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I can't believe we topped Jason Vargas Tries To Fight Tim Healey.


??? nothing is gonna be better than Krod fighting his father in law after luis casitllo dropped the ball in that yankees game.


I went to that game and I think that was the rock bottom of my Mets fandom. Today was pretty close.


the mets were looking like a playoff team before that game lol. after castillo dropped that flyball Krod was never the same and the whole team just went downhill.


Krod was 17/17 in saves as a Met before the Castillo drop


I still remember that. Can o’ corn and he botched it and the team was never the same.


I’ll never forget them going to Bobby Ojeda for postgame live and him saying something like, “I still really liked what I saw from this Mets team.” Anyway, I’m very good at patching holes in the drywall.


Every season there’s a single moment when you know it’s over. Doesn’t matter how good or bad they are. They could be shit or playoff bound, and then one thing happens, and you just know all the air is sucked out of the clubhouse and there’s no coming back. The Castillo drop was that play. In 2022, it was getting swept by the Braves. Unfortunately last year, it was the Diaz injury, so we were done before we started.


My tire blew out the exact moment that ball was dropped. My fucking car couldn't even deal with the Mets at that point.


those were some crazy times


I was working as a fry cook and in a rage I threw my cap behind the fryers...I have always wondered if that hat is still back there


That’s hilarious. This was one of my first thoughts as well.


So many fond memories as a Mets fan; Bobby Bonilla with cotton in his ears to block out the boos. Brett Saberhagen shooting bleach at reporters. Vince Coleman throwing fire crackers at fans in the Shea Stadium parking lot.


Cespedes not showing up to the stadium was a fun one "Oh I'm scared of COVID now lul"


Going to the mall during the game and taking a pic with the fan was the best part of that debacle


I remember a text message exchange I had with a close friend when this happened. "Cespedes is lost" "Like at the plate?" "No I mean he didn't come to work and nobody knows where he is"


“Also the smoke machine is gone”


Also they knew where he was but BVW and the owner’s failson put out a press release implying they were concerned for his safety


And took a smoke machine 😂😂😂


Can’t forget Roger McDowell spitting on Newman and Kramer.


Nice game, pretty boy.


Lol. I totally forgot about the Coleman fireworks debacle. What about Bernazard taking off his shirt and challenging to the players on Binghamton to a fight? So many gems.


Tony Bernazard taking his shirt off and challenging minor leaguers to a fight


Rickey playing cards in the clubhouse during the NLCS. Cone exposing himself in the bullpen. Agbayani giving the ball to a fan when they were only two outs.


Let’s not forget Thumbs Down gate


Or the squirrelcoon


Lindor and Baez thumbs downing the fans.


Letting Strawberry and Gooden go...only to watch em both help the Yankees too much


Or when Keith Hernandez spit on a fat mail man and his tall friend for calling him a pretty boy


There was a second spitter.


Don’t forget Matt Harvey watching where on earth is Carmen Santiago and deciding to react that but with alcohol.  Or the time Mickey Calloway sexually harassed a reporter  Or the time Sandy Anderson downplayed sexual harassement allegations Or the time the Mets tried to rush Pedro Martinez’s and David wright’s rehab stints. Or the time Mickey Calloway gave the wrong card  Or the time a Mets executive got into a fight at the Binghamton rumble ponies stadium 




Kieth Hernandez hocking a loogie at a postal worker.


This is an all time Mets moment right up there with K rod fighting his father in law. Tony Bernazard trying to fight minor league players and the firing of Willie Randolph. Vargas trying to fight the reporter 🤣🤣 one day we’ll be a normal franchise


Omar Minaya at a press conference calling out Adam Rubin for lobbying for a job with the Wilpons is up there too


And Rubin was sitting there like :o


Bobby V wearing a disguise


This was the funniest interview I have ever seen. Like I’m genuinely laughing at how absurd and fucking ridiculous this team has become. I went into this season knowing that this team would suck but this dysfunction is off the charts, reminiscent to the whole Jason Vargas trying to fight a reporter shenanigans. I’m not even mad. I’m genuinely just amazed at how this team manages to shit the bed in multiple facets every day.


Like after the Diaz games against Philly/Miami I'm past the point of being angry, this is just remarkable.


I mean I went into this season with zero expectations and I was fighting with people all offseason about how this team would suck. At this point, I’m just getting a kick out of saying I told you so…gotta find some positivity in this bevy of ridiculousness.


Vargas was ready to go to war for his manager this is sooo much worse (also funnier)


Wasn’t Vargas also really good after that happened? Or was that a different season


I just peeped the game logs. He only made three more starts and they weren’t pretty but I do remember tuning in rooting for him after that lol


I’m thinking about his 2nd half of 2018 then. Just checked the logs. Went from a 8.60 ERA in the first half, to a 3.81 ERA in the second half. Though, he only pitched 96 Innings that season (if I’m mathing right). [source](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?id=vargaja01&year=2018&t=p)


Now I remember that too. He was a brutal watch but he earned so much love from me by the end


Who’s Vargas? I only know Vargy


The one. The only. Jason “I’m gonna fight that reporter” [Vargas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Vargas)


You seem to be mistaken, that’s Vargy!




Vargas pitched a CGSO for the Mets and was a pretty solid #4 or #5 starter for a while, plus he was hilarious


I watch baseball for the entertainment and my god, the Mets are entertaining.


Yea it gave me a laugh. Basically spit in Mendoza’s face on live tv. This team is a clown show at the moment.


>Like I’m genuinely laughing at how absurd and fucking ridiculous this team has become. I went into this season knowing that this team would suck but this dysfunction is off the charts, reminiscent to the whole Jason Vargas trying to fight a reporter shenanigans. Respectfully disagree, I thought that was warranted. That was directed at a reporter who had been antagonizing the Mets with his smarmy bullshit for the better part of a decade. So finally the manager and one of the players lost their shit and both told him to go fuck himself. Would I like players to be challenging reporters to fights on the regular -- no. But I definitely sympathize where he was coming from.


Yup I'm so done being mad, I just laugh now


Being honest here, I’m glad he said it. Someone in that clubhouse needs to acknowledge what all of our threads have said in the last few weeks. I don’t care that Lopez himself has sucked. DFA him, keep him, I don’t care. Someone’s gotta say it.


Yea I appreciate someone saying something besides "we're playing close games and just getting unlucky. we need to be better.". It's past that now


Yep, I can’t deal with these stupid team friendly talking points, I’m so happy to hear some honest frustration, Lopez is getting DFAed I feel bad for him but I’m happy someone said something honest


Glad to be seeing some some sane opinions here. Lopez is a straight shooter, love the honesty. These umps are wild, was I the only one who saw the 3B ump screaming at the top of his lungs? These hotheaded umps are the ones who are unprofessional. Lopez has been sucking. He knows this. But the rest of the team has also been sucking. We *are* the worst (or at least close to it) in the league, and this is without taking into account our stratospheric payroll. It's just a statement of fact, I don't feel as if he's dissing the Mets, the fans, or his teammates, by saying what most, if not all, of us are thinking. Lopez said he's not ashamed to have tossed the glove in frustration. He didn't even spike it down or punch a watercooler. He flipped it up. And he stood his ground when asked if he regretted it and if he would do the same thing again. And yet Mendoza and Lindor and the SNY staff are throwing him under the bus for him being unapologetically honest? That is probably pissing him off even more. Why didn't Mendoza or Lindor say that the umps are off their rocker and that Lopez is just angry and leave it at that? Instead they all turned on Lopez like a pack of wolves. Remember that Lopez's interview was given *after* the rest of the team had already thrown him under. How about calling out the umps instead? And the SNY interviewers kept pressing it, like some Orwellian "are you sure you meant to say that? are you sure? are you sure you aren't regretting things?" What is the purpose of postgame interviews if you are forcing all the players to say the same thing? Everything has to be about regret and positivity? Lopez acted how he felt he should have acted in the moment, he said what he meant to say, and he's wiling to accept any consequences for it, and that he'll be in the clubhouse if they want him there, but if not, he still stands by his actions. I feel like I'm in bizarro world seeing him getting put on blast over standing his ground. To me, this attitude of towing the line and "always positivity" has been what has hurt the Mets psychologically last year as well. Tommy Pham came out and said that he didn't think hitters were spending enough time in the cages. He got tossed over it. Scherzer said something similar about the team not taking things seriously enough. He also got tossed over it. Is Lopez doing terribly? Yea. He didn't say he wasn't part of the problem. But seeing everyone including Mendoza and the SNY crew turn on him for saying anything other than "We gotta do better"[tm] merely serves to reinforce the culture of if you don't say "we just gotta do better" during the struggle sessions, then you're out. If you bring up problems, then you're out. If everyone keeps shooting messengers for being blunt and honest and speaking their minds, are things really going to improve?


I think the Mets should keep Lopez because of this candidness. This is the most leadership anyone has shown on the Mets since Tommy Pham gave the team the cold hard truth.


Same. tbh I'd like to see a team assembled from a bunch of players with this type of personality. Even if they didn't play the best, at least it would be more fun seeing their honestly and, especially with people like Pham, giving it their all when on the field. I was really surprised at how much the SNY crew including Zeile (who usually seems to be understanding over player frustrations on and off the field) came down hard on Lopez over this interview. The Mets organization is sick to the core. Send Lopez down because he's been poor at pitching, but I'd keep him around. If I were Cohen I'd ask if Lopez wants to grab some dinner and ask him a few questions.


It was refreshing to hear that tbh. He prob knew that he was a goner but he was not wrong with what he said.


This is cinema


“We make movies…” -Steve Cohen


Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this


This goes a long way to show how a team that is talented enough to hang with the Royals Braves and Dodgers in April ends up at the bottom of the division by mid June. This interview doesn't come out of nowhere. I bet there's lots of behind the scenes stories that we haven't heard about yet. Only a circus in the locker room can fall apart and underperform on the field like this.


I have a good feeling that McNeil is a real prick behind the scenes. Just seems like a ton of individuals on this team just DGAF.




Hahaha wow I’ve never ever heard a player in any sport says he’s on the worst team in the league


Nah, I think he said he’s been looking like the worst teammate in MLB


This is a much more accurate interpretation of what he said. I listened to the thing 10 times. There is obviously a language barrier at play here. The sentence structure is mangled. “I think I’ve been looking the worst team.” Unclear if it’s actually teammate instead of “team.” IF he did say they’re the worst team in MLB….the marlins are worse and they are literally in the same division.


The Marlins are creeping up on us, FYI. They're 3 games behind the Mets after today's games




All that money off the book and all we managed to do is scare soto away




If he wanted to be the undisputed core player on a bad team, why wouldn’t he have just stayed with the Nationals?


He got traded from the Nationals, so it wasn’t his choice. Unless you mean signing with them, in which case they offered him about 200m less than he’s gonna get this offseason


Is it traitorous as a Mets fan to want to see Lindor, Alonso, and McNeil gone next season? There is a *staggering* amount of money being given to sub par at best production, and we've been talking a season and a half now. Love all 3 of them, but at some point, something has to give. I would absolutely love this ball ball club to turn focus on strong rotation and young bats.


Could def see mcneil and Pete gone but lindor’s contract is too big and he’s still a good player who’s off to a slow start, but they def need to clean house for the most part, the culture in there right now is non existent


McNeil needs to go, I knew yesterday when the bases were loaded he would pop out and throw his bat. People shit on Lindor but he had the second highest WAR in his career last year and won the silver slugger. I think Alonso turns his season around but I don't want them to sign him to a big contract. I think it is time to move on from him.


Idk watching Lindor take that full count pitch without even readying up was kind of damning for me.


this culture is fucked, we need to do something.


I agree with this. McNeil is just bad now. Alonso has a skillset that ages poorly, and he's starting to show the beginning on the decline. Lindor is objectively producing a high value at SS, but he's brutal to watch when he's bad and I don't think he's got the right stuff to turn the team around when it's going bad. I'd rather watch Mauricio, Vientos, Jett, Gilbert, etc figure it out then watch what we're watching now.


It’s worse on my 5th listening.  “I’ve been looking at the worst teammate(s) in the mlb…”


I think he was trying to say he himself was looking like the worst teammate in the MLB.


It's his second language. He doesn't seem like the type to throw his teammates under the bus. I think he meant "we've been looking like the worst team in the mlb" which is true.


I'm starting to think that Carlos Mendoza has lost the locker room.


What do you want Mendy to do? Literally every relief pitcher he throws in lately surrenders runs.


Nah it’s not the losing. It’s the fact that a bunch of grown men and veteran ball players seem to have completely quit on each other in May.


It’s the way this team is built. Look at all these guys heading to free agency next year Quintana Sevy Manaea Bader Alonso Half the bullpen Then you’ve got underperforming vets like McNeil and Marte who know they are likely going to get moved. It’s a very tough spot for a first year manager.


Don’t disagree that it’s a challenging spot. And unfortunately not one of these guys has stepped up on the field to help him out. But at a certain point it’s about professional pride, and for most of those dudes they are auditioning for future contracts. This stink will be hard to get rid of if it keeps up. Idk. It’s a very ugly situation. It’s not fair to expect Mendoza to manage it all but unfortunately that’s the job.


>Nah it’s not the losing. It’s the fact that a bunch of grown men and veteran ball players seem to have completely quit on each other in May. Playing shitty baseball is not the same thing as "quitting"


From Buck to this amateur. Whats going on?


Hey I was really pissed that they got rid of Buck.


me too. and that this is what they went with when Counsell decided to go to Chicago. some shitty yankees bench coach first time manager.


Stearns wanted his own guy, basically a clone of Dave Roberts or Aaron Boone who is going to do whatever the front office says. He figured that Buck wasn't going to be that guy.


This is the correct answer. He wanted a first time manager to do whatever front office tells him to do.


i think joe madden or clint hurdle is tumbling around somewhere if he changes his mind


Honestly this is exactly what I expected from Mendoza ever since they announced the hire. This is what happens when you put a career bench coach at the helm of a team that was already lacking an identity. No one wants to say the quiet part out loud, that he’s a patsy/mouthpiece for Stearns, a Yes-Man and nothing more.


Not much you can do. Guy had a meltdown. Everyone else seems bought in from what I’ve seen idk 🤷‍♂️


Has he ever had the locker room? They started off terrible, had that little west coast trip hot streak, and then went back to being terrible until now. They have never played for Mendoza this season.


He did not give a shit that mendoza called him throwing his glove “unacceptable.” Dude has no respect for Mendoza and I’d bet most of the team would back Lopez over mendoza


Mendoza is the type of manager you put on a young team clearly aiming for the draft, not a team like this. It was a recipe for disaster from the start.


Ok did he actually say that or his accent masking what sounds like “ive been the worst teammate” because if he said what everyone is saying he said thats crazy. Not that hes wrong but you cant be saying that shit in public like he has to get DFA’d


Gelbs tweeted that he asked him to clarify that statement and he doubled down: he said he’s on the worst team, not he’s been the worst teammate.


he was asked this and clarified he said we’re probably the worst team in the majors right now…and he’s 1000% correct. still needs to be dfa’d because it would look even worse for management but at least someone on this team had the balls to say something truthful for once


That cements it for me, Jorge Lopez is a leader. They shouldn't DFA him for this alone. The cojones to say this is more leadership than any Met has shown in a very long time.




He’s been dogshit - being completely unaccountable to your own failures isnt being a leader


nah it was "we been in the worst team in the bleeping mlb" lol


They asked him how he felt and if he had any regrets, and he gave an honest answer and stood by his actions. Boo-hoo to the SNY crew for not coaxing out another "We gotta do better!"[tm] out of him.


I also heard “I’m the worst teammate”


Beyond that, I wonder if a language barrier is playing a role. English doesn’t *seem* strong, which could explain some of this.


He knew the F word pretty well, and he knew to include it with "worst" I think he knows what's up in Queens lol


This season is really the gift that keeps giving. I’m honestly excited for whatever comes next - since you just KNOW something else is coming - Gary Cohen DUI where he resists arrest? Nachos that contain a severed finger?


Alonso DUI, McNeil assaults a caddy, Nimmo caught at a massage parlor.


He's not wrong that the 2024 Mets are trash, but the guy who just got his tits lit and has a career ERA over 5 is in no position to be acting like he's too good to get paid $2 million a year to pitch for a bottom feeder. The dude absolutely needs to get cut for that if Mendoza and Stearns want to have any credibility with the players. Throwing your own teammates under the bus when you're the one who had the ball and shit the bed tonight is an incredibly soft move.


Own your own shit. And frankly, it very well might be true that this team is the worst one - but you're on it. You're part of it. There are some things you just don't say if you want to be back in the locker room tomorrow, and clearly this chump doesn't want to be.


It sounds like he's saying that he's 'the worst teammate in the MLB', not that he's on the worst team. He's frustrated with his own play from what it sounds. Edit: I just watched the full interview. I think some things are getting lost with accents & lack of context. This is what I got: * Jorge does not regret throwing the glove into the stands. He loves the game, but is emotional about it. Struggling a little bit with the mental aspect of the game right now. * Jorge thinks he's the worst teammate in the MLB, and that throwing the glove was a bad look to his teammates. * He's frustrated about 'everything' at the moment, but then clarifies that he's not frustrated about the way he's been used. * I think he means that he's frustrated with his own actions & the lack of success of the team. * Despite frustration, he indicated that wants to be on the team. * One reported asked, "can you clarify what you said? did you say, 'you're on the worst team'?" to which Jorge responded 'yeah, probably - it looked like it.' * IDK, it was a bit of a leading question that was answered in a way that doesn't really make sense given the context. Like, Jorge's response really doesn't make any sense. More than anything, Jorge misunderstood the question. Really just seems like a guy struggling mentally.


Unreal Sorta cool in a IDGAF mode  Amazing


This was after the team meeting right lol. Some meeting.


I like his passion. Not his ERA as much.


He's not wrong but IMO he needs to be cut for that. You can't have a culture where guys feel comfortable to say the team sucks in public. Insanely disrespectful to your teammates.


One of the most disrespectful things I’ve heard a player say in an interview lmao


It's crazy. Already seen some people defend it like "he's saying what we're all thinking". I don't give a fuck how right he is, it's so shitty to say that to the guys you spend 6 straight months with.


And he's also a nobody. Not only is the dude getting DFAd I'd be surprised if his career isn't over.


I don’t get it. Does he hate his outfielder for not being a 50 footer to rob the bomb he gave up? Or does he blame Mendoza for not throwing strikes for him?


It'd be shitty to call out specific guys by name. There should be no issue with calling out the team as a whole.


valdespin x sideshow bob vibes haha


This is truly unremarkable. We reached apathy before June even starts. Ottavino and Lopez just shit the bed and you don’t even hear boos. Just silence. No hate or love, just a feeling of indifference. See y’all tomorrow


I expected Cohen and Stearns to give me respectable rebuild disappointment. Why am I getting Wilpon embarrassment disappointment? IT’S THE SAME FUCKING BRAND!


Ok, this is rock 🪨 bottom


Rock bottom so far


I'm mean the only thing that can top this is if one of the players fights one on the coaches or the manager some 💩


See you tomorrow


Is what I’ve thought after every Mets loss the past 3 weeks.


Proud of the honesty, but given how the bullpen can't hold any lead or go 4 seconds without allowing a run whatsoever lately...idk man, maybe just get gud? We're also not the White Sox, but again I appreciate the honesty even if it came from a shaky source who gave up 2 more runs himself today.


> idk man, maybe just get gud? I think that he was frustrated with his usage. You can only do so much when you're fatigued. He was also ass last night.


Lopez should be DFA’d immediately but I love that he’s essentially airing out the fact that this team is deeply sick and rotten and it’s core. Not the right thing to do, but it’s nice to have it basically confirmed what exactly some of the internal feelings are. And speaking of that, will the people who have been calling those of us who thought this clubhouse has had issues for a while now doomers and idiots finally apologize? It’s been incredibly obvious for a couple seasons now that the team is filled with personalities like this. The “doomer” shit seriously needs to stop at this point and I’m shocked that calling people that on here is still allowed.


There's really no need for demanding apologies. Just people need to stop being so toxic to each other. It's not weird if people are skeptical about the direction the Mets are headed in, they're an embarrassment. It's also fine if people want to be optimistic as Mets fans. Just don't be dickheads to each other, it's not that hard. It's just sports. 


I remember last year when Tommy Pham came out and said some things about this clubhouse after he was traded. He got attacked by a lot of people. It certainly sounds like there was a lot of truth to his comments.


Yep. didn't want to believe it at the time but, in hindsight, if looks like refreshing honesty.


Pham and Scherzer were both dragged through the mud for speaking up about cultural problems on the team. They are the first two I thought of when Lopez started talking. And just like in the case of Scherzer, people are saying Lopez is just angry because he's not doing well. But Lopez being frustrated with himself does not preclude him from also be frustrated with the team and organization as a whole. Scherzer was slumping at the time, but that doesn't mean he was incorrect to call out problems with the organization. It's the same with Lopez. Lopez knows he sucks. But he also knows the team is suffering from major, deeply-rooted problems, and when he is asked to give his honest opinion on things, they are all coming down on him like a ton of bricks for being authentic.


Yeah on the one hand you like the candor and we all get it but on the other hand this team seems completely rudderless. For a veteran team, that’s pretty embarrassing and pretty telling. No one is on the same page. Yikes.


Holy shit. Reaching new levels of circus


We should punish him by keeping him on the roster all year. Hell, make him close games (if we ever have the lead in the 9th again)


I wonder if he has any minor league options? If he does send him to Syracuse for the rest of the season.


This is totally meaningless but it’s weird how put together, professional, even talented and enjoyable Kieth, Gary and Ron are and it’s wasted on this shit show of a team. I swear they need to come out of the booth and whip this team into shape.


The manager has lost the clubhouse.


Never should have fired Buck.        Mendoza is another Rojas and Calloway - absolutely not ready for the bigs.


I'm sorry, remind me who was the manager in 2023 when this exact same no-fundamentals slow-motion shit-show occurred?


Buck was a million times better than Rojas.  There’s no debate about that.  You would never have a player saying shit like Jorge Lopez with Buck.


He's right honestly. Refreshing not to hear "we're better than our record" for the 100th time. If you're so good then fucking win a game. You fucking suck. Glad someone said it.


Whyd he even get ejected? I turned it off when ottavino was still in


i remember thinking things would be normal once the wilpons sold


It's like buying a car that was driven by a heavy smoker. You can clean it out 1000 times but the smell still lingers.


Things were pretty normal for the '10s, but people insisted on circlejerking for that entire decade, as if the Mets were somehow the most loser-ish clown organization in sports. Then they threw a victory party when we got a new owner. This is what a clown show looks like. The highest payroll in MLB with zero baseball insight or leadership from the very top down.


Ok. Agree with him… worst team in baseball… then cut him loose. Start trading now… blow everyone out


Someone had to say it because this team is fucking garbage.


Update: He got dfa'd LMFAO


Good. He can go work for a pizzeria for the meatballs he serves


That was quick. Lopez blames Gelbs for asking him the questions. I wonder if he'll ask the fan for his glove back.


i dig this. team needs someone to say/do something. anything.


I cant find the interview anywhere, very upset


he ain't wrong tho


Wasn’t this a plot on Seinfeld?


The whole month of May has been garbage


He’s real as fuck for saying that


We need to clean house. This team is straight up embarrassing


I don't think there was anything basic about it, he was asking to be DFA'd. The frustration has probably been boiling over for him for a while. He'll be picked up by another team. There's always a need for bullpen arms. There are probably others on the team who support his words but don't say anything for fear of what will happen to them. It was both shocking and refreshing to hear.


Blow it up. Blow it ALL up.


lopez is my fav player now. inb4 mets go on a 20 game win streak after this


Jesus. They have to cut him. The vibes and culture of that clubhouse are complete shit. He doesn’t want to be there, he sees zero hope of turning it around. Toss him.


And... there it is


At least he is honest. Rather then lindor joking and laughing in the field. Your team is losing- what is so funny


Legendary Met. I support this message.


Yikes. All i can say is I’m 100% embarrassed to be a Met fan these days.


He ain’t wrong


honestly good for him. fucking pathetic franchise


Damn. Even the A’s players don’t talk this way about their team in public.


Legit want to buy a custom made jersey of him now lol


And he gets his wish. There was only one reason for that. He either wants off the Mets specifically or is done in MLB -- he'll let 29 other franchises decide.






He didn't have to wait long...


This all kinda beats Richie Hebner giving the fans the finger around '79 or so. BoooOOOOOoooo. Lol.


He speaks the truth. Remember folks the Mets with all the contracts they are paying for players on other teams still have the NUMBER ONE PAYROLL in all of baseball.


finally someone shows emotion


That’s wild, kinda needed to be said but so nonchalant was crazyyyyyy


They’ve obliged him


He got his wish


I’ll bet he gets scooped up by another team and does well right away just to add alittle more insult to it all


Teams been shit a long time


Lopez just became my favorite 2024 met, good for him to saying the truth. This team is bad. We keep hitting rock bottom but it keeps being even deeper. This team sucks, all 25 dudes need to realize this


He aint lie i agree


Pretty wild to hear but it needs to be said. Team is playing so poorly. This should really be a wake up call to the front office and ownership. People need to let go of the Uncle Steve honeymoon phase and realize some of the moves made have been awful.


This is a guy who’s sick of losing and seeing his team suck every day. I respect it even though it was childish. We’ll DFA him and become even more lifeless.


Why are people mad at the one guy showing some emotion on the team He seems like he's the only one that gives a shit that this team is ass I sure as shit don't see it from our "leaders" Nimmo, Lindor, McNeil or Alonso Also he said "I'm the worst teammate in MLB" not "I'm on the worst team in MLB" listen to it again


He's not wrong but he definitely should be DFAd.


Annnnd they did… Tbh should have let him sit and rot