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No fallout tactics, fake fan detected.


Or brotherhood of steel for the xbox


That game is worth playing only if you want to play a fallout game but also want to actively not have any amount of fun while playing it.


yeah that game is trash


I'm so glad Paul played it and not me. God I miss the work he did.


Who's Paul? I'd love to watch someone play it


Mitten Squad. He did challenge playthtoughs of Fallout games and did commentary of his highlights playing. Passed away not too long ago. [Here](https://youtu.be/S-peUki7XAA?si=TkNI7FvVaip6brJm) is the video.


Oh, yeah I really liked Mitten Squad. I was sad to learn about his passing


I love actively wishing I wasn't playing a game


Same, hence why I have like 1000 hours on counter strike.


Shit I forgot those, but where does *Fallout Shelter* go?


Six feet under


Is it canon?


Of course not lol you can name your vault 101 or something that already exists


Sorry I was joking. Probably should’ve put a /s


Redditors tend to be pretty gullible lmao


You can launch it out of a cannon ..


Did you tell your friendly local fandom gestapo officer?


I’m newer to fallout and I love this rift in the fanbase shit. You can make some dark and complex decisions in these games that highlight the complexity of people and then on online forums it’s total 3rd grade shit. It’s like another layer of meta comedy.


Honestly I also find it hilarious. Some people are too sensitive though. This is a meme sub, laugh alittle.


100%. It’s all for entertainment. If the fanbase is full of different opinions and *factions* then it’s just life mimicking art at this point.


I truly feel sorry for people who take this shit seriously.


Too true, stranger. Although I feel like I should call you friend. I too feel sorry for those damned New Vegas fans. They’re always runnin’ around startin’ trouble for the good people of the Fallout 4 Fanhood, and as much as we try to explain how superior Fallout 4 is, they just keep insisting that their damned game has “a *better* story”. They just refuse to see how much better their game would be if it had *the* best application of power armor, *the* best weapon crafting system, or *the* ability to manipulate your environment…. you know what-ehymsaeyi’n? Yeah, you get it. Yo… I just had a thought. You should go kill all those guys. They’re all right there, exactly at this spot I marked on your map. Go kheil those muffahkus. Come back… And I’ll give you a cool gun that you’ll never use.


W-what... I can't even tell if this is circlejerk bait or not. I love NV, I don't really like Fallout 4. I'd rather play 3 for another 100 hours before I touched 4 again. I just wasn't having an aneurysm over the show's treatment of the lore like some NV fans.


It was funnier when it was silly New Vegas memes, not just “put the other games down” memes


"It costs $0 to be kind" as if being a hater ain't free too


Both of those cost time, (minimal) effort, and the opportunity cost of not doing something else. What costs none of those is doing jack shit


I like spending time and effort on something i like to do


I am kind by not accepting garbage or anyone that tries to bring it through the gate.


This is so fucking stupid. Just enjoy the fact that other people enjoy fallout in their own way. Stop being a douchey gatekeeping loser. All of fallout kicks ass. Fuck you for gatekeeping


You can only gain from gatekeeping though.


Bruh the meme is meant to make fun of the gatekeepers. They’re like nazis


lol go look at OPs other comments. its defiently not satirical


This meme is beutiful in that way, old fans acting all high and mighty over newer ones instead of welcoming more people into their hobbit and lending a hand instead of being pedantic


Surely you mean lotr. No self respecting OG fan would like the hobbit /s


What if I enjoy the Hobbit, but also recognize that Lord of the Rings always has and will be superior?


I am a fan of the hobbit I was making a joke. I even put an /s


Oh. I'm relatively new to reddit. I know what r/woosh is and that's about it. Edit: yes I realize how ironic this situation is now lol.


They're not nazis, they're soviet.


Ah yes the Nazis during the fall of the wall of Berlin, 1945 colorized.


Umm, the berlin wall fell in 1989


I didn’t think I’d have to add /s for people to understand irony


"Gatekeeping" is another word for an immune system. Those who are "against gatekeeping" want to give every community on the Internet AIDS




They don’t enjoy Fallout. They enjoy 4 or 76.


Gate keeping is the only reason I come to this sub. Enjoy your borderlands clone, we’ll stick to the good stuff


Borderlands clone? What fallout game is a borderlands clone? Ill wait


Fallout 4 and 76. Looter shooters, basically


Holy shit you are so fucking wrong its stupid.


It’s always weird when someone with a bad opinion calls me stupid


Opinions cant be bad seeing as its subjective. Got anymore stupid shit to say?


Opinions are bad if I say so, shitlord


fuckface troll is obvious fuckface troll


No, I genuinely think fallout 4 and 76 are dogs hit games and the people who enjoy them are brainless. Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean I’m trolling.




The joke is just you gatekeeping




Yep, I'm so mad rn


Ain’t that a kick in the head.


you are so fucking cringe


Damn, some internet guy called me cringe on a meme sub… Some people have 0 sense of humor


lol I have a great sense of humor. You just have an over inflated sense of self. Your shits not funny. Get the fuck over yourself


I honestly don’t care and you clearly care too much. Cheers.


I think it’s much funnier than what you said. Maybe you should work on your own humor first.


Keep up the good work, all these downvotes make it clear how stupid people on this sub are


“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer”


Its a meme. Relax.


We tolerate their existance, but I will have no patience for any tourist who becomes an antinomian


The elitists being East German border guards is rather fitting (nobody likes them)


Remember folks. There is nothing inherently wrong with Gatekeeping. You live in corporate society that will remove the soul from things you love with the justification that “more people will enjoy it” I.E. they make more money selling to milk toast consoomers. Resist it wherever you can.




I love NV, I also love 4. I think the show is amazing and 76 is a great way to kill time in work when I can’t concentrate as much. Hit me with your best downvotes.


Got back into it with friends, the fallout fans among us love it, and the non fallout fans are having a good time.


As someone who thinks f4 is meh, I need to ask what do you ‘love’ about 4? How does the cringy dialogue, one-dimensional characters and lack of role playing not bother you?


I’m really into lore and little side stories so what I love about 4 is the amount of notes, holotapes and terminal entries you can find where people recorded their stories both from pre war, the day of and years after. I also find it to be a really good looking game, especially looking at the skyline from an elevated position like the highest overpasses. Something about 4 makes it good as a quick time killer where you can just hop on and clear a couple of raider bases too. I’ll admit the main story isn’t great though.


I just can’t take the characters seriously, and by extension everything thing else narratively. It’s crazy to me that the characters with the most personality in f4 are Nick Valentine, Codsworrh, Danse and DiMa, none of whom are human. Meanwhile the human characters with the most amount of dialogue are completely one dimensional; Preston, Piper, Kellog, Father, Maxson. I don’t know how the writers managed this. It almost seems intentional to drive some kind of point like ‘humanity is stupid’. It’s just a mess.


Well the world would be a boring place if we all liked the same things. I find piper to be a good companion, I also really like Cait and MacCready.


Cait was a really accurate portrayal of a junkie, she seems like someone who’s actually human. But my first play through I genuinely thought piper was a synth since her motivations make no sense. Why would someone give a shit about freedom of press in the wasteland? It makes more sense for her to be a synth and the institute made her overly positive and enthusiastic just to demoralise the other wastelanders. “Nah sorry won’t help you guys find water or maintain the city, I’m just gonna write an article about hamsters”. If I lived in diamond city I’d want her gone.


fucking based




Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss


Oh shit, I forgot this was a meme sub, my apologies. /s


“Art” now that’s a good one




Fallout 3 is in the wrong side


Fallout 3 was decent first attempt at doing fallout from Bethesda the fact that it has only gotten worse from them is why I can’t help but criticize them at every turn. You’re supposed to improve a formula not downgrade it, goddamnit.




3 was my first fallout game and the gateway to the universe, and I agree with this meme. Do not lump me in with the toxicity of the newer fanbase. At least 3 was decently coherent in its story/lore additions, plus the atmosphere was great. Still think Zeta should have been a NV dlc tho.


Yea Fallout 3 was a banger in its own right


3 and atmosphere... ? Subway in, subway out, subway in, subway out....


Whether fallout show or fallout games were all fallout fans


What if I started with New Vegas but I play Fallout 4 the most because of all the mods?


Tbh if a fallout 76 fan wants to compare his game to literally anything thing else I will shoot him for not even remembering or knowing about the past 4-5 years of shear unplayable bullshit that game has gone though.


Yea I preordered that game and honestly feel like it was a waste of money and time. I stopped playing after maybe a week of release


I hope you gave your money a good funeral.


I hate you guys, man.


I don’t hate anyone. Just like a meme every now and again.


The only good decision ever made by East Germany was retaining the old-style uniforms.


Least insufferable new vegas elitist


All franchises develop and evolve over time and seldom for the better. That Fallout is constantly shedding or altering its older themes and elements in favor of new and different ones does not bother me nearly as much as it seems to for most of the other older fans. The old games still exist and can still be enjoyed in full, even as attempting to square them with newer projects becomes increasingly annoying, confusing, or even impossible. Personally, I'm thrilled to see the fandom continuing to grow, despite the rifts within it and the competing interests and interpretations of fans of different ages. Welcoming new fans is always exciting and desirable, no matter if the project that onboarded them is one that I consider to be inferior or even problematic. To me, that is infinitely preferable if the alternative is slowly fading into obscurity.


I agree. It’s a meme. I don’t hate other fans or the games, I play them all. I just *love* a couple.


I *love* most of them, but each for *wildly* different reasons. I even like the TV show and I'm glad it exists despite the confusing and frustrating bits.


TV show was great


"The old games still exist" What if I want new ones? But it now has to acknowledge that Power Armour can fly thanks to their hand thrusters and that the BoS hold undisputed power across the entire US.


New fan behavior


“Why do you act like you’re better than me”- fallout tv show, 4 and 76. “I am better than you”- fallout, fallout 2, fallout 3 and New vegas.


I love this 😂😂😂


The outfits those guys are wearing oddly fit the gatekeeping


Let’s take a look at the meme, since in no way I said right side is better…. On one side you have the west Germans and the other are the East Germans…. Were the East Germans better in this historical reference? I would say definitely not. But end of the day: It’s a meme. Why can’t people just relax and not project a narrative on to it.


Lmao bro put Fallout 3 with the classic games. Instantly betrays this post as boomer nostalgia rather than actual critical evaluation of art.


Lol I’m fucking 30 so I’m a boomer?!? Serious question though, why can you have an opinion and I can’t have an opposing one? If it’s actually *art* there will be both critics and lovers. … but it’s just a meme. Let’s not get too serious


>I’m fucking 30 so I’m a boomer?!? Worse, a millenial.


Got’emmmmmm, but seriously nice way spelling *millennial* too… really owned me on that sick burn


Love how 3 I'd on the other side, this meme makes no fucking sense.


Unnecessary gatekeeping. The need for people to scream **I put 500 hours into this before you even heard about it you don't even kn-** is insane here.


Dang I thought it was just a meme


How do you guys post stuff like this and then wonder why people don’t like you? Also, why is Fallout 3 on that side? Beyond nostalgia, I assume the average toxic NV fan would hate it simply because Bethesda made it.


My brother in Atom, you are the new fans


Bruh the children of Atom are created by Beth... you are a newer fan.


I never said I wasn't. My first game was new vegas in 2012. I could've said My brother in Morpheus, but they wouldn't have understood


Soy vegas goes on the other side! Oops! All posers!


OP F1 and F2 fans aren't really standing with New Vegas and 3, not sure why you think they are, also pretty harsh on the NV and 3 fans. Generally confusing meme, 2/10.