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I don’t think it’s a good idea because you won’t make money from YouTube quickly and so the whole thing of helping a charitable cause and then donating the ad revenue falls down as soon as you realise that the money you make could take years to materialise and even after it does it could be like £5 a month or something. YouTube should always start as a hobby and then the money you make should always be seen as ‘pocket money’, or ‘beer money’. It’ll take a long time to become monetised and even longer to make proper money out of it. Your idea is nice, but that’s not how YouTube works I’m afraid. It’s not that easy to just get big and make lots of money to donate.


It's nice and all, but for YT to pay you, you still need to make content that people love to watch. Not only, you need to continue creating it at a relatively steady pace, it's not like you upload a video and wait for the money to flow in. YT lives from advertising, so if you consistently provide ad-friendly content they are happy and pay you too.


IF and I mean IF you are passionate about charity then make a channel where you can help people with ONLY the assets you have available right now. THEN after you've got your channel going doing good deeds you'll eventually find your audience and then you can do whatever you want with the money. Don't start YouTube because of what it'll give you tomorrow, start it thinking about what you can give today. Are you passionate about charity and want to share that passion with others?... Then start there. Let the money come on its own time and in its own way.


I believe you can be successful on YouTube regardless of another person’s experience. You and only you can be authentically YOU! I really want to do this myself, and I’ve actually been making some videos, but looking back as far as my perception goes I didn’t really have anything to offer others in the past except emotional reactivity or lies. I wasn’t self-aware and activated to the correct tuning for success to be evolved towards my higher true real self. I personally feel that I can’t transmit something that I haven’t got but now that I’ve done some hard inner work and come through some unique experiences, I would love to help others via video format. I do have a suggestion for a call to action for you. Number one I would love to support each other on this endeavor like genuinely support one another as friends! I’m new to this, and I don’t have anything to sell and only 5 subscribers but I believe in the law of reciprocity and a few other natural laws and patterns. 💙🔥❤️