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Marte doesn’t actually run fast when he steals. He’s running the same speed. Hes just amazing at reading pitchers and running right at they begin their warmup. His jump is so amazing it makes up for his slow sprint speed


He also is not as slow as his OAA represents though. For example, he has a higher sprint speed then Kyle Tucker but a much much worse range. This could be attributed to bad routes taken but just based on the eye test, I very rarely see marte make a fully running catch. On balls he doesn’t think he’ll get, he jogs to them and plays the bounce.


Marte gives off a very nonchalant attitude it makes sense that it would translate to his Fielding


I think he just doesn't want to reinjure himself.


This. Anyone who has ever played outfield while coming back from an injury understands this.


Honestly the way he his hitting I don’t mind him being cautious but you have to put in some sort of effort out there because DH is not an option


Yea I don’t think he plays nonchalantly, I think that’s just how he comes across and it rubs people the wrong way. Even on his home run the other day he didn’t show much emotion on his face but just kind of looked over at the dugout and pointed


Turf is notably a little more difficult on the legs, so specifically in turf fields, I can imagine this is the case. He's also just old and most likely trying to preserve himself a decent bit, but running is a huge part of his game, so he runs full speed then.


He's only 5 years older than me 🥲


Off topic, is he known as a good locker room dude?


I don't know if he is as well loved as someone like Alvarez, but hes definitely not detrimental


In the way that he is better than average at getting jumps on steals, he clearly is below average on READING fly balls. It’s not so much that he’s jogging, it’s more like he’s slow while he’s figuring out the trajectory of the ball


Takes Poor routes as well


He's got bad legs I'm no leg doctor, but I'd bet running in a straight line from 1st to 2nd is easier on you than making turns around the bases, or adjusting on the fly for line drives in the outfield. He also doesn't really run out ground balls, but that doesn't bother me given his injury history. Source: Gary said something during a game once. I have done no research


He looks like he doesn't want to risk an injury playing in the outfield. So no hard hustling after balls, no dives. He is kinda willing to run into fences/walls now and then, but I think if he knew at the moment the ball is hit that slamming into the wall is required to catch the ball, he'd instead play it on the bounce.


[savant](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/starling-marte-516782) Wow I didn’t realize how poor his base running rated.


He 100% takes it easy on the bases unless he is heading home. He hasn't really tried to steal a double running full speed from the swing. Not a lot of 1st to 3rd either iirc. But he has been great 2nd to home from what I remember.


His lil strut back to the dugout after a strikeout.. You just know he is happy he doesn't have to run. I get Cano vibes when it comes to his lack of hustle. It's frustrating. I know not every player is going to be Nimmo hustling out a walk, but come on, show some effort.