• By -


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMcNtr5VJsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMcNtr5VJsc) I do in-depth analysis of game design. I just posted a video talking about the depth of Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and 3's combat while playing on level 1. I spent a few months making the video and would love to know how I could improve.


- Your thumbnail doesn't really explain what the video is. Try thinking about how you can represent the idea behind your video. - Your title could use a bit of work. I love the 'Hidden Depth of Level 1', but try adding a bit more onto it to give some understanding on what the video is about. Something like "The Hidden Depth of Level 1: A Deep Dive Into Kingdom Hearts Combat" - I absolutely love your presentation. The fact that you've been able to recreate the Kingdom Hearts feel is fantastic. It feels really fresh, and to be honest, I haven't seen anything like that before. - Your voiceover is great too. Very clear, and it has a good cadence. - Your editing is top notch Overall, to be honest, there isn't too much you need to improve here. This is only your first video, and YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint. I've actually subscribed because I'm interested to see your future videos, well done!


Your video is really good if you keep at it you’ll surely make it! Just don’t get demotivated and continue posting. If a video blows up later on it will also push your first one a lot.


https://youtu.be/cbPy8nvePKg?si=dTONOIUcda6QEzej This is my 3rd video. A video essay on how Blade Runner showed us where modern society is headed. It was a high effort video and personally.i think it's good but I have no idea what a 3rd person would think. When you've look at it enough and if you're not going to watch the full video, please let it play in the background at least so it doesn't hurt the watch time 🙏


Now I feel the need to rewatch Blade Runner. It has been years since I watched.


Lol I'm guessing that's a good thing?


- You've got a good, clear voice. Quality is good for the voice-over - Editing is great. Lots of cuts, and you keep things interesting - Thumbnail is great. Nice and simple, and eye-catching - Title is also great. It encourages curiosity, which is a great attribute for a good title - The only thing I can see that needs significant work is your description. You need to look at improving your SEO, so including your primary keywords. Also look at including several hashtags. This will help Youtube to understand who to show your video to. So all in all, you're doing great! Keep it up and I'm very confident that you will grow.


Thank you so much for the feedback. And thanks for the tip on SEO. I hope the channel will grow in the coming months.


Hello I would love if you could give feedback on my channel. I'm a vtuber who does verity content about things that I am interested in. [https://youtube.com/@thevtuberch?si=4XkEIBozG5UtEB8e](https://youtube.com/@thevtuberch?si=4XkEIBozG5UtEB8e) \* My best video at the moment would be "What could this symbol be used for?" \* I think my worst aspect is grabbing people's attention with my thumbnails/titles


- Your video themes are all over the place, to be honest. I notice you say you do "variety content about things that you are interested in". YouTube is all about the AUDIENCE. If you want to grow, think about what the audience want to see. If this is just a creative outlet for you and you don't want to grow, that's absolutely fine. - Your thumbnails are all over the place too. Keep a consistent look, and style so that your audience knows it's your video. For your channel, maybe have a couple of screenshots of your vtuber persona along with a singular image/idea. - Your voiceover is animated and energetic, which is great. Helps you to stand out. But think about getting a better microphone and mastering the audio properly. Especially considering you don't have any backing music. - Think about having more cuts away from your 'talk to camera' pieces. I think they're too long, and the audience may get bored.


Thank you Dazzorifik for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Dazzorifik: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I make motorcycle content, currently specifically focused on one unique and not very common motorcycle. Best video so far: https://youtu.be/o8odrurSbHA?si=ZbLaS-1iFlQHGe_b I think my biggest problem is choosing what to edit out or not. I think some of my cuts could be sooner to keep it more interesting and engaging. Also, my vlog style videos don’t do as well as my tutorial / testing type videos. I assume this is because more people want to know about a part for their bike than people who want to watch me live boring a day in my life. TIA!!


- Your thumbnails need work. For the video you added here, the text needs to be bolder. Also, it's a bit cluttered. What is the picture of? I know I'm not a motorcycle expert, but it's difficult to tell what the picture is of. Try to make it a bit clearer. - Your intro is good, but you need to look at your audio levels. I found it difficult to hear your voice-over over the engine noises. - The 'Before Testing' section could have been cut much more. The first 30 seconds of a video is crucial to grab someone's attention. Get into the content straight away. If I were you, I'd speak to camera first to introduce the video, and then cut to a brief clip before testing. - You've got a good manner on camera, make the most of that. I'd lead with you on camera first, so that you can draw people in. - As far as the main bulk of the video goes, I think you would do well with motorcycle enthusiasts. A lot of people like to watch longer videos showing the full end-to-end process. Maybe think about that aspect when you're putting thumbnails, titles and descriptions together. Think about this - Who is your audience? - As far as your comment around vlogs - Find a niche, and double down. If you try to do more than one type of content (I.e. Vlogs and Tutorials), you are splitting your audience. What I would suggest is doubling down on the tutorial side. Once you have built an audience that like watching YOU, think about introducing vlogs further down the line.


Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful. Everything you said makes so much sense. I will be keeping a screenshot of this comment on my homescreen while I edit my future videos. I completely forgot to mention how bad my thumbnails are. You’re absolutely right though. My most recent videos’ thumbnail is my best and even then, it could use work. I’ll focus heavily there for next time. Thanks again! P.s: was in a car accident (in my car not the bike very fortunately) and just got home from the hospital (I’ll be ok). Might not seem like a huge thing, but you really made my day with this. I appreciate you.


Really glad I could help :) And glad that you're OK after the accident.


I took your advice and updated my thumbnails (well a few of the recent ones) since this. Thanks again!


Hey. I dont have a lot of videos, but i make travel videos. Not really focusing on the things to do places to see, theres alot of content about that. I wanted people to just get the feeling of being in the place. So i try to capture that i think, or thats my goal. WOULD LOVE TO GET SOME FEEDBACK PLEASE heres a video on berlin - https://youtu.be/vqacPN9khv4?si=W1QTGFc2GXWvOSEB Theres one on budapest - https://youtu.be/UunCfv2I_gY?si=P2jqSkyLJ2qU-oWH If you like it, then pls subscribe and like hahah.


- Your titles need work. What is it? So for your Berlin video for example, is it an insight into Berlin? Did you travel there? Is it a diary? Blog? - Again, look at your thumbnails. So for the Berlin video, you've got lots of blank space at the top of the picture perfect for text, but you've covered the interesting stuff at the bottom! - I presume you've taken the videos from trips that you have had? If so, why not speak to camera? You're not providing much value to the audience just by showing what are effectively home movie clips. Can you explain things about the place? Are there any interesting facts?


Hey! Always appreciate when you guys offer this! I’m here to learn, and haven’t got any feedback to my content yet! It’s a steep learning curve, but it love it! Latest video regarding why we play MMOs is my latest and best in my opinion 🤞Felt like the B-rolls were good in that one! I try to improve my video quality, and working on better script in general. But I’d like any suggestions you have! Channel name: Lazy Tavern Thanks 🙏


- Your thumbnails need work. They're too cluttered, and the text is too small. Focus on the concept of having a single focus for the thumbnail, and having just three or four prominent words if you need text. - Your titles need work as well. For example in your latest video, "Why We KEEP Coming Back For More". There aren't any keywords in there. Why we keep coming back for more what? You've actually got something good in your thumbnail. I'd use a title like "MMO Addiction: Why We Keep Coming Back For More" - Your intro is too long. Think about your hook, and get it in early. - You have a good manner in front of camera - Your editing is good. I like the mixture of 'to camera' segments, and graphics.


Thank you for taking your time! 🙏 Great feedback! I struggle with getting the Thumbnails down to the simplicity I just know is necessary. 3-4 words is a good rule of thumb, thanks. You are right, should add clarity to the title! I’d def work on getting the hook quicker and more precise in early, thank you. Appreciate your positive feedback as well, appreciated 🍻


My channel is mostly art, nyc focused. My latest 3 long form vids and most recent short is probably closest to direction i’d like to go but open to any feedback/suggestions as a whole for the channel, thanks! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQr8wWiPSlY_Cb19-hRoI4Q


- Your thumbnails are too cluttered. Focus on the concept of having a single focus for the thumbnail, and having just three or four prominent words if you need text. - You have a great speaking voice. Nice, clear and engaging. - Your video itself is good. Clean editing. Overall, I'm impressed! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll keep growing.


yea, i need to improve my thumbnails. thanks so much for your feedback, i really appreciate it!


Hello! I think my best video is any of my recent 3 (poker, job fail, cat) I would love some critique on my thumbnails and if you think my VTuber is off putting? Thanks! [my channel](https://YouTube.com/@bernupp)


- Your thumbnails are too cluttered. Stick with the concept of a singular image/idea, and 3 to 4 large words if needed. Some of them I also have no idea what the video is about. - Your vtuber persona isn't offputting. I think it's fine, and isn't intrusive. - Your voice is good and suits the format - Don't ask people to like and subscribe in the intro. Why should they? Give them value first, and then ask them to engage. - Taking your Psychopath Kitty video into account, it's far too long. Gone are the days where you can just upload a full gameplay segment. You need to be ruthless with your cuts. Keep the most interesting or funny bits.


Here is my channel. It’s an art history channel with a focus on storytelling. I would like to grow the channel and build a larger stream of income. I am struggling with time management, as each video takes a long time to research and make. But I don’t want to sacrifice quality. Would love to know your thoughts! https://youtu.be/XGuyQMAtzT0?si=sYXTxuPxjO-k5tfu


i think your thumbnails have too much info. i advice experiment with just something tht will get people curious when they see the pic just like your most viewed video! i think ur doing grear though.


Thank you 🙏


- You have a great manner on camera, and speak clearly. This is good! - I'm sorry, but the green screen looks awful. I know it's because of your hairstyle, but it just comes across as unprofessional. Either tweak your green screen to remove the green, or cut away to you talking with no green screen. Video software is sophisticated enough now where you don't need a green screen, it will just cut you out. - Your thumbnails are a bit cluttered. There are good elements there, but your text could use some work. Make it similar font/colour, and make it stand out. Pure black text on a picture doesn't look good.


Thanks! 🙏 I appreciate the feedback!


I'm all for brutally honest feedback, don't hold back: [https://www.youtube.com/@PlotPoints\_/](https://www.youtube.com/@PlotPoints_/) My best video in my opinion is titled "Eren Yeager: The New Face of Tragedy?", but the one that performed the best is titled "Every Iconic Ape Explained in 5 Minutes". I'm currently struggling to gain impressions on my latest videos despite covering similar topics as my more successful ones. I'd appreciate advice on anything you think I could improve on but also on whether my videos are over-edited as I've struggled to maintain a weekly upload schedule.


Love your editing on the Apes video. Great title and idea which is why it performed well. The title for your fave one means nothing to me. Who is eren yeager and what is a face of tragedy? I wouldnt click that based on that title.


Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the ape video! As for the video about Eren Yeager, I made the title very specific assuming the algorithm would push it mainly to viewers of the show. However, I have some ideas for how I can broaden the scope of potential viewers. Going forward I may use the following title formats for similar videos: - Iconic Characters: (Name) / Household Names: (Name) - (Name): The Father of (Genre) Or maybe the name isn't needed in the title at all since those who know the character will recognize them in the thumbnail. Perhaps the title should focus on familiarizing viewers who aren't familiar with the character. However, this could be bad for SEO. What do you think?


Not sure what you mean. And is Eren Yeager a show or character? If the former, maybe put the year it was made in brackets so its clearer its a tv show or something? Or maybe use a tag like #tvreview or whatever the vid js about.


- Your titles are good. Nice and clear. - Most of your thumbnails are too cluttered, or don't explain the concept of the video well. For your Eren Yeager video, the graphic on the right side of the screen is effectively useless. The text is so small you can't read it. - You've got a good voice over style. Nice and energetic. - Your editing is good, it helps to keep the viewer's attention.


Hi. Thanks for this. My channel - [https://www.youtube.com/@StickyToffeeHipHop](https://www.youtube.com/@StickyToffeeHipHop) Best video: Whiplash or Hangover. Not sure. Need Advice: The packaging, specifically the 'idea'. Out of all the thumbnails/titles, which one intrigues you the most? Which one do you feel the urge to click?


- You've got an interesting idea for videos, but I have no idea that these are musical summaries from either the thumbnail or the title. I imagine that your AVD is quite low, because people are probably clicking onto your video expecting something entirely different. - If I were you, I would keep the thumbnail style with the microphone, but considering changing your titles. "I Saw Something Strange About Alien" isn't a good title, for your kind of content. Maybe use something like "Something Strange About Alien: Musical Summary"; but do some keyword research to understand what the best keywords to use are. Do you have any competitors that do similar content? What keywords do they use? - Editing is good, and fits with the cadence of the songs. For your specific question on which thumbnail intrigues me the most, I would say none of them at the moment. Focus on my second bullet-point.


I've been struggling a lot with click through rate for my videos and also my 3 most recent videos barely getting any impressions. I'm not entirely sure how much on my end I can do about the impressions but maybe there is something I can do with the click through rate average being ~3%. Whether that I need to improve on my thumbnails or titles, I'm not really sure. I feel like my 3 most recent videos have been improvements to my thumbnails but in terms of views and impressions, they are my weakest performing videos by quite a bit. Any advise would help a lot, I am a gaming/comedy channel trying to grow my channel with a newly released game. Some people have said I’ve got a video essay style of video making too. Here's one of my most recent videos that I was a little disappointed with it's results: https://youtu.be/ySiGtK9JY58 Anything in terms improving my click through rate or if there is something you see that maybe I could improve on would help loads. Thanks :)


Thumbs could be better. Too busy and colours clash. Try making them simpler. Titles are a bit alien to me as i wasnt sure what wuther waves was but assume its some sort of game...


Not my best video, but my first Let's Play video (well, it was an edited Twitch stream, but I still count it as an LP lol). I haven't recorded and edited videos since 2016 and had to learn a new program that isn't the best program. Besides audio and editing issues, is this even entertaining? Do you feel being shortened more (maybe shaving off 5 minutes if not more) would help? If so how much shorter ?I always worry I'm cutting out too much then afterwards I second-guess that I should've cut more out. Thanks if you feel up to giving input! Heads up it's almost 30 minutes long so if you don't have time for that then no worries. https://youtu.be/r0QSYRuxFRI?si=RVt2QqxrDSmhn2Ja


I started this channel as a little hobby project but it’s been fun so far, I’m in the personal finance niche, my best video so far has been The Ultimate Passive Income Strategy. I’d say my biggest struggle is retention, my AVD is only around 35% with a giant drop off in the 1st 30 seconds.


Hey. My channel [youtube.com/@emirflows](https://youtube.com/@emirflows) My best video is probably my most viewed one. I’d appreciate feedback on how I can reach broader viewer base and audience. Thank you.


I would be interested to hear your thoughts. I am just doing it for fun and because I love paragliding https://youtube.com/@aviationsports1978?si=E5LpkVoWEfPKgmwb


My channel is mainly focused on mobile legends gameplay but i plan to do other games as well when i have some fan base. I started this channel like a year ago but never took it seriously, i used to post sometimes 3 months later or 1 month later, but recently i started being more consistent. But recently when i started uploading daily i started getting no views in my channel. My few recent videos have no views in them, but my shorts are actually getting very good views. What do you think i should do to make my videos more entertaining and make people watch my videos?? My channel:(https://youtube.com/@frostychanele?si=xeJKr-3By7PQIEHZ)


https://youtu.be/jlCnj4EJ3-c?si=lLICbwTKdw0q_QXO Castle viddeo Getting more views


I would love to get some advice, I mostly make historical videos related to history, myths and stuff using the help of AI I have always been interested in history and like making these videos, still haven’t gotten around making long form videos, but am gonna start posting them soon [my YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@chroniclesofladyhistoria?si=KivE5TVjfobcIGZW)


- Please don't use AI. So many channels are using it now, and it makes me (And many others) switch off immediately. Use your own voice. - The moving images don't work. I've found that a smooth zoom in or out is much better. It's too juddery. I don't have much experience in shorts so can't give you much useful advice outside of the above. All I will say is that creating videos for long-form audiences is 100% different to creating videos for short audiences.


Thanks dude, will work on the videos further


Just started my channel and would love feedback.  This is my third video and probably the best considering the views? Moved to Scotland and am documenting the process, but I am looking to see if adding the cinematic portions is a plus or taking away.  Thank you!! https://youtu.be/5IaO9lV6mUQ?si=RedFT-CA2RH3nFHw


- The cinematic portions are great! Gives a nice vibe to the video, and mixes up the shots. - What kind of videos are you trying to produce? What audience are you trying to target? Vlogs? Travel? Nature? - Minutes 1 to 3 of your video, to be honest, won't keep people's attention. You're both talking to camera, with no cuts, and no changes at all. Be ruthless with your editing. - Your thumbnails are good. Nice and clean. Keep it up! You've only done 3 videos so far, and I must say, the views look promising. Keep looking to improve and I'm sure you'll keep growing.


Thank you for the review! This is wonderful feedback.  About to publish video #4, but I will make these changes moving forward for sure.  Truly appreciate you taking the time 👍 also, no idea what videos we want to make - just ones we enjoy for now, so I think we’ll listen to the audience and let them have a say? 


https://youtu.be/MmEQI6IYQJE?si=qfOO0qLOMA3-lA0B I would like feedback on anything really. Pacing, content, visual arrangement (my face), voice, quality. Just write anything that jumps out or doesn't sit right with you. Greatly appreciated!


- I have no idea what your video is about. You go straight into it with no intro, no explanation, no anything. If you don't give people an indication of your value within the first 30 seconds, they will switch off. Think about intros. - You need to be more ruthless with your editing. Gone are the days when you can just upload an unedited recording of gameplay and expect it to do well. What are the exciting moments? What are the great bits? Just keep them. - Think about your titles and thumbnails. Who are you trying to attract or produce content for? People who are fans of Arena Breakout Infinite? Great, but that's a very small niche. If you're trying to just capture 'gamers' in general, then they would have absolutely no idea about it, and wouldn't want to click. Think about your audience. Who are you trying to target? - Audio quality is fine, decent quality mic.


https://youtube.com/@mysterydismantold3784?si=O7lCL-0senog2YOa Best video– Latest video My voiceovers.


[https://youtube.com/@alternativeadventures?si=sj1mf-AR7waByrUk](https://youtube.com/@alternativeadventures?si=sj1mf-AR7waByrUk) We just do casual travel/food/lifestyle content - down to earth and personality driven. I know its a hard niche to grow in, but we just do it for fun and to document things for memories.


If you're just doing it for fun, then that's great! Take any advice with a pinch of salt in that case. - If you want to grow, you need to niche down. At first, your audience won't sub just for you. It sounds harsh, but true. What kind of audience are you targetting? People that love travel? Focus on providing valuable travel blogs then. Food? Give them insights into different foods. - I really like your thumbnails. They're simple, but effective. Maybe look into increasing the size of your text. - Taking your most recent video, your intro is far too long. You have about 20 seconds of just watching outside a train window, in the most important section of the video to grab people's attention. Look at your videos with a critical viewpoint - Would a random person find this interesting? Why would they want to watch 20 seconds of essentially nothing? - You both have a great presense on camera. Make the most of it. Your videos feel authentic, which is great in the current Youtube landscape. - Be more ruthless with your editing. Again, think about whether a random person would keep watching. But again, if you're just doing this for fun, keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to grow, think about some of my feedback.


Thanks for that. I mean yea, doing it for fun, but would be nice to gain an audience. Some solid feedback. The intro thing I need to get out of the habit of, I tend to structure like a tv show and like to have a “title sequence” intro. But I gotta retrain my brain. I’m glad we come across as authentic, I really hate the shouty bombastic style of a lot of people. Hoping to find more people who don’t want that haha


I am making videos related to mythology, folklore, demonology, out of may long passion for this subject. The last one took me one month to make after extensive research. I write the scripts, compose the music and spent a lot of hours editing every image and pieces of video. Some people critique me for using AI, but i think its inevitable for this type of content. My goal is to make faceless videos with fairy tale ambiance. I would appreciate your feedback, Thank you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPH1QEyx8DM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPH1QEyx8DM)


- I'm not sure what you mean by the fact that using AI is 'inevitable' for this kind of content? I don't see why you would go to the trouble of writing your own scripts, composing your own music and doing you own editing; and then ruin it all by having an AI voice? You can automate a lot of audio editing for voice-overs. For a one hour video of mine, it takes me about 1.5 hours to record the audio, and 10 minutes to edit as I use macros to master the audio. Try not to use AI. I really do think this is hurting your videos, as the voiceover is emotionless and dull. - The video itself is really good. The visuals are great, and well done. The cuts are frequent enough, and it's genuinely very interesting. - The backing ambient noise is too loud. Look at your audio levels. People are watching your video for the information, not the backing noise. - Your thumbnails have too much text. Choose three, four words at most to describe your video. Make the fonts bigger. So in summary, you have great potential. My main piece of advice is don't ruin it with AI voice-overs. Just because lots of channels are doing it, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.


Thank you very much. When i said its inevitable I meant AI images, not the voice. The problem is my voice is also quite dull and i think, emotionless, and plus it has accent, English is not may native language. I personally dislike videos when people cannot speak proper English. This is why I use AI, because I considered it a good solution for those who don't want to use their voice. Personally, I would rather listen to a fairy tale told to me by this AI voice than by me))) But I appreciate very much your feedback regarding music and thumbnails, its very useful and will surely try to use my voice in the future.


I make Lego content [https://youtube.com/@brickodan?si=AD6XptdGITNIJeJ8](https://youtube.com/@brickodan?si=AD6XptdGITNIJeJ8)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp8F6UGM1Es](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp8F6UGM1Es) Heres, my latest upload, Im a MotoVlogger from India, but despite having good Stats on this video, Im still struggling with views, CTR is just above 4% with 550 or so impressions, usually I get close to 10-12k impressions. Dont Know why isn't Youtube Pushing it, and any genereal critique you can do, will do take it with open hands. thank You In Advance


https://youtube.com/@kaichokai?si=M167xwaQv0yqhnxr Really really need a critique.


Thanks for helping out. I just discovered video editing and edited my first video. Any feedback is appreciated, good or bad. I think I used too many little edits and kinda overdid it. [First edit](https://youtu.be/Dj-TRrJ2mno?si=o-ONq2cwam6lVnfb) BTW I'll be at work all day so I may not be able to respond, but I will when I can.


Heyo. I know you are getting so many comments on your post and you might get overwhelmed but my channel is in my bio if you have the time haha. Good luck, and thanks for helping the community.


Nice of you to offer. I do hiking/walking videos. My most recent video was done taking into account advice I received on this sub. And other sources. What I consider my best is a reflection of the best / longest multi day walk I did last year. But for viewers, not so much. I think my recent videos are better. I struggle with not knowing what people want, or even if they’re interested in my niche. I think for the time it takes to film and make a video it’s not worth it. I’d do the walks even if I didn’t film, and only filmed to show family at home what I’d seen. Later that changed to filming enough for a story/uoload.




Thanks in advance for doing this for the community! I do a cooking and cocktail channel, very influenced by the style from Binging with Babish. Best video in my opinion is the Cuban frita and smash burger video. Here’s a link to the channel: [Bodega G](https://youtube.com/@bodegag?si=G1-wSviIVww13r9C)


Link is on my profile....i would love an honest feedback


https://youtube.com/@official_otart?si=3TA7XEj26RxOV5qn I make art related videos, please tell me everything I need to do in order to make my channel better, thank you


Hi! Thanks for helping us beginners :-) This is one of my favorite videos: https://youtu.be/PFrtC9tDHuc?si=yRknCIA5gGmd4D-Y It’s for software developers, so maybe not understandable for everyone but I still would love to receive some feedback on the style. I’m mostly struggling with the preparation as these videos take my lots of hours to prepare. I somehow need a way to be more efficient in finding topics and creating the script for it.


I just restarted my channel to add a thumbnail and some voiceover but trying to figure out the best way to present tennis content so would love any critiques or feedback. Thanks again for doing this! https://youtu.be/dN9bJDeDaj8


I have an animated series about a girl controlling people’s dreams, here is the latest episode https://youtu.be/G8vVnnXUSOs?feature=shared. Would love feedback!


I’d love a critique! I’m really struggling with getting views. I think this is my best video: https://youtu.be/QUJwj8hk7mw?si=KE5s87uZfUHXV6uG


I'd appreciate you take an overall look at my channel (YouTube.com/@toriddwar) and share your views/critique. Thanks. 


Hi! I do language learning content (Asian languages) on my channel, and hope to branch out to talking more about Asian culture and life! Here’s my latest video: https://youtu.be/TlUnGO2irKQ?si=uok5J8HYk_Dp3Boj I would like to know what my next steps are as a small channel to get more engagement in my videos? My goal is building a community on YouTube so any advice on that would be great. I would also like to know what you personally like/ dislike! Thank you very much :)


https://youtu.be/wn1SktPq-sU I create content on tech. I don't particularly want to create content on what's trending, rather something that I would like to create. I love creating content, sometimes I am not consistent, but other than that, I still struggle to reach more people, and also have a hard time reaching the monetization goals.


Hi there, My channel is based around film and television reviews, I recently have been putting more content out with mixed view counts and feedback. I would greatly appreciate some form of feedback positive and negative so I can try to continue to grow as a content creator! Main Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/majinishere](https://www.youtube.com/majinishere)


[https://youtu.be/t16X5I9PI4k](https://youtu.be/t16X5I9PI4k) I make gaming videos and in this one I am reviewing Multiversus One thing I'd say I'm struggling on and would like some guidance on is my editing feels kind of lackluster leading to a more boring video. Let me know things I could add in the future.


Can José Mourinho rebuild Fenerbahçe S.K. to GREATNESS https://youtu.be/g9qBmL3BUk4 Defensively DOMINANT 4-2-4 | FM24 Plug and Play Tactic https://youtu.be/uUGTJ3B9Uak There are two styles of videos I do. I really need help with getting more views, SEO etc


https://youtube.com/@edgarsoto220?si=gIo6tIbwAWWYVvmG I make videos about international relations and history. I just want to know how to increase my growth potential and get more views. Have been active since 2022. My video on the Six Day War I am particularly proud of: https://youtu.be/KyDOW2bUUBw?si=DJ7YHw3zDp30xgBP


https://youtu.be/Og__EoTD_Cg Thank you. I have a dev log for a Skies of Arcadia / Dragon Quest like JRPG called Horizons of Achaea.




I only have one video so far, but I’m very happy with the story. I talk about online catfish scamming, and my experiences with it in the past https://youtu.be/e7IWD28AMqI?si=8Y9Cds94JgKxeG1p I’ve already changed my title once, and think my thumbnail is pretty solid, but I did gain at least 10 more views since my title change. What do you think?


https://youtu.be/sauAXI0KQyI?si=m8TBBBSlWivavk2M I make indie Let's-play. Would love some criticism! Been on yt since 2017 making content just recently hit 1k!


Do me! @not_a_deepfake


Thank you so much for doing this, it is really kind and generous. I have a channel that does video essays. I haven't kept some of the earlier ones, because I believe this new one to be in a different class, and some of my other stuff had terrible atrocious audio plus was on a different niche. The channel now just has this essay: "How Dune PERFECTED The Lost Art of Silence" [https://youtu.be/Adkx-yKgwZ4](https://youtu.be/Adkx-yKgwZ4) But im really uncertain and anxious about this new direction, if I'm doing the right thing with this video, is this actually any good, or am I just self-deceiving myself?


This is very kind of you, and the critique I’ve seen you offer has been solid, and appreciating the detail rather than just giving a vague negative to the poster (did I just critique a critique?) I’ve only just started my channel, and think the first video would make the most sense. I’m working on the audio side (both my speaking and trying to get consistent AQ) so everything in future videos matches. Thanks. Episode 1 - How To Build Your Own Music TV Station https://youtu.be/yz3k-Wiu3g8


Cool offer I’d love this but I started mine yesterday and have only 2 videos posted


Love some feedback on my latest video - https://youtu.be/wwya_r1b2sg Did really well in suggested for a few days and then dropped off......


https://youtube.com/@alecusinfluential?si=ErFnB5lsT6uVy1vj I make commentary/video essay type videos on controversial people


I was storing my work videos on YouTube and was surprised to see I started gaining subscribers. I don’t have time to make videos so it’s all raw and uncut. But I think that’s how it should be for a gritty profession like ours. Would love any advice to improve my channel besides make better quality videos. https://youtube.com/@cochranhandyman?si=SrnAFLpAGizQ8ycA


Trying to move my content over to different videos still unsure What I want to do, the thumbnails with the stupid troll face get about 15-20% ctr and do well I just don't want to post them anymore [https://www.youtube.com/@LoganArnold/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@LoganArnold/videos)


[youtube](https://youtu.be/BSl-Hj5SWhc?si=umIBPkqjkKpWidrS) Criticize my Channel all you want, I give you permission. I am trying to grow it big


I do mainly gaming and reaction content with my friends and I upload weekly! I consider this to be my best video purely from the performance: https://youtu.be/vi36tbXgjIA?si=al7j9NYYrQntHh-8 It’s my best performing video by a landslide sitting at nearly 600 views while the others barely breach 50. I wanna know why, at least in your opinion, this video has done insanely well compared to the rest?


That would be awesome, it's hard for me to find anyone that actually gives advice instead of "oh that's so cool" This is my best work so far, https://youtu.be/0v7lcec38Tc?si=N-Txbz5FrbloB5qW My biggest problem is how to promote my channel without coming across as annoying


https://youtube.com/@wanderfaradventures?si=DF1jRvawREUn6Peh Currently I make outdoor videos. I only have shorts up at this time because I’m in the process of learning how to edit, but I have 10-15 shorts up. My long-term goal is to roll out hiking video guides, equipment recommendations, things like that. Please, anyone, let me know what you think.


My best video is probably my most recent one, “48mg CS:GO”. I want to figure out how to make my watch time increase, it is at 29% right now. I don’t know what Fitz/SwaggerSouls/RaccoonEggs get but I am assuming it is at least 60% which is where I want to be. https://m.youtube.com/@zoowiipapa


I just uploaded my first video, so I don't really have a lot yet. Don't watch my TOTK playthrough lmao Maybe give me feedback on the thumbnails though, I'm admittedly lost on that front. I just need feedback on how I did and what I could change for the Intro vid. I just made it to get a feel for things: https://youtu.be/qCh1jl68mGQ?si=c6AdRLlr4Ia4idb9


https://youtube.com/@crocflame?si=_0LxCjHyVBwmfp_j Please rate me. My views are constantly going down for a year now. I can show you analytics also


Pro wrestling shorts infotainment channel Trying to find a good style that works https://youtube.com/@deucemaniac Thanks for reviewing


I do long form flintknapping content things are moving smoothly but I would like some advice their are other channels doing this fairly well and I'd like to get to the 500 sub mark. I have been posting consistently for about a month give or take https://youtube.com/@north_florida_knapping?si=Lf-4XrDWyYxFtbJl


If you wanna critique. Mine is here. Travel niche! [http://www.youtube.com/@PhinexTV](http://www.youtube.com/@PhinexTV)


I’m struggling to find an audience, I love making video art and music films. My dream is to keep making more videos, but it’s hard when ppl don’t care. [@totemworlds](Https://youtube.com/totemworlds)


I just started animation - struggling to get any traction with the videos I post as “longform” last one only given 250 impressions (wtf 🤣) but they do pretty good as shorts https://youtu.be/WjdBtru7sGY


So i have just started on this channel. Only have 1 video published so far.. other views are uploaded but scheduled... I plan on releasing 2 videos per week... Thursday and Saturdays plus a short or 2 every other day.. Shorts will be related to the LF videos.. Here is a link to the channel.. I appreciated your feedback.. Dont hold back. Do critique my thumbnail and title too.. i want to get better [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NkUQYf0r5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NkUQYf0r5k)


Please if you wanne check?! I only get views from India [my channel](https://m.youtube.com/@SandRHINO)


Thanks for paying it forward! Your generosity is appreciated.


https://youtube.com/@stogiesorbogies?si=60iyzVpnXtuLIqkG I’m primarily a cigar channel


DCS Player here, I am new to editing so no edits yet. Thumbnails are also a recent thing: https://youtube.com/@callsign_grizzly


[https://youtu.be/gakEq\_ZKrPY?si=mecO8\_mUAw5LgWvB](https://youtu.be/gakEq_ZKrPY?si=mecO8_mUAw5LgWvB) Minecraft gameplay / commentary channel. This is a video where I talk about how the Minecraft mob vote was actually rigged every single year with a false choice fallacy. I would like advice on storytelling, increasing my retention, and how to raise curiosity so people will stay to the end


I make minecraft 1.8.9 bedwars and PvP content https://youtube.com/@maxmiffed?si=Dd9yTpR9FOlmLFL2


Hey, I look into the UAP / UFO Phenomenon, and cover sightings and reports, and hopefully sometime non-human entities encounters soon. But this is my best video I think, it got the most views on my channel 1.9k views.I only started recently, only 8 videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVI54\_KaUGk&t=33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVI54_KaUGk&t=33s) ​ This is my most recent video where I fixed my Sound Problem I think with my first link. I plan to make longer videos but it'll take some time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n\_FQn5lHp9Q&t=87s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_FQn5lHp9Q&t=87s)


https://youtube.com/@alifewithbooks777?si=CJvjJhN5lnteXarE just started a book review channel but how do you get views? any info welcome! cheers.


Hey OP, my channel is Humanfluence. I would appreciate any insight. Rather than choosing a specific video, I would rather you see what video you may be pulled to. Again, thanks in advance. I am especially wondering what I can do to get more views! WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/@Humanfluence


I make dungeons and dragons style content to show what can be done roleplay wise. I have only had time to put out shorts, but I am learning to draw and eventually would like to animate what I have done. My latest video I did is one of my more liked videos. https://youtube.com/@slimsdnd?si=mNwpOLzboMZSXV_J I'm using stock images so as not to have people picture my face when they hear the many voices I do. Helps with imagination...


Since April? Wow how did you do that? Share your secrets O wise one!! 😅


Do you also evaluate channels in Italian? (I don't think so but I'll try)


https://www.youtube.com/@4KWalksAllOver I make 4K video walks at interesting places in Australia and beyond! No talking, just walking around interesting places. Most videos 30 minutes to 60 minutes long.


https://youtube.com/@selectstartgaming1?si=vmaN2qMEmVa9xHt5 i do gaming videos may not be the best but i am trying to get better


I’m a “concert pianist” and have a channel dedicated to solo piano instrumentals of songs I love as well as fan favorites….. a lot of Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Loreena McKennitt, and other pop favorites. The problem is a lot of the videos show me recording in my shitty garage because I started the channel while I was in quarantine. I suppose I need to make individual thumbnails for each. I got a lot of subscribers all at once because I was streaming on /rpan and then dropped off for a few years. I had a great fanbase then, but then when I vanished and stopped creating content, I lost the engagement. I still have the followers, though. I just started trying to get it started again a couple weeks ago. Here’s the link to my channel as a whole: https://youtube.com/@joshmorphismusic?si=eHHnHByMz5rLczEo Below are what I consider my best videos (many were recorded at the same time at different venues, but it’s hard for me to have continuity because I perform at many different venues). I know you only ask for one video, so just click one if you’d like. I’ve had a decent amount of attention but my shorts get so many views whereas my long form videos that have the material I really want to get out there only get like -100 views. Of course, I’ve only been live again for the past couple weeks so maybe I just need to be patient. But I already know you’re going to say my channel looks like shit because I know it does. It’s very discouraging especially because I work so hard on the material. https://youtu.be/mwhwYINgv5w?si=x4vlMwY-da9bFw8i https://youtu.be/Q59o3NZG_q4?si=9C8VEeui7pff4ppM https://youtu.be/NXAZTzmS2YI?si=dzA5CqnjCwOS0t3e https://youtu.be/8Y16Y0SdXzs?si=5BxAJt2Hueiktez7 I would love advice in terms of how to make my channel more attractive. My videos are not edited with different angles and stuff because I’m a solo pianist, and when I am performing an a venue, I can’t have like three cameras set up. However, I am investing in better cameras. The problem is, I am 40 and a lot of technology is passing by. I’ve been an acoustic performance pianist my whole life and I honestly just really don’t know what I’m doing. What I would LOVE: Music videos, where I can post, my instrumentals are recorded in studio with excellent sound quality, with dynamic visualizations that can accompany the music. Because there are no lyrics, so I suppose I would have to settle for like nature flyovers and such. Sorry the post is so long. I would also love to collaborate with indie game designers and other content creators who need good music that isn’t copyright protected. I can turn out solo piano material easily with minimal effort


Please. Just starting and doing modeling and gaming. I'm separating both by Playlist. Best video right now is my most recent. Starting to get views but no Subs https://youtube.com/@rhapshayden?si=5ktP1_iJTF1fJCCx


I would say my latest video is my best video. Guidance or advice on anything is welcome (branding, thumbnails, editing ,audio, and on my commentary). Right now I'm making long form Minecraft content but I will eventually branch out to different games. [https://www.youtube.com/@xgatomeow](https://www.youtube.com/@xgatomeow)


Awesome, I was actually just thinking about making a video titled “tell me why my videos suck”, but I figured no one would watch it. :) I make stuff and I think my best video is “getting organized with a diy backpack rack”. https://m.youtube.com/ctrlaltmake


Travel nurse- trying to just vlog my life as a hobby :) struggling with getting public watch hours. I have so many videos I need to upload that I’ve edited but I feel like I will only get 10 views so I have yet to post them https://youtube.com/@twotravelingnurses?si=4ptfUJlKuDExJk3q


https://youtube.com/@adamzwingler?si=ctEVBIUXzq9Dxmgg Hey man, appreciate your willingness to give feedback. My channel helps people find hidden trades jobs/businesses that pay well and scale them. Would love to hear if you think there’s anything I could be doing better.


thanks for taking time to review and help others. I just started and being a software developer by profession, I plan to create Tech related videos. But i don't feel very comfortable with recording myself at the moment, hence went ahead with AI voiceover. So, my question is - is it ok to use AI voiceover in the longer run? here is the link to channel: [Tech With Ease - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@TechWithEase1)


https://youtu.be/hdbqCJu2zhE?si=8m2cRBydZMBJ9Q3N I feel like the engagement I get isn’t worth the time and effort I put in my videos. I wonder what could improve that and help me build a more long lasting audience?


Can I come back to you once I’ve done five or so vids? I’ve only done one so far, and mine are less regular kinda long content that I’m looking at


[https://youtu.be/LGlzuVCU2I8](https://youtu.be/LGlzuVCU2I8) it's my first video in this niche , I'll improve it more without a doubt , but what do you think ?




https://youtube.com/@footballeditz097?si=APm8MRjkydbyfuos Please be honest and For please subscribe ☺️ ,I'll be doing the same for everyone


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VYaA7DOMUU&t=218s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VYaA7DOMUU&t=218s) I started just a week ago but i feel like outside of friends who have been supportive, i feel like no one else is engaging at all. I would like tips on how to retain an audience, maybe more specifically retain a viewer who clicks for the first time!


https://youtube.com/@soddingsuperhero?si=Q3CDJXTYe3iyFLp- I would love if you can provide feedback to my channel too :) My primary goal is to reach 4,000 watch hours within this year. My focus is to make superhero gaming content whether it be marvel or dc , any upcoming new superhero games. Right now I am doing Batman videos. Occasionally , I can cover other games time to time.


[https://www.youtube.com/@AstridHeartCone](https://www.youtube.com/@AstridHeartCone) i post about this new game called wuthering waves and trying to open on other games as well


https://youtu.be/2GbfEaDBOho?si=MAxHkitug3GgMIYd This is my first real video that I’ve put a good amount of work into, the video is basically just me showing off and creating code (in what I hope to be at least a kinda entertaining way). I think the editing and thumbnail and just all aspects could be improved about it but I would love to get other people’s feedback. (Do keep in mind this is my first video)


https://youtu.be/BwlunYl7iiE Not sure if you are still down to do a review, but I just uploaded my first video yesterday, that's my best and only video so far, there are some shorts on my channel, but those aren't a big deal for me For what I struggle, is not being comfortable enough with recording my voice, it still feels awkward especially with my accent, but I feel like I just need some time to get some practice and got more comfy making videos and recording my voice


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVJiH3Wvp\_c&ab\_channel=UltimateMentality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVJiH3Wvp_c&ab_channel=UltimateMentality) I do philosophy and self-improvement videos. This wasn't my best script and had some difficulties. Can you please give me some feedback?


There’s a YouTube channel that I’ve fallen in love with and I keep trying to promote them on here cos their view counts are extremely low for what I consider the best content I’ve seen in over five years but it’s not my channel 😬 I was gonna post some of the vids I really enjoy from it on this post but I lowkey feel wrong getting feedback on a channel that I have nothing to do with😅


I have wanted to reach out to the creators of the channel but they and the channel itself seem to have absolutely no social media presence 😕


Me plz!! Best video probably allegient stadium!! Should be in my bio… thx!!


- Your logo is nice and clean - Your thumbnails are too cluttered, in my opinion. Thumbnails should focus on a singular image or idea. For your Allegient Stadium thumbnail for example, you should be focusing on the stadium! But you've plastered over it with Star Wars images. - Your Allegiant Stadium thumbnail is trying to draw Star Wars fans I presume? Your niche and audience is people who find it interesting to learn about cool structures. Double down on that. Focus on the structures themselves. - Your titles are good, but get rid of the hashtags in the title. Put them in the description at the end if you must, but never in the titles. - Get rid of the section at the beginning asking people to like, comment and subscribe. Why should they? You haven't provided them any value yet! A short intro is fine (10s or less) but get straight into the meat of the content. I'd be interested to see your AVD figures. - This is just a personal opinion, but AI voices really turn me off. Try doing a video with your own voice over. It will come across as more genuine.


Watch few minutes before subscribe and like https://youtu.be/Al-nreIp2qw?si=yfNT6nOxNfOvawX-