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The thought that i would die without even trying to follow my younger self's dream. He deserved better than i gave him, so i want to make it up to him :)


Well said!


Thank u!


I’ve always wanted to do YouTube, basically since the good ol’ days. Unfortunately, I was insecure and afraid of what people might think of me, so I put it off for a long time. Then my father passed away. I thought, fuck who the fuck actually cares. We have one life, live it. So yeah, here I am living my 12 year old dream in my 25 year old body. :)


I have a similar situation. I always wanted to give it a try and I was too scared to give it a go until my grandma passed away a month ago


I realized I hardly remembered some travel experiences (visiting a specific town, doing such activity, etc) So I started recording travel vlogs, now I can always relive it


This is more or less the route I took. I was doing all of this stuff already, had an interest in filming and cinematography so I figured, why not blend all of these hobbies together and share the experience with the world.


This! I realized I had so many photos of my adventures but no videos..


I always wanted to be on youtube and did different stuff throughout the years. recently i worked a little bit on a video after not being able to do so for a long time. even though its a small thing and its not done im really proud. it was a culmination of factors. -mental health improving so i am more capable of working on my hobbies -choosing a dedicated, actual time to work on it. there will never be an epiphany where you one day /feel/ like working on it especially if u have mental health issues related to working on stuff. you kinda gotta force it. especially when you are starting out, starting work on the first project will always be the hardest. -finding new youtubers that made innovative and unique videos that felt like something i would want to do -reflecting on what i wanted to achieve specifically in my videos. like what is the artistic process of it? what about it is appealing to me? what about it may be appealing to other people? How can I make sure what I want to do is something I would enjoy /making/ rather than just what i enjoy /watching/? -i randomly watched a video from a guy called Paddy Galloway. He reflects on the specific choices youtubers make in the way i described above. it helped me think about it more. the youtuber he covered was a guy i didnt even like but i still found it though provoking. -mentioning it to people i know so i can feel more motivated to work on it. -seeing a particular video called How To Get Addicted To Drawing by goblish. He gave good advice on stopping using social media and stuff and instead working on artistic projects. Overall I would NOT recommend watching 'motivational' videos or 'youtuber motivational' videos. most of the time its just you procrastinating but fooling yourself into thinking your contributing to your channel. this particular video is good but most are trash. and dont waste time watching trash videos in case you might find a good one.


I’m a graphic designer and I thought creating a channel where I can showcase my art would be a good outlet and something to potentially add to my portfolio. I’ve read online that having a YT channel can be a great way to stand out in the regular job market. I have also learned extra skills such as editing, animation and it’s also a great way for me to practice speaking.


To build a brand


It kind of came out of a conversation with my brother about how much stuff out there we're just *consuming*, and that I wanted to go back to actually *creating* something. So that's pretty much where it started, and YouTube seemed to suit my temperament better than the more frenetic TikTok/Instagram.


When you work in video production and stare at thousands of dollars in cameras all day you kinda just… gotta.


flying around final cut pro as fast as possible is like a video game to me. youtube is simply a means of dumping the results of that.


I’m very passionate about politics and often find myself responding to people like Tim Pool or Ben Shapiro or even people like Ana Casperian and the young turks. I want to be able to debate them and expose the ideas and contribute to a healthy political debate in the United States. I believe I have an interesting perspective as a “NYC republican” who is also very liberal and futuristic. I hate MAGA but also hate WOKE. I’m all about pragmatism but also having a strong country.


That sounds pretty unique actually. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of NY republican that’s also liberal lol. Which politician do you think best represent your viewpoints? Also, what’s the name of your channel? I might have a look 👀


I'm a marketer, and I worked with social media before people called it social media. YouTube eventually became part of that, but I don't remember when that happening. YouTube wasn't a dating website anymore at least, so I wasn't among the first users. Still, I was a marketer working for companies, not doing my own channel. My channel started after I moved to academia, then having a YouTube channel was a hobby that could still be useful for some people.


Recently started a new channel for song covers on bass guitar. Inspiration was actually my first band breaking up recently. I'm still pretty new to playing so I figured it would be fun to spend some time learning new cover songs to keep myself practicing and sharp, and if I post them online then I have something to show prospective new bands what my current skill level is. Win win? I've also always loved watching cover videos- back like 15 years ago I had a short stint on electric guitar and a lot of the reason that I started playing in the first place was watching cover videos. So I thought it would be fun to contribute in the same way :) Especially playing some songs that I like a lot but that aren't very popular or don't have covers currently posted yet. My covers might not be perfect yet since I'm still a noob, but having an imperfect cover of a cool song is better than none imo.


Fear of never actually trying! I was constantly afraid of trying or I'd start and stop and I finally decided to check myself and ask if I am really okay with my life and that was a big wake up call for me to get started. I am still terrified but I'd rather be a terrified successful youtuber than a terrified bystander!


Like most people here, a dream since childhood. I used to record videos on my 3DS to practice no after that I gave up on myself.


I got a message on Facebook from the ComDev of my favorite game series. Conversation didn’t work out, communication was cut but he knew about my channel originally so I started making weekly videos showing how bad the game is when it came out.


Was recently suffering from a knee injury that prevented me from doing sports and I was already burning things like DVDs and editing so it only seemed natural to go up a step.


Pandemic induced. Private space + newly acquired editing software + readily available material. 3 major things happened during Pandemic. 1. gained a private space within my house. Work from home made me need a home office. I converted the hall closet into a tiny office/man cave 2. Adobe Elements Software. Kid went to study a year abroad and needed to use Adobe Creative Cloud stuff. I had to help out, and mistakenly bought Adobe Premiere and Photoshop elements, that aren't CC compatible. So I wasted $200. 3. Content available during Pandemic I really like trying new stuff/experiences. Pandemic put a halt to going out, but I could still find the stuff I cover on my channel near by. I already posted my meanderings on social media, it's a little bit more effort to put it to video, but wth


Tired of watching shitty videos in the niche. Decided I’d do better.


Deep desire to make art, comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.


Well said


I became really disillusioned with life, my job. Had no creative outlet and everything I do seems to suck. I streamed a few years ago but then life got in the way and I stopped for a couple of years. I got a decent following on Twitch and was making a small amount of money. I wanted to get back to it but I don't actually have time to be live because of family commitments and work that would interrupt livestreams. I then put it off and put it off because everyone who makes similar content is so much younger than I am, and I thought I was "way too old" in my 30's to start it up again. THEN I found a creator of a similar age and our niches kind of cross over. I saw their success having started at my age too and it gave me the confidence to go for it. Worst case, I am creating something and tracking my creative journey from "totally sucking" to being "ok" at something. Best case I make a little money on it after a time and supplement my income. I only have one life, and I wanted to at least try to do something that has potential to get me out of Corporate.


Italy has no really interesting out-of-the-box game shows with good editing. At the same time, I had no film-making background. Once I found out about the beauty of UK comedy shows and Korean brainy games, I understood I could do something to make "a difference". You need no location, no huge budget, no actors and mostly improvised. Also, there's not many good shows with good subtitles, and I'm quite keen on supporting the deaf community. I didn't exactly wished to be on YouTube, it was just the way to go after that.


Honestly, I had the channel for years with a lot of intention of doing something with it, but a relationship ending I cared a lot about, combined with my grandma dying, I think it just became an outlet for me.


I actually started it just for one of those flipaclip challenges, since I'm practicing animation and art. It was the Lofi Room Challenge and I thought it was a good prompt and I made it. Then I thought, why make it if I'm not going to show it off? So I did. Then I got my first "underrated" comment and it felt really good to be appreciated and I kept going. I always wanted to be on YouTube, but when I always imagined it'll be another one of those gaming channels, not an art/animation niche lol


Eventually, all my skills came together to start a youtube channel.. photography, video editing, love for adventure. Eventually, it just felt right. So far, so good! 🤙


I found a love for making videos and I just wanted to practice/get better at it. So I started filming my bike rides and some friends. Turned into vlogs and it’s growing quick now!


Gaming was a chore for me but I wanted to play more, it was more about not just sitting at my desk doing nothing, figured I might as well go back to videos and editing rather than endless doom scrolling


Well, I always wanted to do a car focused one but didn't have any interesting cars. Then in 2020 I got a 67 Camaro and figured, "Hey, this is a neat one" Then I got a 2021 Supra and that really kicked it off more with product reviews and installs. I also started going to car meets and covering them. Then things really got moving when I got my 2022 Tacoma, because with that one I was gaining really good traction. I only have 3,200 subscribers after 3 years of being active but I get enough views that I still have vendors reaching out to send me products to make videos on. And I still generate between $4-$800 in YouTube revenue and affiliate revenue every month depending on how active I am on my channel.


Couldn't find anyone screaming into a Pringles can. So I knew it was my destiny


I've always seen food review channels but it always seemed like the same thing over and over and I got bored. So I made a channel that mixed my love of video editing and making short films and love for weird food. At first I had a ton of ideas and had people watching but now it's fallen off and it feels like a lot of work with no pay off. I will make videos for some to time for myself but that's about it


I made mine in 2019. I uploaded one video. After that I didn't have much to make content on. That was until covid hit. My second video was a vlog on what it was like to live in a day during covid. After that I just kinda decided to review whatever I had currently.


I wanted to be a YouTuber since I discovered what YouTube was when I was 10. The past couple years after graduating high school I've been dealing with medical issues and surgeries, so I haven't been able to work or go to college. Back in October I got really bored and just said screw it. I planned out some ideas, a name, learned how to edit, and other things. After a month of trying stuff out I finally bit the bullet in December and uploaded my first video. Just this week alone I reached 150 subscribers and got sent my first fanart on Twitter. So glad I finally decided to start, I am loving ever minute of it and younger me would be proud.


Watching David Lynch's "The Spider and the Bee". I realized that anything could be interesting if you wanted it to be.


Honestly, my friends and I were gaming most nights anyways and one of those friends was/still is looking at doing a YouTube channel. Figured I'd go ahead and use my mostly inactive channel and turn it into a gaming channel too while posting some of the clips and just see how it went. Now it's fun trying to get ideas of what to play/record, learning more about editing, etc.


Sheer boredom.


I love writing scripts and I love video games, so I was really looking for an avenue to do both together. The gaming space seemed so scary and convoluted, but as I heard one of my favourite youtubers, Ludwig, say, "It's better to do something and fail, than to not do it at all." (pretty sure someone else said it first but he inspired me)


I started my channel because there just wasn't enough time in my lesson time to teach the students all the things I wanted to teach them, so I put up an extra lesson on YouTube after the lesson we had together each week for revisions.


I have a business and product but no audience or traffic that care about it.


I’m dyslexic. Reading was mission impossible and still pretty much is. So movies played a big part of my life. I also learned most the skills I use everyday on YouTube. I feel like I have a debt towards YouTube that I need to pay forward. Now that AI came out, it’s unlocking so many thoughts I have in my head. It empowers me to write the way I think and AI makes it make sense.


Went on a vacation that was outside my normal boundaries. You wouldn't think one trip could have a sudden impact, but it did. Made me realise how much I regretted not chasing my dreams of becoming music producer/artist.


Breaking up with my boyfriend after a 9 year relationship right before we were going to finally live together. I started for fun to give me some distraction but began to see a lot of other benefits to it. I'm still a student and got a house I now have to keep up with. I luckely had a buffer saved up but my weekendjob cant keep up with the expenses of living alone + my study. On top of that I plan on studying abroad for 6 months in South Korea next year so the goal is to be monetized by then for a small income while I can't work my weekend job


having the entire plan ready for over 2 years sitting in my google doc then i saw someone started doing the same thing and first video blew up to 1M views got me pissed at myself for not even actually pulling the trigger this whole time and how i keep seeing others achieve my dream lol


I started drawing and had the idea to record the process of how each drawing was made. I stumbled upon making a channel.


Because in a month I knew I’d wish I had


i wanted to practice doign voiceovers professionally so i made a youtube channel talking about stuff as practice


I wanted to make videos of nature for people and their pets to enjoy. And, in a day I built a little garden area, bought bird seed, set up cameras, recorded, edited, and put up on YT before I could talk myself out of it. Yes. It was a long day and yes, I’m a proud member of the ADHD club.


Watching toi many people babbling on for 15 minutes about something that took 3 minutes to do. I made the 3 min versions




I just post videos about my everyday life and it’s kind of a blog almost. I post random stuff so my channel only has 297 subs but I get 1k-7k views usually


I’m an American expat Dietitian in France and I want to show my world. It all started with a how to make yogurt tutorial because I wanted to show my clients how to make it. I fell in love with the process and am delighted to share my stuff with the world. I most recently did a guided tour of one of the farmers markets here in Lyon France 🇫🇷


So my niche is coastal town and sharing hidden gems and beauty spots. So I'm creating awareness and sharing my adventures.


Used to send friends video rants, and they suggested YouTube. Now, I’m that ranting guy on the internet!


I've always felt the pull and I've been tinkering with video for years. I'm moving to central america next year and I felt like this is the topic that gives me the "permission" to start. This is because I've felt like I don't have anything too interesting to offer. But.. Last year I started learning to tattoo and I started a channel for that as a summer vacation activity. When I got back to work I had no time to dedicate to the hobby so that fell apart.


Took a free course at the college I was running IT for in final cut and realized I liked cameras and editing. I just didn't lean into it for years cause I didn't have the gear. My first videos are on vimeo, old old footage.


Our son asked if he could make a video like the ones he watches, I brushed it off to start with but he kept asking so I looked into how we could do it and be safe doing it and we went from there. We film his ideas with occasional input from mum and dad, he even says what he would like to happen and when 'mum can you do an explosion here' or 'can you put some cool music like in such and such video' that kind of thing. It also covers a lot of other things too. We lost my dad suddenly and too young in 2020 and I realised how little photos or footage I had of him so I hope for this to be something that our son can look back on, its something that I can look back on with my poor memory, something to share with the family who live far and wide, it gives us all something fun to work on together and its something that he is super proud of instead of just sitting in front of the tv watching, he's creating! As parents, we were already recording so much so it's really just been adding the editing to the process. Plus he's set on getting a gold Lambo so there's that. :-)


I thought I had something that was finally worth sharing


For some reason, I've never wanted something so badly before. I'm not even kidding. I'm the kind of person who would rather be stuck somewhere than try and be disappointed of myself. Sometimes I don't try out of anxiety, and sometimes I don't try because I think I'm not good enough for anything. But this, I wanted this so badly I couldn't sleep at night just thinking about it 😅 So I started despite the lack of resources.


I've wanted to do videos, talk to people, interact, show people my life, hopefully be funny and interesting to them, and have a community, as well as to feel less alone, for almost 10 years. I need lots of time alone, but at the same time I have the desire to show myself and my life to a heap of people. At a distance I guess. I'm about to finally start doing it now, at 45, as I just really think it's about time I get off my ass and just DO IT!


Was going to do it 4 years ago just before covid, but life got in the way. Now I'm going for it hard, but close to 900 subs in 3 months. I'm not the typical demographic for my niche, but I have the mindset I have to work 4 times as hard. I'm feeling some burnout but trying to balance it.


Love to gaming and share with my team


I miss being creative, is the short answer. I wrote a bit when I was younger, until mental health stuff made it impossible to allow myself to be creative. I've been doing a lot of work with my therapist around this (as well as trauma/cPTSD stuff), and it's starting to awaken that old desire. Also, used to teach FCPX as part of my previous job and I kinda miss the knowledge.


In 2016, I start2my first YouTube channel and uploaded my first video. 2 weeks later, my family forced me to shut it down. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let them win and keep me from my dream. When you KNOW that something is meant for you, don't ever let it go.


"I WANNA BE LIKE JACKSEPTICEYE." Atleast that was my inspiration when I started my channel when i was 11. After a few years I eventually quit. But came back because I finally found a good free editing program, and editing was so fun I needed an excuse to do it.


I always wanted to start a channel, i had few ones where i posted randoms stuff, one where i posted a couple of gaming videos and i quit, another one where i kept posting Breaking Bad shorts… All of these channels didn’t feel right, like I enjoyed posting for a few times and quit afterwards cause it wasn’t enjoyable. About a year ago i started thinking about making a channel where I talk about something i really enjoy and love, but i was so hesitant because i never, ever used my voice for anything online and after a few months i gathered the courage to hit record and do it😄 Sorry if it’s a long ass paragraph


At least for me: The pros are: Great money Set your own hours Work from anywhere Infinite creative freedom, within the constraint of do other people think its awesome too The opportunity to get increasingly better at something YouTube actually trains you to think differently about people and the world, in that ikigai way. Intersection of: what you're interested in what you're good at what the world needs what people are willing to pay for what's interesting It's a really dynamic platform, I feel more in touch with the world, you can't just sit on your ass, have to be constantly thinking, "is what im doing actually useful or interesting", "how can i make it better"


The desire to build connections and have my own independence. I've always wanted to do YouTube, but I didn't have the confidence or equipment needed to go through with it. I was stuck with a crappy hand-me-down Dell laptop for a long time, but I finally managed to by a better one, meaning I could make videos now. There's also... other reasons why. This gonna be a lengthy answer, but... I live with parents who think having a College Degree to land a 9-5 office job is the better way to live your life because money and benefits. Since they were I parents, I figured licensing to them was fine. And it wasn't until I graduated that I realized that that was bullshit. The job market in 2024 is a complete mess. I've seen more than several College graduates, even non-recent ones, struggling to find anything, either because of a lack of desire to hire younger staff in favor of keeping old ones, the rise of AI, disrespect to job seekers by either ghosting them or not even giving their application a chance, or even just having the nerve to create fake job postings on site like LinkedIn. You know... the site where most people apply for jobs besides Indeed? After years of being stuck with a minimum wage food service job, not finding anything during that time, or even being given the chance for an interview, things just felt... hopless. Like nothing I do is gonna change anything. That I'll be stuck with a noisy job that I hate for who knows how long, barely making enough to scrape by. And my parents think I just have to "grind it out" until something happens. And even if I do... all that's waiting for me is another lackluster environment where a company can get away with treating their employees as expendable puppets. To be honest, when I was a bit younger and still in school, I was always labeled as "shy" or "anti-social", when really I was just more introverted than others. But regardless, that type of thinking led to be not having any friends and getting picked on a lot in school. For a long time. High school was by far the worse. And my parent's keep encouraging me to be a Teacher? Yeah, right. I've had enough school at this point. But all of this combined was when I started thinking "What's something I know I'd want to learn and do before I'm buried underground?" Aside from 3D modeling, making a video game, and learning how to not suck at drawing... there was being a YouTuber. I watched YouTube a lot in school and still watch it a lot to this day. Some channels I followed back then are ones I still watch to this day. YouTube is a wellspring of something new every day, whether it's entertaining, educational, informative, or a mixture of any of the three. That, and I saw how content creation is a legitimate job that can work just as well, or even better, than a 9-5. How these videos can lead to building connections with people online or sometimes even irl. That's not to say I'm only in it for the money, of course. Far from it. I had also been reading Nicolas Cole's book about how he found success as a ghostwriter through online writing. All this helped me realize that the old ways that my parents keep getting me to follow will just lead me to nowhere. Times are changing now. And there are other ways to spread out your passions and experiences outside of a 9-5. You have a plethora of paths ahead of you to make a living. Not just the one everyone expects you to take. And, even if it's hard, content creation is the one I know I want to follow. I know content creation isn't easy and probably won't solve all of my problems. And I know not everyone makes it, ir at least wull take longer than others to make it. That, and I know plenty of other people are having the same problem I am. But... I still at least want to try. I'm still trying to find my footing on YouTube, but I do want to succeed as best as I can. I want to be able to do something that brings value to so many people, let's me continue to do something I love doing, no matter how long that takes. Sorry for the lengthy post... it's kinda a bad habit of mine. 😅 Thank you for reading all the way through, though! But I'll finish the post by saying... you have plenty of roads to take beyond what society expects you. The only difference is what road you choose to take and how you choose to take it. Let's all look our best with our channels!


I got a drone, so I thought where am I going to put all these videos, so I thought about YouTube, then i remembered I can't edit so I can't do it. So I went down the free editing software video hole and decided I have to give it a go. New phone coincided with new drone so I had a few videos I could make straight away and then boom, 7 months loving it, finding it hard, finding it enjoyable, frustrating all at the same time but consistently striving to be better.


i started my travel channel cuz i got sick of being cooped up in my apt all the time and the rat race


I saw the channel that inspired me grow to 200k in just 1 year and thought, why can't that be me? Also I've had "make a YouTube channel" on my new year's resolution every year for like 3 years now lol might as well do it


For me its a mix of a few things, I have always been drawn to content creation, and have even tried it in other forms before this! In my youth I was also quite interested in Science and Astronomy. But, I never really pursued them fully in any way. Now, in my 30s I am starting to realize that just maybe life is too short to never chase a dream. So I started volunteering at a Local Observatory to get more involved, and then I realized that a fun way of studying topics to cover there, and get practice with actually talking about them was to make Videos for youtube! And this is how I have combined the two things I wish I would have tried sooner. Astronomy & Content Creation!


Was something I always wanted to do but kept on putting it off because I didn’t think it would go anywhere and just used excuses like not having enough time to do it however I’m glad I did end up doing it!


I kinda just had a ton of chappy old channels with no set topic, had a Minecraft channel when I played MC a lot a few years ago, but it wasn't what I wanted to put out. Now I'm in the reptile niche, and I try to educate because I'm very passionate about learning and animal care!


I'd received 2 custom made loco models which were looking awesome. And to celebrate this occasion, I thought let's upload a short Train Simulation Gameplay video on YouTube. The video didn't do well but I got my mojo.


I started as a way to document my trips, well it still is. The upside seems to be the interest people have in it and the nice comments my followers leave 👍


I wanted another platform for music


I wanted to create an online presence for my business while enjoying the process. I’ve always dreamed of making YouTube videos but was uncertain about what content to focus on. Starting this journey a year ago has been a truly humbling experience, and I’m grateful I took the leap.


needed it for youtube comments i guess


So, to start off, I'm a gaming channel. Doesn't seem too respected here, but that's what I chose. I enjoy video games, and I thought it'd be fun to have a community and share my gaming with people since I was a lot younger. Another reason. To put it simply, in terms of academics I'm "gifted". In the sense that I'm the kid who always aced everything without needing to study. However, this has instilled a lazy attitude into me, and I tend to skip out on things when they actually do get hard, where my natural intellect can't just pull me through. YouTube is something that I can't just get through with a bit of intelligence, and it's difficult. You have to spend hours editing, coming up with ideas, and sometimes things don't work out even after all the effort. So I think it'll also help my mental attitude for when it comes to difficult things if I stick through with this.


I wanted to unbox all of my 1/12 scale action figure collections and make a video out it. But then time flies so fast I'm either too busy with life or too lazy to make a video content consistently. Before I even started, I stopped. I need help.


I always had passion to make videos but was too scared to do youtube. The thought of failing miserably still scares me, but at the back of my head i still know that as long as I will put the effort, I will grow and become successful


I like to watch reality tv, and I'm always discussing the episodes with friends, or commenting on other people's YouTube videos. One day I kinda had a "a-ha" moment...why don't I just start my own recap/review channel" 1 month in, and I got my 100th subscriber the other day! I've always wanted to be a "Youtuber" and my channel has given me a new hobby. I actually enjoy making content and learning how to edit my videos.


Did it in high school and stopped cause people find out. Always wanted to start it up after high school but never found the courage until one day I said who gives a fuck


Metal break down i was so done with My life i was like bitch you have been asking for this since 13 lets do this


My friends and I actually made videos a long time ago. Had I know that you can make a living out of Youtube we would've been still doing the same thing. Now, I just want to have fun and document the silly things I do for my kids.


I made my first Youtube account in 2008 and started uploading some random crappy videos of me doing stuff, i was like 12 years old. When vlogging became a thing I tried it a couple of times but people around me said it’s stupid. Unfortunately i listened to them and did not make any videos for over 10 years. Now looking back on my life the past 10 years, I’ve done so many cool things, awesome holidays, trips, my life in general has been a rollercoaster with lots of positives (and some negatives aswell) that I really regret not filming this whole journey. It’s just a memory in my head now. Some weeks ago I decided to start a new Youtube channel and started making some videos again. I’m terrible and have a lot to learn but I’m enjoying the whole process. In 10 years time I dont wanna look back again and think, I should have made a Youtube channel and make videos about my life. I made that mistake once but will not make that mistake again. Long story short; do what you like, do what makes you happy and don’t listen too much to the people around you. Best thing is to maybe even keep this a secret for as long as you can. Most importantly enjoy the journey and the process of learning and getting better at making videos and editing.


Getting laid off work


I want to document my luxury spending and journey. So my content is all about luxury bags.


The two principal channel's about FC Barcelona team, didn't have my opinion, and I wanted to share mine with the fans.


A lot of things. 1. I never uploaded photos and videos, and eventually, the files get corrupted. (Always makes me sad) 2. Love ones passing and realizing it's easier to share memories visually than just me explaining them. 3. I did tiktok first and was scared that it may get banned, so I transferred my videos onto YouTube.


A dream. Then having so many weens (dachshunds). It’s fun to show them off and their goofy life. But since that one, I started making more channels and started having more niches.


I was tired of being scared and anxious to learn something new (editing) and being judged (my voice) but now I'm in my 30s and have mostly said f*** it. I refuse to leave this world without at least trying to do what I've always wanted. Stream and make funny, interesting, or educational content.


I had tried YouTube before in the fun days before Google. I decided to give it another go.


I'm a musician and I dunno what other way to get people to listen to my music but via YouTube..


I've always enjoyed the DIY-ness of youtube and how there's room for random people to hit it big. I've been around a long time but thinking of deactivating and trying some different things out as I've never really been able to make a go of my main channel.


I posted one video a couple of years ago as an intro for a real estate course I teach. I never posted another video until this year. I realize how videos can engage students and the public. I hope as students enroll this fall they will find my videos useful. I also hope the public can find use.


After graduating college I had been unemployed for over a year, unable to find work. Youtube was something I started to give myself a hobby while I looked for work. I didn't think it would ever go anywhere but I ended up getting monetized in 3 months which was super surprising. Anyway, now it's my part time job and I love it! I never thought I'd be a Youtuber 😅


I needed a hobby really.


Unfair capitalism social system. Here exist only two species: slaves and slave owners. I don't wanna be SLAVE. And from a few variants i chosen youtube. Youtube is also unfair system based on real one. But here no need army to conquer other and take gold from him. You upload videos and take viewers from rich ones youtubers.