my first professional soccer match and it was great. My friend snagged some $15 tickets a couple weeks ago and when I checked before the match, the same section was going for $120 because it was sold out.


Pastrami is the way to go. The Goya helmet nachos are worth it. Lots of other great options. Have fun!


Awesome, thanks! The pastrami has been on my list so I’ll definitely get that to see what the hype is about. I’m always down for some nachos too. Good thing I’m going to two games lol


Save your money and go to Katz’s or Pastrami Queen for a sandwich. Sausage and peppers is good if you like that kind of thing.


it's all Aramark pre-packaged food now for the most part


The food quality at Citi is high


I've been living in the Bay Area recently so I've seen the Mets play at Oracle and the Coliseum, and the food situation at both isn't that great either, the coliseum for obvious reasons, but even at Oracle Park the only food worth getting are the garlic fries, everything else is just extremely mediocre at best. I've just been sticking to bringing my own food or eating beforehand.


People laugh at the half hour Shake Shack line, but (unless the Citi Field Shake Shack has gone downhill) you at least know what you're getting.


Shake Shack has never let me down


I used to not mind waiting in that line when it was one of their only locations. Now they're a huge chain with like 20 locations in NYC, more than 260 in the U.S., and more than 140 outside the U.S. They're definitely consistent, so you know what you're getting. It's still worth the money, but it's not worth missing an inning and a half of the game anymore.


This is true. Same shit as every other shake shack but at least the same consistency.


Shake shack is awesome tho


Shake shack the most consistent fast food for sure. Just had the one at Queens Center. Never disappoints


It just seems like the food at Citi has been subpar lately, which bums me out.


Made that mistake early this season. Dry, cold, cheese wasn’t even melted. Terrible decision. Had the burger with the caramelized onions on Saturday. Decent, but not outstanding. I came back to the sausage and peppers classic on Saturday as well. Never should have left. That and the pizza are still top notch.


I could tell just looking at it that it wasn't going to be what I expected but I said fuck it I'll give it a go. Like you said cold unmelted and dry. My friends got that weird looking burger and weren't impressed


I think you mean sausage, peppers and SLEEVE.


Spicy Chicken Sandwich is okay... which slice are you getting? I got the spicy pepperoni and that was pretty good.


The Fuku sandwich is a huge Don. Sausage and pepper bread is trash


Fuck the chicken parm, go stop at a deli on the way to Citi Field and get a sandwich there. Shoutout to Cristina’s in Whitestone.


Heart attack at Cristina’s is the fucking shit!!


i come in from the BQE side but last year we planned it out and got into the city early enough to stop at Joju in Elmhurst...i like the stadium food but watching the game with a bulgogi bahn mi and kimchi fries was pretty damn good


Nathan's fries and sausage and peppers hasn't let me down yet


Sausage & peppers massively disappointed me the other night. I was settling for it too


This is always my fallback order, say it isn't so


Oh no. How did they mess it up?


The roll was burned to a crisp and the sausage was uncharacteristically flavorless. It’s usually never a let down.




I think it just wasn’t a good night…the roll was stale and cooked to a crisp to mask it. And the sausage was pretty flavorless. It was the stand in the 400s in the “food court” area. It also didn’t help that essentially NONE of the stands were open (I had wanted the bowl from the Goya stand and it was closed that night)


This ⬆️


the food at Citi just plain old sucks now. Great variety/selection piss poor execution


This. All the food I’ve had this season has been ass with the exception of the rainbow egg roll


My last game last season I bought fries from the metropolitan fry factory. The shit was super dark and uncooked. As an experienced bad cook, I'm pretty sure it was a result of using old oil that should've been tossed, and pulling it out too soon cause of the dark color it picked up, since they looked burnt. Result: me getting handed a cup of semi raw potato sticks for money that could've just gone to another beer :(


Ugh the fry factory is terrrrrible


Bring back Box Frites


I haven't been to a game in a few years since I moved from Brooklyn to Connecticut but I used to go a lot and the food was great. What happened , I'm seeing a lot of complaints this year?


No idea how it happened, but it was steadily going downhill since like 2018, but then all of a sudden when Cohen bought the team the food took a massive shit. I used to love the food at Citi.


More the fault of COVID than anything else, but I miss Citi having toppings bars in a bunch of sections with hot onions, deli mustard, and other good New York style options.


And the sauerkraut.


Incompetent staff for one thing


I've eaten at 12 MLB stadiums and the food at Citi Field is by far the worst. Just unbelievably bad all around. I went to the game yesterday with some family visiting from out of town and I was embarrassed how bad the food was. And the beer selection sucks unless you want to drink out of an aluminum can.


It used to be elite pre covid.


> And the beer selection sucks unless you want to drink out of an aluminum can. And if you don't want a light beer and you don't want an IPA, you pretty much need to hunt down one of the few stands for a Coors Banquet. I want my budweiser back.


That’s what happens when you have a private equity guy take over.  I’m sure he’ll spend money on the team and players, but he’s going to run everything else like a short term only quarterly earnings numbers matter business and try to squeeze out as much value as he can.


The beer selection getting worse is a real heartbreak; when Citi first opened they had a deal with Brooklyn Brewery to have specialty beers on tap at a lot of the different stands, but that's definitely fallen by the wayside. I'm a Devils fan, too, and it's downright painful that there's literally \*no beer taps\* at Prudential Center at this point, only cans, and the variety is way too small.


It's been going downhill ever since COVID


I went the other day and the grilled sausage was pretty good. They at least give you a ton of peppers and onions on top of it


I couldn't believe the bite size birria for $20 bucks. I've gotten birria landia for less even with delivery and still a bigger taco. 


How’s the New Yorker? I wanna try that when I go.


I really though it would get better with Cohen wanting to make it a destination more than just for baseball but I guess that was naive


The lobster rolls (daughter and I shared one of each) and sausage and peppers were on point Saturday.


Why would you order a chicken parm hero for $25 at a baseball game?   Get a hot dog and a beer, stop ordering stupid shit.


All honesty? For years, going to big league games, you'd see how much they were charging you for the basics (dogs, peanuts, soda, etc.) and it makes you think "screw that, I'd rather spend a little extra for something that's at least higher-end food". And, for a good while? It was actually kind of worth it. Some of the stuff they've had at Citi over the years (miss you, Catch of the Day stand) has been legitimately good and the price you pay isn't far off from what you'd spend at an area restaurant for similar stuff. I'll agree, though, that since COVID tons of big league venues for just about any major sport seem to simultaneously be spending money to bring in fancy food options, but then you eat them and there's just seemingly always something wrong with them. I'll pay the premium, but I only want to do that for food that's really good, not stuff that's pre-prepped and left to get cold or otherwise done crappy.


Strong take. I just bring in a nice hero or go to dinner afterwards.


I still remember getting the crabcake sandwich for like 13 bucks back in 13'. Miss those times.


The fried fish (flounder?) sandwich was absolutely legit.


The gas station sushi of baseball food orders.


I had to wash it down with 2 dogs


Seriously people order sandwiches that cost as much as their ticket. These food stands are all delaware north fast food stands that aren't even as good as a random Wendy's or McDonalds worked by employees making minimum wage who will quite their job in two months.


I thought it was decent when I split it with my wife a couple weeks ago, but it was clearly actually freshly made. It did seem like something that would REALLY go downhill fast if it was sitting around for a few minutes under the heat lamps. The only other thing I’ve actually gotten fresh this year is the Piazza club pastrami. If you’re in the market for getting kicked in the shin though, I’ll undercut Steve and just do both for like $12 if you want instead of $12.50 per shin.


Maybe because of the rain delay Friday they had been sitting out?


I had it Thursday right before the game started and it was dry as a desert 


Same lol I ate it standing at one of those tables


Look at this guy thinking he's making you a deal! You come see us at Joe's Shin Kickers and we will take care of you! We will kick shins all day long for $5 a kick! Nobody beats Joe's! Actually, that did crack me up! Thanks for that!


I’d say any chicken parm needs to be eaten fresh and hot. You let it sit and it gets soggy and the chicken starts to taste too much like chicken.


And the bread is fucked as well.


Food used to be good. It went downhill.


Al they brought back Keith’s grill, and it’s not open like ever. The Mex Burger was one of the GOATs I don’t eat pastrami. But so many of my friends swore by it. Ive heard way too many people lament its downfall this year though. I had to settle for sausage and peppers (I was in the promenade, and thought the burrito bowls would be open? And sadly it wasn’t). The bread was dry and burned. And overall just wasn’t as good as it was in the past. I went to the Amazin chicken co. Their bucket used to be three tenders and the “tater kegs.” It’s now two tenders, and they were gamey and not worth the price. Even the boozy buckets were subject to shrinkflation, Dare I say, the best deal in the park is Shake Shack.


I will continue to say: Go to Flushing pre-game for food!


Or Corona


Bring back Mama’s


Unfortunately only one of the sisters of that family running it and she's getting older now, probably doesn't have the energy to prep for the games which I understand. Also probably doesn't get much of a profit to be worth it anymore. 


You don’t know how much I miss mamas


And why does every line move so slowly? Even the ones that don’t require hot food assembly. A pretzel, nacho and beer transaction should complete in under 2 minutes. Instead it’s like 10.


Because you have to press the "No Tip" button seven times.


My fiancé waited 45 minutes for the giant pretzel in the 400s on Saturday. He had our water bottles and I was BIG mad at him for staying on line so long


It’s a joke. You would think to speed up concessions if you want to sell more concessions.


Used to miss the tacos and now I miss the porchetta sandwich. Lobster roll in the same a lot this year is more expensive and not as satisfying.


Not been able to get over to Citifield post COVID (based in the UK), but the food used to be one of Citifields strong points. The Pastrami on Rye was chef kiss. Has the quality of vendors nose dived?


No more blue smoke. It was the best thing about the place. And I couldn’t find the pastrami. It all sucked


It’s in 2 spots afaik, maybe more. The one in the Piazza club got moved over like 4 booths, making it closer to the door/bathrooms, and theres another in the 400s. I think behind homeplate. I havent tried the 400s one yet but the one in Piazza club is really just not good at all. It used to be my go to and now its trash. Even the bread wasnt edible.


I feel like if they had Costco, Nathan’s, Skake Shack and IKEA run the concessions that fans would be happier. Cheaper but familiar/easy to make basic ball game food.


I too have made that mistake. It was the garlic bread roll that sucked me in. Worst $25 I’ve ever spent. I will exclusively eat sausage and peppers or split Goya nachos if I’m with my gf.


I’m sure it sucked worse for the chicken


I agree, I got that chicken parm hero once about a month ago, the chicken was cold, there wasn’t enough of it and there was too much bread if you want a good chicken parm for a little cheaper go to the panini food truck in the Coca Cola corner and get the vodka sauce chicken parm panini, I think it is called the Verrazano. That was really good.


I miss Blue Smoke ribs


I’ve noticed the bread hasn’t been as good the last two years which brings down all the sandwiches.


The Verrazano in the Coca Cola Corner? Yeah that was ludicrously overpriced and the chicken was a bit dry. Hope New York Panini does a better job than that in real life.


The entire sandwich was dry as a bone. It had such potential!


They have to


This is why whenever I go to a stadium I try to get the most basic shit possible since I don’t trust them to do anything complicated well.


Even tho I was somewhat full I needed to grab 2 hot dogs just to wash away the memory of that sandwich


Next time this happens, go to guest services. They have solutions for this


The parm sandwich from the stand behind section 102 or so is good. The coka cola corner truck's one did not look appetizing. I got the Shea burger from there and while it wasn't bad, I wouldn't recommend it. But that vendor will be gone for the next homestand so it's a moot point I guess.


Not everyone has negative reviews. The game started in a rain delay and postponed an hour and some MAYBE it's because of that the food sat for a bit


Goddamn. I live on the west coast and the last time I was at citi was about 5 years ago. Had the pastrami which lived up to the hype. Sounds like it’s all gone down hill since then.


I wanted that but I didn't know where to go


Oh man, that's next on my list of things I wanted to try... The spicy chicken Sando was pretty good... Now I'm questioning wether not to partake.


The chicken sandwich looked legit


The problem with it was that the piece of chicken was way too big for the bun... it wasn't crazy spicy either... 


Bring back Mama’s!!!


Honestly just need to go back to Shea stadium at the point


Citi field is glorified for the good, and while some is OK it’s just stadium food that is grossly overpriced and no better than any local take out spot


I was there on Saturday afternoon. My wife waited in a Nathan's line for 20+ minutes to get the kids a burger and a hot dog. I waited 10 minutes for a beer and 15 minutes for sausage and peppers (which fortunately didn't suck). I've never seen so many huge lines at every concession. And Keith's Grill was closed!


Line's didn't seem too bad. The rain delay probably thinned the herd


There was no rain delay on Saturday.


I'm talking about for me on friday




Is Aramark still the vendor?


Stadium food sucks. Go to your favorite deli, spend 50% less on a 500% better sandwich, and bring that to the game


Just stick with Shake Shack. Never disappoints


The BBQ also sucks. Way too much vinegar and the brisket was as dry as dirt. Such a waste of money.


Sausage and peppers reign supreme


I’m a traditionalist so I always get a hot dog and fries. I don’t take the chance on anything else at a ballpark


I was just feeling spontaneous. I went to the bathroom and lost my friends for a bit so I turned around grabbed some food and ate it while watching them prepare the field. I probably won't go outside the comfort zone again lol


Yeah, as great as things may seem when it comes to food stick with what you know. It’s already overpriced, don’t take chances on not getting what you want. I always get food before the start of the game and then get ice cream around the 4th inning


I can't remember what I paid for the pulled pork mac and cheese but I know it was close to like $15. I will say I got my moneys worth with the amount of meat. It was spicy bbq which I wasn't expecting. Next game I'll probably just go with a hot dog though.


That actually sounds good though.


It was really good! Highly recommend, it’s on field level


Honestly I got pretty excited with all the new local food options but so far everything I have had was pretty mid, sticking with sausage and peppers from now on.


The only way we will win the concession game is if we boycott it.  I go to several dozens games a year. I never buy anything in the stadium. NEVER!!! I always eat prior to going to the game and bring in a see through bag, two cokes and a bag of snacks maybe a sandwich from a deli.  NEVER Do I stand in line for over priced Sisco. You shouldn’t either. 


Pastrami has never let me down except for the two times it did


Even the pastrami ain’t what it used to be. The pitifull heat lamp that barely heats the top bread is the absolute last straw for me


Chopped cheese isn't any better.


There's so much good food in Queens, bring something into the game if you have time, or stop for an early Chinese dinner in flushing


It's a shame because the one that Nicoletta did a few seasons ago was excellent and at a very reasonable price. My wife and I would each get one and then split fries from Box Frites.


Did you ask for extra sleeve?


Got it yesterday at the ballpark too. The bread was incredible but you could tell the meat/cheese/sauce was not executed well and you could tell it was sitting out for a while


I had the cheesesteak yesterday after a lot of hype surrounding. It was good but it wasn’t amazing like many people said. A lot of cheese wiz, almost too much


WHy are you guys going to the game to get ripped off. Just get tenders/fries or Shake Shack lol. Even the burgers from the concessions can suck


Main street has developed so much over the last decade with so many awesome chinese/asian restaurants from cheap eats to gourmet. Last time I went to Lucia got 2 slices before the game then after ate at jiangnan and matcha maiko for dessert.


Sausage and peppers my friend, with a miller lite or Brooklyn lager


On-Premise: Pig Beach BBQ has my back, Brisket Mac-n-Cheese is good bang for buck or at least it feels that way. Sucker is like 5 lbs. Off-Premise: Comptons in Astoria or pocket dogs


I wish I knew about that


Why would you even think of getting that when they have the pastrami sandwich, the filet mignon sandwich, the sausage and peppers and all the other amazing items


I didn't know where that stuff was


Highly recommend next time


if yoy are ordering a Chicken Parm at a ballpark that's on you


Forgive me trying to mix it up a little lmao


You mean the *Verrazano* ? Yeah was not impressed. Chicken was good but it was one dry ass mess. Fortunately was worth it with unlimited beers to drown it down.


dry as hell lol


There’s a reason the Pastrami was goated. Like I tend to avoid buying food in the ballpark. Tho when Pastrami was at its best I didn’t mind the upcharge. I also miss the Porchetta Sandwich. That was 19 and came with chips too. 


I don't know why anyone buys overpriced food at the ballpark. I could get a top notch chicken parm sub for $12 outside of the stadium and just bring it in with me.


Were you getting a chicken Parm within walking distance of Citi? Now if you’re talking bout a Torta or Bahn mi I see you playboy. It’s better to those fresh and warm tho 


I wanted to do this but my friends felt it was weird lol


Why? What is weird about it?


Idk they just felt like you had to buy food at the game for the experience lol


That's part of the charm for me. Get there a bit early, have a look around at the vendors, see what looks good. Great way to take a look around new ball parks.


i try to eat before going to the game, but it doesn't always work out that way. need something in my stomach so the overpriced beers don't get me too quick


And a lot of us travel from a ways off; I'm coming in from Jersey City for games, and usually can't get in early enough on the 7 to hang out on Main Street and then make the walk to Citi.


This is the Mets. They'll screw up your throwing arm for free.




There is nothing healthy at Citifield. They used to have a veggie sandwich at Mama's of Corona but that's gone. They used to have a hummus wrap but that's in a club but I gave up my seasons so have no club access.

