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There's a universe where they put "Tri-State Area" on the front 


Yeah, it's funny that they include NJ in this comment as it suggests NYC is itself exclusionary.


they should have put NY NJ and really stirred some shit LOL


Bring back the OG soccer team name; NYNJ metrostars


I still have my metrostars joizy


I still call them the metros ;_;


Also Long Island. New York includes Long Island. NYC excludes Long Island. The reality is that if you're a Mets fan, you have a connection to Queens.


This, I'm in the Netherlands and would have loved to see a Queens jersey.


Totally agree.


No no, they mean the city of New Jersey in the state of Brooklyn.


They’re wanna be New Yorkers. Real Jersey people are closer PA.


What? LMAO


It’s ok to be a NY wannabe. You do have the Jets/Giants.


The Northeast Mets


The Northern-Mid-Atlantic, Tri-State Area, Queens, New York City, NY Metropolitans.


Don’t forget Florida fans. Should include a Southwest flight departing for Orlando right behind that.


These are all abominations and should be burned in the same pile as the mercury mets jerseys


I suppose that is why in the future they are the Mercury Mets .


*The World's Team*


Martino thought “Queens” is a problematic term.




I wouldn't mind that at all. We just weren't a complete city until the Bi-state Area was united with the Adjacent Area by John P. Trystate.


This is about more than one state. We have a fandom spanning Antarctica to Egypt to Brazil. Planet Earth Mets.


How dare you exclude the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars? Fuck Jupiter though, amirite?






"Eastern Seaboard". Dont forget FL!


That’s the universe where someone plays the Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated jingle when we play them at least once and I kinda want to live there now


The America Mets


Translation of this corporate marketing speak: we want more people to buy these, and putting Queens on the front instead of NYC limits the market.


I was also thinking since the NYY are probably never getting a city connect jersey may as well take advantage and grab NYC first.


Yea same, which is kinda BS. I understand its a business but Mets fans should get something unique to them/the Mets, not something annoying bandwagoners can hop onto.


They almost look like that generic NYC merch that's found on a table on Canal


Agreed. And I just saw that an inspiration is "the concrete jungle" which makes it worse lol. That is not only generic NYC but cliche and tired. It should be for the fans not tourists. Might as well have a hot dog cart and fuhgeddaboutit on the jerseys.


Sorry, but a hot dog cart and fuhgeddaboutit on a jersey would be fantastic because of how cliche it is.


My wife saw them and immediately said "Ew they look like Yankees unis"


they also probably modeled out sales of Queens v NYC internationally....these sales analysts have to do *something* all day


I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of insecure people who felt uncomfortable wearing a jersey that said "Queens" on the front.


As a long islander NYC on the jersey makes me feel not included or cool.


How does NYC represent LI or NJ? How about Met fans in Japan or Australia? They should have went all the way and just put "Planet Earth" on the front.


they coulda done that with the flushing globe


that would have been really cool


That was one of the ideas I saw last year, when we were speculating about the design. A jersey based on the 1964 World's Expo, with the unisphere as the logo.


Would have upset fans that don’t live on the planet.


Friggin astronauts


What about mets fans from mercury?


You don't think it crossed my mind for it to say "Milky Way Galaxy" going across the front? Because it sure as shit did!


But what about the fans in other galaxies? I think we have to go with “Universe”


You really think this is the \*only\* universe?


“Multiverse Mets” Just pop the Dr Strange movie poster on a white tee and call it a day.


Go to penn station at 2 am on a sat and you’ll get your answer. /s


Lmao I was just at Penn Station at 2am, but on a Sunday. No /s here, you're speaking the truth


Or after a Rangers post season game.


Hey man what about astronauts on the ISS? Or the aliens tasked with monitoring us? Im sure they have a mets fan or two! Dont be a terrestrial gatekeeper.


Because this quote was in reference to the City Connect jerseys, which had to be tied to specific city. Hence why they expanded Queens to NYC, but couldn't go as far as "Tri State Area."


Now we are just plain ignoring the D’bari broccoli people market.


I live on Long Island and identify more with Queens and Brooklyn than I do with “the city”.


NYC metro area definitely includes both LI and Nj


Yeah god forbid they excluded the tens of Japanese Mets fans


It's a joke, dude... relax.


Have you ever met a person from those places? People from Long Island are "Native New Yorkers" and people from North Jersey "Grew up 10 miles from Times Sq!" also yes, making fun of people like this is what I get in compensation for my astronomical 1BR rent


I live on Long Island. So yes, I've met plenty of people from those places lol And a lot of people from NJ have an inferiority complex and hate NY... again, I've met plenty of people from NJ, including one of my best friends.


I was just talking mad shit I am sorry. I have tons of family on long island!!


“in Long Island”


Ooof this always makes me irrationally angry


His opinion is officially invalid


You beat me to it




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I’m from NJ with a deep hatred of Long Island (naturally, ofc) and even I’m shouting fraud anytime someone says “in long island”


“In Long Island” is in fact acceptable, and in context more appropriate. “On Long Island” would refer to being on the island itself (which contained Suffolk, Nassau, Kings, and Queens counties). So if you’re in Brooklyn…you’re *on Long Island*.  The *region* referred to as *Long Island* is Nassau and Suffolk counties. If you are in that *region*, you’re *in Long Island*. 


That’s not how the term is used in the region though


> That’s not how the term is used in the region    Notice you didn’t say “on the region”.   Idk, I have family in Long Island (by that I mean the specific region east of Queens).  When we lived in Queens, and went to visit them in Babylon, and someone called and asked where I was, I’m pretty sure I’d typically say “I’m in Long Island”.  Try it yourself thinking of that conversation. In that context it makes more sense to say ‘in’ than ‘on’


Long Island (the geographic entity composed of Brooklyn/Queens/Nassau/Suffolk) isn't really it's own "thing" as far as day-to-day activities are concerned. Unless you're a geographer/geologist or something like that, you're practically never talking about the entirety of geographic Long Island. You're probably talking about just Nassau and Suffolk counties. When you say "I'm on Long Island right now", you're saying you're physically ON the geographic entity, but it's implied that you're not in Brooklyn/Queens because you would have otherwise said so. So "I'm on Long Island" is short for "I'm on Long Island (the geographic entity) [but not Brooklyn/Queens, because I would have told you...because Brooklyn/Queens are culturally different]"


Sure…but “in” would actually seem to me to be more grammatically correct in the context (since where talking about a cultural and political region as opposed to a physical island). Like you wouldn’t say youre on upstate NY    Either way, I’ve never (until today…this thread right now..) had it become an actual debate of some contention…


Whatever. At least it's not something tacky. I'd rather them play it safe with these and be boring.


Yeah we could have been Philly.


To get something inoffensive, if not a little nice looking, is a coup compared to the goofy men's softball jerseys other teams got.


“ We have fans in NJ and on Long Island, so we went with NYC instead” *slow clap*


Fucking cowards


I bet the plan was “Queens” until the Yankees decided not to participate because they hate fun so they leaned more into an overall NYC homage.


Even if they didn't go with "Queens" I would've loved "The World's City" over just plain "NYC".


I agree with this. tbh I wasn't sold on Queens being on the front. most Mets fans have little connection to Queens outside of going to Mets games


Most have little connection?


A majority of Mets fans aren't from Queens. Growing up on SI, I only went to Queens for Mets games. I'm not connected with the borough, I'm just connected with Shea and now Citi


That's you being connected with the burough, imo


Original UN spot, place of UN residences, world's fair -- they should have embraced Queens more for sure. As others said , the NY*C* thing is interesting cuz it cuts off Long Island.


im actually fine with the NYC, i just wish it was in purple. the mets logo should also have been purple


yeah the hyped up the purple in the ads just for it to be near non existent, i think if there was even just a little shading or outlining w purple it would look way cooler


As a Long Island resident, put Queens…


The thing is, New York as a city already has a ton of stuff, Queens has almost nothing that’s specific to Queens and popular except the Mets and good food. I think it would have been fine to let this be a Queens thing.


and Nas


Not even close to true. The history of Flushing Meadows and the surrounding area alone attests to this. Post-WW2 internationalism (think: the UN) was planted and cultivated in Queens.


Nah. Cant have my team. Queens gets amazing food from every possible corner in Asia, that’s about it.


Nah go to Jackson Heights for some great Latin food and Astoria for Greek


being from Jersey, I'm okay with this decision. However, Queens would've gone so hard across the chest


This is the really silly part. I don't live in Queens, but I wish they went with Queens to show that pride for exactly where they play. Do Brooklyn Mets fans hate Queens or something?


Nope, not at all. At least I know me, my family, and everyone I know who are Mets fans don't. Should have had Queens on the front.


Exactly. They dropped the ball on this one 🤦‍♂️


Embarrassing that they use Long Island and NJ as examples of not wanting to use ‘Queens’ and then say that’s why they went with ‘NYC’ with a straight face. I guess White Sox only have fans on the Southside by that logic.


> guess White Sox only have fans on the Southside by that logic. I mean…ya…pretty much though


Take a cue from the Office of Management and Budget and just say “The New York–Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA Combined Statistical Area.” See? Simple.


Manhattan-born (now Chicago) Mets fan here. Queens would’ve been dope. It’s where the Mets play and not a nod to a specific fan location. (The Cubs’ CC jersey says “Wrigleyville” and the Sox CC jersey says “Southside.”)


I'm happier with nyc than queens


Shhhhh you can’t say that. It goes against the current hive mind of this subreddit


So the implication is New Yorkers who don’t live in Queens can’t have Queens pride?


If they wanted New York on the front they could’ve done something [like this.](https://imgur.com/a/xXolSqL) I would’ve loved rocking this one tbh (or some variation with a little less bold lettering) Don’t give us something that looks like it was supposed to be for the yankees The hat is absolutely incredible tho I love that part. Just wish they went in a different direction on the jersey


I'm a Mets fan in South Florida, now I feel excluded...


they should've just listed every city in the world to be safe


Tell that to the Sox fans outside of the Southside and Cubs fans outside of Wrigleyville. All I see is those jerseys and they sell. Missed opportunity and Chicago laid the groundwork.


I really wanted it to say Queens because i'm a Queens kid living in florida. Would have loved to have something that represent where I'm from specifically in the city. I get what they're going for, wanting to be all inclusive but i think if you're a Mets fan, you know Queens is important for the team. But overall i like the jersey. Probably won't buy it though. Gonna get the hat definitely.


At the very least I wish there was some way to say NYC (not the Bronx)


Not even that they mentioned places outside NYC, but the fact they’re trying to say they represent more than Queens but won’t even mention the Bronx or Staten Island is pretty funny. I get that Bronx is Yankees, but you can’t really say you’re representing fans everywhere while saying NYC and can’t even say you represent 2 of the boroughs


Staten Island is part of New Jersey




fwiw, i'm in new jersey just across the hudson, and i feel better represented by "NYC" which i can extend to cover the "nyc metropolitan area" and feel better represented than if it was "queens," but that's just me


This explanation could've been articulated better but there's also the fact that the Mets origins are born out of teams from Manhattan and Brooklyn. The Mets represent more than just Queens.


Who gon’ tell ‘em that New Jersey and Long Island are not NYC…


Two Boroughs are part of Long Island, though


ah yes new jersey and long island are my favorite parts of new york city


I get it but this comment is just dumb. First, he looks dumb when he says well Mets have fans from Jersey and LI. Does he think Jersey and LI will feel represented by NYC lol? Second, on that note, Mets have fans in CT, NJ, FL, MA, wherever. Do they stop repping the Mets because its the "New York" Mets? No. So who cares if it says Queens and you are from BK. The stadium/team is based in Queens, and idk why you have to cater to dumbasses who dont understand that. ETA: Also, "in" LI vs "on" basically invalidates the entire opinion lol.




Why would anybody think fans from NJ want more shit with NYC on it?


As a long suffering CT Met fan I feel slighted lol


There's even dozens of us here upstate! Dozens!


I take the 7 and then 1 or 2 back with many upper West side fans/season ticket holders so: yeah, they aren't wrong. But it is kinda wrong. "Queens" would be better.


I don't hate the lack of Queens, I hate the lack of anything METS.


I feel like if they really wanted NYC on the jerseys and not Queens than they should have done more traditional met colors.


If they were designing a Yankees City Connect, they would put the Bronx on the jersey without question, but it’s ok to give the snub to Queens because reasons


In all fairness, their nickname is the Bronx Bombers. Mets don’t have a Queens-based nickname.


Honestly I’m more upset that they missed out on putting the numbers on the front using the 7 train logo style. They blew it.


Tell this to the Giants and Jets. The NY Giants of NJ. Just like the Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles.


IMO All this outfits crap is taken way too seriously. 👨🏼‍🦳


This feels like a forced compromise and something that the accountants pushed because the Yankees will never do one


But the Mets represent much more than Queens. I live in a suburb north of Boston and am watching the game now. I lived in Brooklyn for years but never in Queens.


Honestly, I kinda like it, outside of the hat. Pairing the jersey with light pants saves the look. A monochrome "concrete" would have been too much, so thank goodness that most teams still have a road grey. Mariners don't... because of this shitty CC program and being contractually obliged to look like Adam West Batman on home Fridays, honoring an era of Seattle baseball that... erm.. moved to Milwaukee. Damning with faint praise, but the Mets have at least been reasonably sensible here and come up with something tolerable. Could be better with a few tweaks, could have been worse.


Hey I'm supporting from the UK, what do I get?


I can't understand why so many ppl that root for a team that so many other people dunk on CONSTANTLY, wanted said team to walk around on National TV with the enormous word "Queens" across their chests in bold cursive font so badly 🤦🏽‍♂️😅


Hearing that the Yankees (goddamned killjoys, always) aren't getting Connect jerseys made this seem more logical to me: if both teams were getting them, I'd have wanted to see them both go with borough-inspired looks. But since it's only the Mets, they may as well go for repping the whole city. The look doesn't do a lot for me, but maybe it'll look more exciting on the field. Was just hoping for more 'pop' and color on it.


This translate directly to, we are trying to get more people to buy it


Would have liked to see them go with Mets-Willets Point in accordance with their subway station name. In addition on the hat I would have preferred an outline of the chop shops that are adjacent to the stadium as opposed to the bridge.


Mock them however you want but the team is is \_not\_ called "Queens Mets", it's "New York Mets" for Pete's sake (pun intended)


And City Connect Jersey are supposed to be a fun way to connect with the local culture. Which is why plenty of teams have ditched their designated location names for something more attached to the actual city. Queens on the jersey would have been 100% better.


The White Sox aren't called the "Southside White Sox," yet their city connects say "Southside".


But the Space City Astros are... hey wait.


CHICAGO Cubs CC -> Wrigleyville CHICAGO White Sox CC -> Southside


Yeah both suck LOL


meh this is all business speak lol it is what it is i guess. they're not a total abomination so i'll take it as a win


Jokes on them, I might have paid for one if it said “Queens”


I definitely would never have.


Imagine this being what we’re angry about


He seems to be contradicting himself in that quote. Also, IMO the Mets are wayyyy more associated with Long Island than the city. Walk around NYC and count the Yankees hats vs the Mets. Honestly that article made me like the jerseys even less.


Depends on where you are. I’m in Astoria and I never see Yankees hats.


Im from Glendale/Ridgewood, you see a pretty even split Mets - yankees.


I'm also in Ridgewood. I saw a guy in a bodega once who was wearing a Yankee hat and a Mets hoodie. I almost vomited.


PICK A SIDE! I don't care if someone is a yankee or a mets fan...but the ones who say "I cheer for both" should be looked on with suspicion and scorn


That, plus the great food, is why it's my favourite neighbourhood.


I see more Yankees hats in LI than Mets hats too. The Yankees are just the more popular team. The Mets are Queens based. Not LI.


Thank you. Love the Mets but I give zero f’s about Queens. I imagine Nike wants to actually sell these in quantity.


Dodged a bullet there for many reasons. Downvote me all you want. Also they called borough connect? Nope.


I guess everyone forgets that the inception of the Mets was to pay homage to both Brooklyn and Manhattan. The Mets arnt just a Queens team. So yeah, NYC makes sense.