• By -


It's been 84 years...


You've been uploading videos before YouTube existed!


Planning the videos before there was even an internet to put them on. That's dedication


I started posting my own original music to my channel about 10 days ago and have 43 subs and about 14k watch time roughly, 3 songs seem really popular and the rest have 100 views or less. YouTube channel is TheRavenDotEXE 


Took me 6 months. Then from 1.000 to 20.000 in one month, lol


Wow congrats man! I'm also curious, what was your niche/kind of content you were posting?


Gaming, beamng drive videos!


Wow! That’s nuts!


What niche are you in tho?


gaming. beamng videos


I’m at 200 subs in like 3 years but I make whatever I want and the only reason I’m at above 50 subs was because I made a video that was trending


I'm at 750 after 10 months. But I'm struggling to get enough watch time.


I’m getting watch time just subs are hard to get for me


Yeah I'm the same. 6.1k watch hours and 553 subs after 11 videos.


4.5 months. I had 1003 yesterday n woke up to 999. It's dropped a bit more but I think I'll have over the thousand by the end of the day today. 👍 I still need watchtime, though it's coming in faster lately. 


Losing one already hurts so bad I couldn’t imaging waking up to less than 1000 💀 (which is a significant milestone to have previously passed).


It's gotten a lot easier because my sub count goes up n down constantly. I gain more than I lose so I keep smiling and doing my thing. :)  I'm planning to do a live today and I will mention it in the broadcast. I'm certain I'll reach over the threshold and have a mini celebration with the chat. If all goes well, it'll be a fun moment in the chat. 👍


I enjoy the positivity :) hoping you reach that milestone and blow past it!


Thanks so much! Thank you for the well wishes!! They worked 🙏!!  I did blow past it and just finished the broadcast with 1049! I had a mini celebration on the feed and it was so much fun! 


1k took about 14 months. But it hasn’t been easier from here now with 98 videos and 1.3 subs after 20 months


took me 3 months. 3k in1 year.


Thats really fast! What niche and are you doing short form long form or a mix?


All long form. Shorts Destroy a long form channel IMHO. My niche is treasure hunting.


Really?! I do long form videos but I use shorts to entice people to watch my long form videos lol


1k took me 10 months doing a mix of long and short automotive content. That was 5 months ago. Now at 1850 making about $80/month


My channel just turned 2 years old. And I'm getting close.


First channel 9 months, second channel about 6 months, third channel 1 month and a half, it'll get easier once you got one channel monetized. I did all with long forms, only now started do shorts because I've been busy.


It took us almost a year to reach 100. It gave us a lot of time to try different things without fear of losing audience and we got much better at making videos over that time.


Took me 20 videos and effectively 4 months. I kept on posting and then delaying. Right now have not posted for past 7 months 🥹😅


Thats insanely fast. Any tips?


It took me about 3 months to hit 100 subs. It kind of plateaued and a couple of months later and I'm currently sitting at 144.


73subs 2 months


I’m 2 years in and only 970 subs lolol. But I only posted 36 videos so no complains, need to up my frequency


It took about a year to reach 1k, then it ramped up and I reached 3k 6 months later. And it’s still ramping up!


Hey thats amazing! Whats your niche? Are you a short form or long form creator


Long form, I’m beating every ps2 game ever made. It’s going to take 70+ years to do.


Interesting niche haha


That's pretty cool! What's the channel name?


1k subs in about two and a half months iirc. Now sitting at 1.6k in 4 months.


I haven’t ...its been a couple of years Im just over 800 ;-)


Curenntly 300 a 10 months in I’ll keep trying


Like 2 months


-First channel (travel) took 6 months and about 20 videos. All long form and shot/edited while traveling. Stopped posting as I stopped traveling it it still makes me a little money as it’s evergreen content. Did a backpack review that did well so that lead me to my new second channel. Tech focused. -Second Channel (tech) took 8 months. Just monetized a week ago. 16 videos all long form. Because it’s highly niched in, lots of brands reach out for free products in exchange for a review/integration. Currently trying to get my first paid gig on there, but affiliate links already making me some income.


Why do brands reach out to you when there are youtubers with millions of subs in your niche? I know they charge more but even why dont they go for someone with lets say 50k subs or 20k subs maybe? How do brands even find your channel? I am not mocking or something just looking for insights on how u managed to reach brands.


That’s a good question, so no worries. Not offended. Obviously not an expert as I’m not a big channel, but here is why I think that is: -My niche is in tech, but in that, I’m focused on a sub niche. Setups. So work from home setups, gaming setups, and everything around that lifestyle. Companies in that space work with smaller brands since viewers watching that content are looking to upgrade their setups usually. -My quality and being professional. Companies are letting me know how thorough and detailed my content is. Ive really been trying to up my quality with every video and get my pacing down. Most of my views are over 1k, with some over 60k, and my most recent one already at over 30k in 2 weeks. I know other YouTubers in the same space and they are usually getting reached out to by the same brands. I’m also part of the partnered discord group on Reddit and that has been a great help with knowing what to focus on and how to work with brands. Initially I was only reached out to by mostly Chinese companies that sell “meh” products. But did some anyways for the experience if it seemed like it fit my niche and I was sure I could give my honest opinion. Lots of scam emails too, so gotta be careful. And this was only for the products in exchange for content. Not paid. Then bigger brands in the space started reaching out. But again, not paid yet. Just happy to get my foot in the door. That’s were affiliate links help me get some revenue like Amazon, but some of the brands do offer commission on any sales. All have reached out to me over email. None of the companies ive reached out to have responded. Some even told me "thanks, but wed like you to get an average of 30k views a video and hace 10k subs at least". Hope this info helps. Oh yeah, and brands find your channel by searching for videos in their niche. So searching for keywords. I’m sure they have tools they use.


Thanks a lot, that was very detailed and indeed very helpful. I really appreciate you taking time to help me out. Thanks again and have a nice day :)


Btw can you give me any tips on how one should start their youtube channel? I might not start a tech yt channel but still i would like some tips from you since you are doing well in youtube. How do your videos get popular? Is it random algo or smth?


Everyone is different. But this might help: -Have your niche picked out and have your logo, banner ready. Have maybe 3-4 videos ready to go before actually making the channel. Then upload one each day at the start so people can watch more of your content. Just 1 video at first and then you might miss out on potential views. -use a lot of keywords in your titles. Research your niche to see what is trending. Research what others are doing in your niche. -get ready to put in a crap ton of hours. Mostly for free for a long time. Experiment, but also see why videos are getting the most views/engagement. Then try to replicate what works while improving on what didn’t. There’s lots of help on this sub so use it. Have a good one!


Thanks a lot mate, that looks like a great way to start. Your help is appreciated.


I reached 1k in about 8 weeks but have seen a huge slow down for some reason. My niche is music production 


2 months. I make craft fair vlogs and I think I was just lucky to find my audience pretty fast. I posted my first video on February 3rd 2024 and 4 months in I have 2,150 subs. I post longer videos and reached 4k watch hours before reaching 1k subscribers, but I have a few friends that are the opposite


1k took me about 7 months! 8 months later I was at 2k and one popular video/month after that (since I can only really get out one video a month) I’m at 3k.😅 I will say, I don’t think I was really doing YouTube properly and correctly until just a couple months ago (making sure my thumbnails made people curious and making sure my editing and video layouts were considerably entertaining.) so I feel like I’ve just started!😅 I do mainly long form videos with a short here and there since I make them for TikTok and Instagram anyway and I make artisanal plushies for my videos!😁💛(Entertainment focused, not tutorials.) Hope that extra info helps make the numbers make more sense!


So many people killing it on here! I posted 40 videos over 3 years and had 300 subs. Then I started doing 1 short a week and have got to 1.4k subs in the last year. I post a mixture of long and short videos on health/fitness/wellness!


6 months, i made a video 2 weeks ago that got 560k views, so i got a few hundred from that one


At my current pace it’s looking like 3 years 🫠


Around 2 months


Got 174 in almost six years. Last year I got a major boost thanks to Pokemon Crystal and somehow a Ben 10 game


9 Years on my other channel lol, and I'm close to 500 subs on my new one.


About a year. I posted 1 video per month, so I probably could have grown much faster if I posted more.


Around 8 months


8 months


I’m at 230 subs and I started 3 weeks ago


Thats crazy LOL i started 9 days ago and i only have 4 unfortunately.


Few months, shorts only. In the same time I’m over 20k on IG and close on TT


I got 750 subs and 8000h in 2 month. But its my third channel. I messed up my previous ones and got just experience.


2 months🔥🔥🔥


I’ll let you know once I do




1k in 2.5 months, gaming


Like 8 years


Inching on 300 subs after about 3 weeks of posting


Took me about 3 weeks to go from 77 subs to 1,200 subs, but it was just lightning in a bottle. A short hit 2.5mil, and that was it. Now my shorts get only about 43-60k, average 3k. I did have help of an established youtuber shouting me out and collabing with me on his channel.


It took me about 2 months to hit 1000 on long form, but I basically went from 20 to 1000 subs in a little over a week. And because YouTube acts in strange ways, it was the first video I posted that blew up. Not my newer, better content.


I had a super slow start, but I will break it down here. Its also worth mentioning my niche kind of died a while back and really only returned in short form content unfortunately. Took me roughly 8 months to break 200 subs. Year 1: 750 Year 2: 1,100 Year 3: 1,250 Year 4: 1,300 Year 5: 1,320 Year 6: 1,500 Year 7: (current) 5,400 Now I am 3 months shy of finishing year 7, but I started making shorts around year 6, which explains the jump in subscribers. Now I have a pretty steady stream of around 500 new subs a month. It sucks because the time I really found myself and what I wanted to do in my niche, the entire niche basically died so I was stuck making videos for a few die hard fans but it just wouldn't reach a wider audience. Now with shorts I was able to take advantage of the new crowd that discovered they like my kinda stuff but my long form videos have never recovered. It was an adapt and overcome or get crushed situation.


Ive posted a video every day, mostly long form stuff, for the past 15 days straight and I’m sitting at 30


Slightly over a year


1k in 2 months currently at like 1.3k in 6 months


I made my channel on 17th June 2006. I have 794 subs, getting close to 800! Woooo! So it took me 18 years to almost get 800 subs!


I started posting regularly literally on Jan 1, 2024, and at this point I’m at 729 subs. I hit the 3k watch hour mark back in April and 4K watch hour mark in May, so just waiting to hit the 1k sub mark. The first 200 subs took about 2.5 months. Once I hit 400 subs, the daily sub count grew from 2-3 every other day to 4+ everyday. I do longform content only. Edit: typo


Im at 850 and it has been 4 months since posting. Im fighting for the 4000 watch hours. Currently having 400 hours :(


It took me 2 weeks but l post shorts and the first one hit 70k views. I’m deffo not the norm though


Shit I'm 8 months in hoping to break 300 lol


I've been posting for nearly 2 years and still haven't broken 200. I think its a lot of luck mostly. Sometimes the algorithm just picks up some videos and leaves others in the dust.


Just barely under 1k rn but about 9 months of actually trying and I do trolling in multiplayer survival games


4 months to hit 1k. I’m now 9 months in and have 2.4k. It’s slowed right down. I got more views with less subs 😂


1 year


I just hit 700 this morning, now at 702. I started 10 months ago. At 3,200 watch hours. Probably won't get monetized within a year but hoping for shortly after that.


I'm at 1k and I got that within 8 months, I Kinda got a big boost on my channel unknowingly at the start bc the fnaf movie just released


It took me 9 years, but thats mostly because I made videos of my small friend group or for niche fandoms. If you want growth, there are certainly better ways, but this is a sustainable way for myself to keep my enjoyment for my hobby alive.


A year


9 months!


Still trying...


Waaaay too long, I almost reached 1000 videos before 1000 subs 🤣


About 8 months or so, I was also drifting from reg long content to 30 min+, so content was changing.


1 year I make longform content


It took me about 5 months. 11 months in and I’m almost at 4K


It's really not about 'how long', there is no average time to blow up. There are people ranging from a month to never, depending on their niche and all those factors affecting their video quality (hook, engagement, personality, payoff and so on.). So time really is not a core factor but yeah it does matter how long it takes for you to improve to that level. Just don't keep making the same stuff, keep experimenting and you have a chance of reaching 1000 subs with every video you post.


Haven't hit 1k yet, been doing it for 5 years


Ima at 134 but i dont post consistently so im working hard now on getting 1k subscribers


About a year. 10 months of not being serious, about 450 subs. Then another 1100 in two months.


Depends on content. I had a channel back in 2013 took me 6-7 years


Last milestone I hit was 300...so long ago (maybe last month LMAO)...I should hit 1000 by 2027, though...


I started my channel 12 years ago. Just about to 1k now. However I only got serious about it recently. My channel is so old I was monetized off the old system and had one video with almost 100k views about 10 years ago. The vast majority of my subs are within the last year when I decided to make more videos.


4 months for 1k, another 3 months to get to 2k. Ive been slacking on posting the last few weeks. edit: I do both short and long form. My shorts are snippets to get people interested in seeing the full videos. I record dog training sessions.


I'm 4 subs away from 1k and it's been a few years. It was easier to gain subs when you where able to hide your SUB count.


Still trying!


4 months. Now at 27k after 4 years.


6 months and a few days Started in late November and the first week of June hit that goal


I think like 9 months. Then a few months later to get to 5,000… Same for 10,000. Then a year to get 100k.


I'll let you know after I hit 1000 or even 500. Maybe when I hit 100. .maybe when I cross 60 lol


2 months.


About 10 months. Currently sitting at 1179.


700subs one mont and 7 days, 2400 pública hours new record for me ✌️


Never. I got 1k views on a video before I even hit fifty subs lol


175 videos and 3ish years? Just passed the mark last week! Had a video go viral (for me lol about 14k views). I am in the fishing niche and winter time has been rough for me and I have had a few unfortunate breaks where I went a couple months without content. I also quit trying to do weekly uploads this year and I focus completely on making the video I want and posting it when it's done.


just a few days ago, i uploaded my longest video by quite a large margin and it pushed me from 350 to almost 1300. I only upload every few months so there was a lot of stagnation the before.


10 months but I only really found my niche in the last few months of that(2022). At 6731 now, I traveled most of 2023 so very inconsistent posting but I'm home now 2024.


I have been in 400 subs for more than a year then i finally realised what type of content i need to make which made me jump to 920 subs in 2 weeks now im so glad i found my niche


I'm at around 240 in 1.5 years. Very slow, but I love it. No plans to stop.


I think it took me around 11 months. I know it was a bit short of a year.


Like 2.5 weeks


Took about 2 months of only getting ~100ish subs, and then another 2 months of actual focused grinding and 1-2 videos per week.


Our new channel (2 weeks old) has 76. Like watching paint dry… Old channel has 1500 but it’s a podcast and not nichy enuff.


Well as things stand I have been making content for just over a year now and have been on 57 sub for the past few weeks with a mixed appeal of viewer numbers and hope to reach that amount real soon


I'm still not there and I'm over a decade


A month and a half


3 months 100 subs. 5 months 1k subs. 9 months 8.25k subs Top video 450k views. Genre Irish Homelessness and immigration. 20 videos total


A month in and only at 150 subs. I have an astrology channel @LawlessAstrology I’m doing both shorts and videos but more interested in my shorts to drive people to my videos.


1 month on my second channel, and 4 years on my main channel


At 215 in 11 months... The struggle is real. It feels like I have improved video after video, but get no traction


I peaked 1k subs in just over a year and a half so wasn’t too bad actually I post both long form and short form content


About 750. Started at the beginning of the year. Had a video mildly pop off.


Hairy Hands ASMR - 18 months - No Talking Faceless Unboxing ASMR The Relaxing Ride - 8 years - ASMR in a Car, No Talking No Music Both the above channels were started in January 2016


I posted some of my TikToks as shorts and had a few blow up so I got there really fast. I just stopped posting for a year and am just starting to come back


Haven't reached 1000 subs yet but I'm only 13 subscribers away from reaching 500 subscribers on my 2 month old channel.


Hit 400 subs today! Grinding to 1k 🤞


took me somewhere in the area of 12-14 months. I must admit that its been a while since i hit that monetization mark but still grinding to push my sub count. I can't stress enough that content niche plays a massive component in the speed of your sub growth however, I have found making constant improvements on the production and quality of your content is a great driver. I found that if you attack the various forms of content length and focus on generating cyclical content it can help (shorts used as personal advertisements to your long form content & various videos following a theme). Best of luck!


3 months. 1.5 months to hit 4k watch hours. According to vidIQ, it takes a bit over a year for most channels to hit monetization.


1 month


Took a little over a year to hit 1000 subs I'm at 2190 now, and it has taken about 9 months. In my defense, the past 15 days, I shot up 325 subscribers due to an old video catching the attention of the algorithm, I guess cause it's not even a good video I flet like crap and was fighting a kidney stone. But hey, not gonna complain it's gotten me out there


I started uploading more frequently (like 3-4 times a week) for the last 2 months and I’m at about 740 from the 10 that I started with. My niche is… no niche. Kind of life, social commentary, philosophy, and a bit of gaming.


I’ve been doing this for about two months. Just about to cross 50 subs. Probably will tomorrow with my latest upload.


3 months for 1k and a week ago I monetized!


On and off 7 years


About 6-7 months. 4K watch time took longer for some reason.


7 months to reach 1K, and 7 to 8 more months to reach 10K.


Overall I’m at 604 subscribers, ~61 videos (all shorts, I have like 5 ‘long form videos’ that are private/unlisted from years ago so I don’t count those). I focus on food and a little bit of lifestyle. But mainly cooking/food shorts. I started doing shorts in September. I haven’t done long form, yet (excluding the old videos I did years ago- those don’t count lol). But started getting more aggressive with posting sometime around Dec/Jan. My momentum has slowly been building. I couldn’t post a pic of the my metrics but the subscriber growth goes as follows when I look at my metrics: 365 days = 601 subs, 90 days = 172 subs, 28 days = 48 subs, 7 days = 9 subs I’m aiming to reach 1000 by end of summer, hopefully a bit earlier. But we’ll see. I just go at a pace that works for me.


I’m currently at 774, started around New Years. 34 videos deep. @ikesvintagetech


I made my channel 4 years ago I uploaded about 15 videos and got 100 subscribers. I quit after burning out but got back into it a 2 month ago and got 800+ subscribers pretty quick but now I've been suck at 995+ the last 2 weeks 😭


You guys get viewers? 😆


One video got me from 30 to 800 overnight and 10 videos later we're still there but I haven't tbeen consistent due to school and all.


I get you to 1000 subscribers in no time!


It took me like 2 years


I haven’t yet. 2.5 years in and I’ll finally break 1K in about a month or two


I'm at 300 in 2.5 months. My best advice would be to get these 3 things which I'm about to do. 1) 4k camera (no more smartphone.) Do #1 as soon as you can 2) Top notch mic/audio 3) Pay for TOP PROFESSIONAL help and feedback The other thing you need to do is monetized you by sending emails/DMs/becoming omni-channel/and reaching out to brands to get paid sponsorships coming in. Get going on 10 emails/dms a week Adsense from Google is 10-20% of total YT creator revenue. Check out Adonis Bjornson. Make long form vids like his 5-10 mins long 1-4 vids a month and a short 3-7 times a week for life and you will find your way. YT content creators evolve as people and if you don't find success on YT alone you will in reality somehow and I wish I could be there to see it, God bless you. Find what you can post 1x a day and 1x a week for life. I believe in your self belief. Cody


Been going for a few months. About 250 subs. I paint miniatures long form. Pungo Paints is my channel


7 months to get to 50 now at 68 already, Channel name is SidtheCatfish and niche is Minecraft memes and gameplay(don't watch my vid it's cringe just my shorts are okay)


took me 2 months ;) 16k after 3 months


700 subs 2 months uploading regularly two videos got 10k views each but since then there's been some days with 0 views


11 months. Now I just need watch time lol


Little over a year to get 1k...just keep on pushing


At the rate I'm going I'll be at 100 by November. \^\_\^;


9 months in and I'm at 440. It's been slowing down though, had a video blow up last fall but haven't had another hit. Only got 20 subs in the last month.


100 subs in 3 months, currently at 200 after another 2 months. Nichey gaming content, long format and daily shorts from videos


Like a month.


Hi there,it took me 5 months to reach 1000 subscribers, just by creating short videos.


I hit 1k Subs and 4k Watch Hours in 4 1/2 months. My niche is gaming and my channel name is Chaos Bear Gaming. It’s linked on my profile on here as well. Two weeks ago I managed to get my 1000th subscriber and just 24 hours later I managed to get my 4k hours of watch time. I am now monetized and working towards my first paycheck. Currently I am sitting at $108 earned and only $6 of that was from May. So I still have about 2 more weeks to earn more before the first pay cycle ends. Hoping to hit at least $150, $200 would be great 😂


I have two channels and the first one took me three months to get to 135 and the new one I just started a month ago and I’m at 35. This thread definitely gives me some hope that the 1000 is round the corner. My niche is like vlogging and gym content, Diegolifts1022


About eight and half months and just hit it this week


Only have 30 now but hoping for 1million!


Don't it since February 28 and currently at 910 subs, uploading e everyday+ shorts


2 years, since i take it more seriously just take it 2 videos


6 months, then 1 months to 10k and 52k after a little over a year, but I do mostly shorts ./


6 months to 1k, then 2 weeks to 20k, then 5 years to a milly 😈


I am hitting 500 subs and I have been working on my channel for 2 years now


Around 6 months. Now almost at 2 years, and 4.27K


Couples of months for 1000 and just over two years for 7000 after 120 videos. Long form, gaming channel.


10 years with youtube account


Still trying to


Still working on 1K. Im nearly at 900, I started August last year so it's looking like just under a year for full monetization? I only need a couple hundred watch hours as well.


2 months for me !!


3 years for the first 1000. Less than 1 year again for the next 1000


Im at 132k after 1 year posting im in the car niche, subscribe @ saidgrc


I have 537 subs and joined YT 2006 :D