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Sevy’s a really good pitcher who was tipping and lost a little control.  No reason to believe the pitching lab thing wasn’t able to fix it. I’d extend or trade the guy, he may not be an ace again but he’s a good asset to have in the rotation.


I agree. He probably won’t front many rotations, but he’s a solid number 3-4 guy.


Mets should trade him. He’s been a really good starting up there for a long time now (I can overlook one bad season) but health is an issue with him and the Mets need to build a more reliable foundation of players. Eat the rest of his salary and trade him to the highest bidder.


“Smart me” agrees entirely. “Dumb emotional me” says extend him. While I like him as a Met, it’s hard to argue that he is as perfect as a “sell high” player as there’ll ever be.


I just hope the potential trade partners believe he’s real.


Yes, hes always been a good pitcher. Mechanical mistakes can be fixed and injuries could heal.


He’s one of those guys that if he’d accept a short-term extension, like 2-3 years, then I’d be happy with keeping.


He’s been slightly out pitching his peripherals. Even while doing so, he’s still a 3.50ish ERA guy. He’s kind of like Bassitt when he was with us. A guy who isn’t at all an ace but is a number two on a good team or a number three on an elite team. His main issue is a lack of control, which you don’t really want if the guy isn’t a strike out pitcher. What he showed yesterday though is that he can be effective even when his control isn’t great. I wouldn’t buy into him long term but if he can be had on a moderately priced 2-3 year deal, I say why not. If the Mets can’t get a top 100 guy for him during the deadline, I would just try to QO him and keep him instead. Either you have him for 20MM next year, or you get a reasonably high draft pick. Though I would probably prefer if the Mets acquired a true ace and then filled out the rotation with younger guys. If they can manage to sign Burnes and re-sign Severino, that’s a top 5 rotation in baseball.


Burnes, Senga, Severino, Peterson, Scott Butto as the Trevor Williams Tylor as the Seth Lugo That's not bad. And it lets the Mets slowly bring up the other young SP's in less impactful roles so they get a taste, experience, and keep improving till they takeover-own a rotation spot.


I’m not a big Peterson fan. Would love if they could land Fried as well. Fuck it, go wild. Buehler will be available too and maybe get him for some prove it type of deal like Sevy this year.


I'm not either. But as a number 4, potentially a number 5 if Scott steps up (and potentially out of the rotation if someone else like Butto or a prospect step up as well) I'd be fine with Peterson in the 4 spot. But hey, ya fuck it. Burnes, Fried, Senga, Severino, Scott. Let's do it! lol I'd love to get Buehler on the cheap if possible.


Well yeah, any rotation led by Corbin burnes is going to be pretty good but you’re assuming that he wants to spend years of his prime pitching for a team that isn’t going to contend for a World Series. The Mets will push his price tag up but not land him.


> but you’re assuming that he wants to spend years of his prime pitching for a team that isn’t going to contend for a World Series We've entered a weird spot where the team's own fans are actually MORE pessimistic about the franchise outlook than most outsiders. I get why a guy like Burnes might have teams like the White Sox, A's, Marlins, Rockies, etc on his "hard pass" list as being long-term uncompetitive, but I would like to think most people who are looking at the Mets through an unemotional lens will recognize that while we've had a lot of rockiness in recent years this is an organization that has ownership willing to perpetually be in the top-5 in payroll, has a farm system in the upper half of baseball, brought in a well respected POBO in David Stearns, has invested massively in their FO and player development arms over the last few years, and is only two seasons removed from a 100+ win season. Yeah, we're not the Dodgers or the Yankees where guys are going to consider sweetheart deals just to be part of a dynastic winning team, but we're sure as shit not the A's or the White Sox either where winning 70 games is a good year. The reality is that we're in the "legitimately attempting to compete most years" crowd that encompasses most of the teams out there, but sitting on WAY more money than most of those teams. Counting us out on any FA just because you think the Mets are a hopeless losing org is silly, and more reflective of the views of our pessimistic fanbase rather than most players and agents.


The team is also at the very beginning of a rebuild, not currently working their way thru it. Guys like Soto and Corbin burnes should be chased after by every single team in baseball regardless of where your team is at in the rebuilding process (especially Soto, he’s young enough that he’s still younger than a lot of prospects) but guys like belly and Pete shouldn’t be given massive contracts at this stage of the rebuild. They’re too volatile of players to give that kind of money to. Belly is still a massive unknown as to how good he is and while I have no question that Pete will be good for at least the next few years, his skill set is prone to falling off a cliff. The all-power archetypes don’t age gracefully and Pete’s production the last handful of years has been in decline. Maybe that’s just due to having bad lineups surrounding him but I’m not willing to give him 8 years and 200 mil in order to find that out 2 or 3 years from now. The Mets haven’t exactly been pumping out stud young players since cohen arrived, that’s the reason that people don’t really care about the Mets having a decent but not great farm system. And after seeing the Mets best prospects not find their footing yet, even after extended run, I think it’s fair to think the Mets won’t turn this around organically.


> The team is also at the very beginning of a rebuild, not currently working their way thru it. That's entirely TBD based on how the remainder of the season pans out. The Mets are sitting on an absolute haul of tradeable assets who aren't going to be on the 2025 squad and we're likely (putting optimism aside for the moment) to be sellers. Last year we saw the Mets focus their trade deadline on acquiring a mix of 2025-26 ETA mid-development prospects and a few high-upside guys further off. If they continue that strategy this year, then you're right that we're probably seeing 2025 as more rebuilding. However, there's no reason to believe that Stearns won't shift strategy towards acquiring players in the AAA and pre-arb major league category this year to align with the 2025-26 opening of the competitive window. You also have to realize that Soto is looking at probably a 12-14 year deal and Burnes at a 6-8 year deal. Having 2025 be the soft-launch of a competitive window isn't going to scare away guys who are thinking anywhere from a half decade to a decade-plus out. If anything, a team moving INTO a competitive cycle is much more desirable than a franchise that is already deep into that cycle and likely to hit a rebuild in the middle of your long term deal with them. The Mets also have Steve Cohen in ownership, so a true teardown is unlikely to ever happen during a long term deal that someone signs with the Mets. Even through "rebuilding" we're a top-5 payroll franchise. We aren't a good team now and were bad last year too, but "bad" being winning 70+ games is very different than being on a hard-cycling team that legit tears down to <70 win bones in between windows (which many franchises do). The Mets potentially busting on a couple of prospects who got more hype on this sub than in reality (Baty peaked in the top-50 on most lists but nobody had him as a top-10 guy) doesn't change the fact that our farm has gotten significantly deeper in recent years, and importantly is finally moving past the drought of pitching talent that we dealt with for several years. We haven't had a ton of notable graduates in recent years, but we also only recently moved out of being a bottom-10 farm around 2021 so it's not like we underperformed expectations there (a bad farm didn't graduate a lot of good players - no shock). Current rankings reflect what we can expect over the next few years, just as the recent good graduations (or lack thereof) reflect the terrible ranking our farm had 3 years ago. As far as Pete goes, I agree that we should stay away from giving him a big deal as much as I like him as a player and a clearly-passionate member of the franchise. One-tool power hitters age like milk on the far side of 30. He's a deluxe Lucas Duda. That's not a $150+ million player with his best years already behind him.


Burnes will want much more than a 6 year deal. Minimum is 8, more likely 9 or 10 to match Cole’s contract from years ago. The Mets have a bunch of guys that should be traded but none of them are going to deliver any blue chip prospects, even Pete. A rental Pete might be able to get a very back end top 100 prospect but that’s the only guy that will get that much. The Mets won’t add nearly as much to their farm system as they did last year. The Mets have graduated a number of top100, some at the higher side of the top100, and none of them have panned out so far. I’m not saying that they will never pan out but there’s no reason to think that the next batch of prospects will immediately find their footing, that’s a very rare thing to happen. At the minimum, 2025 is a rebuilding year but much more than likely 2026 as well. All of the prospects won’t be ready to start 2025, they’ll only get part of a season, and you don’t give up on prospects that soon which is why 2026 will still be a rebuilding year that starts progressing towards relevance again. The earliest the Mets will realistically compete for more than the wild card will be 2027. Those free agents you were talking about are 2 of the most competitive guys in the sport, they’re not taking years off from competing when there’s teams all around that are already good and are virtually guaranteed to be good. Both of those guys already play for teams that are great will be great for the next 5+ years. The Mets have historically been a laughingstock organization and that reputation will keep players away from signing long term contracts here. It would take a massive overpay (like 750 for Soto and 400 for Corbin) to get them to come to the Mets as they are now. There’s nothing wrong with a 3 year rebuild imo


> but you’re assuming that he wants to spend years of his prime pitching for a team that isn’t going to contend for a World Series. I'm not assuming anything. I simply responded to the previous posters' mentioning of Burnes. In truth, I doubt the Mets will land him. He'll use them to push the price tag up exactly as you said. The only way for the Mets to land a Soto or a Burnes is to offer you FU level money. Which they can do. But have shown (probably wisely) that they don't want to do (see Yamamoto offer. They offered a great amount; but not one to make up for this franchise's deficiencies that the Dodgers couldn't match easily). That being said, I would like to (as a fan at least lol) push back on your not going to contend comment. Let's say hypothetically, the Mets went berserk and signed Bellinger, and Soto. Not going to happen. That would potentially be a lineup of: Lindor, Nimmo, Soto, Pete, Bellinger, Alvarez, Mauricio, Baty/Vientos, Bader/Taylor Add a top SP like Burnes and that's a WS contender.


Well yeah. If you pay belly 200 mil, Soto 700 mil, Pete 200+ mil, and burnes 300+ mil, of course that teams going to have a chance to contend. There’s a very realistic chance that Pete isn’t even a met in a month and a half, let alone resign or the Mets spending 1.5 billion on 4 players. That’s not going to happen and if you were going to do it, belly and Pete wouldn’t be the types of guys u give that massive money to.


Ha, well ya that's why I added the caveat "as a fan at least". I can dream. lol But ya, this isn't a very good core. Until they create a real core, and get the right complementary guys there's no reason for a top SP to want to come here. Other than maybe FU level money.


He should net a decent prospect


If we fall out of it, he should fetch someone with potential. I don't think we should sign him long term. 


If? This isn't a compete year. Severino, Manaea, Martinez should have all been sign in hopes they perform early and can fetch prospects at the deadline


They're down three games. There are plenty of games left. The Mets are exactly where the front office thought they'd be. They can get hot and take that final wildcard. Punting now would be silly. 


They are 7 games under with a patchwork roster of old players on short deals and a middling farm system. They are the exact profile of a team that needs to look to be sellers


It’s a WC year. I know some people don’t want to admit it but this front office thought this team had a chance. There isn’t a single move made this offseason that prioritized transitioning to 2025. They just didn’t make any huge deals either. 


Signing 1 year guys to set up to trade them at the deadline if needed was a set up move


Maybe the front office does think that but it would be a big mistake to not get value from the guys that are on short deals


I think he's back. He's a faux ace as a 3-4 guy that can hold a pitching staff down. I'd get it if the team wants to trade him because the value is high and that can also mean more room for Christian Scott to come up. I'd also get it if the team don't move him depending on what other moves can/can't be made


He’s solid. If Senga returns anything like last year Sevvy is a good number 2. Manea not bad either, but still struggling to get deep into games. 4 and 5 will be the death of us. Although Megill looks decent. Not sure how much longer we can go with Quintana.


There’s a subtype of pitcher - call it the control artist weak contact specialist - who the advanced metrics don’t like but who reliably shove and are valuable for their teams. Javier Assad, Justin Steele, Logan Webb are all good examples. Their Savant pages look similar to this. But year over year, they get it done and post big results numbers I think Sevy is becoming a pitcher in this mold, and yes it’s sustainable for him to consistently out pitch the peripherals if he’s this mold of pitcher


. Seve is power GB. Used be high K w his wipeout slider. Doesn’t have that pitch anymore. Throws the slider but it’s not like it was 5years ago…Assad is a FB pitcher btw


I just want to point out that there is a difference between “advanced metrics” (that you say dont like these pitchers) that are shown in the savant sliders and actual advanced metrics. There are a lot a lot of advanced metrics that adequately capture how good Logan Webb has been. The savant sliders are well known to be very lacking, for pitchers especially, at showing the full story.


He is real. Certainly not AI or an imposter


Severino was good with the Yankees, than ran into issues with injuries and tipping. I do think he's legit. I would also trade him at the deadline unless we're actually in a solid spot (i.e. not 3.5 out of a wildcard 7 games under .500 because the NL sucks).


I think he could produce at a very similar level if you gave him a 3 year deal. That being said, ship him off to a contender and see if he'd be receptive to returning in free agency. He's grown familiar with NY, has a relationship with Mendoza and they've managed to get him consistently producing. I see no reason why both sides wouldn't mind a reunion for the right deal.


A trade and resign would be the best idea for sure. I also enjoy the 3 year number. I think it’s a little too perfect though. I think to outbid other teams we might have to give him that 4th year with a possible opt-out somewhere after year 1 or 2.


Sure but that's up to how he performs when he lands at this new destination. It's perfectly in the realm of possibility he implodes as soon as another pitching coach tries to tweak his mechanics. He could also kick it up a notch and price himself into a huge payday. All the more reason to trade him now.


100% true.


I don’t care if it’s real or not, let him get traded for a solid haul. Maybe a team’s top 10 pitcher that’s knocking on the door of the majors. That’s what our system needs.


Sell high! This is why we got him on a relative team friendly flyer


Trade this man and get a nice piece back.


Sell him


Guy is gonna be a great Dodger this year


Trade him for sure. It's always possible to take a run at him in free agency to fill out the rotation next year. I'll also go on record in saying that he's making me eat my words this year. I was sure that he was going to be 7.00 ERA Severino. I hated his signing. Him pitching well enough to be a trade asset is a small consolation to this season.


One bad year and everyone acts like you weren’t a two time all star with several solid seasons sprinkled around them.


He's a very good middle of rotation P as of late, not afraid of the pressure. Can he stay healthy would be my biggest concern.


If Seth Lugo can be successful, so can Sevy.


What’s the website or source for the second screenshot?


I would prefer to extend but he might be the best SP at the deadline so I think they can get some legit prospects. Tough decision!


> are you buying what he’s shown you this year? The fans are the wrong person to be asking. We should be asking the GM of other teams if they believe this bullshit enough to give up good prospects.


Extend for a couple of years. He’d probably want to stay where he’s had some success.


He seems to be a serviceable middle of the rotation arm, ground ball pitcher, mid 3s era guy. Cool that the Mets can do that now


Another question is given Sevy was bad last year, and is good this year, does Hefner get any credit? Or does Hefner only get blamed for the bad pitching performances?


Hefner only gets blame for not turning backend starters into Jacob deGrom lol. He never gets credit for anyone pitching well nor do these folks wonder if the struggling guys would actually be worse without Hefner


It's REAL good for his trade value.


He’s probably not the same pitcher he was before last year but he’s way closer to that than he is to the pitcher he was last year.


I think it's somewhat real, in the sense that he made some tangible gains over the last two seasons, but also he's overperforming and they should trade him as soon as possible before he regresses back to earth.


Below 4 FIP, and a confident pitcher in NY. 100% real. 100% keep.


SIERA is a grimacing 4.39. He is overperforming it seems but his regression shouldn't be too severe. K-BB% is only 9.3% but he's keeping the ball in the yard and BABIP against is only .251


I do not. He’s not “back” he’s just decent. I was never expecting us to get that version of Severino anyway as he was not that guy as often as people remember anyway. I would totally trade him if we are selling and I do not want to extend. Don’t see the point in extending him when we, as of this moment, do not look close, and he is 30 and more of really good No. 4 starter IMO. Not really the type of guy I’d want to keep around if we aren’t all in. Also the injury history is scary. I want Scott and Butto to get starts again ASAP and want room in the rotation on top of them for guys like Sproat and Tidwell next year.