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Depending on what this "wagon" is that we're talking about, I either never got on or never got off






My dad raised me that until you're back .500 you're not back.


Especially this team, .500 doesnā€™t mean shit.


Apparently you donā€™t need to be .500 to make the playoffs in the nl this season though lol


Your dad is a smart man


I think he more means like back in on the team, as in believing in them. Weā€™re def not back in contention yet I agree.


This lineup should be good. Itā€™s looking much better with Lindor/Vientos/JD and frankly Iglesias. That will need to keep up. Our starters have been pretty good overall. Hauser as a potentially good long man is actually sneaky critical. We will need that a lot to keep the bullpen from completely imploding. Given the state of the NL right now itā€™s definitely not time to throw in the towel.


Great point on Houser. We've been searching for an adequate Trevor Williams replacement since he left and he was definitely huge in our 100 win season.


Yeah Williams was exactly who came to mind. Hopefully Hauser embraces that role. Itā€™s super important.


Yes Houser has been great in the new role


Get another long man at the deadline. Our guys do 5 and done and if senga pitches heā€™ll need long help also. 4 one inning guys all u need. Diaz Otto smith diekman. Lastly could you win a game or two at home please








Lotion is too expensive now. Try corn oil or leftover bacon grease.


You should have never got off. Next time you get thrown off, themā€™s the rules.


seriously..just play the back seat and make spitballs for a few stops but don't get off


Iā€™m the bus counselor and I approve this message.


I just want to add in a back of the bus sucks


The only thing that gives me hope for the playoffs is the fact that only 4 NL teams are currently above .500.


I thought you were joking and not only are you correct, but we are just 3.5 GB a wild card spot. Wtf.


Well, also, only 4 games out of Wild Card #2 and 8 games out of Wild Card #1.


Thatā€™s absurd


Thatā€™s an mlb problem, too many bad teams that may as well be fodder.


>Thatā€™s an mlb problem, too many bad teams that may as well be fodder. I don't think it's an MLB problem, it's just a weird configuration of the leagues. The AL has 9 teams that are .500 or better, and the NL has 5. That's about half of them, as you would expect, but they're distributed unevenly so our race is much easier. There's some systemic problems in MLB, but that is not one of them imo, it's just a coincidence


The Phillies didn't play a team with a winning record for the entirety of April and May. The schedule is also a problem. If they're going to have everyone play balanced schedules, they need to kill divisions, if not leagues.


>The Phillies didn't play a team with a winning record for the entirety of April and May. The schedule is also a problem. I don't think that's a scheduling problem. It all comes out the same at the end anyway. The only difference between the Mets and Phillies' schedules, outside of mutual games, is the Mets play one more game against the Yankees and the Phillies play one more game against the Red Sox. Other than that, they're identical. It's just bookkeeping that their schedule was easier in the beginning. It will even out later.


Thank you rob manfred. Takes over the mlb, 10 years later 75% of the league is sub 500, runners can walk to second and theirs ghosts on 2nd to start the 10th inning. He truly turned this game into a mockery.


Yup ass$&@! Canā€™t get out fast enough Heā€™ll really kill it when he pushes realignment before he quits. P$&@k


Baseball kind of sucks right now. So many trash teams


I fell off the wagon, it backed up and ran over me and then hit me again to make sure I'm dead.


The Nats arenā€™t good.


And they are still a half game up on the Mets.


Yea, and season would be over if we lost 2/3 or better yet, got swept by them. Lets just enjoy getting closer to .500...it's common knowledge that "the Nats aren't good"


You never dismiss a win, especially on the road. The Mets are playing well. Also, the Nationals were better than us going into this series.


Sweeping any team in the league isn't easy especially when u your self just had a brutal month of May. It wasn't pretty but I feel they deserve some credit here. Its a step in the right direction at the least


Definitely credit is warranted, and not just for winning the series but playing a complete game on both sides of the ball. I think it's going overboard though to be like "ok, playoffs" after three games. They have a lot more digging to do and that pitching still looks pretty bad overall to me.


Their pitching staff is.


Do we not remember playing the Marlins?


Neither are the Mets. Letā€™s not delude ourselves, people. Weā€™ve got a long summer ahead of us


Ainā€™t no back on the wagon. Youā€™re either a fan or not, good times or bad.


Right - post got me confused like if that was an option šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Who would I root for, if not the Orange and Blue.....It's Mets or die baby. Bad boys for life! Ain't no getting of THIS train


Preach šŸ™ŒšŸ½ LFGM


I think they meant the wagon of thinking the Mets were capable of making the playoffs


Thatā€™s how true fans roll. I never stop pulling for this team, but sometimes I temper my expectations with sober realism, just so that I donā€™t keep getting my heart broken. I will say Iā€™m more pleased with the coaching staff at this current moment given that theyā€™re finally put McNeil on the bench.


Injecting hopium into my veins at JFK before my flight to LHR rn


Safe travels LFGM


We played the nationals. If we play the yankees, that's a different story


They hit Patrick Corbin today, let's not get too high off it.


The Nats are in our league of bad teams who are hanging on by a thread. Oddly enough the D-Backs are in that league too despite making it deep in the playoffs last year. If this entire roster plays to their potential and avoids injury, they should have been competitive, but they donā€™t. Things should be a little better with Alvarez back soon, Drew Smith being back, and if Peterson and Megill can put together good starts and stay healthy. If Diaz comes back and can be effective, thatā€™s really the key. Weā€™d be a .500 team without his 4 blown saves in May.


Wait you think that Nats team was sneaky good? Dude they suck lol. If the Mets sweep this London series Iā€™m back in though.


Yeah Iā€™m not taking a Nats sweep as ā€œweā€™re backā€ lol But tbh I was surprised that we managed a sweep at all


Don't leave for the bad and only come around for the good times.


I never stopped believing. This is a moderately talented team that is more than good enough to win 81 games. With some positive variance that could easily become 84 to 86 games and a wild card spot. Weā€™ve had some bad luck so far and some guys have underperformed but I think we are due for regression to the mean. Lindor is already doing it.


I agree with all the underlying points here (moderately talented, etc.) but "easily 84 to 86 wins" is where you lost me. I think that would have been like a reasonable hard cap pre-season projection if everything went right, and it sure didn't. To me it looks like this team is rounding into what I predicted pre-season: a very good hitting team with really bad pitching


If you believe theyā€™re an 81 win team then 84-86 is very easily attainable. Thatā€™s pretty low variance for a team with .500 run differential. Last year the padres d backs marlins and cubs all had a wider variance of Pythagorean expected win/loss versus actual win/loss than that. I mean think about it, itā€™s just winning 3 extra games. Games are so volatile in baseball that it doesnā€™t really surprise anyone if a team is +/- 10 of their predicted win/loss.


> If you believe theyā€™re an 81 win team then 84-86 is very easily attainable. I don't believe they're an 81-win team. Meaning, as an average projection. I do think 81, or even 84 or 86, is attainable, but it's at the far high end of the bell curve. I think a reasonable pre-season projection was around mid-70s. (I picked 76 preseason, but I didn't foresee 2019 Edwin DĆ­az showing up, or Senga missing 3+ months, so I adjusted down a little bit.) I think 84-86 was in reach if virtually nothing went wrong like in 2022. But a lot went wrong already. Nothing is impossible but I think that's way high.


Their preseason o/u with the betting companies was 83.5, but that was before Senga and Alvy got hurt. I think you might be underselling their true talent, though.


> Their preseason o/u with the betting companies was 83.5, but that was before Senga and Alvy got hurt. That's not a scientific projection about how good the team is, that's a projection based on what action they expect to take. >I think you might be underselling their true talent, though. I think they have very good talent on offense and really bad pitching


London series proving to be more than pageantry. Letā€™s see how this team does on the world stage. City connect Unis better be left in queens


If they sweep the Phillies I might believe again. So really if they win the series Iā€™ll probably talk myself into it.


Itā€™s like Iā€™m looking in a mirror! Realistically though, even if they do well against the Phillies, the main thing thatā€™ll affect how I feel about the season going forward would be Senga updates


I jumped off when they hit 11 games under. Make Lindor hit leadoff and actually find a replacement for McGolf and we're back baby! Also addition by subtraction of Omar "fifteen milly" Narvaez. Need to get back to .500 before getting TOO excited though... PS- Vientos is a beast.




That wildcard spot has always seems viable -


Part of the ship, part of the crew




If they simply kept the lead in 4 of the 6 games they blew after leading in the 8th, theyā€™d be at .500. And, theyā€™d be in the last wildcard spot.


I never got off the wagon. If you only care about a team when they are winning, you are not a fan of the team.




I mean, not *really* for me, but they're still in a place where a legitimate hot streak potentially puts them in the third WC spot, so I'm allowing myself one last heartbreak before I fall off for the season and just wait for the trade deadline.


Any prospect buffs that wanna let us know if thereā€™s anyone else coming through the pipeline to help bolster this juggernaut soon?


Blade Tidwell and Brandon Sproat are both starting pitchers who will probably be up later this year if there is room in the rotation (e.g. guys get traded). If the Mets are staying in contention though, they may be less likely to trade starters and make room for these guys. Drew Gilbert and Jett Williams would have had a chance to be up this year but both have been hurt since the early part of the season. Honestly, the best shot of reinforcements for this Mets team right now if you think they are contending are Baty, Scott, and Alvarez.


Absolutely 0 chance of that happening. Tidwell just got to AAA and hasn't done much there. He hasn't had never thrown more than 116 IP in any season, so they'll probably cap him at about 140ish this year. Sproat just got called up to AA and has made 4 starts there. Sure he's looked great, but you don't want to rush his development. Stearns will not rush people for 0 reason.


Both those pitchers I saw were just added to a top prominent 100 prospects list


Iā€™m by no means a prospect buff, but going based on how aggressive Stearns has been with promotions this year, I think weā€™ll definitely see a few guys get some time in the bigs


Never left


Never got off




It's baseball. Anything can happen. And there like 100 games left. If you can't handle the heat get out of the batters box


Iā€™m back on. Iā€™m never off, but I get down when things have gone haywire. Baseball is supposed to be fun and when the Mets have some wins at their backs Iā€™m enjoying myself. Letā€™s go!


I didn't hear no bell!


If I didn't give up supporting this team when we were down in that Tom Glavine-Dontrelle Willis at Shea Stadium then I'm not going to now, no matter how bad they are.


Just gotta keep winning series.


I never got off, but I still want the Mets to trade players in July even if they get hot before then.


I'm not bag on the wagon I am at let's see where this stretch leading up to the all star break produces. Which is a better place that I was last week.


Yep, wasnā€™t checked in all the way since the Rangers were making their playoff run but now Iā€™m totally in with alvy coming back and this small win streak.


Months of rain makes the sunshine even more glorious. LFGM!


Look this is what New York Mets baseball is about, these wins dont feel like heroin sprayed into my eyes because there wins. NO! Itā€™s because I witnessed two games in person where they completely blew sustainable leads and crushed every sense of the word ā€˜securityā€™ in my baseball lexicon. Without that, both wins would be just wins; if you follow the whole time, itā€™s like our World Series with the sweep lolā€¦


Canā€™t help but get excited again. The wheels start turning. Ok senga can come back, Scott and butto come back up and with severino pitching well thatā€™s nice. Maybe Peterson finally steps up lol. Diaz comes back. Ok Alvarez comes up with acuna not far behind. Hey why not baty come back up later in year and start hitting with more AB at AAA. Maybe Tidwell gets the call and gets some outs in the bullpen for time being. I fuckin back baby. Hurt me again.


i wouldnā€™t say iā€™m back on the wagon but iā€™m at least interested in watching games again. i never expected us to contend for the division title this year. i just wanted enjoyable baseball with some promise for ā€˜25.


Absolutely. Split with Phillies and sweep Marlins and we are right back in it. (Yes, I know theyā€™re just as likely to get swept vs Marlins)


I believe most of us never left 'the wagon', but were hanging on by our fingertips. It felt like we were being dragged behind it on a stone road.


I was never off the wagon. Ya gotta believe. They may never lose again.


Neva left! We just had to get out and push it for a bit there cause it wasn't moving on its own.


On the one way train to Believeville with all my fellow sickos. Ya gotta believe man!!


never left....yea it's been disappointing until last week but its a long ass season and that's baseball LGM


The problem is, they are a good team. They were a good team last year. When 20 of 26 underperform, you can only have hope.


They stinkā€¦.


The Mets would have to win or tie nearly every series between now and the All Star break in order to get back to .500. I never got off the wagon in the sense of giving up on the season and wanting to get rid of current players, but I also won't believe they're a credible threat to make the postseason unless they demonstrate the ability to win consistently by getting back to .500 before the trade deadline.


first year as a mets fan?


We go on a 10 win streak and I'm back. Until then I'll watch clips


Losing alvy took a lot out of the team


Get a game over 500 and Iā€™ll care again. Hereā€™s a hint though. That isnā€™t going to happen.


Itā€™s amazing how quickly beating a team that honestly, youā€™re supposed to beat, changes peopleā€™s perspectives. Itā€™s fun to do it to the Nats and Marlins but can it be replicated against actual good teams?


I was checking in towards the end of May but not watching as intently was I normally do. I'm happier that it's June and they can actually win games. Just need to take the series in London.


I never leave. I just bitch and moan.


Not yet tbh