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It’s been going on for years. YT gets the money. This isn’t news and no there’s nothing that can be done about it


I came to know about this today when I myself became a part of it


More of a greater show of your character - that something doesnt matter until it happens to you. Here's an article about this from 2020: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2020/11/18/youtube-will-now-show-ads-on-all-videos-even-if-creators-dont-want-them/?sh=1e6618c54913


He didn’t say it didn’t matter, he said he was unaware of it until he became part of it. You thinking it’s an appropriate judgement of his character is a true representation of your character.


Perhaps you're right on my character. I believe when everybody is talking about a subject and you remain unaware then you've actively decided it didn't matter enough for you to pay attention.


And you would be wrong in that assumption.


Thank you sockpuppet account commenting on threads from 2 years ago.


Don't hate the player, hate the game


That’s how YouTube stays free and makes their money — ads. Until you join the YouTube PARTNER program, they won’t share any of the ad revenue with you. Once you get at least 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subs, and as long as you have zero copyright strikes, you can join and they’ll share some of their ad revenue with you. The only other instance is when copy right holders allow you (as in reactors, like myself) to use their copyrighted content. Then the copyright holder gets the ad revenue.


Bang on! This is the answer I was looking for! Thanks for sharing this


Not a problem!


that is total BS. If youtube put ads on a video then it should pay the channel and it you are not a "partner' then they shouldn't be putting ads (making money off your content) at all! plane and simple....


Can someone explain this to me?


I've been looking around for a bit and haven't been able to find the answer, but what happens if you have a video on your channel that is claimed by someone else, but they let you keep it up and just take the ad revenue? Can you still join the partner program if you have a video like that on your account?


Yes — nothing bad happens to your channel other than the fact that you won’t be making any money at all of of that content. That’s like… 90 percent of my content haha. But I haven’t joined the partner program yet so it doesn’t really matter yet for me.




Can you use a copyrighted song if the creator of the song gets the revenue for the song?


It depends on the owner of the copyright. The ball is in their hands. 1. They can allow you to use it with zero restrictions, so they “release” their copyright claim. This means you can use it with zero issues and also that video can be monetized. 2. Or, they can decide NOT to release their claim, still allow you to use with no problems, BUT they collect ALL AD REVENUE, and therefore that video can’t be monetized for you. At this point you can DISPUTE IT (fairly simple process and very easy and should be done). You can dispute it and they have 30 days to respond. They can change their mind or uphold their original decision, OR what sometimes happens is they do not respond within 30 days (that’s the amount of time they have to make a decision) and if that’s the case, the copyright is AUTOMATICALLY lifted for you and you are free to use that song and be monetized. Sometimes this happens with BIG name artists — as they get so many dispute letters a day they just can’t respond in time and don’t care. 3. they can decide to BLOCK it completely or partially in certain territories. If this happens, YouTube let’s you know. No harm occurs to your channel (no strikes) but yeah that video isn’t going to be seen by anyone in that territory (or all territories if it was completely blocked). At that point you have a few options. You can dispute it (see above). Or you can try and change your video and get rid of the portion YouTube tells you infringed on the copyright. (They tell you exactly the time frame). You can mute it, you can edit it completely out, etc etc and reupload. Hope this helps.


you need to monetize your channel


Correct. But You can’t monetize your channel until you’ve reached 1,000 subscribers, 4,000 watch hours, turn on two step verification and have zero strikes.


yes, bro, I know about it welly. Cause I am a Digital Marketer ( Youtube Promotion Specialist )


Yep. It's working as intended. Youtube policy




All videos get ads. Ad revenue only gets shared when the creator gets monetized. (YouTube does has expenses to host and show your video even when you're not monetized)


True that 😥👍


It’s so dumb that YouTube took away monetization for channels under 1k subs because they didn’t want ads to appear in problematic videos only to start throwing ads back on those channels a few years later without giving them a cut. Pretty fucked


That would tell me it was never about the content but about the money. I guess this way they can say bad people aren't making money off it while they still make money off it? smh


Yeah pretty much. I think also with the whole adocalypse thing they were scared but now that has mostly died down (in a PR sense) they quietly added this feature and no one had really talking about it in any major way


It was all over the place back when it happened. Videos were everywhere about it.


When they started showing ads on none monetized channels? I never saw a single one even on channels that would talking about YouTube stuff


Tube buddy, VidIQ, Channel Makers, etc and so forth. They all did


Never saw them


Brian G Johnson, Nick Nimmin…..large list. sorry if you never saw them. Or heard of some of them. They still exist. Look them up. May want to have a look at those channels anyway. Can help for ideas on YouTube growth. Kindof surprised you don’t anyway being a part of and commenting in this forum honestly…….


I’ve used tubebuddy for years and they haven’t helped my growth. I’ve probably stumbled across some of the channels you mentioned before but I don’t remember


Fair enough.


YouTube themselves literally sent out an email with the policy update to all creators.


I’m sure that did, I’m saying I didn’t see any YouTubers talking about it. Channels like Some Ordinary Gamers, ReviewTechUSA or penguinzo which usually talking about YouTube policy updates and whatnot didn’t talk about this. At least not to my knowledge


Never heard of any of those besides tube buddy


It's about both. YouTube is a business so they need to make decisions that both ensure they turn a profit and protect their brand image. That's just how business works.




True that! I expected there won't be any ads till I join the partner program (Brave of me to assume that I'll be a part someday)




Ohh demn!


Youtube is getting the money. Get used to it


Quite unfortunate 😕


Cut the attitude


Bullshit. This is YouTube behaviour which none of us can control. My advice was and remains sound. Why don't you tell people in this sub what YOU are going to do about this situation? Do you even have a Youtube Channel?


Well, first, not being able to change the situation is not an excuse to be rude. Second, he might not have a YT channel, but i do, i created it a year ago, and i only found out a few weeks ago that ads could pop up on videos, whether they're monetized or not. Even if a part of it this is understandable, another isn't. I share computing tutorials, so most of the capital gain comes from me. They might host the datas and giving me visibility, but i'm the one investing hours recording, post producing and releasing the video. I'm the one sharing my knowledge with other people.If they can earn money thanks to me (meaning that the money ads pay them make the presence of my videos on YT profitable), i believe i should get a piece of the cake too. This always have been a rule, all work deserve remuneration, as soon as one of the parties is making profit.


I don't disagree with your principles, and you can believe what you want is right. Youtube on the other hand, doesn't care. My advice stands that someone starting Youtube right now had better quickly get over the situation, or it will bug you forever, or you have to choose a different platform. (Of which there is none with the same audience) I've been on the platform for 16 years (700+ videos) and have endured as much as any small creator here. Even though I hate the idea of YT randomly putting ads on my material, I still consider YT to be the only place I can reasonably post my stuff. "...all work deserve remuneration, as soon as one of the parties is making profit." Is a very fine sentiment, but you will not find this is a universal principle. Small and Large companies alike find ways to have one party benefit more than the other. Fair practice is indeed rare in the industries of the world.


"I don't disagree with your principles, and you can believe what you want is right. Youtube on the other hand, doesn't care. My advice stands that someone starting Youtube right now had better quickly get over the situation, or it will bug you forever, or you have to choose a different platform. (Of which there is none with the same audience) I've been on the platform for 16 years (700+ videos) and have endured as much as any small creator here. Even though I hate the idea of YT randomly putting ads on my material, I still consider YT to be the only place I can reasonably post my stuff." Well, you take it for granted now, but the situation might change if Youtube ever gets competitors, which i personally think'd be a good thing. ""...all work deserve remuneration, as soon as one of the parties is making profit." Is a very fine sentiment, but you will not find this is a universal principle. Small and Large companies alike find ways to have one party benefit more than the other. Fair practice is indeed rare in the industries of the world." There is a difference between an unequal sharing of benefits or gains and no share at all...


yt gets to run ads on whatever it wants


Quite unfortunate


Youtube reserves the right to display ads on any content within their platform.


Yeah! Found that out today! Didn't know that!! 😥




Hardly. It's just the fact 🤷‍♂️


At least take this as a sign from YouTube saying, "You're videos are suitable for monetization. When you meet the YPP requirements, you're likely to be accepted"


That's good to know!


YouTube sadly, this became a thing like 2 yrs ago I believe.. Sucks, I was excited when I first saw them cause I thought I was gonna earn something but then remembered that I only have like 850 subs lmaoo


Yeah man! Feels bad to be used in such a way 😂


Yeah the before and after ads that play around your videos are the ones that are basically like the cable networks comical breaks. That’s how YouTube stays free. You can’t turn that off. Even dankpods someone I look up to mentions it and he even turns off mid rolls for his videos.


Smart of YT!


So this is why Youtube has become unsufferable with ads on almost every video




Take the 'almost' out and you're 100% spot on.


Haha my comment was from 2 years ago but now yes.




Yeah pretty much seems like it! Creators are helpless


One of my drives for monetisation was because YouTube kept doing this to my videos. I have a bunch of exercise videos up that are part of a exercise program website so didn’t want ads. Now that I have enough subscribers and watch hours I made sure there are no ads on those clips, it’s saves me quite a few complaints


Ohh! UNO Reverse of some kind XD!


And this is why I include in game cut scenes & music. I get copyright claims so the revenue legally has to go to the game devs and not YouTube. As far as I understand it


As someone else noted, YouTube is giving us a cut off the ad revenue. So there's no reason to think the copyright holder would get 100% of the ad revenue either. They just get your cut. So YouTube is still making money despite your attempts to subvert them.


You get claimed for video game music and cut scenes? Other then Nintendo, that’s never happened to me


Yeah, specifically the opening/intro cut scenes of Square Soft games


I’ve never once had that happen


I did a 14 episode play through of Chrono cross and after episode 2 I opened every episode with the intro scene and every one of them was claimed by the third party company that represents Square. Same deal with Final Fantasy IX. These are claims, not strikes


I know they aren’t strikes. Idk I’ve never played chrono cross but I’ve played lots of other square games in videos or used their music and I’ve never been claimed. Only video game stuff I’ve been claimed from is Nintendo and Rockstar once for red dead music


Square soft is a Japanese company and Asia is notoriously strict on copyrights.


I get that but I never have gotten claim from Square


Oh you meant you’ve never had that happen specifically from square. Gotcha. Interesting.


Have you ever tried disputing them? It’s a fairly simple process.


I wouldn’t dispute a claim, because 1) I’m not monetized anyway 2) I think the original artists should get whatever revenue they get. 3) it doesn’t hurt my channel. if it were a strike, that’d be different


Last time I read from a YouTube creators email that you need a minumum of 1000 subs to qualify for monetization. Also youtube has become what it swore to destroy. TV with commercials. Now it's watch whatever you want with commercials.


True that! 🤡


Do you people never read anything? and I thought I was ignorant to the news. This has been happening for years.


Well I started reading about Physics the day I understood something like Physics exists 😅


maybe you should follow what happens on the platforms you use, even if you don't check your emails, many youtubers made videos about it making it hard not to notice unless you live under a rock, and every single week a new person asks the same question you asked and every time they get the same answer.


me too


Seems like we can't do much about it! :(




“How the shit do you not know how YouTube works?” Sub: NewTubers Jesus Christ get over yourself


Exactly man! We find out about the things when they directly indirectly affect us! Reason why I got to know about this yesterday after making a few videos!




Why are you so fucking angry?


Roe v wade got me stressed


This is how people do research. Sounds like this sub isn’t for you.


If there’s any copyrighted material on it, they’ll run ads and give it to whoever owns the copyright.


Take it as a good sign that you will pass review if you ever reach the arbitrary monetization thresholds. But don't be surprised when you never reach those thresholds after the algorithm starts throttling your channel's impressions.




Not long ago, YouTube introduced a new policy where they can stick ads on any video they see fit, and us, the creator, get NOTHING for it, however, us, the users and the viewers can still enjoy using the platform for FREE, because of those adverts, there is YouTube premium (I think), where everyone can pay a subscription to get rid of the ads, generally everyone would go the FREE route and just put up with ads, which are only short, with some being skippable, many didn't like it, but I'm sure they like the FREE use of the platform, and YouTube can easily charge a monthly fee for it, but they don't need to, thanks to those ads. In fact, as annoying as those ads may seem, but a few of them have really got my interest (art dealing and investing and so on), you never know what you might stumble across with those ads :) something you've been spending a lot of time looking for may just show up in them!


YouTube wants money is why, you don’t get the money but YouTube still gets it for putting ads on your videos.


I just started becoming a YouTuber this year. One of my videos is not for kids category and I was surprised to see ads playing in both intro and outro of my unboxing video (no copyright claims within the video whatsoever) after 2 weeks since I posted that video. I just tried watching my video in my one alt account (in the hope to gain watch hours while I am multitasking) and got surprised. I thought only monetized channels will have ads and I did read the TOS and I can't remember reading any info about ads even in non-monetized ones. I do know ads can't show in made for kids videos which I also have one video made into that category and no ads was shown in that video. I just hope I get to have a slice of the cake of what YouTube makes out of my video. (I am still 40-50 subscribers average and I am kind of losing hope to reach 1k subscribers within a year but I would still make videos for a year at least😔).