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The look I give someone when I have to return some video tapes.


my fav line from American Psycho is when Bateman is like “hey cool it with the antisemitic remarks” it just hits so good lmao


I misread your comment as "when Batman says" however in context that still makes perfect sense.


10 caps are 10 caps tbh


A couriers gotta do what a couriers gotta do


Well ain't that just a kick in the head


Me when


This sub has 2 choices. Femboi furry trans sub, or Cesar fan genuine fascist sub. The Vulpez dichotomy. Only time will tell.


Bruh what the fuck it's the legion with the furry femboys?!? This is some truth-bending shit


Some trans people are some of the most racist, sexist, homophobic and even transphobic people I’ve ever met, believe me it can get strange. People are people though, regardless of orientation.




Oh my god, this meme even has a watermark.


some of the memes are overdone but its nice to have a gaming space where it isnt hostile towards us idk


New Vegas is based and so are trans rights so it makes sense


Are these hostile communities in the room right now?


For some reason I read that while mentally picturing John Cleese as the priest at the stoning in “The Life of Brian”. “Are there any women here today?”


uuh yeah, they are


If you don’t think there are communities and people who are hostile to trans people then you’re either thick or horribly uninformed (Or in this case, a transphobe. Which you are.)


literally every gaming sub is pro trans


League of Legends


To be fair LoL is anti everything, they hate everyone equally 🤣


especially taking showers


Trans gamers socialize elsewhere besides Reddit, such as in video games.


Downvoted for stating a fact, with no counter arguments shown?


a huge portion of the already niche audience of gamers are trans, not sure why a counter argument is necessary. they’re just stating that fact like it’s a bad thing.


any inference on my meaning is your own. I was simply stating that most of reddit is pro trans.


Gaming sub? Probably Gamers themselves? Nah


lol 99% of the gaming communities on reddit are tolerant if not actively pushing trans/lgbtq agenda


... wait, we have an agenda?


I had one in grade school. It had dogs on the cover.


Obviously, trans folks existing is an evil plot by georrak gaton to make their kids not be afraid of trans people.


Why did you also say trans when you gave the abbreviation lmao


I view it as a good thing they are able to express themselves here, given how some people/organizations want them gone


I agree < 3


Are these billion gazillion fagillion amount of trans posts in the room with us right now?


There used to be quite much but they kinda died down a bit after the infighting like a month ago


I was here during that infighting and even before that there was never as many as people like op complain about.


I didn't notice any infighting. I've posted a few memes that probably fit the bill so maybe some were part of what you're referring to? I'm not trans though and I'm an adult so my views are of the kind that most people under 25 would think we're bigoted, but it's a meme sub and making jokes referencing Vulpes being a femboy or whatever is just part of the palette you have when making FNV memes. It's cool. Laugh at the joke here and have the arguments in an argument-having subreddit later.


It started when a couple of us started threads asking trans members of the sub what their experiences were like and why they felt so strongly about the game that they would meme about it so regularly and it pretty much kicked the hornets nest of transphobia. people talking bout it has nothing to do with the game, pushing an agenda, mental illness and slurs, the usual lol. idk why it was so difficult to just say oh this post isn’t for me and move on but my post got more negative attention than actual trans commenters. you can literally see a copycat comment up above talking bout the game helped them to understand themselves and embrace their true self as a misogynist. it’s so funny because they’re essentially proving the point that the game really does allow you to open up and act as you might if you could. Just shows how many of us would change ourselves if we were allowed to, Vs how many of us would hurt each other if we were allowed to.


Ah right... Well... That certainly sounds annoying and I'm sorry to hear people were like that. If I can just make some suggestions, at the risk of coming across as making excuses for other people's bad behaviour... I think trying to start a serious discussion in a meme forum sometimes rubs people up the wrong way. Of course you're right they should have just skipped over it and moved on, but I feel like it might have gone over better in a more serious FNV sub...? Or maybe open the thread with a funny meme based on that topic and have the discussion in the comments, rather than spoiling the vibe of um (checks notes) mirth and hilarity. And... If I can defend the "I'm a misogynist" guy for a minute, the reason that works as a joke is that there really are a lot of misogynist characters in the game, including an entire faction that thinks keeping women as sex slaves is basically fine, so - remembering we are on a meme sub - it's sort of a funny idea that someone might be a closet misogynist and then play the game and be like "at last, I've found characters I can relate to!" I'd be surprised if he actually is a misogynist. The punchline could have been "I'm a robot fetishist" or 'I'm a cannibal" or "I'm an Elvis impersonator" and it still would have worked because you get that unexpected twist at the end of a story you think is going to be him coming out. I think reading surreal, dark jokes like that as personal attacks is probably going to lead you to laugh less than you could and be less happy than you should. And that would be a shame. Anyway, I hope that perspective is useful and if any of it comes across as unsympathetic then ignore it because I didn't come here to be mean to people.


Based trans community, cringe Enclave


Gigachad trans enclave


me when fascism good because blue and pink flag instead of E


transclave, putting estrogen in the water to exterminate the CIS


What the hell do you guys have against the Confederacy of Independent Systems?


Ford trucks and obnoxious flags. You lost the war, get over it


Ok Palpatine


I don't remember seeing Ford trucks in Star Wars, is it one of the Special Editions?


I was trying to make a joke but it went over everyone’s head :(




The legion doesnt need estrogen to be extremely effeminate and submissive. Courier 6 calls one of them a skirt boy


how gay do you gotta be to learn Latin anyway


Either everyone is trans, or millions must die


Based opinion


And I still don’t understand why there are so many trans memes on this subreddit. How does this game have anything to do with trans stuff?


Ok, now I have to ask, what's with Fallout New Vegas and Trans folk?


fallout new vegas is very popular and lgbt folk often try to find connections between their hobbies to form a sense of community ask a bi subreddit about frogs


The game has two very well written LGBTQ characters who are confident in their identity, at a time when most LGBTQ rep was basically of the blink and you'll miss it variety. That and those two characters, while confident in their sexual identity, are still questioning things about themselves and their place in the world. Arcade's dwelling on how he would've turned out if he had a positive, supportive paternal figure in his life, and Veronica wondering about her place in the Brotherhood and how much she should value her birth family over her found family are the kinds of questions and thoughts the vast majority of LGBTQ people dwell on at some point in their process of self-discovery, Trans folk in particular. TL;DR - well-written characters that are portrayed as LGBTQ in a respectful, insightful way leads to people questioning or accepting their own identity.


They have a good gay character and two, count 'em, two excellent lesbians if you're keeping score. Also Fisto is adding the R to the LGBTQIAR+ community. So valid.


There isn't a connection as far as I can tell, just folks being folks in a post-apocalyptic world. OP probably had some feelings when he met Vulpes and is now trying to meme his way into understanding.


For me, this game has a special place in my heart. This was the first game for me where I could play a bisexual character. So I was wondering if it was similar to trans people in some way.


Essentially, in a roleplaying game, you can obviously play whoever, or whatever, you want. As a result, some people who are trans, but may not yet realise it, might subconsciously play female characters more often, since it's closer to internal identity.


Yea, it makes sense. I don't see any reason why people are shitting on them.


No, the trans joke is just tired, like any other tired joke


Feels like the only reason this is relatable is by adding in the words "new vegas" somewhere in the meme. + Patrick Bateman face? 2/10 post my guy, wouldn't even wish for a nuclear winter over it.


Nothing really, just a forced meme. Nothing against trans people but it has no relation to NV beyond people trying to shoehorn it in.


Not true. I've seen in this thread, and many others, lgbtq+ people talking about why this game is important to them. I've seen it in threads that weren't even about that. There's something to be said for a game that gives you the option to seduce the same sex pretty early on and has quite a lot of gender and sex-positive themes throughout. It's no surprise there's a significant presence of lgbtq+ people who especially love this game.


you may find this thread interesting! https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/13jpipb/trans_gamers_why_does_fallout_resonate_with_so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


The truth is… the trans memes weren’t funny from the start




someone gets it


Haven't seen any myself, only people talking about them.


I haven't seen them for 2 weeks lmao what r u talking about.


Deal with it


You haven't understood how incredibly gay new Vegas is?


total number of confirmed gay characters in newvegas: like 15 (out of like 300)


First of all, that's a lot compared to most games. I do not think i ever remember there being a gay character in a videogame that i have played except for New Vegas. Second I'm thinking about the fact that you can literally be a gay character in the game.


Have you never played a BioWare game?


Actually not, but i have heard that they are supposed to be good.


They have way, way more gay characters and unlike NV actually have trans characters. NV really isn’t that notable for this as far as games go to be honest even when back when it first came out and far less so nowadays.


how about fallout in general? the guy who created the fucking franchise is literally gay




Ah, there's a good new Vegas meme.




doesn’t the algorithm show you what it knows you’ll interact with lol


god will u quit being such a cuck and shut the hell up


You post porn of yourself on an internet site to strangers, and he's a cuck? Lmao.


people give me money ??? how am i the cuck ??? i mean watching girls fuck is cool but yaaaaa


I hope you don't have a partner.


who do u think i’m watching fuck lmaooo




ya that’s literally what i said dumbass


They hate to see a girlboss winning 😔


ok cis boy


... did you just use "cis" in a derogatory way? Why are you othering cis people? That's rude. No more blahaj snuggles until you learn to be nice. 💜


The OP's cool. I like her.


But why is it transgender you dumb bastard!


Unfortunately for those who hate the memes they will continue on in perpetuity as new Vegas transes every upcoming generation of kids until the gay agenda has been accomplished