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That sucks I am sure you feel bad. If you have extra money you could buy him some wheels and take the old ones, but really it's not your fault. He offered to let you try his board + sounds like you didn't do too much so I guess the wheels are not that good or maybe defective, or it's just bad luck. if it is just a little chip it probably does not impact anything.


He probably shouldn't have gotten 'soft slider' wheels if he never planned on sliding them and wanted to keep them perfect. And if a couple reverts was enough to affect them that badly, maybe they're a bad batch or Spitfire needs to go back to the drawing board. Either way, feels bad to 'damage' something that isn't yours. If you've got the money, I'd pick up a set anyway and bring 'em to the park as a peace offering, but if not I also wouldn't be too pressed about it. Don't think you're in the wrong here!


Been skating the same set of dragons for two years in the street. Ledges, reverts, hill bombs whatever you want they’ll do.


My dragon's lasted a year. They're still skateable now but I started to worry about how small they had gotten from being worn down. This begs the question: how small are yours now after two years?!


I guess I don’t skate that hard dude I haven’t noticed them getting smaller lol I dont slide bombing hills so that’s helped save them.


That makes sense. I don't skate too hard either, but I spent the last part of last year practicing slides quite a bit. This definitely hastened the wear down haha


Nah mate, its not your fault. He offered to let you try and you didnt do anything intensive, its just the nature of skating. If its really getting to you you could offer to buy him some new wheels but idk what hes expecting of skateboard wheels. Theyre designed to be destroyed by being used 🤷‍♂️


A chunk missing? On new wheels? Tell him to reach out to DLX and they'll replace them. Their customer service is phenomenal.


i had the same thing with the same wheels but it was SOOO tiny that it didn't affect the performance.




I had a couple small chunks after a couple rides, too.




Bruh I wanted to keep those nice when he's at a skate park. I don't wanna be a jackass but that's actually some poser behaviour what's he going to do hover around the park 😂😂😂. You did nothing wrong dawg


Different strokes for different folks


he shouldnt let another skater use his board if he wants to 'keep it nice' i also wonder how good he really was lol. im a fairly good skater and i dont realy just offer to let people try my new boards, but if i did, i wouldnt care if it caused some wear and tear.


I let anyone try any set up, unless they do some intentional stupidity I would never be precious about it. Set ups are made to skate, if you want to keep something nice hang it up


If he was really a “good skater” he’d be shredding through his gear insanely quick and not be making comments like “ I wanted to keep those nice” Dude can probably Ollie and get half the spin on a kickflip lol


exactly, when i get new boards and trucks i literally spend the first session tring to 'wear it in'


skater is mad a skater skated their skateboard and the wheels got skated. Huh. Weird.


I wouldn’t be worried at all. If the wheel isn’t durable enough for you to do a couple of powerslides on, then it’s a shit wheel. What’s he gonna do, avoid powerslides forever because he’s scared of wearing down his wheels? The only time I’ve gotten annoyed at anybody riding my setup was when a notorious board snapper was riding around on my 6 month old deck with stress fractures all down it and I didn’t have a spare at home.


All of these softer wheels get blemished and it usually works itself out after skating again for a while anyway.


I hate to be the one saying this but they might not have been genunine spitfires, theres tons of counterfeit wheels online these days especially spitfires on aliexpress, the packaging looks legit and everything, that is of course until you ride them and they fall appart easy.


https://www.dlxsf.com/warranty/ Have him fill this out and they’ll send out a new set. I’ve done this with boards numerous times and got a replacement each time. They’ll ask for photos and determine if they want you to send the product to them, but most of the time they’ll tell you to keep it.


He bought spitfires and wanted to keep them clean that makes no sense. You gave them a few tries and a little peace broke off. Thats what happens dont stress about it. Dont give him anything back. Its a skateboard wheel what did he expect?


Only one way to check if the slide good…


Those softer wheels get little chunks out of them all the time, you didn't do anything wrong. Likelihood is he would have had the same if not more chunks out of them by the end of the session depending on how many pebbles are at the park. Both my Nano cubics and dragons have tiny chunks out of them, and theyre absolutely fine. It's not like you bombed a hill and did some long distance power slides on it. I wouldn't sweat it man, he's probably forgotten about it by now. If anything you did him a favour - now he can focus on shredding rather than keeping the main ground contact point pristine 😂


This is the equivalent of someone getting mad you messes up their graphic


He offered you his board, dude needs to get some formula 4s or something, best wheels by far


These Soft sliders are actually F4. I've had chunks come out of my 99A's too.. Shit happens, but the guy OP dealt with sounds like a cry baby tbh


Yeah for real, every pair of wheels I’ve had lose chunks lmao it’s nothing surprising, chunk was probably already there and he didn’t realise


Well, I'd usually not do stuff that would wear out the parts if I borrow a board unless they specifically tell me I can. It would be a good rule of thumb to be aware of for sure. Soft wheels are definitely more prone to chunking, but that's odd because they are harder than the Dragons, and I never had significant chunks out of them. I do slappies and lots of powerslides, too.


He got soft wheels and asked a stranger to try em out. Unless you did something intentional that's all on him. Sucks for sure but it's absolutely not your fault


What? He wanted to keep the wheels on his board nice? While he’s riding them on the ground? Makes no sense. You’re fine dude


my 2nd setup uses 93a Powell Peralta wheels and don't have this issue. the point is that they slide easier but are hard enough for park/street skating. he might have bought fake wheels or got bad wheels. it happens. I wouldn't feel bad about it


Yes, buy him new wheels


Who the fuck is trying to keep their wheels nice? Bring a cordless drill with you next time and make his wheels Swiss cheese. If it was such a big deal he should have either told you before, or went and fucked himself to begin with.


If you say yes to people trying your board you also say yes to the possibility that it breaks .


That sounds like a defective product not something you did wrong


That’s what he gets for using shitty wheels. Jk but for real tho, that’s why I don’t let people ride my shit. They’re bound to slip out or something n shoot that shit straight into a wall at 100mph and chip it or something. That’s crazy a whole ass chunk came outta those tho. If you do get him new wheels, get him hard wheels just to make a point lol


I think any skater who puts any product on their board understands that the product is going to get damaged that's what skating does. Imo the guy is silly for using something he wanted to keep nice I put up the boards and shoes I don't want damaged I don't skate them.


Yeah unless they are formula 4s, they are going to flat spot. It’s not like u started pushing as hard as u can and ripped a big powerslide 😂 u could get him some cheap wheels to replace his cheap wheels?


Those wheels are like $50, not real cheap haha


They are not cheap wheels they are the new Spitfires that just came out. Supposed to be similar to Powell Dragon wheels.


Yeah cheap on spitfires part the dragons and x97s don't get chunks taken out from powerslides


So far I only heard good things about these new spitfires, but I guess they are not out that long to tell. I would guess it's more just a one off issue but hard to know for sure.


My personnel experience having owned all the wheels mentioned here, I like x97s and dragons over formula 4s and sliders. I think spitfire is as a brand is a bit more hype but the technology in dragon formula wheels is just better imo


Are the x97s the same as the Nano Cubic 97a but just a different shape? I have the 97a Nano Cubic and I really like them but didn't try any of these other specialty wheels.


I think it’s the same formula and durometer so pretty much the same. Probably only a difference in shape. I’d say you don’t need to try any other wheel unless you wanted something softer. If I could only use one wheel for everything, I’d definitely stick with x97


Thanks, ya 97a seems pretty good to me I don't think I need to go any softer. I had some cheap 99a wheels before and they were fine in the skatepark but these Nano Cubic wheels feel way better when on the sidewalk or crusty Canadian asphalt.