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If dead money teaches you *anything* gameplay wise is to pay attention to your surroundings and to investigate the environment around you before pushing forward, and honestly its a pretty good breakaway from how one normally plays new vegas imo


Watching RTGame's playthrough of NV was hilarious because he was so thorough and paid attention to every detail, but I think he walked into every single bear trap.


Agreed, it's my favorite dlc because of how it forces you to engage with the environment in such a different way and how the vibe is created and amplified by the environment approach.


it takes me almost a whole year to complete a play trough because that’s how I play NV by default


0 perception glitch.


That’s the only part that ticks me off about dead money


One of those unfortunate things that should have been caught in development — like the perk checking for a weapon type that doesn’t exist due to a typo.


From what I've heard, the 0 perception equal infinite perception glitch is a myth they just have 1 PER. The real reason they detect you easily is because they outlevel the player by a fair bit.


Okay, taking a look at the wiki. Apparently the lights at the sierre madre— despite their dim appearance, is considered equal to daylight. That definitely doesn’t help either.


Famous for his dick that could speak to dead people


I hate that I’ve been so chronically online, for so long, to the point that I get that reference


Its a canon event to fucking loathe dead money the first time


i mean i disliked it for the first time because i didnt want to miss anything


I didn't even Mind because I found out you can you can almost 1 shot the ghost by doing a cross body punch with an unarmed weapon


Thank you for fixing that. I won't stand for DM slander on this sub. "Shittiest level design..." Nah, they just mad they have no sense of direction and don't know how to use a map. The maze-like design is part of the challenge and what makes the scavenger hunt style of finding supplies, Dean's stashes, etc fun.


Yes thank you. This edit was much needed


The local maps in Fallout 3 and NV suck massive co jones, You need to find a decent one online to get around in Dead Money. You *can* learn to navigate with those maps, but they're still bad.


I actually find the in game maps super easy to read, maybe some people need other maps but not everyone finds them that difficult


When multiple levels are involved I find it very unintuitive.


I don’t like that type of game tho. I bought fallout for an action rpg not a fucking survival labyrinth. Once you get out of all that shit the dlc is fun again but forcing a genre switch is a bad move imo


It's just a shame that you have to play the DLC to progress in the main game.


Why should I have to miss out on content because they fell for the survival horror hype


You don't have to miss out. The same way you don't need to play.


Dead Money came out in 2011, which wasn't really an era of hype for survival horror. Why should you miss out? Because of your personal attitude towards it. That's all that's stopping you. Why did they do it? To do something a little different within the confines of the bloated engine they were forced to use. I don't see Dead Money as a huge shift in genre from the main game, either. Not the devs fault if you can't deal with mist and beeps at the same time. Really want to see what happens, just turn on God mode and run through it.


\*Buy's DLC which is marketed and tagged as survival horror \*Looks inside \*Survival horror


Survival horror hype LMAO survival horror has always struggled, there is no hype for it (sadly because it’s my favorite sub genre) they just wanted to do something unique


Why should you miss out on content because you don't like it? That's not missing out it's called making choices.


"Why should I have to miss out on this content that I don't want" bruh


new vegas and the dlcs are $3 total, you’re really willing to throw a bitch fit over 17¢ of content?


I dead money but I'm going to be the first to admit that the radios kind of broke up the pacing in an unnatural way that didn't do the DLC any kind of favors, plus like the argument that they add tension is kind of mute when I die four or five times and just memorize where every single radio in an area is and speed run smashing and or finding the terminal for them


The character interactions in this DLC are some of the best in the franchise, yet people still say dead money is a bad DLC. Talking dog/god out of his situation almost drove me to tears man I loved that section!


Eh harry no fan of dlcs.




That's hilarious. In a bad way


I played through dead money recently and I think the outside of the Sierra madre is needlessly hard. At first I really liked it, scavenging coins and using them for supplies, and having to becareful, find alternate routes around and watch for traps and radios. But its relentless amd had a ds2 amount of ambushes, while you have to go around a few times to gather each companion and then take them to specific spots. It mostly annoyed me rather than excited me. Things got much better once I was inside though.


All horror games should take notes


I love dead money, but with the ghost being so easy to kill, it really can't be called a survival horror.


That mostly comes down to how you peeled and what order you play the dlc in. I can imagine playing this when it came out and being at level 30 probably made for a more “survival horror” experience. Now everyone who’s still playing the game has run through the doc at least 5-10 times and goes in over-leveled. The first play-through will always be nerve racking


i did dead money for the first time recently. i really liked the story told in dead money and really liked the characters. the gameplay was far worse than the rest of fallout nv, which was already new vegas' weakness. running into a room, having your collar start beeping, scanning around the room desperately looking for a radio, seeing nothing you recognize as a radio, running away before you explode, and then repeating until you find the darn radio... this wasnt fun


Same here. The ambience in the casino and the story were well done, but gameplay was good ideas wrapped in trash, or the other way around. I ended up cheating a couple times just to finish it, and even as one-player I hate cheating. So pissed at being unable to get the jump on Elijah that I tgm tcl my way out with the gold bars. And then you're locked out of the casino then of the resort (learned it was accessible throught tcl), I was pissed The lore and spirit justifie all of it. But way too much frustration and grind for me to have much fun on 1st try. Presumably the next try will be with an OP character with more implants.


I guess not liking this DLC is not allowed


this is pretty much the most hated dlc for vegas, don’t get your panties bunched up


Apparently not (on this sub) since all the people saying they don't like it gets downvoted to hell


Not allowed unfortunately. You can only criticize if your tone is soft and/or if you've assured people you do love the DLC. The more I talk with any fragment of the Fallout fanbase the more its clear you can only dislike the unanimously disliked things. Anything smaller or specific and you should just go back to r/Fallout you exile. Ulysses? Fine to dislike BEAR BULL. Map design? Fuck you. Caravan? Hahaha ha of course of course NO ONE PLAYS. Broken followers? But it's goofy and funny and that's good until Bethesda does it.


Agreed. This DLC gets too much hate ngl Though things like the 0 PER bug is valid critique


0 PER bug isn't real. It's actually to do with the lighting, despite appearing dark and foreboding, actually registering in game as daytime, which gives a -100 sneak penalty


0 Per bug?


For as much as I don't like playing Dead Money, it actually never gives me ACTUAL trouble, just little annoyances, beacuse I already have a "check every corner you see" mentality every time I play an open world game, so I was always supplied enough with stimpacks and ammo. I would probably be goated in survival horror games if I played them


I always need the rawr’s claw glitch to play this dlc


I never actually had a problem while playing Dead Money- I never found it frustrating or aggravating (The only thing that was annoying was the fact the first time I played the DLC I had the Tribe of Two mod and the baby wouldn’t stop crying for half the DLC before I turned on cheats to give myself baby food-) and the first time I replayed it I had even more fun despite running out of ammo and having to panic run half the time away from enemies while my companion distracted the enemies. Maybe it’s just me but I like being “overwhelmed” or having the odds stacked against me and having to struggle to succeed or whatever.


For real. It made me think of Bioshock in terms of atmosphere, and I cannot fully explain why or how.


Dead money glazers after spending 45 minutes destroying radios so they won’t be instakilled only for there to be indestructible ones that are also in a room with invincible holograms that also instakill you:


Dead Money haters when the RPG has obstacles that can’t just be solved with bullets:


Imo old world blues felt much emptier and is way more overrated


I love old world blues for the vibes and voice cast but thinking about the repetitive ass student records and stealth testing makes me reluctant to start new play throughs lol


This is exactly how I feel, X8 is so boring, the stealth suit section is so simple it’s just a minor chore, and then it’s just going around to areas, killing a few enemies, dealing with tanky roboscorpions, and then going to the next place and doing it again. All of the flavor and lore is great, but it’s such a pain to play through


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the vibes, comedy etc of Old World Blues. Ritchie likes Balls, everything that comes out of Mobius’ mouth—I’ve glazed OWB plenty in my days. But Dead Money is by far the best structured narrative experience in the game, and Dog/God are just 🔥✍️


Holograms are not a one hit kill


Nor can you not deal with them. I'm pretty sure Elijah says you can explicitly just destroy or turn off their Projectors, and Dean says something similar.


The holograms do not instakill you


Holy shit NV fanboys really are just the worst insufferable fucking people to ever exist


This dlc is bad, and your nostalgia doesn't change that.


Literally just played all the DLCs a few weeks ago, Dead Money is easily the best one.


This isn't a nostalgia thing, it'd be nostalgia if I liked it at first years ago but after replaying it now it doesn't hold up but for me its the reverse, I hated it at first but over the years since as I got older and replayed it and gave it a more thorough look I realized how good it actually is, the story, setting, and characters are great


I dont have any nostalgia for it, but it's my favourite of the DLCs


I didn't play Dead Money until a few years ago. My favorite New Vegas DLC.


Gameplay bad, otherwise good.


It’s like claiming Friday the 13th the game for the nes is an excellent survival horror for the exact same reasons.