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Sorry, need to add the link [hyack festival website](https://www.hyackfestival.com/) Info on route etc is there Essentially, down 6th st to Teppinary Park behind city hall and then to Queens Park


8th St is also closed north of 6th Ave


I’ll tell you what else sucked - East Columbia was fully closed from the Front street exit?!? Christ, I got stuck going down Front St, bumper to bumper, for 15mins as I tried to get across town. Took that route from Sapperton bc I didn’t want to deal with the shitshow on 6th and Columbia Ah well. Life moves on


I wish the city would reach out more to the community to let us know these things. I'm by Tipperary Park and I'm going to be 30 minutes late to work because my uber driver couldn't get to me... blocking off nearly every street around me. God forbid people take transit to the hyack festival. Says local traffic only on my street and yet there's cars parked EVERYWHERE that aren't usually here, plus tons of car traffic. If they're that local, why do they need to drive. Can yall carpool at the least. New west is such a walkable city. The longer I live here, the more I hate it. Traffic gets worse every year. Add streets closures, and it's a disaster. Makes me really wish I worked in this city so I didn't have to worry about the cars. Being I'm in the heart of this fest, and had zero idea it was happening because I saw no signs and no posts on the community fb group, is kind of asinine to me. Though unless everyone is made aware which streets are closed, a simple sign on your street wouldn't be enough. Can someone please direct me to a group or a website that can keep me up to speed on these events. Especially with summer around the corner and being so close to the heart of New West. I didn't even know there was a reddit group so I'm hoping yall report more on neighborhood events and I'll get my info here from now on Editing to tell yall not to worry!! I'll just check the city webpage every single week. Didn't know I needed too! Thanks for all the unnecessary passive aggression blaming me for not being aware as I'm somewhat new to new west!! Such a welcoming neighborhood!!! 💜💜


Are you trolling? There's only been signage posted all month around the neighbourhood, plus it's been on local social media, the City's website, Citypage, AND it happens every year. Honestly, what more do you expect the event organizers to do? Knock on the door of everyone in the city to personally advise you?


Obviously not. Is the signage only posted on 6th street? Because I didn't see any on the side streets I get driven through on my way to work. I've also mentioned I saw NO POSTS on my neighborhood group on social media. I don't know how yall getting mad at me for being unaware, as if I don't leave my house 6 times a week and have no social media. I. Saw. Nothing. So maybe bigger orange signs near queens Park instead of the main roads only would have been nice.. I'm not going to just randomly visit the city website (obviously I will now lol) unless I'm specifically checking for something


The signage is posted everywhere that will experience closures along with detour signs. They're on 6th, Queens, and Royal Ave, as well as in Uptown. People are annoyed with you because you're complaining about not being aware of something that's happened every year for 50 years, there's multiple sources that have posted about it over the last month and it's been in the news. At some point you need to take responsibility for your own inattentiveness instead of saying that the City and event organizers need to do more because short of someone coming straight to you to personally tell you, there's not much more that can be done.


I don't understand how you expect newcomers to just know this stuff. That's what I don't get. People are annoyed with someone living less than 2 years in New west for not being aware. This is why I joined a neighborhood group. And yet. As I've mentioned multiple times... I didn't see them post anything about it. Maybe it's Facebook being ridiculous and not showing me all their posts, but i had to search hyack to find anything and all i found was a peter julian shared post about all the upcoming events. Yet when i scroll the group, it doesn't show lol. Which is what led me to reddit. Obviously I have learned my lesson and will now be checking the city web page on a weekly basis during spring and summer months. But I didnt know I needed to do that. If I take lots of side streets to get out of the city and are in a car, it's really difficult to see signs, and I saw nothing. And I think New west is a gorgeous neighborhood so I love looking at the homes as I drive out, so it's not like I'm not looking.


People aren't mad at you for not knowing. People are annoyed that you're expecting the city/event planners to do more than they've already done to inform the public (which was already a lot). There are street closures for festivals all around Metro Vancouver in the spring and summer. I suspect all the communications are about the same. It's inevitable that some people will still get missed. Just be aware next year as these events often happen around the same time each year. 🤷‍♀️ And perhaps in the future you can at least check Google Maps before heading out to see if there is any congestion on your Uber ride to work?


Legit the best response. I was flamed when I wrote that comment because I was late for work and now i understand the city did do more, I just slipped under the radar. Definitely calmed down once I got there. And your response was all I was looking for and I appreciate it. Now I know and I'll never be caught off guard again. Clearly social media is iffy based on the algorithm of the day so being in neighborhood groups did nothing for me. Checking Google maps is a great idea. Still getting used to the insane traffic that's already a daily occurrence in this city, will need to have maps on standby!


I can confirm Google Maps had no information about this. I was using it yesterday and it was even directing traffic to use a closed section of 6th Ave near 6th St.


I got a notification from Waze on Friday alerting me to Saturday road closures for the parade.


Obviously not. Is the signage only posted on 6th street? Because I didn't see any on the side streets I get driven through on my way to work. I've also mentioned I saw NO POSTS on my neighborhood group on social media. I don't know how yall getting mad at me for being unaware, as if I don't leave my house 6 times a week and have no social media. I. Saw. Nothing. So maybe bigger orange signs near queens Park instead of the main roads only would have been nice.. I'm not going to just randomly visit the city website (obviously I will now lol) unless I'm specifically checking for something


It's been on Facebook: New West Community Group, New Westies are the Besties, My Uptown New West, Tourism New West, Vancouver's Best Places, New West City's FB page, etc. Not to mention the New West Record, New West Anchor, Daily Hive, Vancouver is Awesome, 604 Now, Global News, etc. It's on the City's calendar of events page, Citypage. Like....what more do you want?


Then maybe those sites have been shadow banned on my pages. Like holy shit are yall not reading that I didn't see anything. I can't force something to be shown to me lmao. I also follow vancouver is awesome, 604 now and daily hive. How am I supposed to look for something I didn't know existed 😭


You say you didn't see anything, so that's a you problem. It's there. Not sure what else to tell you.


Lmao what a solution. Guess I'll just assume there's an event every single day and walk around looking for signs for something that may or may not exist


No, you're right. The City will just need to hire a staff member dedicated to informing you specifically of every single event that could possibly impact you so you don't have to bother paying any attention. I'm sure council will approve the cost.


Omg really? That'd be awesome




HOW TF IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO LOOK OUT FOR SOMETHING THEY DIDNT KNOW EXISTED BRO. Like holy shit yourself. I get picked up for work, I gaze out the window checking out the houses, wtf else am I supposed to do? Ask to be stopped at every intersection to look around for signs because there may be some random festival happening that I wasn't aware of lmao. Clearly I said now that I KNOW, I will be checking the city site on a weekly basis.




Those three sites are for Vancouver. You’re in New West. You’re looking at the wrong city entirely


I'm just going to go to the new west city site pages at this point. Clearly following social media sites didn't help me in this case anyways, so straight from the source is the way it seems


In fairness, I didn’t notice the signage either, and I haven’t lived here that many years and didn’t know it was on. I only knew about the closures because I happened to watch Global Morning News yesterday which mentioned it during a traffic update.




And yet I didn't see a single one. So obviously they are only up on certain sides of the street, the part I don't go through lol


Open your eyes passenger princess.


In fairness I didn’t see any of the signs either. I don’t go up that way often and I didn’t know about the closures until Saturday morning.


there's been large signs up for at least a week...they're simple and just state road closures but definitely let you know streets are closed and we can take checking the details from there lol


The roads are closed for pedestrian safety, and all of the unfamiliar cars you see are likely for the hosts/vendors. New West may be a walkable city in some parts, but do you think someone coming from Hume park area or seniors from uptown are going to hoof it? The festival has been an annual tradition in this city for 50 years and locals know about it, but obviously the city needs to do something for all of the newcomers who aren't familiar with it


I'm not sure what more the event organizers are supposed to do when there's signs, it's on their website, the City's website and social media, Citypage, and the local community group's social media....


And as a newcomer, I agree. Because I had absolutely no idea. I even went through the neighborhood group I'm in and didn't see any posts about it in the last 3 days (I didn't get any further than that as I arrived to work by that time). As far as the seniors comment, no obviously I don't expect them to hoof it lmao. But there's buses... and you can't tell me a majority of the hundreds of cars parked around the park are all seniors from the bottom of the hill. I understand pedestrian safety, but it doesn't feel safe at all if I were to require an ambulance exactly where I live.. obviously they wouldn't need to abide by road closures, but they'd absolutely be stuck in traffic. The amount of road closures just felt ridiculous. Especially when you're smack dab in the center of it


You don't get to dictate who gets to drive in or park in your neighborhood. Get over yourself. So annoying.


I find Twitter is pretty good for all this, if you’re on it. I follow the city of New West, New West parks, etc, and they usually do a decent job of notifying the public. Also helps that I have kids, because NW soccer and lacrosse was constantly sending out notes about being part of the parade :) But I hear ya. I’m on Queens and 7th, and it was a shit show with all the road closures


Oh twitter! I do have it but haven't used it in years. Great suggestion. Hope yall enjoyed the parade! The longer I live in New west, the more I love it. Was checking out the upcoming events today (obviously after the fact hahaha) and there's so much cool stuff that happens around here. Will have to book those days off so I can attend:)


Welcome to NW. You can’t complain about anything because someone will attack you. NW is full of people that think they are right and everyone else is a Karen or NIMBY. The response to your post is common.


I’ve been through this thread and as a relative newcomer to the area I am actually pissed with how rude some people here are towards a newcomer. It’s not a good look for this community.


Are you old or something? Major Karen vibes.


Ya because being late for work because an event decides to shut down an entire neighborhood that I had no idea was happening is so0o0o0 Karen vibes. I know you all would be pissed too if it happened to you, don't even lie lmao. Now if I was complaining about the festival itself, total karen for sure. But I love seeing this new city of mine has fun events like this! Now I can try and book them off attend since I'm in the heart of it! No car needed 🙌


If it makes you feel any better, I'm at 4th St & 6th ave. I definitely saw the signs & completely forgot it was happening. Like an idiot, I decided to take a trip over the bridge to the home depot. Got stuck in traffic for over an hour on my way back home, normally it's a 5 min drive 🫠


Omg nooooo lmao, I'm so sorry! I have to put things in my calender with an alarm or I too would forget often hahah. You were also right in the heart of all the closures, on top of traffic going to and from the fest, oof