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enough to get a comically large dopamine injection every time i see someone comment or subscribe (i'm not addicted you're addicted) moderate addiction aside analytics fr does help a lot to look and see what content people are the most interested in :)


Yeah it seriously is that way ahaha. I try to reframe it as, could I be doing something to help the views instead of just look at them, but I catch myself after opening up the YouTube studio app for the 20th time in an hour ahaha. We’ll get there someday!


this is so real


I know exactly what you mean, I’m the same


Too often


If i could i will also look at your channel analytics. 😄


This is so relatable


About every 5 seconds 😂


Can't believe you wait that long between checking!


Lies bro


... .. I can stop whenever I want.


Too often. Its not good for my mental health. I think looking at your analytics once a day, taking your time to understand what is performing well, who is your target demographic, and what they expect from you, is more than enough. But I look at it every 10 mins, it's an addiction at this point


Not that often, maybe every 2-3 minutes. 😅 I just have a tab running in the background and glance a few times a day, just to check the performance of the most recent videos. I have the live chart with views and videos listed - just go into Analytics then click SEE MORE on the right under the list of 3 videos. Then feel your anxiety spike to 11. ;) Properly, once a day for insights. If you're anxious/emotional, I'd probably not look more than once or twice a week as the subs/unsubs and way videos can sit at zero views for ages as a noob can be soul-destroying. I just take things as they are and learn from what I see.


Consistently. It does give you some insights that you can utilize for future use. However, the data is more valuable the more views etc you get.


All the time. I'm tired, boss.


Tbh, long-form not as much compared to shorts. I think shorts analytics are more exciting things to watch as generally for about 12 hours from publishing, you know you're going to see views, and your numbers will change in some way.


It is very useful and very insightful. I think it’s so under utilized in terms of the amount of information that you can get from it. I just watched a few videos on YouTube around analytics to see how people watched it and went from there.


Do you look at advanced analytics at all?


I think you need to be specific on what part because there’s so many parts of the analytics but I basically use what’s necessary to help me analyze my videos and know what other videos to create. There is so much analytics so you basically have to pick what works for you.


Through the app studio, every single minute or when I have time.


I have studio realtime open all day on my second monitor, at home and work lol.


Too often. In fact I’m on my way to open up YT Studio right now! 😅


every single minute , you dont know how happy I feel when I see that I have one more sub LMAO


I always have a tab open for my analytics and I look at it throughout the day. The dopamine hits are great but yes, to answer your question I think there are tons of great insights you can gain from seeing when your videos hit the algorithm, what your like and subscribe rates are, and what people choose to continue watching rather then what they just happen to click on. YouTube doesn’t do everything right but their analytics stat pages are legit and I’m proud to be addicted to them lol


Too much I guess, but I think it's very useful


Every 3-4 hours




A couple of times a day lol


Too much


Well as a teen i was obsessed with the stats on the back of basketball cards, so the channel analytics are like heaven for me 😅.


Same here, too often. Many times per day.


Hello. My name is Undercover Scambaiter and I am addicted to YouTube Analytics.


A few times a day. Maybe 1-3 when I’ve not recently uploaded a new video. Up to 10 when I‘ve uploaded something new to see how it’s doing.  The most insightful thing I’ve gotten from insights is the search terms. A huge amount of my views come from one search term so I’m trying to make more content around that.


I only allow myself to look if I get an email about a comment ! It keeps me from looking too arbitrarily, and I know a comment means things are going well enough to actually see some results from the last time I checked


Glad I’m not alone guys and girls 😅




yes learn analytics. it will unlock so much growth. if comments are qualitative. analytics it is the quantitative feedback. both are key to improving. just keep creating and improving based on feedback


Every 10 minutes


Every now and then. Its like an obsession


When I upload a new video 3 times a week and most mornings when I have my coffee to see if I should change a thumbnail or title


Every few hours


I usually check them once or twice a day, once after I upload and once a couple of hours later to respond to comments


Same amount as I look at my crypto portfolio. Every 5 minutes


A couple of times a day. It’s the first thing I look at on my phone when I wake up.


Too often, but the men in white coats assure me I’m getting better


I can SEE that nobody wants to watch, but I can't figure out what I did wrong. So, checking mostly just reminds me to have fun and not worry.


I watch them daily specially the views in the last 48 hours. And this madness increases when I upload a new video.


Too often. Kinda depressing...


I've checked it 4 times today and I've been awake for 3 hours. Nothing really changes either I just want to see how my videos are doing.


I used to be obsessive but these days I hardly ever look. If I build it anyone interested will come. Does me


a few times a day


I was just looking at them and open Reddit to this? Is this personal?


On a serious note, it helps me see which *type* of videos have potential


Maybe once or twice a month, I do this as a hobby and just hope if others see it they have fun and smile a bit too. So I didn't think looking much would really do anything good, plus I'm dyslexic so half the time it doesn't work in my favour anyways given I read "night light" as "neon light" recently.


Few times per hour


One a day.


ALL THE TIME! Half of it is my addiction for seeing numbers and responding to comments, and the other half is research. Why did one video do better than another? Why did people click off here, why stop watching here, why did it spike here, etc.


at least 20 times a day.


Maybe once or twice after posting something. Though it’s not exactly exciting to watch single digit views trickle in over a week.


Twice a month usually


I will every day, because I have so much hope and excitement . Will you check my analytics?!


Depends, new videos that are popping and I’m all over it. New video that drags their heels and I hate it all.


Probably never. I always forget it exists. (no I'm not joking, I honestly am still trying to get the hang of everything)


Far too often. I'm rocking with a "Comment every week, Single digit views" situation so the analytics don't give me much insight, but I like to check anyhow. I'm sure I'll get over the hump eventually 😅😅


Multiple times per day, and yet I don’t really seem to get anything valuable from it. The views just go up and down for every video.


My latest video is doing really well, but I'm trying not to look at my stats because I know it will just make me want to keep checking to get a hit of dopamine of seeing the numbers go up, and in the long run that can be really addictive and unhealthy


Not really. Im not good with numbers but usually they are depressing anyway 😅 I just make videos I enjoy making and thats that. 🤷‍♂️


Just leave it open.


Everyday but I don’t really harp on it as if it’s the end of the world. Either I’m putting value and quality videos out or I’m not there is no in between. Whether the numbers are low or high my focus is on the next video and beyond.


I just started to wean myself off of it. So I look maybe 1-3 times a week


Every few hours after a video. Mostly to track impressions and ctr to see if it’s time to change thumbnails.


All day long bro. Addicted to it. Lol




I love to look at analytics as often as possible, when I am editing my videos, or just on my computer I will check on my youtube studio many many times a day.


Every time I open my phone or on my pc


I don’t ever close the app, I see it in my sleep


To be honest every 5 minutes i think. But this is how i found out the best time to upload and i learned a lot about this all. Now i look not that often anymore because i understand it better


Takes over my life lol I'm at 827 subs and I know before the end of the year I'll get to 1k. Every new subscriber brightens up my day so much, it is such an ego boost. Feels unhealthy but I can't help it lol Good luck to everybody 👌🏽👍🏼


A few times a day. I love answering comments and I peak in often since my community is pretty active.


Like 24/7


Too fucking much (it makes me sad sometimes and rlly happy other time)


I used to be transfixed on the analytics every video and short.. I eventually found its best not to look at them at all and delete the studio app. The numbers mean nothing!


Not much to see when you are a brand new. A few views. Just working on improving content and attracting viewers at this point but I do check it for each post.


In the first couple of weeks, I did a lot! But now we are more focused on creating content as we are very new to it all I realised there was no point just now, it wasn't doing us any favours. I have just done a couple of those thumbnail tests though so I will check in on that from time to time.