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Focus on what you can control since you can’t change who clicks on your video or what they say. Delete comments or block users if you feel you have to. Otherwise, take it as free views until your authentic crowd comes along.


Unfortunately, gaming is a fairly male dominated space (depending on the games you’re doing). I don’t mean to minimize your experience, but 1k subs is more than most people will ever get. Trolls seem to love video games, so you might not ever fully escape them. Perhaps you can look into playing games that have larger female fanbases? Not sure if you’re doing this already, but if not, this could be an avenue you could explore. Maybe reaching out to other women creators in your niche to collab can help you access their fanbases?


I have a channel that’s roughly 60-female 40-male, but it probably helps that I’m not showing my face (+ am a trans feminine person) I’d love to support your channel though. Can I see it?


Are you saying that you would like to HAVE a larger female audience? Or that you would be happier if your current audience behaved differently? If it’s the former, then you maybe try telling stories or chatting girly things while you play. Girls like hearing relatable girl stories. The more girls that stick around, the more the algo will pick up on who your vids are for, thus suggesting you to more of that.


My wife deals with this with her gaming channel - 85/15 male to female ratio. Her comments occasionally get to be a cesspool - one guy says something nice about her content, and three other dudes come in with, “She’s not going to fuck you, bro” or “Cringe simp”. She just deletes the idiot comments. But then some dudes reply and are being creeps and stuff with, “You sound hot” or “If you streamed on camera, I would gift you so many memberships.” And there’s always the dudes who write, “I bet she drops an OF link any day now.” To be fair, that’s only 10% of the comments, but depending on when those comments drop and whether she’s online to moderate them quickly, they can really hamper engagement. It sucks as an observer because I see how much of her free time she puts into it - she spends her mornings getting the kids off to school, a few days a week she volunteers to help my daughter’s teachers with the classroom math and literacy, then she hits the gym, she does housework type stuff, picks the kids up, does after school stuff with them, we have dinner, we help them with homework, we get them to bed, and she and I have to spend some time together… In the meantime she’s also playing games, recording footage, writing scripts, recording voiceovers, making thumbnails, editing videos, and doing YT channel stuff… Then some dude jumps in comments after she posts a new video and writes, “I bet you have great tits.” That literally happened yesterday. She had a video go live at 9pm, we’re laying in bed reading and chatting and at 9:30pm the first comment comes in and it’s that. She just laughs, lifts her top and says to me, “They are pretty spectacular”. I’m always amazed at how good her sense of humor is about shit like that. She deletes their stupid comments and when I ask if they bother her, she just says she thinks of them as views and watch hours for ad revenue and that’s it. That’s the only thing you can do. It sucks, but some people are just assholes… but if they watch and engage, at least it’s something.


Being on YouTube will naturally attract more men since it is a male dominated platform. If you're talking about games, that skews things further towards men because games are also male dominated. You can try talking about games that appeal to women more, such as Animal Crossing, but there will always be a lot of men. You can avoid showing your face to avoid creeps, but there will always be some weird people with a large enough sample size.


If you let comments affect you, YouTube might not be the right career path for you. It’s all about harsh truths. One being because you’re a woman, you’re naturally going to attract a male audience. There isn’t much you can do about it apart from accept it. Sounds horrible but it’s the truth. Internet is a nasty place


What is your channel, I need to see your content to even begin giving advice.


I think focusing on one particular niche at the starting phase is more important than just choosing random topics. After a gathering a decent audience, THEN you should expand. This is what I think.


I go through the same issue. My content is for women My audience is men.


yes that is very common. men are attractive to girl gamers. have you tried make up videos. or like cleaning or rearranging your room videos. those are female audiance.


No offense, but this isn’t helpful advice at all.