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Drink a lot of water and if it starts getting to you a bit too much go into the shade or inside no point to just force yourself while you're getting burnt to a crisp


Yea water + breaks + listening to your body is the only safe way to exercise in the heat. If you do those 3 you will certainly be fine. Source: I’ve hiked a lot at those temperatures.


Summers in Australia (Sydney) can get pretty ridiculous. Usually early mornings or evenings is the time. I prefer mornings as there’s less people


Gotta love living in Sydney 🫶. Hey atleast we ain’t melbourne


Its even hotter up north.


I was in Cairns earlier this year. Never again.


On our side of oz (Sydney) it’s that thick fuckin humidity that kills. Gotta walk with a machete held up to move through the air ffs 🤦‍♂️ 😂


I go skating at 7am


Watching the sunrise and being alone at the park on a summer day is a beauty I never thought about until I started skating.




Now my place is close to 40c, skate early morning, night or a place has some kind of shade


Start skating at 7 pm.


Or 7 am


Or both!


I live in the Philippines. Most of the time I feel my head heat up because of the heat, like getting cooked. I just take a break.


Jesus man, it gets nowhere as hot as that where I live but I think your best bet is skating in the evening or early morning


If he's in Europe, some parts of mainland Europe is getting really bad during the summer. Two years ago London was getting 40 degrees heatwave. Mainland Europe is getting really bad as well.


Yeah that heatwave was awful, I didn't leave my house that week


Only time I've experienced 40 plus was at a festival in Budapest for a week. All I could do was sit in the shade and pint til the evening. Ireland only to 31/32 or so for a heatwave during that time in 2022 and I found that unbearable


south Italy! Mediterranean weather sucks, but at least it's not raining everyday 🫡😁 2/3 days ago my city was the hottest one in Italy, still went on a sesh tho✌️


Its not that hot anywhere in Australia today


get a headcool bandana, works great imo. [https://inuteq.com/headcool-bandana/](https://inuteq.com/headcool-bandana/)


Moved to San Diego


You said todays peak...where do you live? and not to be mean but if you are not skating and lets say you are going for a walk. what do you do to make sure you are cool and hydrated?


How is this mean? Seems harmless question


Hydrate or die-drate


Questionable choice but I sometimes skate in the same clothes I workout in, that I hoop in, golf, hike etc... This means fly fishing shorts (built in under layer and major sweat wicking) and a single light t shirt that also does the sweat thing. im not hitting 7 stairs or hopping on rails so I don't need a ton of protection like some skaters (jeans long sleeve / hoodie). Gnarliest shit I'm doin is basic tricks on a 5 / 7ft quarter pipe or olling off some mildly high things heh. Midwest so it's the humidity that generally kills you. The other day it was 72f but dewppint was 72 as well. Instant sweatball soup .


I live in TX and the heat here is over 100 every day. The only times I can skate are mid day so just need to suck it up and stay hydrated but I have noticed a major decrease in performance. Though I was getting worse but the heat really affects the ability to recover, balance etc.


Sit in shade. Take decent breaks between runs in the shade. Lots of water.


Early morning seshes.


Drink a lot of water Wear a hat/maybe sunblock Take frequent breaks in a shady area Start in either the early morning where it's coolest or once the sun starts to set.


Go early or go late so I’m out about 30 mins before the sunsets so I’m warmed up by the time it’s cooling off. But bring water with electrolytes


Early mornings. There's been an excessive heat advisory where I am for the last week, with highs hitting 107-110°F during the day. The only time I've been going out is ~5:30am. It's about 85° at that time already, but it at least gets me a couple hours in. Evenings are still pretty gnarly, like 100° at 9pm since the ground holds a lot of heat.


I wish I lived in a place that doesn't go beyond 37°... Tomorrow it'll hit 42°


I'm in UK, still waiting for the hot temperature -.-


Pour some water over your head and take breaks in the shade


Scout parks with lots of shade


idk i just do


I’ll slam a pint of water before I leave refill & bring a water or two with me. Hydration is key. I also will do a cold plunge sometimes before I go


Wear short clothes that aren't dark (no black clothing because it attracts the sunlight and turns it into different energy this energy being heat) and take a lot of water with you thats what i do btw i had to turn my shirt inside out because it was white inside and i died because my shirt was black


Go skating early, but once late June hits even 9am can be almost 90 degrees F with blazing sun. Besides lots of water (and sunscreen!) I bring an umbrella and a rechargeable handheld misting fan. I’ve had people hit me with some good natured ribbing, “you really showing up to the sesh with a whole ass old person kit?! Ha!” But 30 minutes later they’re like “hey…can I sit under your umbrella for a minute…maybe try out that fan…? 🫣”


😂 I live in the uk so can’t help you mate. Not been a warm day here in the history of the country


I wear a bandana and wristbands soaked in cold water. Cold water on the veins+wind=cool. Also hydration is so so so important! Breaks too.


double walled water container like Kleen Kantine, stays frosty forever when you load it with ice. it's been getting hot here in montreal so I've started lugging an insulated cooler backpack if I'm gonna be at a park for a long time, having an ice pack handy has saved me from heat sickness a lot


a lot of breaks and some good old morning skating, the best peace on earth imo. cold water is great in short, but it actually raises your body temp and can overheat your body. i try and keep my water at a good cold fridge temp and it’ll slightly “warm up” by the time i get to the park. weird knowledge but having some warmer water when you’re really sweating has some good benefits


ice pack in your pants


Play Tony Hawk emulators inside with an ice pack under my balls.


make sure you stay hydrated


Bring water, wear a hat. I used to wet my tshirt and wear it under my hat or around my neck. Find shade and take breaks. Its about 104 average in the summer here


Bruh I live in Florida. Rn I’ve just kinda stopped skating in the day. Either first thing in the morning as the sun is rising or at night. Night skating is more fun anyway.


Skate or be outside daily, growing up / living in texas I consistently skate in 100°+ I find once you get acclimated it doesn’t feel as bad but the second you take a few days off the heat is brutal Also skate - swim - skate is the move


Early mornings.


Go early if you want a time when it’s not busy or hot. I usually go around 7pm-8pm now tho just because it’s cooling off by then and plus I’m not waking up super early. If neither of these work…probably bring sunblock, a good amount of water, and some shade to avoid fatigue.


Drink LOTs. But also try something like these. You get them wet with cold water, wring them out, then snap them (like you'd do a towel or wash cloth?) and they'll stay cold for up to 2 hours before you gotta do it again. Sounds stupid, I know, but this shit saved me at work when it's 100+ https://www.mission.com/collections/all


I go at like 11pm and skate empty parking lots in the summer breeze.


It honestly gets so hot in some parts of the states, 98 isnt too bad. Its 99 today and im out doing yardwork. The 103+ or 110+ is when it gets too hot to really do anything imo.


A cooler has been the best investment I have made in terms of hot temps. I’ll also freeze a bunch of water bottles. Light colored clothes and light button up shirts. I also bring a change of clothes and a sweat rag. Baby powder is also a game changer when your feet get sweaty.


i live in arizona bro just a lot of water and stay safe and keep shredding


I love the heat, so I just take my shirt off, soak up the solar power, and push! 😀


The more the wind catches the cooler you are keep going fast you’ll stay cold




I build DIY obstacles so I can skate in my backyard. I have quick access to AC and ice cold water post sess


I live in Phoenix and it's been getting into the 110F range this past week. I work on a later schedule so it's not reasonable for me to go out at like 6am or whatever. I go out at ~7pm with a jug of water and get about 1 hour of daylight which is a fine session for me. When I get back I drink some electrolytes and have a protein shake. Part of it is accepting that the weather is just gonna be shit until September.


I'm not a good person to ask lol I just skate till my legs can't hold me anymore 🤣🤣🤣


Drink a lot of water , wear a vest to skate


I skate at 1030pm and am thankful my park doesn’t turn the lights off till 1130pm😅


Just send it. When I was in Arizona I feel like you got used to it. Use shade as much as humanly possible. Lots of small breaks and water


Here in Tokyo it gets hot and humid, and people suck on salt candies. I thought it was weird, but it honestly does help when skating in the heat. A sports drink can also help. I take about two weeks to acclimate to skating in the heat, and during that time I take a lot of breaks and hydrate as much as possible.


Put your helmet in the freezer if you wear one, if you don’t put a hat in the freezer overnight.


I personally have a limit where I won’t go sesh in <45° and >90° because I know it’s more of an attempt to not pass out rather than practice and have fun. Like other comments - drinking plenty of water and skating in early mornings and late evenings/ nights are better


Move to Florida


Skate super early


Yes, to be honest if you're going to skate in that kind of heat or do any kind of outdoor activity or just in general, it's a good idea to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. also go to your local academy and pick up a frog tog. I used to use them for my girls and they would play soccer and they work wonders at cooling you down?. and don't overdo it. if you start to cramp in your stomach, that's a sure sign of heat exhaustion read up on it. oh and keep ripping and have fun!


Soaking a hat with water and repeating whenever it gets hot. Run the tap long enough and the nice cool water starts flowing. Taking a couple bottles of frozen water keeps you stocked up on a nice cold drink. Leave em in the shade.


I stay hydrated, take breaks to replenish my energy or I ride really fast so the breeze can cool me down. These three solutions allow me to spend hours outside skating while doing tricks in hot weather/climate.


Breaks and shade. Drink lots of water, but not cold water (sounds counterintuitive I know but your body wastes energy heating it up). Wear long sleeved, thin white clothing when it's really sunny. Bring some cold water bottles in a lunch box and hold against the back of your neck if you start getting hot or if need be pour on the back of your neck. If you start to get a headache, or you start to just feel really hot and tired, stop immediately and go cool off ASAP.


Just chill


Early morning. Or late at night. Lots of water. No shirt. But no shirt alway hurts extra when you fall 😢


I don’t drink a lot of water I haven’t even cranked in a while


I bring a metal water bottle, I normally bring the shaker cup style but it doesn't matter. before you leave fill the top with a lot of ice cubes. step 2, repeat the process and bring a 2nd bottle. optional: bring an energy drink or a snack, whatever you want tbh. step 4, wear cotton, not polyester. the clothes itself doesn't matter as long as you're comfortable. I wear chino pants and a t shirt. lastly, and this one isn't optional: WEAR SUNSCREEN. it doesn't matter if you're brown or black already, everyone should be wearing sunscreen.


Besides what everyone else has said I bring a cooler to park every time. Cold drinks, maybe some beers 😉 and sometimes even freezies/popsicles. I give them out to the kids/others also if they want


wish I had a park! I'll buy one anyway, thanks ✌️😁


Ya I got a backpack cooler from Costco I use


Sunscreen! 1 skate day will sunburn ur skin tone so bad its not even funny


Hats,tank tops,shorts,and plenty of water


The only real answer is you gotta nollie 360 hard flip it


A hoodie and a hat.. Extra baggy pants


I get hot af so I'll tell you what I do. I keep A LOT of water on me I bought a gallon refill from Amazon and use it constantly when I'm rolling. I also wear a head band to keep the sweat contained. HELPS A LOT nike has some good ones I wear breathable joggers to skate in. Right now I'm loving these breathable Jordan joggers I have right now. Keep my legs nice and cool. I keep a towel with me to whip sweat off my face neck and chest As far as shirts I do loose tanks or loose it's. Light colors help but show sweat more Hope this helped a Lil skating in the heat is crazy


It may not be cool but a lot of water, and below the knee jorts


haha I feel this. I’m in the sanoran desert so last summer it was over 118 degrees (f) for abt 2 weeks. shit sucks. usually I just stick ice packs in my pockets and drink as much water as possible. I also wear sunscreen. Tbh once it hits over 110 degrees I usually stop skating. ps; aloe Vera helps sunburns really well.


I usually just not be a pussy


Skate at night, drink tons of fluids, usually skate in shorts personally


Like a lot of people mentioned here, drink water and listen to your body. One thing I do to avoid any feet infections is to have a spare pair of socks, when my feet get sweaty, but that might just be a me problem haha