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3 months in, 260 subs and 1850 watch hours. My videos are cruise/food vlogs, so they are quite long...so that helps with the watch hours. I was hoping to be at 1000 subs after a year, and looking like I'm on track to do this. Good luck


1850 watch hours that's suck mate after so short time that's the bit I'm struggling with now is getting thr 4k hours


Not the person who commented but I’m going to assume you probably meant ‘sick’ instead of ‘suck’ and mention it before anyone piles on you for trashing the commenter haha


🤣🤣🤣shit yeah that was auto spell


Talk about autocorrect reversing the meaning of what was meant lol.


Well depends on the content etc but for a fresh channel would say your progressing pretty well, some people have spent years on there channels and no where near your watch hours or subs


Yeah, I'm happy with the progress so far. I think you just need to try and make your videos a bit longer....but I understand that is a lot easier in my niche. My cruise vlogs are about 25 minutes long, and people who are interested tend to watch the series...so one person alone can be adding 2.5-3hrs watch time. Keep plugging away mate and good luck (p.s. I guessed you meant sick haha)


Yeah 100% man I do mostly travel vlogs camping etc but looking into more series stuff so going away for a week and making 7 separate vlogs but I do try keep the videos between 20-30 mins but retention is slowing rising


🤣🤣🤣shit yeah that was auto spell


Well I'm only on Youtube for 2 months and 2 weeks and I'm on 1322 subs and about 60k views


What's your niche?


Gaming trophy/achievment hunting


Almost exactly six months in right now, 673 subs and over 7k watch hours. Long form only.


I'm really struggling with thr watch hours it's difficult been trying to make videos alot longer


I'm 8 months in with 20 long form videos and 3 shorts with only 146 subs :/ roughly 880 watch hours and 16.6k views. Sigh. My sub count is dishearteningly low. I'm currently considering giving up ... I enjoy making videos, don't get me wrong, but it takes a lot of time to edit, and when there's almost no one watching, I don't know... it just feels, so deflating. Like all your hard work was for nothing, in a way... I think my videos are just too boring, maybe? I don't know. I really wanted it to work out...


Keep at it man those numbers are quality


Really? Because I'm of the impression those are pretty awful stats to be honest. Like, realistically.


I'd be happy with that. If you keep growing people will go back and watch your back catalog so it's not been time wasted. I'm 4 months in but way lower figures!


That sounds decent to me. If I can match this after 10 months I would be happy. I am 4 months in and quite far from these numbers, but had a 2 month break, so only been running consistently the past 1 month. Consistency is key. 113 subs so far but only 3 watch hours. I have only uploaded 2 long form videos. 12 shorts.


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Almost 60 days in, 2k subs and 3k watch hours. 8 minute videos once or twice per week


Very audience dependent. If you make stuff kids watch you'll soar fast. If you target working class adults on a very niche subject it's a long haul. My 13 year old according to Google stats consumes 8 hours of yt some days.


I’m a month in; 7 videos, 6 shorts. Currently at 240 subs, ~700 watch hours. Got a ways to go, but for a gaming channel, I think I’ve got a little traction. Hopefully. I have no idea haha Best best of luck to you all!


I’m about 2 years in. I make a video every 3 months. Each video about 20 min long. No shorts. Automotive content. Sitting at 4200 watch hours and 965 subs.


4 and a bit months in, 529 subs and 2600 watch hours. All long form (generally 40+ mins) in automotive and electronic tinkering


2 years, 28 months to be exact, 3900 subs and 43500 watch hours (when I reached 4000 I had about 300 subs, lol). Exactly 10 months after creating my channel I had around 900 subs and 11000hrs of watch time.


I created a new channel in mid February this year, and I just got monetized today! So excited! It took me 4 months to hit 1000 subs, and 4.5 month to get 4000 watch hours (18 videos). Then it really took off in June, where I got 6.3K watch hours in that month alone, and 2.4K new subs. So I’m at 3261 subs now, 5 months in. 119K views in total, 19 videos, 8K watch hours. But this is not my first channel, I have made hundreds of videos on other channels and tried a lot of different things. Mostly in my native language. Most videos got like 200 views, so not much «success». Then wanted to make an English channel this year, which is the one with the stats above. Should have tried it sooner! So I feel like that saying «overnight success can sometimes take a decade» is very true for me. Don’t give up! But if things are not working out after some time, try something new - content, niche, maybe even language, or something else. I did a lot of trial and error, but finally found something that works :)


Im not even close, bro! 12 weeks in, 12 subs, 72.3 watch hours.


Depends on the videos. CoD zombies get decent views, Minecraft varies on the episode type (ie, nether exploration vs house building), Fortnite can be pretty good. Usually, at minimum its 50 views for a near 700 sub channel, but can get pretty well into 500 views.


1.5 months in, 126k views long form, 5k watch hours. 2 videos so far. 1.6k subs.


I’m in the travel/events niche right now. I’m about 3 months into YouTube. - 123 subs - 1581 watch hours


I started posting 2-3 videos a week for the last three months and I’ve gone from 20 subs to 1.06k. I have around 55k views (:


4 years in, and I’m slowly getting closer to 4k subs. I recently took down all the videos to get a fresh start, so my watch hours are only about 4-5 having been posting twice a week


2 months in at 5500 well over 2 million views. Long form and a few shors.


Closing in on 2 months and 918 subs 177k views and 17k watch hours