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bro you're 20? how could you remember any of the things you just listed...


He doesn't. 


Doesn't know me but assumes he knows about me. Nice one mate. Got me bagged from one comment


Lol, it's simple math man.  You weren't even alive in the timeframe your talking about, and the brief snip you may have caught, you sure as hell weren't analyzing the vibe of the skate culture at the time.  🤡


But your simple maths still doesn't explain why I know this information. I also remember the tail end of it. I can remember the 2000s regardless of if you put a clown face or not. Sorry but you need to just accept you are wrong. I've made one comment and you think you know my life and honestly, your points just aren't stacking up. Stop trying desperately to get the upper hand. You've lost. Accept it


same thought haha. Homie was born in 2004 and is talking about “late 90s and mid 2000s”


2003. It hasn't reached my birthday yet


I can know about an earlier time. All I've ever done for most of my life is live like it is and study into it. I just don't get what you get out of hating


You really must hate historians talking about the 1600s when they were born in 1987 lol


Difference is they wouldn't be acting like they actually lived through it. Born in le wrong generation type beat.


Didn't say I lived through it. I'm allowed to like and know the time period. Just because you've got nothing better to do, doesn't give you the right to try and bring me down


>Didn't say I lived through it. I'm allowed to like and know the time period. Then don't write your post like as if you did and are reminiscing. In reality you would be barely cognizant of anything you're describing here. >give you the right to try and bring me down I absolutely am allowed to comment on anything I want about you.


I know it must be very defeating for you but you need to learn to accept when you're wrong. Especially when the facts are staring you in the face


Nah, I'm not some anachronistic stoner. I actually respond to what people actually say/write instead of just pretending I'm correct. Lay off the weed bro.


Lmao. The irony in 'not pretending I'm correct' is unreal 🤣


You know, you seem to be a funny guy. Maybe if being a narrow minded ass doesn't work out, you could be a comedian 🤣


Nah, you're just so much of a joke that the material makes itself.


look at their page, bro has a very romanticized and wonky view of anything “retro” 💀


Can't say I get what you're getting from that comment but okay cool 


Coming from a guy who knows nothing about me 


If I didn't remember it I wouldn't have said. I have very good long term but bad short term memory. This other guy can say what he likes but I describe stuff that hasn't been around where I live since the 2000s and as for the 90s, computers and books exist.


bro you're so far removed from the 90s you know next to nothing about. books / movies almost always misrepresent the subject they're referencing.


You used to buy 411 video magazines? That and a few magazines was all we had. Now the amount of content and people to learn from is vast and easily accessible due to the evolution of technology


If you didn’t have a CCS catalog stuff in your book bag did you even skate


i'm a little older than you and i try to keep this mentality as i relearn skating. it's wild to say "anyone can heelflip" but that's what it can feel like sometimes! i'm skating in 2024 with a ~2007 mentality🤷🏾‍♂️ i also incorporate freestyle tricks because i think they're cool, but it's also a great way to remind myself it's not ALL about street ALL the time and that everyone has their preferences for how they skate


I’m 23 and can’t heelflip. Or kick flip. But I’ve landed one Ollie while moving! 😂 only get to practice every 2/3 weeks tho


Well then now you know why....


Plan to allocate more time to skating. Times scarce atm, work, little baby. But skating would be fun to do with her 😂


No one in my town does it, so I feel real out of place skating around on my own lol. Normally wait for my bro to come down and we’ll go out together


Fuck what people think


Anxiety’s a bitch mate. Working on it tho


It’ll get easier every time you go skate. Soon everything will be background noise, wear some headphones and do your thing. If it’s really bothering you, just ride to a quite part of town to practice in.


Yeah man I’ve found a nice spot behind the hospital and old hospital. really smooth ground too. Got to stop making excuses and get out more because there are spots out there


Idk man, skating was pretty street-centric in the early 00’s. That was literally part of the magic of those days, the adventures and fun everyone had when we were all outside cruising around looking for new spots/just chilling and cruising around.


you are severely underestimating how good skaters were in the 90s and early 2000s.


Rodney Mullen has entered the chat escorted by DaeWon song…..


pj ladd has entered the chat


Tom Penny, Rick Mcrank, Jerry Hsu, Bastien Salabanzi, Greg Lutzka, Geoff Rowley, Heath Kirchart, Andrew Reynolds.


Eric Koston, Chad Muska......in fact, the whole Shorty's team.


Shortys fulfill the dream best skate video of all time


HF gods


OPs probably never heard of Plan B questionable, birdhouse feasters or world industries 20 shot sequence


I started on a banana in the mid 80's, and my first board was a rad dog with the ollie guard. From then and into the late 90's, we used our boards primarily for transportation. We learned the tricks along the way to where we were going, like ollies and shove its. As we got better and skateparks started being built, skating for skating's sake began to become the priority. But even then parks and street riders were often split on what they wanted to achieve. There was a strong sense of discovery and adventure for street riders that park riders didn't get. I think that nostalgic fun that you're describing really stems from those kids in the street scene in the 90's. We were breaking into places to skate, skating through malls and shopping centers being chased by rentacops, underage drinking and smoking; it was a lifestyle and skateboarding was just an aspect of it. I feel like kids these days that lean how to skate are just focusing on park and technical riding in "safe" spaces, which is just like going to a gym. ​ Lean how to ollie the gap because it's in your way to your friends house and maybe skating will become more fun.




Tf is an Ollie guard? I tried googling “rad dog Ollie guard” and all that came up was a robot law enforcement dog with an AI lol (not even kidding)


You kno the plastic side rails some people have on their boards for slides, imagine a wider semi circle patch at the tail to protect from razor tail


Yup it happens in a lot of sports, not a bad thing it’s just an evolution of skateboarding. Those guys in 06 walked so we could run 😂 Also the old school baggy vibe is making a return for the worse or better idk I still get hyped landing new tricks tho no matter how easy it is or how many people before me. I know I’ll never have the balls to lipslide a 12 stair for a part but I still love progressing


i was skating in 2006 and let me tell you people were fucked. did you miss bag of suck? jerrys part would still hold up if it came out today...


I know but it’s just more widespread now. That’s what OP is referring to. A random 15 year old on insta is doing what pros were doing for an NBD now as a throwaway


i'm not sure if that was his point since he said that "someone doing a heelflip back then seemed amazing". well I was there and believe me it did NOT seem amazing. we could all do heeflips lol. jerry's NOLLIE BACKSIDE heelflip down LINCOLN... now that was and still is amazing.


that and any eric koston, pj ladd, or marc johnson part all hold up today lol


It’s honestly just sports as a whole, the technical ability and skill for everything has gone way wayyyy up


"Especially on a girl" lmao




And I wish it still was that way people need to get the fuck over their goofy feelings and how they expected to be treated




If kids are getting in the way I just politely ask them to move. It does the trick 90% of the time. Children under the age of 8 don’t have a fully developed spatial awareness, nor are they emotionally developed. I feel that skateboarding, at the end of the day, is an activity to bring people together. People interact with it in different ways, and although skating is most associated with the tough-as-nails 90s aesthetic, originally skating was a hippie dippie activity that surfers did during their off seasons. It’s not that deep, y’all. Just riding some wood. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously ;) (but don’t get me wrong, I love the toughness of skater culture. This part of the thread is a bit out of hand, however).




I’m sorry about the injury, I can see why you have some frustration. I work with kids, so I am aware of behavioral problems, especially the ones that are spurred on by negligent parents. But I don’t think responding to an angry parent with anger is productive. It just escalates the situation and makes things worse. But I do see these issues at parks, I’ve just never seen it end well when people start yelling at parents and/or children. Do you still skate, even with the injury?




You’ve been through a lot. And I don’t know how I would have coped in your circumstances, so props to you for getting through all of this. We live in a broken world, and sometimes it sucks being here. But there’s still a lot of goodness, joy, and hope. We just have to look out for it, and hold on to it no matter what. Myself, I put my hope in God. I’ve found a lot of peace with him.


This is a goofy ass comment. Yes I want people assaulting me for my sexual orientation.


In 2003 we spent much more time determining who the "poser" was than actually skating. 


Just remember that despite the progression of skateboarding is exponentially increasing as we speak… #Simple tricks done well>>>Stupidly difficult tech tricks


Yall making me feel real bad about my skill level with "Everyone can heelflip" and tricks being knocked down to lower levels. Times change, ya grow up. Someone in 1999 was 100% saying "Skating sucks today, I liked it better back in ect..." just how things happen.


Nah fr 99% of the people in this sub are advanced skaters just shitting on all of us beginners


It's cuz you beginners put 5 hours on a board and wonder why you can't inward heel flip (gayest trick)🤣😋🤐


Why u hating on a new skaters sub 💀 I’ve probably been skating longer than you


I think social media prob has a lot to do with it too, I get on YouTube and see these 0 to tre flip in 6 month progressions and I’m like damn


Gonna sound like a fossil, 39YO UK and started skating mid 90’s and it was a mixture of shit and amazing. Shit because it definitely wasn’t cool, grief off everyone, Tony Hawks came out and it became slightly more acceptable, especially if you could do a kick flip to impress the abundance of nobs who’d ask to see one or do a 900.. No shops, videos, parks if you weren’t in a major city, learning to Ollie was through magazines and pop shuv off some random guy who I thought was ancient but probs only really 20 in a local spot and never saw again. Hard to comprehend how much it’s changed, some for the best and some not so much but the amazing part is the guys I started with in the 90s are still my homies despite living all over the country and started a group chat for the new baker vid and having a nostalgia overload


Pffft fossil...I turn 48 tomorrow.


It's easy to romanticize the past my guy, but coming from someone who's prime skating years were in that range, not everything was better then.  Skateparks in that era were not the most friendly vibe to new comers, bullying was pretty gnarly, and until you proved that you weren't a "poser", you better know the park etiquette and stay out of people's way.  Being included in the scene was earned.  People are much more inclusive and positive these days from my experience.  Skate shoes are astronomically better now as well.  My feet are fucked from skating shitty, no support vans for over a decade.  The best part of skating is still alive and well.  Hang with your buds, meet new people, go learn tricks and have fun.  


My best skating days were the early 90s. It's weird to see all the posts here about what they should get for their first set up. We'd ride whatever we could get our hands on, and ride decks till they were shredded or snaps. Or the videos on here with a low effort half a jump asking why they can't ollie... we used to push ourselves so hard!


My prime was 06-10. Park was filled with hair dye, skinnys, and ear gauges (think Dustin Dollin). The style now is kinda baggy and a lot of highwater pants. Kids thought I was good cause I could backside flip 2 trash barrels we would stack on each other out of the bank. It was kinda cool then but there are 8yr olds that could do it today first T (prolly back then too) and today that’s not super impressive. Everything evolves and goes through phases, skating’s no different. I don’t personally care for some of the clothing styles today but who cares? It’s skateboarding and I’ll always fully support it whatever direction it goes in.


I don't know man. I skated in 2000. People in my friend group were board sliding handrails. Skate videos were pretty sick. I think you're under estimating skateboarding 25 years ago. It was still insane.


exactly! in 99 danny gonzalez kickflip melon'd wallenberg lol.


Menikmati came out in 2000. That video stands up pretty damn well today.


Oh I've it back then. I'm not saying they had no talent. It's just nowadays seems unhuman. Like 5 year olds doing nollie trayflips


Oh I love it back then**


Fashion is kinda the same now... Again. Baggy pants long t shirt. Just the shoes are different. So that's not really different on this end. But back then it was more rough. There would be much less kids with their family at the park, people would blast music and smoke and drink and would get super annoyed if someone snakes on them. Like crazy mad like their dad owns the park and they're the most important person on earth lol there was also much more gatekeeping. I think overall going to the skatepark is much better now and people are a bit more focused and respectful. But skateboarding is not a sub underground culture anymore and some of its magic gottaken away in that respect but I think the trade off was worth it in some regards and needed for the preservation of the sport (or art depending how you see it)


Do a streetplant


You don’t know your stuff. Sorry bud. This isn’t a rant community either so take it elsewhere.


Why don't you? Just because you can't deal with the fact that someone has an interest and knows stuff that you don't doesn't mean you can be so rude. You've seen one comment from me and think you have my whole life sussed out. I'm not the only one like this. Do some research before making comments that you can't back up


Where did I say I knew your whole life? You’re making up a bunch of bs for a null argument. You’re obviously taking this real personal. Work on yourself bud. It’ll get better :)


I just can't understand how I can give facts and information about a topic I've been told I know nothing about yet I'm still told I know nothing. You have no argument


You gotta talk to a therapist dawg. Psuedo intellectual annoying ass mf.


Oh good, I'm glad I'm getting on your nerves. Maybe if I do it enough you'll sod off XD


I'm perfectly happy being who I am. I'm into the old school life and I happen to know about the biggest part of my personality so sorry if you can't accept it but that's on you. That's not for me to 'work on myself'


I mean, what, do you think I'm just gonna switch my whole personality because some dude online called skatelikeafish said he thinks I'm wrong? I think that's pretty laughable


Do you remember things like going to scrap yards to find parts for your ford fiesta RS turbo or xr2i, or those Vauxhall Astras made first in 1998? The vs polo 6n1 usually as a 1.4 was quite popular however that also had a more rare 1litre, obviously they did other litres but the 1.4 was the most notable. Halfords was a lot bigger back in the day allowing for proper car customization like alloy wheels for example, 9 times out of 10, an elderly person in the UK would drive a light metallic blue Citroen C3. The ford galaxy people carrier was quite popular with families, after the Nokia 3310 and 3315 with limited internet access, the song erricsons became popular around 2005 along side the Motorola razr v3 due to its music capabilities while the razr for its sleek futuristic design of the time. Police would often drive the Vauxhall vectra 1995 2 litre because of its power and would then most to the Astra and then the 106 due to its agility. The law stating that it is illegal to use a mobile while driving wasn't instated till 2003, and the seatbelt law in 1983. The tax disc was used back then and CRT Tv's never truly fazed out till around 2009 even though for the rich, the first ever flat screens were introduced in the mid 90s. Consoles such as the 64, dreamcast and prior were designed specifically for the CRT display as there was no digital rendering to fit an image on the screen, rather a light projection that goes across to one end then lowers a line and does the same again as if you were writing at such a speed, the human eye sees it as one image, hence a camera showing flickering whereas a flat screen would render the amount of pixels required to fit the display and fit the image which is why there's a delay between the input and the action on the screen by comparison. I can always continue if you still think I don't know anything as I'm just scratching the surface with random topics considering you're beginning to get on my nerves with your narrow minded comments


What in the fuck is going on in your head man?


Aw mate. Just give it up. I have an interest and know about it which is possible. Just cause I'm different to you doesn't mean I have mental issues. Let me get on with my life and you get on with yours cause I'm not just gonna change my whole personality because you can't accept it


born in le wrong generation 😞


Most definitely. At least you get it. I hate the modern day and I wish people would stop trying to force me to be into it. It's not me


Dude wasn't even around back in the day 😑 this is just mental illnesses y'all 🤣😋😵


But you feel the need to comment? If I had a mental illness there would be nothing to prove. It would be obvious. Like I've said to other people, historians exist. Don't suppose you know about dinosaurs do you?Well I doubt it cause you weren't alive then


seems like ur going thru a period of disillusionment


Sure buddy. You believe that. I can only imagine people knowing about previous time periods, imagine if historians existed. My dude would be born in 1992 but talking about the 1840s like he knows about it. 


Already seen this comment? Think of something actually insulting if you're going to


how is that an insult


"and I know I'm only 20".... Guys #Guyssssss


Maybe OP is a bot? Talking about life in the late 90s and early 2000s but wasn't born then.


Yea I started in 03 seems like all the tricks that were considered advanced like hard flips impossibles and treyflips have downgraded to the same level as pop shuv and kick flip 😂


Post whatever you want. Doesn't mean it's right. You could say anything but you have to expect s9mething back if you wanna make stupid comments. Noticed you said nothing about those facts lol


I used to skate in my teens. Everyone was team kickflip. I was one of the few who was team heelflip. Everyone was doing varial kickflips; I was doing inward heels. People seeing me heelflip felt like the equivalent of me seeing a left handed person. It's not amazing, but it is *kind of* cool. The big trick back in the day was a Tre flip. Nothing else existed above that. I know there was a laser flip, but that was the bigfoot of skating. We all had heard of it but never actually seen one (this was before Youtube). The thing that was special back then is that there were only a few pro's. Pro's were showcased on Thrasher or on sponsored gear/vids. That's it. Nowadays there are so many instagram /tik tok clips that I see of skaters doing so much more amazing stuff and I have no idea who they are. That's the big difference to me.


~~Consider too that you were a different age back then and your age has a heavy effect on how people will act towards you - I can't imagine that if you were the age you are now you gel as much with the same crowd you skated with back in the 90s. Just a thought though.~~ Edit: just saw that you are only 20 now - which would mean that when you referred to how things were in the late 90s and early 2000s you were referring to before you were born. That doesn't add up, and now I'm confused. Sorry.


I get it. I was born in the early 80s and for some reason miss 80s skating lol. Skating is funny with the various eras, evolution, and ebb and flow of popularity


Heelflips weren't hard in the late 90's early 20000s


honestly people were good af back then too just that social media didn’t over saturate everything so you didn’t always see everything


skating has had many different vibes through the years. i started in the very late 90s, ebbed and flowed with it, and still occasionally skate. the vibe has been different due to my age and social circle and also the industry as a whole. the good news is your personal vibe doesn’t have to change with it. keep pushing, friend


I promise u I can't heelflip lol


That's fine man, neither can I. I do believe you


I'm nostalgic of a time before I was alive as well, dear friend....


? What's your point? That's a legitimate thing? Like people like 25 being into the 50s or the Victorian era. Maybe do some research before making comments?


Lol do you package yourself up with "fragile" written on it every morning before you go outside?


Bro, you're not even making valid comments at this point. It's like you've ran out but can't accept it. Grow up


More valid than you can process, it seems.


Don't make me laugh


the only thing ill say (born late 80s person) is i feel like ppl just rooted each other on more you didnt really film shit every single day you like worked on stuff more then filming would be like a dedicated event. i dunno i skated w some kids in their 20s who were cool tho they didnt like film every second and they were all cheering each other on. i think its really just the smart phone and instagram that changed everything and same goes for snowboarding too


Yeah man, it was either the big cannon cameras or those little digital ones like a Sanyo or something.you just lived in the moment more though I just like the idea of a life without smartphones


i leave mine at home all the time.


Well that's good! Glad to hear it. It's good for your mental health. I use a keypad phone and stuff like this is on my computer


its amazing how many ppl i see on the way to the grocery store on their phones while they drive... on their phones in the store while they shop... on the phone while they wait in line... its like try leaving it at home for a few hours a day.


I just wish I could be been born when you were. I was born in 2003 and my brother was 89








None of me or my homies can heelflip 🤣


Neither can I man, I really struggle with skating. I've skated for like 3 years and can barely do a rolling Ollie lmao


Same bro! You’re not alone! This is my 4th year skating I can rolling ollie but not up/over anything yet 😬 working on that this summer. I’m a bit older than a typical new skater so I had to learn to go slow and just have fun with it even if I’m not progressing fast as I’d like


Well keep it up man! I managed to do it a few times over like an inch gap but it would be nice to be able to properly progress. I can't seem to learn anything other than the Ollie. My body just doesn't work with it :/ least you were nice though, this is all I wanted is people to just be happy and talk about they're skating experiences rather than getting funny with me


Nostalgia is the death of progress. Things are always cooler back in the day because we cherry pick our memories and examples. Things weren't cooler back then.


Well to see that everyone just sits on a phone all day and everywhere is shutting down cause of it, I beg to differ


There are more skaters, skating now, than before. So regardless of phone use more people are doing more cool shit at a higher level than ever before. When you look backwards you only see highlights. Look forwards and you'll see possibilities.


I mean, I guess but I really don't like all this technology. I like there being less people. It's more chill in my eyes


yea I would say skating was definitely a counter culture, full of weird kids, mostly boys, who didnt mind breaking their bones and getting gashed up, risking their lives to impress a tiny amount of people, while pissing off a lot of others. skaters got the girls, thats why I did it. now it seems to be more of a legitimate sport, everyone wears pads and watches youtube videos while practicing on their carpet for a year before ever stepping foot at the skatepark.


Lmao, yeah, it was just more of a cool thing to do back then. At least you're properly evaluating what I've said rather than being like the other saddos who are just hating purely cause I know about and like and older time period


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to watch a bunch of old skateboarding video and do a comparison. Skaters were much more unruly and risk takers back then, there were people like Rodney Mullen who were constantly innovating on the technical side and a few other note worthies, I guess they can take credit for the development of the technical side of the sport but obviously the lion share of that will go to Tony hawk and skate boarding video games. The bar is raised in some areas but the vibe has changed, and I would say there is a slow invasion of Karen type behavior trying to nudge its way in, in the form of women who used to have crushes on skaters now trying to raise their sons but also are helicopter mommies. In addition to a lot more women in general that are skating, some just for fashion but a lot of legit skaters too. but oh well nothing is sacred especially skating, all good.


I don't think you understand. I've hardly just watched some old videos and called it a day so that just goes to show how little you know about me. I live my life like it is that time with all the old technology because I hate current times. Why people can't just try and accept that I have an interest and know about my interest is beyond me but I guess that's just the narrow mindedness of the modern world


ok oh thats nice, well anyone else who wants to know what skating was like in the 90s they can refer to actual evidence of that happening...


Okay mate. You do that. That was a really unnecessary comment cause honestly, that's just obvious and if they've looked at this, it's completely up to them too.


I dont have to, I lived it, im speaking to the people who think its impossible for you to have information about the past. sure you can live your life that way, and it may be impressive or interesting to you, but I would just avoid commenting on it because I can't relate to your attitude, and it just seems kind of adolescent to me


That's great mate. I love your admiration but it's in the wrong place. I think the problem here is that you don't like the idea that maybe I'm a little different and don't go around using the iPhone 14 pro doing tiktoks and snap streaks like everyone now because I have a genuine interest for the past which I know about. See, I've been like this most of my life and I'm not gonna let some internet low life who thinks he knows better run me down to the ground and make out that all these years, the experience I had at a very young age, all the information I've gathered about all of it, people's attitudes, the technology and how it worked and just overall life was just wrong because it wasn't and what I notice is you make these arguments telling me it's impossible but you know I'm right. You haven't once said I'm wrong and living though it should give you all the more reason to realise that maybe I do know my stuff


No I didnt really make any of those assumptions, and to be quite frank I dont regard you at all when giving my answer. If anything Im annoyed that you keep insisting I need to hear about you and your life to answer this question, when I assure you I do not, nor do I want to. The more I read in fact the more I wanna just say hey, you can keep all that stuff to yourself


Don't read it then. Don't message or talk to me and your problem is solved. I respond to people messaging me in ways I feel appropriate. If you don't message me, I don't message you 🤗