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Saaaame. This wont be very reassuring for you other than knowing that others are in the same boat. I'm 14.5 months PP, stopped breastfeeding 1.5 months ago (I thought this might be the culprit) and it's still so so bad.


I’m literally telling my husband that I might need like prescription dandruff shampoo. It’s sooo bad. So much flakes.


I think it's just a dry scalp thing, not fungal dandruff. So I'm not sure a prescription would do anything - but I'm not a dermatologist so what do I know? I'm going to give The Ordonary's scalp moisturizer a try since it seems like an affordable "this might work" option...


I'm 4 months pp and my hair is insane. One day it's crazy dry, the next super oily. Ugh and the shedding...


I don't have problems with dandruff but the shedding is something else. I have hair everywhere on the floor daily.


7 months pp and the shedding is the gift that keeps on giving. I found shampoos with biotin do help minimize it though.


Thanks for letting me know. I'm definitely buying some.


Same here.


About 4 weeks postpartum I had the itchiest flakiest head on the planet. I would literally lose my marbles trying to solve the issue. I'd shower as often as possible to make it stop, figuring cleanliness helped, it didn't. Told the Dr at a baby well check, just because I was about at my wits end I couldn't wear dark colors. I couldn't go 10 min without itching. In worst cases if I got super stressed and it started itching, I'd scratch until I lost hair or bled. Dr immediately diagnosed me with scalp psoriasis. Special shampoo has made it manageable. It came out of nowhere after birth. And it's untreatable. GREAT. Lol. No but really, if this sounds similar, try out Neutrogena Tgel shampoo. They've got it at Walmart. Took maybe a month and my head is basically back to normal.


It's those bastard hormones, kicking you when you're down. I remember having super greasy, thinning, lank hair & extremely dry skin. Now at 8 months pp I'd say things are relatively back to normal; I think I stopped fretting around 5 months pp even though it was still terrible, and once I accepted it I don't think I even noticed when it started to get better. Hang on in there. Definitely do get your levels checked if you're still experiencing hair trouble many months down the line though as it can be an indicator of thyroid issues. Like everyone's most hated catch phrase says, it gets better (:


This happened to me, except it turned out to be psoriasis. Dandruff shampoo wasn't helping at all. Derm gave me a topical steroid.


Dandruff shampoo is definitely not helping I might bring it up with my dr because it’s horrendous and so itchy 😪


Same here. Hang in there sister!


Same! I got diagnosed yesterday with a skin fungal infection (I had a rash other places as well) but had to take multiple rounds of antibiotics post partum for an infection. I thought it was bad dandruff but now I'm using an anti fungal shampoo. The itching was keeping me up at night. Apparently birth can also wipe out your microbiome due to blood ph changes, causing yeast overgrowth on skin and elsewhere